Selling: Emik T10 t4, V-Rex 2000 SGA t5


Nov 21, 2007
Vancouver, Canada
Avatar Name
Emik T10 t4.9: 3862(tt)+7k: - TODAY ONLY! tt+6.7k

Happy Bidding!

V-Rex 2000 t5, SGA : SOLD
Last edited:
I held my imp2870 for lammed for days and got no news, I now know why :p

GL selling that crap :p
I held my imp2870 for lammed for days and got no news, I now know why :p

GL selling that crap :p

Oh man, this is not the time to be jealous, I got 'em first!

T10 is one of the best guns for Med lvl mission!
V-Rex 2000 t5- Grenade Launcher skills + damage equivalent to SkilDek Viper and DetPil Boa!

And btw, everyone knows that items are only as crap as people who use em. :)
bump for same great toys
Bump for cool toys :dance:
Thanks guys!

BUMP! :yay:
Emik T10 is ready for an upgrade to tier 5!

BUMP! :yay:
What's the current TT on your gun now? and what's the cost to upgrade to tier 5?

send me tier rates too btw.. maybe we can work something out
BUMP! :yay:

Buy it now!
sunday morning bump :smash:
Thankzzz for BUMPzzz! :yay:
Git The Gun! :yay:
trade meh for my gun :D
If you still have the T10 when spring financial aid comes in I might snag it, until then bump for you.