Entropiafund Events: Jackpot, Amazing items in Prizes (Join Here)


Oct 26, 2014
Drop Zone

Entropiafund Events

How to get Entropiafund points

New event will honor you Entropiafund points of each global of hunting what you get in Entropiafund Land Areas. Land / Mob / Recource List can be found bottom of this post.

Entropiafund Points exhange rate to us is 1:1 so 1 Point is 1 PED.
The EF Points are also tradeable to other players. You can choose to buy/sell them from other participants.


Entropiafund Points table
Any Global - 1 Point
Above 100 Peds - 5 Points
Exact 100 Peds - 10 Points
Above 300 Peds - 30 Points
Above 1000 Peds - 100 Points
Above 4000 Peds - 500 Points
Above 9999 - 1000 Points
All Time High - 5000 Points
Bonus Points
Any Proteron Global - 1 Point
Any 2 digits same - 2 Points
Any 3 digits same - 150 Points
Exact 420 Ped global / Hof - California Bong fap
Gold global / hof - 25 points
Devil's Tail, Henrem, Vesperdite, Kanerium global / hof - 100 Points
EF Point Multiplier
Get globals over decided amount and receive point multiplier
in your point balance of what you collect on that month
Get over 15 globals per month - 10% Boost
Get over 30 globals per month - 20% Boost
Get over 50 globals per month - 30% Boost
Get over 75 globals per month - 40% Boost
Get over 100 globals per month - 50% Boost
Score over 50 globals in 2 months in a row
and earn 10% extra boost


New jackpot starts today 25.4.2021 and it runs until we decide to do something different :) Announcement will come ofc.
Jackpot is easy to win and haves simple rules.
You just need to hit Exact global to WIN and info Chiee about it. So be sure and "claim" your winnings in 30 days.
Each Global in Entropiafund Land areas will increase the jackpot for 1 EF POINT.
Only registered participants can win the jackpot. Entropialife is missing globals from time to time so remember take screenshots of your globals!

If you have registered to our event already you dont need to register again!

Current Jackpot: 40 138 EF POINTS

Prize structure

111 = 1%
222 = 2%
333 = 3%
444 = 4%
555 = 5%
666 = 6%
777 = 7%
888 = 8%
999 = 9%

1111 = 11%
2222 = 12%
3333 = 13%
4444 = 14%
5555 = 15%
6666 = 20%
7777 = 30%
8888 = 40%
9999 = 50%


What you can do with EF Points

- The EF Points exhange rate to us is 1:1 so 1 Point is 1 PED.
- The EF Points are also tradeable to other players. You can choose to buy/sell them from other participants.
- Can be used to claim several different prizes (listed in below)
- You can buy several different services from our partners (listed below) with using EF points
- You can keep them as investment in Entropiafund and let our returns work for you.


Event Prizes

Improved Fast Aid Pack - 38 000 points (Claimed 12.3.2023)

From time to time changing offers

Mining Strongbox 25x - 550 points
Mining Strongbox 10x - 230 points

More prizes coming soon



EF Points + Entropiafund

EF points are tied to Entropiafund ROI% (Annually around 10-20%).
This means all your points will make you interest monthly until you will claim them.


Event Rules
Rules update 1.9.2020
After much discussion, we have decided to make a small change to interest earnings on points from hunting on EntropiaFund Land Area’s. If no points are earned from an avatar for 3 consecutive months, their name will be moved to an “Inactive” tab on the points page and they will no longer receive interest from their points. Any points earned will be retained. Once that avatar earns any points, they will be moved back to the active list and the 3-month period will start over. If your name is not colored, then you have earned points in the current month. If your name is in yellow, you did not earn any points in the previous month. If your name is in red, then you have not earned any points in the previous 2 months. If after your name is in red, you do not earn any points in the current month, your avatar will be moved to the “Inactive” tab. Any points will be retained, you will just no longer earn interest on those points. If this concerns you, you are welcome to talk with Chiee about transferring your point value (1 point = 1 ped) over to the EntropiaFund where interest will continue to be earned. Please let either Chiee or Salerine know if you have any questions about the changes to the interest earned on EntropiaFund Points. As always, happy hunting.

1.1 The above EF Points are tradeable. You can choose to buy/sell them from other participants. For selling you need to have at least 100 points before they can be sold.
1.2 Each EF Point can be sold back to me at a minimum fixed price of 1 ped per point. Minimum 100 Points needed for the trade.
1.3 Always when trading or claiming EF points, point balance will be rounded down to closest 1 digit.
1.4 For trading EF points both sides of trades need to contact Chiee after trade and provide details of trade. If there is missunderstanding then screenshot of trade is needed for proof. I suggest everyone take picture of trades always.
1.4 Individuals can win more then one type of EF points. Example 2 Digits and 3 digits are counted together: 2122 or 21322 would count for both.
1.5 All registered participants will receive interest for their EF points. Interest is tied to Entropiafund ROI% and its added monthly to your point balance.
1.6 When úsing EF points to claim services you need to have atleast 50 EF points in your balance

Jakcpot Is currently Running
2.1 Any Global of any Entropiafund Land area count for this event
2.1.1 In Jackpot event Royal Club berycles honor 0.5 point to Jackpot
2.2 Jackpot win doesnt include in multipliers.

3.1 Entropialife will be used to track scores. Please make sure your globals register there.
3.2 Times/Dates for the globals will be using the MA time clock and each day resets at 00:00 MA time. Same at entropialife!
3.3 Winning global must show on EntropiaLife or post a screenshot here with date/time stamp.

4.1 Register here with your EXACT ingame avatar name. (small and big letters have to be right. (teams accepted, Leader will receive prize).
4.2 You claim your prize from Chiee.
4.3 We reserve the right to adjust rules or cancel the event at any time without prior notice. Any points won before adjustments will be honored.
4.4 We reserve the right to adjust item prizes of how many points participant need to use for claiming item. Adjusting will be made only if something remarkable happens on current item market value.

You dont need to wait confirmation after your sign up. Its enough if you have posted in thread


Intrested to invest in Entropiafund? We are looking more investors


Im trying to update sheet atleast once in week


Land Areas & Recources

LA #23 ~Royal Club (30200, 40000)
Mob: Berycled Young - Old
Niksarium, Cumbriz, Blausarium, Iron, Terrudite, Kanerium
Sweetstuff, Alicenes, Angelic, Force Nexus, Crude, Growth

LA #24 - ~Royal Club (31700 , 40000)
Mob: Ambulimax Young
Niksarium, Cumbriz, Blausarium, Iron, Terrudite, Kanerium, Caldorite, Cobalt
Sweetstuff, Alicenes, Angelic, Force Nexus, Crude, Growth

LA #46 - Proteron Pasture (18500, 62300)
Mob: Proteron Young
Niksarium, Durulium, Vesperdite, Valurite, Megan, Azzurdite, Erdorium, Narcanisium,
Gazzurdite, Cumbriz, Zinc, Lysterium, Belkar, Platinium
Garcen, Magerian, Root Acid, Melchi, Azur, Solis, Devil's, Binary, Lumis,
Lytarian, Typonolic, Ferrum Nuts,

LA #53 - Winter Park (18500, 45700)
Mob: Exarosaur youngs & Natural spawn of Fugabarba, snablesnot, snarksnot, hiryuaa W of TP
Blausarium, Frigulite, Adomasite, Lanorium, Dianum, Valurite, Zanderium
Force Nexus, Angelic, Devil's Tail, Growth Moles, Acid Root, Henrem Stems,

LA #54 - Atami's Proteron Paradise (21400, 45700)
Mob: Proteron Mature - Dominant & Chomper young to stalker
Blausarium, Frigulite, Adomasite, Belkar , Lanorium, Dianum, Valurite, Zanderium
Force Nexus, Angelic, Devil's Tail, Growth Moles, Acid Root, Henrem Stems,

Shinkiba Land at Amethera OUTBACK LAND #65 - SE of Wolverine Hope (Closest TP : Wolverine Hope 37850, 46775)
Mob: Shinkiba Young- Old
Known Recources: Belkar, Dianum, Terrudite, Lysterium, Copper, Xeremite
Alicenes liquid, Typonolic, magerian, crude, growth

Formicacida OLA#21 (390, 475) - NW of Wolverine Hope (Closest TP : Wolverine Hope 37850, 46775)
Mob: Formicacida Weak - Strong L21 - L24
Known Recources: Belkar, Dianum, Copper, Lysterium, Xeremite
Alicenes liquid, Typonolic, magerian, crude, growth

Entropiafund Jackpot winners so far:

