I follow the path described here but i keep dying of the fire lol
Is there a way to shut down that fire ?
What about those crystals in the roof i dont seem able to shoot them down doing 1 damage and not hurting them at all hehe
Where is the fun to solve a puzzle, if some dude just post the way to solve it. Maybe MA should use more the brain, to make such events, so ppl cant cheat like this.
For me it was a chalange to solve this puzzle by me own. Also if i had very long and not be under the first ppl solved it. So no thanks from me, to show the way how to solve it. It would be more a thump down i give you.
You must walk in the order I described from a1 to a7 ... that will close the fire
Thx for ur respons but i do that hehe atleast as far i can understand ,p
At the top row i seem to be killed ewery time ;p
Maybe they changed it ? I don't know.... for a lot of ppl worked. U did the A1 A2 A3 B3 etc... this way? walking and opening each simbol ?
you can do it in any order, i did, just jump over the bad squares if u have to, or run diagnal/off the grind and around to other side until you have run over every one highlighted in op
when you stand on a square it highlights
when you highlight all the squares highlited in the picture door unlocks
standing on a square not highlighted in the picture triggers explosion/resets your progress
so just find (any) way to stand on the right squares and avoid the others
not sure what youre not getting
Please MA, make next such puzzle with each a random pattern for every player if the cave get entered. If you want i code it for you
This would hold on ppl to post pics, how to solve it.
Don't you know the rules? the winner is who will finish it fastest, then all ppl who read your post and didnt started the misión yet will go faster tan you! and all of us who did it with no cheets... cool way to ruin an event, ty!
Those of us who use guides like this to complete the missions are neither competitive in the race nor appreciate the "spirit" of the event. Personally I don't give a crap about the event itself, I just want the 10% speed buff at the end, and I want the easiest way to get it - which means riding the coat tails of those who finish before me.
+rep to OP for sharing.
As for how this event is working - I don't like that either. Can't MA make one thing right? Why is all the loot in one prize? Why wouldn't they make several second and third placements? It seems rigged right off the bat.
Funny thing is that I also made the mistake of not following the way off the pattern and the fire didn't extinguish. So I went into the fire and died. BUT, I had a H-DNA and used it, so could continue through the fire on resurrection to get the key. Bit of a bug.
Funny thing is that I also made the mistake of not following the way off the pattern and the fire didn't extinguish. So I went into the fire and died. BUT, I had a H-DNA and used it, so could continue through the fire on resurrection to get the key. Bit of a bug.
I spawned a vehicle to drive through the fire - it didn't work; only got a vehicle stuck
Funny thing is that I also made the mistake of not following the way off the pattern and the fire didn't extinguish. So I went into the fire and died. BUT, I had a H-DNA and used it, so could continue through the fire on resurrection to get the key. Bit of a bug.
I spawned a vehicle to drive through the fire - it didn't work; only got a vehicle stuck
I am starting to think they should have a consolation prize for The imaginative ways people bend the mechanics of the event , or find such loopholes