doing The Order of the Elder Gods


Mar 7, 2021
Dirty Dingos
Avatar Name
Marco Killy Stur

Monria, 4 monters 4 special items (pages) a "Shade" with 3% reload speed
why? because i read the forum thread, saw that other did it , read JBK post
and realized that all i need to do is to kill maximum 120.000 monsters on a
statistical base.

I went there already two days, dropped page 3 killing just until codex 13
so i consider that already received my "bait" page, the rest are up to my

Yesterday i considered to face the quest in a progressive manner because
the first time i was in Monria caves i followed "the soldier" peluche drops
to move from mob to mob.

so yesterday was the start "Shoggoth until i drop"

day 1: no page, started 29% of repeat finished 91.2 % so its about 3000 ped decay
about 30 globals(730p total) , 53 small weapons dropped (rubio, azuro, proton, lancehead
modec100, modec700) and a (L) Teleportation chip 1
my returns were over ammo but on just 3000 ped shot it is not relevant)
i am decaying also some sb15 that i crafted and remained unsold so the
tools are knife and ewe41adj
unamped and i put some eco unsold enhancer in the tier slots.

day2: decided to share with fellow hunters, start 91.2 repeat. cofee is ready...
Day 2: cycled 2600 PEd, result is -13.67 PED and no page buy 350 SP manufactured
usual strip of globals (33) but i killed up to Yog wave and mob level 11 to 38 altered returns
again rubios, proton, azuro modec 100 and 300 (31p TT) b101 lancehead and combustive chip 2 (L)

page will drop.. i am just warming up....

Still no chapter. Do note that I had finished the killpoint quest chain prior to the implementation of the codex. Hope you are luckier than I am :) Good luck!
as i saw a repeat5 adn realized that it would be a llonger journey i decided to update
1. if i drop teh chapter
2. or every end of repeat :)
as per 15th august i dropped avout 160 small weapons, still decaying chips and no chapter
return MU adjusted are now 1 or 2 ped over ammo cost so its free skills.
i moved also to DSEC to see how was over there.. plenty of robots from 2 to 101 level.....
not interesting at the moment. i record that DSEX storage is not the same as Monria
so one free teleport apart there are 500 slots of storage to be used....handy
i got a shoggoth chapter at the wave spawn. also found my second chapter 3 near the cultists wavespawn. can't remember where i got my yog chapter and still trying for the shub.
Sunday i moved to Shub and decayed 3 codex level (4900 ped ammo) on them
today finished repeat2 on shoggoth, started repeat3

i got a dozen of globals on Shub as usual, and it made me think of JBK getting over 8k
and it motiveted me to keep on the chapters...

in the long hours shooting i realized some numbers on JBK forum post
1. he killed about 1m shub with 8k global so 1 every 125 mob, about same rate as mine
2. he got 30 pages off them, or 1 every 33k (variously distributed)
3. it is not a sure number but i need to consider 240 globals needed to get a page on them
4. and that is 120.000 PED (AVERAGE)
being that the biggest monster, having already 1 page, i consider that 200 to 250.000 ped
cycled in monria could be ok to get the Horns.
at my rate that is 2 months .. a small effort for a nice UL item

new week, more shoggots to kill... bring em on!

if you are curious, here is the link to see swirleys on them
My latest Swirleys
Those horns are nice, but maybe not so nice that you'd go all out like that. 🤘

You probably already know about it, but just in case, you can't use them with most armor helmets. (they will unequip it)

I've had them for a long time and I barely ever use them because of that.

Unless you have one of those UL helmets that you can merge them with.
But given the infinitesimal frequency at which they drop...
Got the first 3 pages using my super eco corr 4 chip during my first week on Monria. The shub part...very close to rep 10 but i got the damn page =)
@ Cirrus: i do it because it is a challenge and because Monria is decent also for drop, every repeat pay me 25 ped anatomy that contribute to my looter , healing, dmg skill set
furthermore, with my awesome 55 meter loot ring :)-)) that has 10 reload, it would bring me to 13 basically at same exp cost. pairing my ring with a easter21 bring me to 94% of max with a total cost of 30k comapred to 90k of a xmas20+summer20 setup
don't worry, i am using armor that allow it.