1. Ulv Ulven En - 1% = 428 EF points. (Growth molecules 111 PED)
2. Celeborn Celeb Andros - 1% = 420 EF Point. (Ambulimax young 111 PED)
3. Ulv Ulven En - 1% = 416 EF Point. (Niksarium stone 111 PED)
4. Iron Deuce Storm - 1% = 430 EF Points. (Proteron Young 111 PED)
5. Bubba Slicker Crowley - 1% = 429 EF Points (Formicacida Weak 111 PED)
6. Jabez JAG Groove - 1% = 425 EF Points (Proteron Dominant 111 PED)
7. Jabez JAG Groove - 3% = 1262 EF points (Proteron Dominant 333 PED)
8. Katla Vulkana Vulkans - 1% = 408 EF Points (Ambulimax young 111 PED)
9. Sir Zeipii Kompiainen - 1% = 404 EF Points (Formicacida Weak 111PED)
10. Rocky Addz Harley - 1% = 400 EF Points (Proteron Guardian 111PED)
11. Jack Zacco Delany - 7% = 2596 EF Points (Proteron Guardian 777PED)
12. Iron Deuce Strom - 2% = 742 EF Points (Proteron Young 222PED)
13. Red Thorias Storm - 2% = 725 EF points (Proteron Young 222 PED)
14. Jabez JAG Groove - 8% = 2842 EF points (Proteron Dominant 888PED)
15. Rocky Addz Harley - 5% = 1634 EF Points (Proteron Guardian 555 PED)
16. Jabez JAG Groove - 1% = 310 EF Points (Proteron Dominant 111 PED)
17. ?Nib dowN? - 1% = 307 EF Points (Proteron Provider 111 PED)
18. bambideath deathception durka - 1% = 303 EF points (Ambulimax old 111 PED)
19. Perfect Dmatrix Bimbo - 1% = 299 EF Points (Proteron Dominant 111 PED)
20. seldom Seffo looser - 1% = 324 EF Points (Ambulimax Young 111 PED)
21. Mathi Steppenwolf McFly - 1% = 322 EF Points (Blausariam Stone 111 PED)
22. GIuseppe Pino Ministeri - 1% = 319 EF Points (Ambulimax Young 111 PED)
23. Celeborn Celeb Andros - 1% = 335 EF Point. (Ambulimax young 111 PED)
24. Lamia Majora Pechunter - 1% = 339 EF POint. (Formicacida Weak 111 PED)
25. Master Duncan Paradox - 1% = 335 EF Point. (Proteron Provider 111 PED)
26. Andrew agalvayve Galvayve - 1% = 331 EF Point (Proteron Dominant 111 PED)
27. seflom Seffo looser - 1% = 328 EF Point (Ambulimax Young 111 PED)
28. Ganther MrDrPoop poopsalot - 1% = 324 EF Point (Ambulimax Young 111 PED)
29. kenzo soporte00 uji - 2% = 692 EF Point (Crude Oil 222 PED)
30. Nanashana Nana Itsanai - 1% = 339 EF Point (Adomasite Stone 111 PED)
32. Nanashana Nana Itsanai - 1% = 335 EF Point (Frigulite Stone 111 PED)
33. Nanashana Nana Itsanai - 1% = 331 EF Point (Frigulite Stone 111 PED)
34. Nanashana Nana Itsanai - 1% = 328 EF Point (Lysterium Stone 111 PED)
35. Nanashana Nana Itsanai - 1% = 325 EF Point (Blausarium Stone 111 PED)
36. Nanashana Nana Itsanai - 1% = 321 EF Point (Durulium Stone 111 PED)
37. Nanashana Nana Itsanai - 1% = 317 EF Point (Lysterium Stone 111 PED)
38. Nanashana Nana Itsanai - 1% = 313 EF Point (Blausarium Stone 111 PED)
39. Nanashana Nana Itsanai - 1% = 309 EF Point (Lysterium Stone 111 PED)
40. Nanashana Nana Itsanai - 1% = 305 EF Point (Lysterium Stone 111 PED)
41. Nanashana Nana Itsanai - 1% = 301 EF Point (Frigulite Stone 111 PED)
42. Monkey Lou-Cifer Lou - 1% = 298 EF Point (Proteron Young 111 PED)
43. Kyron Kyron Mister - 1% = 295 EF Point (Ambulimax Young 111 PED)
43. Dragon DSR Sador - 1% = 306 EF Point (Ambulimax Young 111 PED)
43. Kyron Kyron Mister - 1% = 302 EF Point (Ambulimax Young 111 PED)
44. Yoji Fransson Wittekind - 1% = 320 EF Point (Proteron Provider 111 PED)
45. Kyron Kyron Mister - 1% = 316 EF Point (Ambulimax Young 111 PED)
46. Yoji Fransson Wittekind - 1% = 331 EF Point (Proteron Guardian 111 PED)
47. Rocky Addz Harley - 3% = 983 EF Point (Proteron Provider 333 PED)

Old jackpot winners
1. 31.3.2018 Vaya Peaso Loot - Wins 10% = 3117 PED. (Ambulimax young 116PED)
2. 19.7.2018 Fred PuinSai Fredrickson - Wins 10% = 3153 PED. (Kool Kat Young 72PED)
3. 30.9.2018 Madmartigan Maxell Maximus - Wins 5% = 1472 PED. (Berycled Stalker 28PED)
4. 28.11.2018 Helena Helena Fra - Wins 20% = 5425 PED. (Proteron Old 232PED)
5. 29.12.2018 don mitnick don mitnick - Wins 10% = 2232 PED. (Kool Kat Young 133PED)
6. 7.8.2019 Solcar Pricey Lazroc - Wins 10% = 2362 EF points. (Growth Molecules 56PED)
7. 23.2.2020 Jabez JAG Groove - Wins 10% = 3084 EF points. (Proteron Guardian 53 PED)
8. 29.4.2020 Luri UncleMo Nightshade - Wins 10% = 3105 EF points. (Proteron Young 70 PED)
9. 9.5.2020 Noa Noemia Blackwhite - Wins 5/10% = 1473 EF points (Ambulimax Young 77 PED)
9.5.2020 Tom Archy Bald - Wins 5/10% = 1473 EF points. (Ambulimax Young 77 PED)

Last edited:
Registered participants: Press ctrl + f to search your name :)

Toni Chiee Lahderinne
Ei Lita Senorita
Lia BhabyGurll Amores
Harmless Cool Fire Handyman
Aj the-unknown Henry
Vellu Rufus Leinonen
cheradenine kyuss zekalwe
kuo darkness darkness
Blixt Flash Gordon
Henry BabyOxide Ha
Lucky Sky Vodka
Holidae H1 Inn
Mr LordRoger PT
nasim BEN set
Vu Autobot Tran
Major Legggzzz Canuck
Red Komojin Devil
Michel MonsterBatwings Raud
Timmay killed you
Torschen Tors Kalevala
Jimmy FlyingFin Nyman
Rick Tiberius Cyr
Jade Jade Draconis
Jack Scudd Samuels
PePe War Machine
Alexander David Blood
Nik Eor Skan
Pheobe DrPDQ Songsteel
Cromius Crommy Apocalypse
Gunnm Dampsomfan Tolv
Gopher Goofer Bless
Naruto Alec Uzumaki
Darth Suicidal Yoedah
Ellesinare Eagleeyes VanManchenburg
AzureDragoon Azure One
Benjamin Ohohsiol Hwang
D-DeviL Revolution HellWomen
Master SeanF Hunter
Reyka Reyka Frethander
Udih Lobo pepiy
jani SerialKillah unknow
Pheonix Phox Phire
Zoltz Timespinner Baenre
cybereternity mercenaire michelle
Elizabeth Lizzy Holmes
FreakiBoy FreakiBoy Freakster
Flinter Raven Hex
ippo minerguyfin finitto
Diana LOVE Brand
firejuggler water zabimalu
less Jess mess
alex thrais oscar
slepnight slepn notaday
Test Jqkill Muffin
Little Starchasing Moosy
James Warpath Proudstar
Tommo tt1499 Tuszu
Daimler CrazyWolf Segundo
Bare BareBones Bones
Greg Greginho Lacrimosa
Diurea Dexter Dan
AI Opeyum Tr
Naruto Alec Uzumaki
Gopher Goofer Bless
Zapra Zap Greadon
Vasiliy Atomarnyi Kolbatov
Misty Emerine Stardust
ryan rick rodney
Catiana Cat Well
Mark Slim Shady Hellahard
Emy Maze Zola
Sub-Zero The Killer
John Rautataivas Wallberg
Risen Ra Oh
Eris erisblee23 Blee
Zarg Yn Dregor
Untaxed UV Vehicle
Union Of Souls
cecax3 CecaX3 cecax3
Jorgen LightStar Eriksson
Jerrrr jerrrrbank Rexxar
Aphex Lieska Twin
Karsa Toblakai Orlong
Captain Ultimate Catch
Poser MG Mighty GuiMauro
Pikku Hukka Nobo
Oder Gwar Eater
Velick Zurvick Freldin
Gloria GoNi Nicestyle
R4zi3lPain R4zi3lPain R4zi3lPain
Ed CMsux2K Belote
Jehu Da King
Wallin Rigu Dimas
Hanz desperado7 Becker
White Sparkey Lighting
garci bogus more
Julio Castro Juca Patinho
Angel Randy Coty
Judas Best Friend
Beellzebub Satan Luciferious
Blades Bercebu escudo
scott scott2055 taylor
Fanan Head Shot
Olav Olaven Spire
Joshua Crone Craftson
Tony Coolieman Pinares
Moraine Lynn Troskald
Dorlune Dor Themage
The Lone Deranger
Justine Justine Titine
Ricky DarkWind Flip
oo xBEBAx oo!
mainaaja make mainaa
Naama Naamios Kala
Blood Star Raven
David DaDude Stealth
Justin Gamer Espozito
Estella Ella Laizen
Ben Rumsponge Rumson
hunter forever young223
Alia Princess Atreides
Hyperion Hype Ayres
Sharah Mai Lyn
my nikki insanity
Fitzpatrick Fitz Landing
Queen Sandy Simmons
Pottis Kurko Patanko
Pawel Hnatek Hnatiuk
Diabolito Devil Lucifer
shamshe shamshe shamadarak
Sylenn Sylenn mordynn
Juan BALBERITH Martinez
x6eCx x6eCeH0Kx CTPALLlHbIu
Zenith Zen Cool
Ted Mosby hi
Morp Cleaver Animagic
Igor Iggie Kukovok
Goran Lipec Podlipec
Tanria Vanish Caoryn
Little Starchasing Moosy
Killarious K-Max Maximillion
Nok nokimchen imchen
Athena Nabu GaiaSong
Alluria Terra Aquadria
Maya Lethall Stormborn
charley moondog 1969
James Conners Stoke
Katie Desttrixia Sentanil
Neuro NeuroNet Net
filibert bébert artig
sweetchild is mine
Martin Martin Petersen
Ronald Ron Havelock
Gisela Stardust Dawes
nikander nikander100 gamerdudes
Carlos SPiTe Valcarcel
Deb Scarlott Knute
Mogi Rodent Tunedpk Zero
Osgard Montbertus MontMontbertus
Kris Kristoliquid Michaud
Chris Kiffy McCulloch
Inguts Sokolade Spurz
Nybras Milla McJovo
Mary Mary Jane
Kludge Kludge Geekspeak
Emil Carb Castr
Flynt FlyntBlack Black
Dawid Burks Bujak
Thomas Miska Laky
Mat browN Johnson
Theone LaMoar GR
Pixy Anticontra Blue
Crys Cail Behemon
Crystal MJ Diamond
The Lucky Colonist
Gray SnowLeopard Felix
Rosie RedRose Marie
Kitty Kitty Fire
Krystyl Victoria Iverson
dace dace robber
Very Important Person
Lord Igi Downey
Julien jbjujujbjuju Darkspear
Avalon Butterfly Erupter
Stigma Stiggiz Drago
Antonio Xana182 Santos
Sebastian Santi Cruz
Commander Noh Ayedea
Oki Teddy Doki
Jannine Esoterika XIII
Juljka Saya Vukolova
abc 123 traptime
Alex Eagle88 14
John Erastothenes Bluetail
Nikko Kevin Liason
Paul Kodan Atradies
Will Newman Tisen
Indi Indianajones Jones
Susanne Sussy Efternamn
LiviuS BeYonD GodLike
Hannibal Daddy Heyes
Arnon Lucky Fix
Sonya LittleAngels Parcker
Dark Darkchild Junior
Mattias HeadHunter Hedman
Horas CooJoe Thumberknuckle
Steve DKz-Kasper Smith
apallo sincros neverweave
renato sharko otaner
Frenzy Golden Piss
Krystal K-Town Doss
Casey ScorpioKC Ramey
Kristijan Desire Carnage
Allari Blaze Winterborne
Usurper Adamas Sheridan
donapolinar chaparrito caborca
Tyrionnn impnainteasy Lanisterrr
Rogue Danger Acopolis
Lisa Zerocoil Lashes
Alin Alins Saviuc
Pate Twiffo Pallinaama
Alexandar Alex Interstate
Eddie Eddie Yuen
Hac McLeod van Cah
Telochka Ivanova Ivanovna
esi essi pessimisti
moise xa27 ze
Amy Tank Eversmith
Lucky Almostme Luciano
Carl Jim Last
Michel Wibbele Bijlsma
Davin Trooper Felth
skunk skunkjunk junk
Stig Chronos Brannlund
Reynard Foxy Cunningfox
solo roudrunner firstborn
Eneko En3ko Quetetrillo
Sergey Crown70 US
terminator frodor r2-d2
Magnus Svarog Henriksen
Joao Bustle Pedro
Cuba Kubanec Cubanov
Viteazu' Morosanu' Pintea
Pecka ecka Martinek
Cyrex Cyrex Xeryc
Jessica aJK Eschweiler
Johannes Viina Teline
benji benji le fort
jan van darra
Julius GoodMan Baltrusaitis
Ulv Ulven En
Danny lammeD van venrooy
Morene Bolleke Wezenbeek
John Klayman Escort
Hermann nisischi Pinki
Ang Angbu bu
Starla Fire Monroe
Srdjan Kater Spasic
Broken al Angels
Gente MadMan Malparido
Spermer Mac Farmer
Liewen Vuk Carmolde
ItWillBe ASilent Spring
Paul Jetman Masters
Jenn Dilnay Jones
Oliver Twist Black
Lokiare Lokiare Darkbeard
Morgan Mordoc La-Fey
Rook Rook Splight
Javier Dr.Psych Seiglie
Mimmo MrAbsolut Dagostino
Doom Loonie Lunatic
Zarah Kip Muddi
Buckaroo Cardamine Marduka
Augustine Vortexy Teh
Dingus Optimator Khan
Mutak Joe XII
Warvar Mortal Wild
sherpa sherpa man
Wobbo Netracer ZeroQ
jaska timppp jokunen
Vu vFox Phan
General Frozen Death
Kirill laredo Dvinin
SavioR Sav El Riwas
Jonas Dao Juhlin
Ivan Top Holmes
Louis Gene Dzousa
Raven Oracle Li
Pedro Rufwon Martinez
ranja ajnar aja
Cluck OwDamnit Norris
Mark The JOKER Piripower
Deadly Soul Seducer
Colbey Kyndig Callistinsson
Jerome Dark Project
Kel'tha Kel Thazor
Cyboula soad Cunha
Wesley Ashley Malakian
Javen Wardenclyffe Tesla
Paladin386 Paladin Ritter
Brok -En- Code
Helena Chesty Jugs
Mandy Mojorisin Willeford
sss shaun27 deathray
Udia KillerDawg Xiuhcoatl
Jane Jettory Kent
Norian Norian Xx
Boo Boooya ya
Eric Shade Avenged
pain pain pand0ra
Fomorian Bogger Domnall
Thierry ThiPego Pello
Christian UzzzY DeSalva
chillbanan swedish monkeyboy
Fred Griffey Cheese
the awsome chick
Mad Mike Hoare
