FYI: (Enhancer tool)


Jul 18, 2005
Ex Cons
Avatar Name
Don waheed Johansen
Hey people :)

Have made a nice little tool for working out how well enhancers work, it records the dmg and crits, and when enhancers break.
It can be used for armor enhancers as well, to work out how long they last, how long they have lasted and what the effect has been.

It's still a work in progress, and hopefully alot of extra features can be added as we (the community) comes up with some nice features :)

I have been so bold as to put a Donate button in there, it's not to make a fortune from this (Guessing we all know it's not something that will make anyone rich) it's simply to pay for hosting, and to award those who have helped code it.
After someone has made a donation, they should PM me and I'll set up an account there for them, which will then make them able to save their data for later use as well.

How it works:
Well it's actualy very simple:
1. You need to have chat log enabled.
2. You upload the chat log.

After having uploaded your file there are some different things to pay attention to:

Main site - Is where you upload your file (Weather you are logged in as a user or not)

As a none-member this is what you will see after you have uploaded the chat log.

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

You will see how many shots you have fired, amount of criticals, heals, Dimished heals, Damage taken and amount of no looters.
Consider each of those to be self explanatory :)

As a member there are a few more things to see.

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

First of all you will have the ability to see all your runs which you have uploaded.
Secondly you will be able to write notes for these runs (Price of enhancers would be something I would write here)


[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

Is deffently one of those things which I have interest in, finding out how long the enhancers are working on average. The more uploads we have, the better informations we will get from this.
Notice that we have divided it into Global (All uploads), Registered users and Anonymous users - Reason for this is that I really believe each user of this should have the abiliy to choose for himself how much weight he will put on each of those.

Compare rounds:

This is the only feature which can only be used as a registered member, only reason for this is that to save your runs you need to be a registered member.

First screen is where you chose the rounds you want to compare:

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

After choosing which rounds you wanna compare, you get to the compare screen like this:

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

For now a little bit of work will be needed with your calculater if you want to make % comparisons - But it's something that will most likely be changed fairly soon.

Would really love some feedback, and wishes for what should be developed :)

Best regards
Waheed and friends

Ps. Anyone wondering about the URL and looking thru the text once more... Look no furter, it's right here:
yay sounds nice to me! I hope it works and brinngs some stats available for everyone in some time.
I was asked if it would be posible to track loots with this -

But that's not posible as loot does not show up in chat, however it will be fairly simple to get it to track your globals, but don't really see any point in that since we already have ET and this was not made to track loots and globals - Mostly to get to know more about Enhancers :)