@RandyGetz : yes i have been told shub are hardest, but it is a matter of CHALLENGE...

i cannot say it better than JFK , former USA president:

“We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy,
but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies
and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept"

and Monria is a Moon......

That said,
sunday another 3000 ped on yog and shogoths..... just another warmup but with nice skill and return over ammo (25 ped positive markup wise)
so... more free skills to feed my "skill point addiction"
After reading, the conclusion: you talk about thousands of peds, super UL weapons, 120,000 deaths ... the conclusion is that the search for the horns and almost everything in the EU is a thing of the rich ... the poor mortals who We can barely put contributions of 10€, we will have to dedicate ourselves to something else and look at those figures like beggar children look at the window of a food store ... :(
well.. i am not a rich man
but those are the numbers, sadly
remember that shooting 3000 ped can be done reusing 30 times 100 ped ammo, dont need 3000 ped ammo.
this is entropia... "ultimate neverlasting grindfest"
but yes, it is a game for rich, a hunter setup for high ranks needs 300.000 Ped in items
you can slowly grow or use VISA.....
many are there starting at F2P
everyone plays with his wallet, i cannot comment on that.
i know the limits of mine.
it's better to buy a ring and not worry about 3%
Agreed XD ares perfected is 8k ish.. u will lose much more than 4k + for u to match horns with Ares aug... And then they dont work with some armors either :)
Did you even loot a single chapter yet? I've been attempting this on and off for years now with no luck.
i got the page 3 so far i am on repeat 4 shoggoth, repeat 1 on yog and codex 14 on shub
Got the firsat 3 chapers pretty fast mut manage to get to repeat 99 on shubs. Even in i grinded them HARD...i belive i even made a small profit + the awesome looking horns. Its not for everyone but if you know/suspect you have ADD...this is your payday!!!
in the long hours shooting i realized some numbers on JBK forum post
1. he killed about 1m shub with 8k global so 1 every 125 mob, about same rate as mine
2. he got 30 pages off them, or 1 every 33k (variously distributed)
3. it is not a sure number but i need to consider 240 globals needed to get a page on them
4. and that is 120.000 PED (AVERAGE)
being that the biggest monster, having already 1 page, i consider that 200 to 250.000 ped
cycled in monria could be ok to get the Horns.
at my rate that is 2 months .. a small effort for a nice UL item
I can give you my 2 PECs on shubs aswell :)

I camped them in the last few months and I'm above 380 globals and counting, 50% on 6th codex repeat and still no chapter on those (have alreade the other 3 tho).
I agree, it's a challenge and loot is decent, hang in there and GL :D
i did not update this thread.. went to do stuff around and worked... but..
so far i got just 1 chapter 3
killed repeat 2 yog and repeat 4 shoggoth so far
after mayhem i will continue.
@NevadaJake i have viceroy (not upgraded yet) and also an halloween20/ easter 21 xombo so the hort would bring my reload to 13 and viceroy would cap critical rate.
that is my dream setup since 2020 ... takes some time :)
Last edited:
2022.04.20 on repeat 2+ 92% got chapter 2 from a yog in crater
thi sis about 10...15k kills

/wp [Monria, 38932, 18098, 46, Waypoint] in this zone level 4...6 with some 11 adn 16 spawn
so i am at halfway. time for shoggots and shub
I got all my chapters fairly fast. I was codex 22 on yog, 24 on shoggoth, 18 on cultist, and 17 on shubs. I hunted them before codex too though. The shubs were not kind to me. I grinded them a week straight to finish as they were the last chapter and lost 6k ped, but got it done.
I don't recall doing that many mobs to get it.