Jay VeNgeNce Spitzel
Vincentino Vincent Galbarda
Tiffany Cummings Peniston
Victory Bell Belthazar
Fr33DoM Portuguese F1ght3R
Grunge GG Greene
Edward MrEddie James
Jabez JAG Groove
Grom Widowmaker Hellscream
Leo BlueMan Morosanu'
The Beatrix Redgirl
goran Gogs gigs
Heaven Amanda-Ra Angel
ken atomique robert
Angelreaper Demonikos Slayer
Rose Mou Renegarde
Fedge Napo Hekate
The Akas Der
Grey Grey Ilieco
Patryk Pisak Pisarski
Zarta Maiden Selios
Matti Mcfeast Goblinson
Rylinn Eniacoc Irenicus
Mikkel Cowfoot Esteves
Georg3 skit Michaels
SashaSD Sash Lomas
RyaN RyRy KirK
Puuha Pete Engineer
Caco Lesteri Daemon
Kristians klimpax kalviskis
Vitus Tus Berg
Natalja Ninimusha Holostova
luna samondelli balzarin pl
Prophet the Prophet
Heaven Diva Endless
Caytlin Michigan Loren
Jungle Stalker Amazon
Don Roberto Roberto
Idalécio Manuel Pires
John Jacob Cofey
James Jim Oneill
Bagutta chesta Bonestorm
Cesaro Croc Owens
Cainam Cainam Maniac
dombath dom whitehead
Giannis Symbil Sentimenevoslakis
Sam Jay North
Jock JB Bond
Martre Martre MArkusz
Jochen Redcross Oswald
Catherine Cathy Gearlan
Benevolent 3J Afterdark
Redone Duncan McCloud
xXx Ultimate xXx
Shark Mcsharky Mclays
claudio Uberlandia-MG-Brasil cdi10
Ostrander Ostrander Popp
gaetan J4ck3ss cochet
Jesse Scoptics James
NoBion Nob Andersen
Vilks laikam Iegipseets
Lil Swampy Monster
Jonas Ziggy Nunstedt
Pogny oOPognyOo oOPognyOo
Red Thoth Crowley
Toast Toast CHG
Lazar DarkGhost Florian
Smeagol Timmy85 Gollum
Infeliece Appointed Wildwielder
Sasho pokers Sashov
Nope Tenunded United
Patrize Wiseman Wize
Chuck Burnz Norris
Arangar Vagrant Melanwil
marvin hellzone45 blair
Licurg Fiara Enescu
Southern Belle Day
John Jburn666 burn
WezteN Lakritsrem Godispåse
Cree Kree Levette
Brilliam Mason Seafarer
Snake Slither Hellfire
MR armorer petter
Sungam Sun Nosskire
Storm Spawn Bootcamp
Lutine Goldfingers Spiritatienne
Blorg AG Nig
FlipFlap La Girafe
dark darkexpert expert
Wight Wakerife Westerner
Semmemmon Semm Strafkin
Quell Que Star
Mathias Anaïs Svensson
Cosmin Karamazov Gradinaru
Petrus PM Molinos
Torene Tor Alaranth
Salsa UberNuuber Latino
Lore Of June
Cali Destiny Sijngaard
Justine Justine Titine
Silas Cab Silvon
crowreaper crowreaper crowreaper
Jeremy Jay Maurice
Leola Leola Resident
Sean Rocket Connors
Programmer Doc Gray
Sulasca DefQuebec Haden
Quell Que Star
Crashed Bobbazz Stalker
Vedder Vedr Masterate
Scurvy Sityl LaRoux
Safe set er
Me Oulaladidon Yeah
Larry Larethania Larrelito
Ricardo Ricky Laginha
Alex BGG Leech
Elune Vylin Xander
Emma Sharine Lonewolf
The Deathfire Man
Fortunas Fortunas Sands
Rabbit Psychorabbit The bunny
Saski Saskia Sonnenschein
Michael Phoenix Moore
drakken drakken dethstalker
Mista Jagwarr Flayer
Tally Talanz DeClaw
Daniel SonOfFiery Tang
Norbert Sunshine Cool
El Tahipentti Mehiko
ville LongDrink laitinen
Angelina Herkkubeba Jolie
Fett Fett-Finnen Finnen
Madmartigan Maxell Maximus
Samuel Morningstar Tibbits
Jack Wuzi Daniels
Andy Dr Cisco Robbinson
Croiton Zeebo Whitedwarf
Robot RoboOne One
Maximus carl rodgers
Mr Arthur Ohman
Quantum Kryten State
Hoolifan THC Andrius
Vontang Kwanyi Kwan
Red Thorias Storm
Alusz-Ihigenia Alusz EPERJE-TOKAY
Vullen Copern Salo
Grandmaster Dreamryder Mage
Lize LizeLotte Sweden
ooo Cobalt ooo
Another sloth Global
Randy Hypnotyk Bafia
je jak bam
Gibborim Gibby Avatar
Salina Angie Majere
glennbuck glennbuck johnson
dynamage voltage assasin
skitch elwayne
More Coffee Please
Jasmin TheThug Omerovic
Sbinortz Sbi Latz' tek
Cool Buckwild Fly
The DeathFire Man
Jhon gl Cafe
Angel Of Shadows
Geburah Chesed TiphereT
Charles Johnny Cintron
Furion Fox PL
Westin Westin Hogan
Jimmy Jim Mountain
William Ironhand Fanghorn
Reicha nier Victor
Fara nume necunoscutul
Esko dcm Jones
Mathilda nukegirl Chei
Indrek Inc Grahv
Romeo Romeo Montague
Peter Caviar Eater
Amidala Amy Vilado
Agis Agis McKracken
Turbo going bananas
Av Crossy Cross
arjan Armin Arrakis
Angelina Angeline Spaceborn
Based BK201 Ghost
Chenghis LuisArkadov Pandoran
Tetrafeena Tetra Atlantis
Taru Hoppi Taunuksesta
Sholle Von Cartiz
Nite Niteflite Flite
Garrett Krellor Jorhanis
Graden Switch Foss
Kelon Speedpull Yamabushi
Craks Crakoid Latv
Jimmy itsJimmy Kesh
Scott Kirby Kong
Thomas Miska Luky
Dini mArdOff Mini
Dr Zeamos Lyonsbane
GDRZ Zeratul Zera
Chairman whatwouldjesusdo Edgewise
Audrius Ali Staniulis
matt matt67 terr
Thor CBR 1971
Johnny Naph Lee
Guttabeya Gash Gashknosher
Xarcx XarcX Seras
Frankie Franklon Meng
Gionni Gunsy Novembri
kristian klimpax kalviskis
Lukas Lukoshius Poskus
Joseph Joe Oconnelly
Ondrej RogueCZ Brebera
iviel iviel i3rooks
Nathalie Amelie FooFoo
Lunareth Luna Moon
Cara Caradin Din
Beci has never
Lara Lady Croft
Dark darkexpert expert
Omnius Omnius Omnius
Crash ramiroman Ledesma
Thomas Arctrooper Seerden
mutti apina vapina
Lews Therin The Dragon Telamon
Wess MatadoR Missaw
Dante Ezekiel Primera
Damian Depredador III
Segrey Dlinnoyx Shivalin
Richard UnderDog Sceptre
Anti Vans Hero
Sir Belzifer Denfer
Killashandra Liu Ling
John Johnny Smithers
Francisco Lerys Freire
Juha jussi Hurja
Richard Templar Knight
Ark Cybe Nor
krakov krak nopo
anton antondaslayer jonsson
PostHistory PostHistory Hax
Venera Venera Marss
Michael Mike Duval
Victor Brick Vonn
frolic fric dogfood
Daniel Legalizeherb Hendel
Isaac Jacob Thorne
Per Corso Svendsen
bowdownagain oneTRUEking beforehim
James Jambon Zidane
Mark Ironbars Wilcot
Julius Liboreation Pride
pavel rozikp rozenbaum
Vaya Peaso Loot
Harry Bond Hole
Gill Greed Gush
Little crumbs fumbles
Acea JoJo Spades
Raul Zorro Lopez
Igor Kromas Guk
Image ZZ Marshall
Frannek Frannouch shirius
Katrin Bunny Goldberg
Tina Abuyin Walther
Telemachus SokrateX Rhade
mimi mimi french
chris enzo enzo
Caleb cc Caven
Xengor Xeng Xe
Deus Skubahta Rui
Killahbee Killer Bee Killahbee
Reicha Nier Victor
Bill DayWalker Walker
Mr Mangoboy Boss
World Wide Gamer
Blaz Prosojnik Proso
Real Tonhl Hurremedis
Perry foShizzle Elroy
Lady Kamioni Verdant
Laurens Laurens van den Bercen
Clear Midnight Sky
Slay Tin Slaytin
Jenka Maiden Deluxe
Greznik Grez Bobolik
Daniel Ninja Kevlie
Resnis Resnis Tusnis
Dakota Silviu Tanuk
Tony Urza VonCult
ozan Rahmadi OR
Xanatos Xan Xerxes
Naming Policy Violation
Eldaii SilverWave Robonaught
Tomac Gunner Wayman
Linas LGer Ger
bujako xvirus bujako
Djinn Gunsel Le Clef
Nika Nikolina Belic
Assassin ENTROPIAN Macedonian
jade demoniac malkov
Belinda Linda Riberg
Bettie evilbettie evil
Jon Snow Lord
Zz image marshall
Muerte17 xRetroGamesx YouTube
Roman Shoo Shumberg
richard nero rahl
Johny KoBrA Fighter
timmy deathgiggles haha
Helen Quant Winterwolf
Ginsley Gins Toranov
Zomar CLORK Zezziz
Tybel Ty Marlson
Walen Wale Thor
Grale Gurra Pilsner
norua norua cain
balto est pret
Thaddeus Rusty Venture
dini mArdOff mini
Mike Robo Robotik
