CP Uberloots 2010

It would be awesome if you would pose few screenies of your daily taxes, Buzz :)

There are three things men shouldn't share with nobody: his car, his woman, and his wallet content.
Another uber today ! :cool:

Mynona Uninova Amberit - 25,514 PED - Aurli Weak - June 10th
Dome 1

Grtz!!! :)

i cant figure how to take screen shots on this game but i thought you might like to know i hit 29k+ in dome 2 a couple 3-4 days ago

Yep got it :cool: just didn't post right away.

Jane Atsaka Doe - 29,458 PED - Kreltin Young - July 5th
Dome 2


Biggest Kreltin Young HoF ever recorded I think! :yay: :D Giant Grtz! :)
Big Gratz! Now that Longtooth and Eomon Migration were over, lots were at CP and the long overdue Aurli Hof came, and it was a big one!

Grtz :cool:

Ei Lita Senorita - 35,900 PED - Aurli Weak - August 10th
Dome 1
ATH #87

Nice loot

on my last ammo & thx for all fun, Buzz :)

:yay: Lita :yay:
Lizzy Faith O'Neal - 22,854 PED - Aurli Weak - August 21th
Dome 1

Big Grtz to Lizzy, this months current Aurli Assassin leader worked hard, and earned this uber! :cool:


22k Aurli
(Click link to see the Grtz thread)
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Big Grtz! :D

jose pepito ortega - 28,513 PED - Aurli Weak - September 7th
Dome 1


my first uber
(Click link to see Grtz thread)
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Big grtz for another Uber in Dome 1... just 3 days after a previous 28k hof!
He had been on CP for 2 weeks, then hit this nice hof! Well deserved!!!
7 years of playing and finally got a big one!

Always nice to see a big one go to someone who worked hard for it! :cool:

Balder Viking Vikingsson - 28,975 PED - Aurli Watcher - September 10th
Dome 1


Aurli watcher 28975
(Click link to see Grtz thread)
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Gratz to a team (little bit ironic name :silly2:) uber hof. No idea who was part of the hof or what was in it.
It was in Dome 3 for a change :cool:

bad loots here (Team) - 25,975 PED - Kreltin Mature - September 13th
Dome 3

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September 7th, 10th, and 13th.

Was 28k, 28k and 25k hofs. That's the record for this year for sure in 1 week of ubers :) grtz to everyone who got em! :cool:
Grtz for another September Big one! :cool:

Patrik Stormer Deluxe - 31,067 PED - Aurli Weak - September 16th
Dome 1


Stormer 21064 Aurli Weak
(Click this link to see grtz thread)
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Grtz for another September big one!

Well deserved one again aswell, Camping CP does payoff! :D

Petrus PM Molinos - 22,443 PED - Kreltin Young - September 18th
Dome 2

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Big Grtz to Pusur who went 2-3 years without any uber hof! always nice to see those well deserved ones! :)

Raptus Pusur Ripp - 21,545 PED - Kreltin Young - September 23rd
Dome 2

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Big grtz to the team hunting in Dome 1 :)

Rongo & Krille (Team) - 10,041 PED - Aurli Watcher - September 25th
Dome 1


10k Aurli
(Click to go to grtz thread)
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talk about de-ja-vu.... :money:
PM got another uber in Dome 2! just a week after his other 22k hof! :cool:

He is also the first to be on this list twice :D
(I hope I can get on the list one day too:) )

Petrus PM Molinos - 22,766 PED - Kreltin Old - September 26th
Dome 2

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Grtz to Lonewolf, who got a Dome 3 uber hof!

Alpha Lonewolf Wolf - 11,818 PED - Kreltin Provider - October 5th
Dome 3
