Entropia Universe 17.4.1 Release Notes

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Jul 26, 2006

  • Fixed an issue where Motherships could get stuck in Space Stations and Asteroids

MindArk and the Planet Partners strive to ensure a smooth and problem-free Version Update. Nevertheless, even after extensive testing some issues may arise after release. Such issues are often addressed via mini-patches directly after a release and in subsequent patches. If you feel that the possibility of encountering minor issues or bugs directly after a Version Update affects your gameplay to an extent that Entropia Universe is not enjoyable, please wait until the mini-patches have been released and any last minute issues have been resolved.

Originally Posted Here
Please look at damage types for Mothership guns. There is a clear disadvantage to privateer operators and not worth doing the dropship boss wave for a mothership operator.
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Please look at damage types for Mothership guns. There is a clear disadvantage to privateer operators and not worth doing the dropship boss wave for a mothership operator.

Quoted for truth...

wouldn't it be easy to make the repair mobs and the support attackers during phase 4 part of the boss mob? Like kill the mob, the mob vanishes and the cost to kill it is added to the end loot equation?
Please look at damage types for Mothership guns. There is a clear disadvantage to privateer operators and not worth doing the dropship boss wave for a mothership operator.
100% agreed.
In all space games and sea games (outside of entropia universe) as well as in the real world the largest capital ships have the largest most powerfull turrets - they are not very good to hit small targets because of slow tracking but they outperform all smaller ships in regards to raw damage when it comes to hitting big targets. I hope mindark will consider that for future encounters that the true reason why a large capital ship has a hangar to launch fighters is to deal with small targets efficiently to protect the big ship as it takes out other big ships. The total power of a mothership is still lootwise distributed between tons of players that are needed to operate it the owner of the ship is not often a gunner he may just as well the pilot or just the manager/leader of the crew while still being the one who has all the 'expenses' that go into obtaining/upgrading/maintaining the ship.
The current dropship wave encounter gives a quad/fighter pilot with kismet v3 laser more firepower against the boss then any mothership gunner because the boss is shielded during the majority of the encounter against the only damage type that mothership gun turrets can do.
Either shield against everyone / shield only a percentage or give everyone including motherships a choice in the dmg type they want to do eg. why not have a few different gun turrets or an armament device that changes the dmg type of turrets.

On a more general notes to the space encounter - there is no way for a privateer or mothership owner to test the efficiency or dpp of their gun turrets while fighter pilots atleast can see their efficiency on the weapons - please consider to display efficiency and dpp(damage per pec) on armament devices and maybe even on all ingame weapons.

Furthermore the space wave event is a robot encounter which means robot looter profession applies - this means that planetside hunters will have a clear advantage over those who have hunted in space for many years - planets remain the fastest way to skill up looter professions which means the average return for planetside hunters likely will be higher then for pure space hunters - this would be even more so for animal or mutant looter professions. Please consider to introduce a 4th looter profession - space looter which is heavily based uppon space related skillgains to allow space hunters to specialize through space activity.
Furthermore the space wave event is a robot encounter which means robot looter profession applies - this means that planetside hunters will have a clear advantage over those who have hunted in space for many years - planets remain the fastest way to skill up looter professions which means the average return for planetside hunters likely will be higher then for pure space hunters - this would be even more so for animal or mutant looter professions. Please consider to introduce a 4th looter profession - space looter which is heavily based uppon space related skillgains to allow space hunters to specialize through space activity.
This so much, I am also not sure about mounted weaponry profession ? seems strange to me that there is not space weapon skill for quads etc
Can we also take a look at quadwing dps as well.. with v2/3 there is a clear dps advantage per gun over privateer!

The buff lasts like 1second unless your out there solo struggling in which case there is no competition for dps. But in principal i do agree its wierd MS be gimped for any dps whatsoever
Although it is true that the more options there are, the more difficult balancing will likely be, this is either highly incompetent or intentional. They changed damage types specifically in a recent vu, so they knew at least in part what 'the plan' was.
Whenever there's a positive there is something sour along with it. Is the favourite dish at MA sweet and sour pork?
It is obvious that this dropship wave spawn was geared towards quad hunters once again like all other space content, there was no other need to make it non-pvp unless to give quad fighters to opportunity to hunt alongside the bigger ships who can invest in their security and yes you are right thge kismet lasers only recently got changed from burn to electric very likely in prepration of this wave spawn. I have a hard time understanding why mindark constantly seems to try so hard to avoid giving the biggest ships something to 'shine' at: the manned gunner seats would still all be hunters who are in the vast majority not the owner (owner can only man 1 seat ;) )
So it's not OK for a mothership to get stuck in a space station or asteroid, but it's OK for players to get stuck in trees, water, coasts, walls, ... and for flying mobs to fly into and under the ground.

Uhm... OK :scratch2:
My GPU temperature seems down by 10 to 15 degrees after this update. Was something done with the graphics? If yes, thank you and no need to be hush-hush about it ;)

Edit: Weird. A short Feffoid cave after writing the above it's back to previous levels.
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Uhm... OK :scratch2:
To help with that itch, maybe consider that motherships and the like cannot simply press 't' to unstick themselves after a min. Dunno if initiating warp worked with roids, but it wouldn't at an SS. Ideally, the other wall, tree etc problems would be solved by MA as well, but thank you for providing me the prod to thank MA for fixing that newly introduced bug quickly, assuming it came in with the solid asteroids change and that it is actually fixed.
motherships and the like cannot simply press 't' to unstick themselves

That is true of course. And I didn't want to make it sound as a general dislike towards the fix. It's always good when Mindark fixes a bug including the ones I don't (directly) profit from.

However, the stickiness of players and flying behaviour of mobs exists for several years now. And nothing was done in that area. A few VUs ago I thought it actually got worse in the water/coast areas. Now if Mindark would put as much enthusiasm into fixing that it would be great.
Yes, there is another consideration for many bugs, however, namely that of the programmer responsible. I imagine many bugs have no owner anymore: somebody did something somewhere guv. At least with a new bug or poor implementation it should be possible to get the whip out and start cracking it in the right direction.
As getting stuck is the same topic in this case, maybe the brilliant solution applied to ships and asteroid/SS stickiness could be applied to avatars, though. Please nudge avatars 2m in the non-obstacle direction, please, dear devs, if such a terrain collision occurs?
I posted this for VU 17.3.2

Yes, it's better now. I can even stay longer in-game before I have to relog because of the memory utilisation. When staying at the sweating circle at Royal's I had to relog after about 40 minutes before this VU, now it seems to be more like 60 minutes, which is quite an improvement IMHO. This leads me to the assumption that there is also something possible in that area.

@Ludwig: can your development team please look into the memory issues EU has? It isn't just me, others have reported this in various other threads. It affects the busy (and graphically challenging?) places like Royal's, Twins TP and Port Atlantis. You don't need to do much, just stand around and maybe move a bit here and there.

That's gone and back to "normal" :( After 40 minutes (or even less) at the sweat circle at Royal's it hits 4GB RAM and it starts to stutter. Only a relog helps.