Saz Ozzonn Saz
Bernard Bernd Star
DanDare DanDare Centaurus
Sir Vaxsa Mir
Azra Azazel Astarte
Overcooked OC Panda
Bob C3rberu5 Smith
SpikE SpikE Odets
Onyar Loorden PSS
Set Setgato Castro
Losture LM Mindtoo
Uklesh Pluut Frozen
Kara RavenJade SummerWind
Pretto Loco Believingson
Devon Deeveon Knight
Wyndi Wyndi Chelien
Sozia BootyTrap Mira
Helen Winterwolf
Amos Antagonist Lee
Surijan Ixtos Amaurotis
Geir SirCuteNShy Halv
Ford Zippo LincolnMercury
Kenny Mifuewker Powers
James Mielu Blond
Dalibor Dado Nizic
cat motowoman99 jorgensen
Winnie110 Winnie marklar
Pablo ContainerConrad Francisco
Hadlen Immortal Deity
Sir Zeipii Kompiainen
Corey Sully Sullivan
Julio Te Funetes
Michael Kane Raven
Gonzokillar Sherlock Holmes
Selen Damoon Munchausen
Angel Shadow Heart
laina RedD mudai
Mr Faith Deal
south park mexican
This Pretty Foul
Jo Aloisius Smith
Arthur Arthur Aspback
tanel dirtyness liiv
Hippy Ricky Rickster
lukasz LUKGR luka
Mike Squeaks Arndt
Spin Rep Pitt
Boo Who You
Darth Revan Reborn
Victoria Danielle Murnikovas
Pratahn Undercover Dwarf
Vic Oskar Skaya
Maya CatPro Denso
robin darkrome vandeput
Dominar Printul XVI
Baxter Bugsy Ewing
Matthew Matt Graham
Atos Nine Antes
freak to Nay
leo deathception diaz
mara mara kyran
CrissCross BillyJesusWorth AppleSauce
R4 1M 31
luxurious sir kosseur de nosfertus
Noits Noits Bay
Augestine Francis Zacharia
Marcin Mart Spo
Postalus PROMINT Ion
Maximus Ferallempire Spartiatus
Adi Biliwen Wen
Dix Trencherman Handley
Vamp vampdavis Davis
dai tril0k shin
Shildas Shilda Shilds
Kiara Moon Kindred
emma jessy crow
WuFei WuFei Chang
Malachi Al Noenel
leene leene fr
youssef killerbees lefou
Rebecca Snow Taylor
Johny Razor Speedy
Tont tonttont tont
Ashby A-Dog Nova
Khaladhen Khal Kilcannon
Thererosol The Gimp Magina
Carmen XXX Electra
Mooney TheMoonman Malone
suzanne trifle gizmos
Im Hitman guys
Janko SuperKanjo vd Haak
Enpeba kike xp
Cyco Kick Maniac
Andrew agalvayne Galvayne
Haris DarkNaiad Kon
Delicious Ajvar Sauce
Anders LS Nilsson
Zorromous Astromega Magininty
Your NightMare ItsMe
Tormented Stoned Angel
Zero no Louise
John dude Doe
Alex Summertime Popov
Goddess Tiffany Aphrodite
Herre Herre Tribunal
Elf Elf Winters
Maxel FluffKnuckle Sharpy
Little black-kobalt Star
Katla Vulkana Vulkansdottir
French DocAlien Killer
darlas darlas dark stone
Dan TheManWithThePlan Kae
Noz Deadmanwalking Du please
Hellbound Happy Heathcliff
anthony pepe pepe
Axis Dragon Lionheart
Urnot in Danger
Noah WiFi Mayem
Nuno BlindSnake Moiteiro
vitor rotiv3tuga zezere
Activated Insanity Carbon
corwin the prince
Kiko Kiko Laimei
Xarleen Shoshii Beru
Rhagnar Rhag Thormilium
The Mean Machine
xXx MrUnderCover xXx
Sunrise Bridgitte Sedai
Peter Shogi1 Ci
Mr Odyseo Angel
Asmodai Xiau Turiacus
Paavo PP Pesusieni
Tomi jupiajo Digital
Ice Icecold Mendoza
Koh Maddog87 Col
Valter Clown Agostinho
Serena Sandy Mirelli
Boo Buddby Nothing
Skirmantas Pioter Danius
Manny Hogfather Calavera
Clock Work Orange
Sam Papa Winston
Helene Helena Fra
Helena Star Dark
cesar tzzar entro
Jim Jimbo Steinman
Freegon Grading Maloon
Sol Amen Ra
Dragoon Style Slayer
Night Toothless Fury
zero age bro
Nishi Azben Bayushi
Archibald Nutbar Lucruze
Ibu Bubu Abhi
chris enzo enzo
Fq Cloud Uto
Lady Mysteria Nevrqwit
AndrewIs YourDarkness Forever
Rakkety Tamn Tamn
Venus Ro Mi
Affe Aframo Mr Afroman
shaz batty ofnine
Cosmic Legacy Unknown
George DutchRider Baker
mg Joda VVV VVV
Chellinni Tr3i Fumuri
Eoden Asmodeus Rydar
Georgi Inqubus Sveshtarov
John SonicHero1 Wick
Natasja Nat Le Thon
laurent thefrenchman Noixdecoco
pinthas schmenke dorian
Aklia Twocookies Lia
Kirk Kinkie Hotwood
Shin Tha Nin
Ileana IleanaCosanzeana Cosanzeana
Mættèu Cirrus Mérovée
Agg Adelina Awe
Skai Blondie Boai
Aranthir Athal Lander
Qayyus Que Quinn
Keron Vokil Da
Chellinni Tr3i Fumuri
chaotic Iceman CL
Jok star de PE LeMagniFiK
Lamia Majora Pechunter
Just The Iceman JTI
Balam Balam TheKing
night nighthells hells
marc marcstef vanlint
Aadu dRifteR Asi
orik eragon knurla
Flynn Kybo Kybo
Andrew kroser Shambhu
Sebastian Azgal Stork
Tiberiuse Tiber Jerrelli
Cheradenine Kyuss Zekalwe
Mark Craftmeister Cheepos
Ayumi Fuyo Miiko
Chai Maichai Mai
Akash Akashaxi Xi
Alexander OhYeah Rashevskiy
Abraxas Morzax Pazap
Starwrathion Corestar Cor
Jhan Delarea Freitas
cd danger milligan
BackBone Angelina Praias
eddric massive slasher
Erik Rufus Jurgenson
Migozzi Migoz Chavez
hasan kuuhaku abdulhasib
Terra Zildana Europe
Maria Tsunade Magdalena
Soldier Tomashar TomiX
debud po3blck avizov
Nizan NizanAmar Amar
Lucky Almostme Luciano
Kingu KinguXnoX Kingu
Slim Slam Shazaam
Esko dcm jones
tomam tomam rockefeller
Mazais Turbo Skukjis
Simon Great Great
Sponzorusa Svaba Qrava
Jar Jasis Sismondi
Jackie Jammis Juniper
Cremilde Travolta Simplicio
Alex Guarana Kristoffersen
Mike KingMike007 Hussey
ASneaky Snake Man
Vlad Graf Tepesh
Princess Moose Elk
Gechka Gechka Gencinis
Cloudrider CR Stormbringer
senedlodor sveltwolf cragan
Magda Magda Skywalker
John William Slayer
alfen alfen 777
LuckyLuke22 LL LL
jacek baton kowalski
Darnoc Kablam Resarf
Suzionnne Suzionne SI
Utility Gamer Droped
Blaz Telboy Dezelak
Forbidden FUID UserID
Maarh Deadly Harcell
Timofej timofeJKE Triumfov
kondzio22 bonzol84 ken
Rhag Rhagnar Thormilium
Chris Babyface Gob
Tom Max Spiner
kenzo soporte00 uji
Orion Enigma Entropy
Uni chronos planar
PigBenis Pig hateraid
kir kirtak tak
Henrik Bengha Bengtsson
Amber Sweet Moody
Green toker 1987
Eyebroo Eyebroo Broken
Eric Beston Jonson
Sophia Angel Heart
Lord Alpen TheGreat
Joko Komodo Sukijo
chaotic Iceman
Karl Lex Revan
Krillz Krillzoo Kazoo
andreas bubba mayhem
Shaolin Amathera Nightwish
John Sawyer Sawyer
Ueidi Storm Souza
Mark ikaro Rothko
YewHock Salohcin Seah
Liga Gucis Berzina
Serenia Sin T'sar
Bafegox Assault Dragontear
Mietek Psikuta Paciaciak
Off Hojlund Trail
Niklas Negolas Hedlund
crush crushongyong overider
Crypto Electroneum Currency
Lester Les Story
Cereal Cerealkiller Killer
Chris Toph Clewell
Qayyus Que Quinn
Floyd Drool Velvet
Leo BlueMan Morosanu
Ford Atropos Focus
Leo Deathception Diaz
Etrama Ragde DiRaizel
Tanashi Razalas Elm
Panthra Horus Hamilton
Rabonzo The Earthling
Miriam Aspirina Sad
marko grimreaper tapio
Frida AND1 Fridis
900 forest900 forest
Rick Dee Dee
Martin Tuckiiee Brinkhoff
Imsin Sinstress Again
Queen Bee Killer Bee
Dace Infinity Ixius
Dr ing George
bambideath deathception durka
Julius Julej Dasher
Zaymin Kane Rautha
Celeborn Celeb Andros
Xx Purplebong xX
Vladislav XoTTa6bl4 Kulish
Don Crazyshadow Hunterz
Brad LittleBear Berk
Nicolas SquaLL LionHeart
Czylar Ynigma Ledroux
reginald regi237 penning
maria micaela nurkkala
Donnie shellum250 Shellum
Ruori GreatSin Kenshin
Chaz Doc Holliday
CEF Esseduss & Solcar
Sing Moonfish Sign
KrupT KrupT RaveR
Piki TheLast Leo
