did I get scammed?

I got a nice plot of land in antartica for sale too if you fell for that maybe you'd like this? :) Sorry if it is true but I can't believe this is real.
I got a nice plot of land in antartica for sale too if you fell for that maybe you'd like this? :) Sorry if it is true but I can't believe this is real.

Better yet, I got some ocean front property on CND for sell. Starting bid 800 ped. Got some tax free Dasps too, wanna take a bid Mercury? ;)
u got scammed , no questions abt it. hope u learnt something
this sounds kinda fishy but if it really happend sorry for you. in the future dont do stupid trades like this, make sure you check the trade window before you confirm the trade. to see if the item or LA (looks like a blueprint/pieace of papper) is in the other person's trade window
I wish I could make 300 ped last longer then a couple hours :(

try skilling beauty with 20ped / click and see how long that last :D

...ohh and millerkil I agree to what everyone else here said.. good luck :)
I must say, 1 thing that I DO like MA is about the trading system.

Quite, simple really, here are the points:

  1. When trading/swapping/exchanging items, look for something in return in the trade window. A deed, a collateral... anything.
  2. Click on the item info and markup to determine if you are getting a fair deal based on the item.
This is a foolproof way to virtually trade. Unless you know someone for years and have a looooot of trust in them.

Oh well we learn each day ... thank your stars it was 200 ped. If only I counted the amount of times I lent 50-200 ped to people not to ever see them again lol
.... but then I didn't care, becuase I considered them to be bad debts unless proven wrong.
Ok now, seriously - it you were so new to this game you didnt know its market value. So much I can understand.

Buttt - If someone were to approach me when I was so green - Id prolly say - cmon m8, land? Virtual land? Look out whose leg ure pulling... :laugh:

Anywas - you got scammed by a never yet seen scam - i guess thats worth 20$

haha really? damit I was close to get scammed too.. I was walking around in my nemesis then someone asked me if I want to upgrade it to shadow or something lol
Then I was wondering.. hmm ? So I google it .... oh crap a scam lol hahahah $#@$@# lol report it lol
But MA cant do anything about it , scammers are like Bin Laden... You cant catch him even you put a few million usdollar on them lol

Lol I was approached in my pixie - and I was like - wth is shadow :scratch2:
Guy was explaining me how thats the best armor in the world...

Then I checked auct and saw it cost 30k PED (orso) - that was enough to know its a scam - why would it cost so much if any random person can make upgrade pixie to it :laugh:

Like said before; If something sounds to good to be true, it is :wise: