Entropia Obama joke


Mar 7, 2011
New edit spelling and other work

[Dogpile: A term used in western football where all the players jump onto one player and laugh]

A young solider Johnson McVetro was sitting on a truck bumber waiting for orders.
His heads up display was over his eyes. He had used the uplink to load the entropia universe landscape.
Just under his visor he was hunting with a breer3 while the rest of the troops played football.
A few unexpected Atrox ingame caused him to jump and forget his post.
In about 7 seconds the confused 20 year old had shot 5 cactus and wounded one Jeep.
A brave man wearing sheets at his knees rushed to stop the young solider.
Solider and a sheet wearing man were safe on the ground.
Just then the other soliders saw the two and thinking it was part of the game of football ran over and begain to jump one after the next onto the solider and the sheet wearing man as you would in a dogpile.

Four headlines ran the next day.

One in the same town reads: Football dogpile not friendly to local intrest.
A paper in an american town reads : Solider football team wins with a dogpile. Soliders proud.
At Special opps HQ the papers read: New tactic approved- Dogpile gets ok to take out Osama.

At Entropia the headlines read:
Johnson McVetro- slays Atrox and recieves 988 ped in loot
You have gained one point in agility!
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wow no hate mail or likes.
Its a bad joke or others dont understand it.
Obama Firstblackguy President killed a creature (hairy hobgoblin Bin-Laden'f) with a value of 54ped!
Obama recieved Explosive ammo (100000)
Obama recieved a Detpil rv50 (L)
Obama recieved sesimic bomb
Two new players were walking down the road looking for a teliport.
One said"Lets go left". The other player pointed and said"Lets go right".
The loud Atrox behind them "I will flip you for it."
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