dima MbITAPb75 dima
Eke Limun Buraz
Kamil Craiv Craiv
jason copperbird lee
Ayukamisaru Ayusaru Kamisaru
Jade Kaliah Elite
jealia lovelace lee
Leroy Casper Hunter
Toni Billthebong Montana
Im Swordgod thelegend
coconut CokeLines Purple
Super Greenmonkey Man
Optimus Krayzer Prime
Askellard Aske Hallard
Baelrahyn Bael Riverwind
Penethol Junkman Bloodsteel
Khaleesi Dragonmother Unburnt
danis creader Gold
Dante Dante Dark
Solcar Pricey Lazroc
SGT Pishaw D'Tir
Karamel Au Chokola
Lokiare Lokiare DarkBeard
Ionel Darkstorm Tinjala
Andova Andie the Wise
Hank mchammer Hammer
Kintrala Kintra Skorpio
Frankie Franklon Meng
Michael23 JK Park
Lazer Lazz Nero
Julius Julej Dasher
amanda Alissanos robinson
rookie bluu 12
FrenchDede Killeuse GAF
xardenia xardenia bla
Lawrence entrozta Baptista
Ray RayRay Rodriguez
Lizzy Demon Storm
Ranyard Rany Ranyhyn
Elizabeth Artemis Black
Ionut mind12si Gheorghe
Tarr Tarr Maxus
Claudiu Klayus Maj
Amanda Mandy Swift
Serephim Sereph Malachi
xxx PurpleRain xxx
Chris Tasoner Labrie
M-J StaticR3AP3R D-B
I3 Brokenmachine IVI
Kirk DOS Lionhart
Robert Keish Gaylord
Biggerthanmost Esseduss Blackburn
josef OHYZD pepanec
Giuseppe Pino Ministeri
Elendilas the Miner
Alexander David Blood
Ieuru Cervus Uramos
Leena Lynx McFerlon
Ivan SaintP Bespredeloff
josef OHYZD pepanec
Crypto Razvan bRO
Ash Ashiya Northener
John chaoz Anderson
Viktor CCCPRUSSIAN Suschinskij
Link Link propthet
Soc noremorse
RSG Founder Owner
Phoenix Eternity Starfire
Sir Darkpepe Pepe
Gabriel Zeus Nostradamus
Book Dad LBB
Empress Em Sword
Advait Goku Thavare
Kevin Kev Escobar
jurgen zamiria renier
amale SuomiPoika isildur
Black Caesar Hyperion
Durhem Vampiress Red
Bobby StarkyOne Sstarky
xiphius jaxxiechan chan
ash smasher phillips
T33 Riehls T33
Gambit GM Master
milan milhauz68 kovac
haCk mY sTyLe
Chris Dakota Dors
Malus Conty Brodus
III tribalwind III
Jessica Elitenerd Unknown
Kiriku Mercator Surgun
zero age bro
Emilia EAMPT Almaphto
Xavier Dethtrap Powers
qixer qixer qixer
jen jenm2011 mejia
Sour effin Diesel
dragon gdog rager
curry eggsbacon cheese
Kimmi Kimmi EFnet
Kimi VipEr Hime
Dougal Strae Laoch
Gun KimBoom Kim
Vladimir Wolsken Baumer
Dougal Strae Laoch
Stelios AKALYPTOS ntelinatsos
Meya Mya Fernz
Pawel Gibky Gibalsky
Varian Gabriel Wrynn
d4v1d41 Untrainstint41 s41
Konstantin Avalonis Spiridonov
Kevin kevinmc Mclennon
Brute Sledge Hammer
Entropian Empire
Kevin kevinMc Mclennon
jordan greenchzyx green
Alavante Kulok Nicolaus
Majkel Majkel Green
Linas Lingarr Garunkstis
Aranthir Athal Lander
PedLess Freelancer Bumm
Tonci Cena Vukasovic
Eric Ghost Green
Medb Lefty Lucy
Bahb happy Silunt
Cheese Jay Smooth
Jonas Lovegun Johansson
Cindi Pog Aya
Skynet can't win
Luna L9L Leonhart
angie donna cole
Mike Peanut Stine
Tameron Cutter Othello
Mighty Luu Buu
Ayla Talendar Estrella
Cho Cho Wolf
Larsss Lar XXX
Raven Lunchbox Palehorse
nick timegazer messner
Nigel Deatz O'Guiness
Brynjar Deadeye Lothbrok
Karlos Gringo Gringos
Borken Iron Cannibal
Ich Pariah eben
Jimi Seitsmes Herb
Bill Kazzaro Kowaski
Tyyryk Twix Wyrmslayer
Blade of Slash
Balint Bleib Papp
Migariah MA Arcano
Brian Delerose Delerose
Tony urza VonCult
Cristian jadengxc Hernandez
Michal Michowski01 Martyn
Stephen Seb Pratt
Zitti Bonjack Kaspelsky
YunSeong Wolf Kim
[R]P1 - Vamps Campers
Horst Taldur Wittig
Ayrelia Relia Darkright
Kit Catulhu Kat
Henrik Retrorer Musashi
The Black Scorpion King
Budo Munchies Chophop
Aeldreda Neeyala Sparrow
smokey sam gibbo
Autou Ai Meng
sora106 bussha green
kirker kirkork pumpaper
Martin breckan pettersson
Andreea Bad Girl
Charlene Ghauri Softkey
Joshawa PureFlux Tate2
Mike Peanut Stine
herc R'tyche inablue
white psycho beast
Eon Neo Neon
stuart GAMBLE gamble
cookie CookieCrusher crusher
Annang aaw Widiantoro
Mathi Steppenwolf McFly
Velda Glamlys Shackfetter
Kim EvilGodYun Hajin
john lockside lock
franck sweetyxx MORE
bujako Xvirus bujako
={Entropia France}=
Oleg Oleg McMullery
Janice Bernehli Joppppline
CotS: We do it for the Cookies!!
Kingu KinguXnoX Kingu
Tiis Tsuro Uro
Dragon DJ Jones
Spartaner 397 Charlie
Aldreada Taida Red
Anora Tulip Cross
Da pwningnubsta Nub
Rush Queue Acunig
Mark Rufen Power
Marcus Macke Ekstrom
Caravan Dumitru Adrian
Anger Mortal Sin
Rick robotechmaster Hunter
Sven Melbus Christensen
Lisa Ly Ericson
Clareeence TheLarence Treeprotector.
Supreme Lord Lorenzo
Arwen Arwen Udomiel
Jim Mepparn Brownbean
Yoji Fransson Wittekind
marco ItIsCo Jansen
HellSpawn HellSpawn Satans
DK Killing dry Ambulimax
Monroe Zetec Mance
Nicci Kayly Starr
Sholle Von Cartiz
Kassandrea Kiryou Kell
Legendary MastaJ MastaJ
Harvey MangJuan Balais
Gente Madman Malparido
Jan van Darra
arttu arttu97 mehtonen
Din Dindom Dindazzle
Diaochan Diaochan Beauty
Demigod Gaming Aadek
Undead Mario Evilone
Maximilian Pain Wilhelm
Snazz SP Artwick
ilani The Rabbit
Crypo Brolin69 ManiacRO
Matt Spirax Smith
Cedrick Lem Wales
Matthew Matt Graham
Mal Malard Long
Savya Savya Sweetwater
Askellard Aske Hallard
Heidi Hatatfatcat Stassinopolis
Kbone Koyo Sim
Ra Lonebrothers La
Rhay Rhayven van Helsing
Janu Janu90 Suasnabar
Riley Shädouken Rocket
Noss Nossi MoriatiI
Cornelius Centurio Centurio
Garth Turelis Jansen
Kelsey KelseyHunts Minks
Jsmes Nijaashh Solano
Viera Hunt Squad
Myea Cuddles Lockheart
Physical Graff Graffiti
Giovani Bloodstalker Rodrigues
Aleksey PnwMaki Plukhov
Willard Phule Phule
-L- LastOne Lawliet
sao s3xy-katana saO
Kain Dee Nakamura
The DeathFire Man
wake danysis meup
Buckaroo Buck Banzai
amale SuomiPoika isildur
Biggus wookie Wookus
Rabonzo The Earthling
Justin Talon Hen
Garth Turlis Jansen
Warren Buffet OfEntropia
Dakanti Dazz Mann
Bboy teck yew
Theswagshowtv Swag swag
Leo Deceneu Lucas
Dom Dominator dufay
Mactruck Jmac Hunter
Ben Max Gamer
Flinter Raven Hex
Sahmael Sambo Starscream
Arrei ExtraRice Illescas
Gaberiel Gabby Nineteails
Salerine Sal Theres
Noa Noemia BlackWhite
Dravaeus Callous Xedious
Qatara Qatara Nurix
Christopher Saulomengrundy Kringle
Azoros Azo Frankenstein
Johan Mio Copper
Jane Adi Bantuiala
foudre Roswel nulpart
Ziminar Zim Darksoul
Dex Amino Trose
Leshrac Holynight Brevin
Alvils Alv555 Berzinskis
Bubba Slicker Crowley
filipe castanhas fernandes
Govinda Gopaala Krishna
Dean Draconicwizard Cain
stuart GAMBLE gamble
Lyrisiana Lyz Zianac
Christopher Meshfire Jones
Vex Solar Vortex
Jack Zacco Delany
sean rocket connors
Mr Super Muis
Luri UncleMo Nightshade
Erebereberto Ma Fe
Freddie Twilight Twilight
chaz astro amp
Chukano Wrench Crowbar
Hego Damask II
malick mac malstrom
Mark Distorter Boki
Jimbo Turkeys942 Baggins
Jerry TheMan Smith
Droideka Miyamoto Chan
Alexis seanjohn Racing
aNtuan GBK moRales
WellPLayed Cod4 WellPlayed
Bendorian Aedonisz Persgilyan
Joe Baron-Martin Martin
Agusia Misiackez Tulackez
Tyberious James Arthur
Grom Widowmaker Hellscream
Drake Slade Corbett
Ricardo Rick Sanchez
Anastasia Ana Vela
Billith Bugz Lee
Beavis uhh Butthead
Terry Taz Devil
Crow DaCrow Moi
Th3 Unique Nurse
Teli Goodrich Fresh
Richard RPM McKellev
Maple Maple Syrup
The Zanard Sand
Kaira Banshee Shadowsong
kkobilo kobilo kobilion
marvin hellzone45 blair
Dane Poptabs Shoemaker
Georgi Velizari Hristov
Miguel Migi Nykvist
cdrakken drakken dethstalker
Lochlan Mordoch Douglas
Madok Mad Weloi
Conquistador Conq45 45
Johannes J0Ml Micha
Dex Amino Trose
Tom Archy Bald
Star Keccak Dust
Alex AlphaWolf Sevilla
Juan ElderDragon Shadow
Vicky la Shoegaze
Zharlane Huntress Maun
El Diablo Pepito
the stupid one
Vicky la Shoegaze
Monkey Lou-Cifer Lou
lady-Vy lady-Vy lady-Vy
Aristotle Razzar Riley
Dragon DSR Sador
DT Proto Chaos101
Dilshad Dilshad Shaikh
Tanner Teckus Alfano
Mikael Mik Sevin
Ava QT314 Besos
Nickono QPower Kayunara
Anjali Sweetheart Sharma
Cortana Apathy IzSexy
erik erikthred desousa
Erik n friends
Mimosa-56 Tainer Breizhion
Tony T-Man Coop
Michael Number19 Scofield
Jack mansky Mansky
Sarah SarahWatson Watson
deo deo ingie
Larry DuneEmperor Dunlap
Gavin JAX Jackson
Pontus Ripcraze Virus
Rajecz Rajecz stealthy
Jeppe lillfya falk
ID ididthisforfun HQ
Don Loco Diablo
Crinson Crock Corleone
Paxson Northsea Koh
Zabadoodee Zab Xanthron
Ein Coilshot Syha
Justin MADSTORM Teespoon
kayla mystique sinclair
Matt MatKatt84 Katt
RA Rockmeister Meister
Kograth Kog Windstalker
Patrick Pennywise Mcshakerz
Justin MADSTORM Teespoon
Dylan DoubleDown Dash
Daniel dv vlad
pablo pablo jasdfdsa
iAmVast Vast Fam
Rocky Addz Harley
AzraeilAS Azraeil Ashai
Roberto Robi Mikilini
Wilburforce ColonelBuckshot Buckshot
Angel Shadow Heart
iAmVast Vast Fam
Lord Vondur Steinmeyer
Katerina Yngdrassil Ivanovna
Dan FuRiouSOne Williams
Alex DMC m1m
The Fat Batman
Ren ChildEmperor Jace
JP JP Carstensz
raindrop rain morning
Ein Coilshot Syha
Nib Down elite
seldom Seffo looser
Bojan Bojanmk Gjurovski
XI Yolaru IX
TimeLord TimeLord TimeLord
Miss Lucy Lou1
Pavol Svako Giertl
Abhiram Abhi Ramu
Rocky Addz Harley
Supermats Turritopsis nutricula
azri kecek afiq
Aphex Unexplained Dartellaar
taco lopick santano
Steveyneo Weltmeister Honsook
DannyGo Danny BadukWeiqi
Michi Yoshi Minori
Maxime Max Lemieux
Sandra Zassa West
Danny Dudelbug Lazer
Adam SiivuLasit Sauva
Gisela Stardust Dawes
Rikane & Greenwood
Titof Greenwood Aries
Tanria Vanish Caoryn
Blobby Blobbybobby Bobby
Maximus LordSnake89 Meridius
Daniel Predator Skelland
Lucky Great Eddy
Sabrina Zebrini Anirbas
Xavoov xa vo
Prototype Hunter Legendary
snake snakeb1 san
MiSsJewELLe sËxYtoYs LoLiTTa
Vincentino Vincent Galbarda
Elliot WoW-Jocke Nunstedt
Dianna -D- Elliott
Alisha "ACE" Elliott
Nomad Nomad Hellfire
The Hellfire Club
Stuart Jakal Setter
Rat Ratcity3 Sann
Decarab Ellipsis Abyss
mucea Scifi lolly
Celeste Angel FRS
Sulasca DefQuebec Haden
Mr Patience Extraordinaire
Scottyspain MrP Pain
Grimpen Grimp Ward
Star StarDrifter Drifter
the 9tailed fox
Chris Ferial Book
Brandon Bambii McCloud
im letgo back
Nuno pombinho Zezere
James Scally Debelle
The Doctor Who
Danny Scallawag Ericsson
Love Banjo Zar
EnTaro Adun Artanis
James Manalichi Irving
-Saphire of Dark-
Pate Twiffo Pallinaama
Dickie The Beast
EnTaro Adun Artanis
Mark KingBee Jansen
Vidmantas Vill Laukys
James Manalichi Irving
Silent Edge Sigaris
Register -Saphire of Dark-
Sneaky Jason Black
Timur Kork Altair
Chukano WrenchCrowbar Crowbar
Ar predus Ku
Sir Officer Doofy
Karol Kazi Ka
Ola Olka67616 Ola
Yoda Yoda Sukehiro
Karilian Kaz Karkazan
Robert Slim Peterson
Jahaan JB Ongakari
Mjaaah Lilleman Mjaaah
Din JohnDoe Sas
Frost Frost Ice
Icaris Trouble Nemasis
Crimson Eyeshark Tide
Marek ma111rek Sta
Morrath MD Dorbath
damien icewind claybourne
B0be Gronimo Binet
Daniel Leprechaun Cochran
Darwi Dar Odrade
shaman SYNshaman Lotus
Paladin Light Knight
Gelzina Gelzina Gelzina
Kyron Kyron Mister
Jojo Genlyk Jones
Stina TwoPoint Zero
twitch.tv/wrench_crowbar & Crew
Edgars Atarus Pa
Golgroth aukon Greymane
aukon tydog stormwalker
Lorraine Phrix Skywalker
teph rayneman rayne
Corrado backpain Junior
Pamela MC-Brotaufstrich Brantsch
Mannie Manthestars Bigone
Hunter Sofo Miner
Time with Soze and the Devil
Master Duncan Paradox
FlipFlap La Girafe
Luri UncleMo Nightshade
Micheva Rhizosis Sacramento
Classified Degenerates
Loretta Lola Vein
Drago PL Green Drago PL Red Drago PL
Mitchel LuckyProd Mc
Nero Hardcore Questin
Mark The JOKER Piripower
twitch.tv/wrench_crowbar 2
twitch.tv/wrench_crowbar 3
Willywant Throatswab Ortelling
Philippus SoberPhil Maximus
Sunrise Bridgitte Sedai
The Goddess Artemis
Nuno Rainha Ribeiro
ricardo tidus hortas
Griffindor Shadow Oldlander
cambuurfrans cambuurrinse cambuurpeter
Alxandra Schnitzel Hesse
Haris DarkNaiad Kon
Angela Draniie Cloud
Michael Obey Jordan
David Guisto Olivier
Rosie la Sage
Iron Deuce Storm
The Doctor & Mymlan
Sw4g MaSt3r Moshi
Baby CherryHoney CherryHoney
Tomek Strix Strix
Noh Miasma Timing
Clara Clara Clara
Bradulescu SonicSeven Andrei
Fett Fett-Finnen Finnen
Hira Hivon Hiva
Mark Coldzik Fergusson
Mad Rusty Scythe
PL Macintosh Uber
PL Macintosh Uber
Amelia Peeki Lee
Ildiko LittleBerry Igloi
Bamboocha Bamb00cha BH
Ever SpeedTrap Rest
Philme Philme me me me
Nathaniel Dragon Mandella
Perfect Dmatrix Bimbo
Zz Frostcaller zZ
Thor Thor Mighty
Garfeld Grt225 Titanium
Kazu Kazumitsu Kazu
Danila Burenka Ta
Crille Jesus Anderzon
chubacabras rusty naked
Crille Jesus Anderzon
Himalaya Coffee Morning
Krystal Jan Oaki
?Nib dowN?
Leir'hy Leon Ension
Ichi xXGeCeXx Ma
Drendyl Panda Septor
Klodvig Klod Malkord
Bambideath deathception durka
Klodvig Klod Malkord
Mytale Mytale Snoodle
Windwalker Arkanos Lawbreaker
Jules Vladington Brookstream
Lin ZhiZun Ming
Mantus Crosskeeper Wolfenmond
Yvette La Stroumphette Stroumphette
clay loldes coll
Ganther MrDrPoop poopsalot
Tommy Chong Smokesalot
IFN Hunting Team
Jason JaXoN115 Bauer
Jason MrLee Chang
Samuel Fixit McCollin
The Unit
Nicholas Looser EnterGate
Gregorie Grengoshi trester
Chairman whatwouldjesusdo Edgewise
III tribalwind III
Ellesinare Eagleeyes VanManchenburg
Mandu Mojo Marconi
Nanashana Nana Itsanai
Gunnm Dampsomfan Tolv
Darth Suicidal Yoedah
Jack RedRain Jonas
mom sadcat Hill
amii sadcatz kat
F3Radical Joker Elite
Charles Chuk Entro
The Great ?Ð?????Ð? Adventurer
Wasr10 WasrOG ak
Silence IKill You
Sexy Yordle Korean
Scream screamer mudd
Jeffy kakan andreasson
MiSsJewELLe sËxYtoYs LoLiTTa
King of Bastos
Trical Triton eclipse
Frilas Frilas Gilneas
Androi DreaMCatcheR Nick
Painkiller Bounty Hunter
Esp AnCap O'Clockwork
Cromius Crommy Apocalypse
Enzo The Great
Pheobe DrPDQ Songsteel
WaR WaRNonN44 NonN
Mirina MShenri07 Shenri
Jin Stankov SpaceWalker
Princess Aurora Starzinger
Mos Craciun exista
Arthur The Hunter


LA 24 Hunting Squad ---------------------- Leader : Lia BhabyGurll Amores
Cool Fire & Friends HoF Ambu ------------ Leader : Harmless Cool Fire Handyman
LA 24 Mesa Verda Swunt Team ---------- Leader : Jessica Huge Starline
Canada Reppin!! --------------------------- Leader : Major Legggzzz Canuck
Freaki + Lizzy = HOF Time!! --------------Leader : FreakiBoy FreakiBoy Freakster
LA24 Swunt www.landarea.tk 0090 ------ Leader : Kovacs Lifter Zoltan
LA 24 Daily Swunt Team ------------------ Leader : Pristojna Jebacica Dama
LA 24 AmBones swunt ------------------- Leader : Bare Barebones Bones
LA24 Loot Masters ------------------------- Leader : Valdas MiskisM Wilde
LA 24 Red Devil's team ------------------ Leader : Red Komojin Devil
LA24 - Swunt Kings --------------------- Leader : Little Starchasing Moosy
LA24 swunters elite --------------------- Leader : jealia lovelace lee
Swunters of Los Angeles 24 -------------- Leader : dr. psych
The Unit -------------- Leader : Nicholas Looser EnterGate
Ambus Still Got Loot ---------------------- Leader : Zarg Yn Dregor
A team -------------------------------------- Leader : Untaxed UV Vehicle
Operation Penetration --------------------- Leader : Union Of Souls
Zurv & Oder --------------------------------- Leader : Velick Zurvick Freldin
Untaxed UV Vehicle ------------------------- Leader : Untaxed
Lucky & M8 ---------------------------------- Leader : Lucky Sky Vodka
Unluckers from Czech republic ------------- Leader: Hanz desperado7 Becker
we killed mr bean ---------------------------- Leader : Fama Sessan Fernz
<3 Hunters <3 ------------------------------- Leader : White Sparkey Lighting
Us -------------------------------------------- Leader : Darianna Daria Immish
Ambulimax Headhunters -------------------- Leader : Anthony Asura Voza
tt weapon amatuers ------------------------ Leader : Moore Brier
ToMegaTherion ------------------------------ Leader : Diabolito ?
LA24 escudo --------------------------------- Leader : Blades Bercebu escudo
Mor & Dor having fun ----------------------- Leader : Moraine Lynn Troskald
LA 24 viikate ------------------------------- Leader : marko grimreaper tapio
Amigos --------------------------------------- Leader : Estella Ella Laizen
ToMegaTherion ---------------------------- Leader : Diabolito Devil Lucifer
Long Distance ----------------------------- Leader : Igor Iggie Kukovok
LA 24 Ambuliswunt ------------------------- Leader : Lucho MUCHO Ireton
DFA on LA24 -------------------------------- Leader : Killarious K-Max Maximillion
Clan NEVERDIE Forever -------------------- Leader : Emil Carb Castr
LA24 Swunt of the Ambus ------------------ Leader: Truus Angelina Dushi
The Dark team ----------------------------- Leader : Ionel Darkstorm Timjala
** Call Us Meaby ** ----------------------- Leader : Pikku Hukka Nobo
The Liquor Snurfs --------------------------- Leader : Sinharu DB Grimlock
Wise Guys ------------------------------------ Leader : Will Newman Tisen
Mag LA 24 ------------------------------------ Leader: Marc Mangous Saade
Swuntvolution2015 -------------------------- Leader : HALO greatpeter Gypsy
Danger24 ------------------------------------ Leader : Rogue Danger Acopolis
LA24 Swunt-Zero ---------------------------- Leader : Lisa Zerocoil Lashes
Amused To Death -------------------------- Leader : Mista Jagwarr Flayer
la24 hunt ------------------------------------- Leader : Ulv Ulven En
Hell Hounds ----------------------------------- Leader :ItWillBe ASilent Spring
Ambuhead ------------------------------------ Leader: Oliver Twist Black
Sunting Ambus ------------------------------ Leader: iviel iviel i3rooks
LA24 Royal Ambu Swunt ------------------- Leader : Lord zbest ZBest
Chiee Rocks --------------------------------- Leader : Lokiare Lokiare Darkbeard
La24Ambulimaxswunt ---------------------- Leader : Jimmy Jimbobbityboo Bo-bobbity
LA24 AmbuSwunt 400 ---------------------- Leader : Constantine Spencer Parker
"Triggerhappy" ------------------------------ Leader : Jonas Jonny Shaiya
Ambu Swunters ----------------------------- Leader : iviel iviel i3rooks
Ambu Sweaters ----------------------------- Leader : iviel iviel i3rooks
Team of the Doomed ------------------------ Leader : Doom Loonie Lunatic
Great LA24 Swunt ------------------------- Leader : Zarah Kip Muddi
~ROYAL CLUB~ Swunt ------------------- Leader : Ima BadisX Bg
Dragoon Style Slayer + team ------------ Leader : Dragoon Style Slayer
"I am, Ambu?" ------------------------------- Leader : Cluck OwDamnit Norris
LA24 ambu mayhem ------------------------ Leader : Spermer Mac Farmer
Ambuback Ribs + Hof Sauce -------------- Leader : Camilla Cassandra Crimson
TKoE - Tesla & Shade ----------------------- Leader : Javen Wardenclyffe Tesla
Death Lords --------------------------------- Leader : Brok -En- Code
dilans swunt --------------------------------- Leader : Dilandango Dilan Atomist
Swunt Team Jane --------------------------- Leader : Jane Jettory Kent
Lets global ------------------------------------ Leader : Jane Jettory Kent
Hofi & Caillend @LA24 ---------------------- Leader : Alex Caillend Ceres
Kill em all ------------------------------------- Leader : Chris Kiffy Mcculloch
Fates Fortune ------------------------------ Leader : Tilaras the Fatemaker
MoROsenii ----------------------------------- Leader : Leo BlueMan Morosanu'
~Royal Club~ ------------------------------ Leader : Gloria GoNi Nicestyle
Lighthouse Rats --------------------------- Leader: Cunning Haruto Rat
Swunt Masters ----------------------------- Leader : Isaac Isaac DEOB
SKYCORP type /join #investment -------- Leader : Jenny Sky Fire
DMG INC --------------------------- ------- Leader : Pixy Anticontra Blue
Wiseman & Hegge -------------------------- Leader : Patrize Wiseman Wize
Chuck Norris does OLA#24 ---------------- Leader : Chuck Burnz Norris
Magnum Opus -------------------------------- Leader : Arangar Vagrant Melanwil
Bixwill & Vagrant ---------------------------- Leader : Arangar Vagrant Melanwil
CDG LA24 ---------------------------------- Leader : Daniel Torrad Gonzalez
Lucky Us LA24 --------------------------- Leader : Estella Ella Laizen
Team EHD ----------------------------------- Leader : Ábel s0me1 Énekes
up and down --------------------------------- Leader : crowreaper crowreaper crowreaper
RTr - BIG4440 ----------------------------- Leader : Skai Blondie Boa
RTr - BIG23290 --------------------------- Leader : Safe set er
Royal Fleet Society Hunt!! ------------- Leader : Balam Balam TheKing
Royal Club ---------------------------------- Leader : Shin Tha Nin
RC Ambu Swunt --------------------------- Leader: JanMichael Mikko04 Naraja
drp zone ------------------------------------ Leader : Andy Dr Cisco Robbinson
Fle & Amy ---------------------------------- Leader : Amidala Amy Vilado
Entropiafund --------------------------------- Leader: Toni Chiee Lahderinne
={Entropia France}= ---------------------- Leader : Dante Ezekiel Primera
Los que te Fua! ---------------------------- Leader : Francisco Lerys Freire
Omerta Society Kicks A$$ ----------------- Leader : Daimler CrazyWolf
BIG593 -------------------------------------- Leader : Victor Brick Vonn
Ambu Swunters ---------------------------- Leader: Swampy
Royal Club Ambu Swunters --------------- Leader: Swampy
Clow Bros ----------------------------------- Leader : Semti
Les cheveux dansants -------------------- Leader : benji benji le fort
Survival Program ----------------------- Leader : Damian Depredador III
Hunting Utopia --------------------------- Leader : Deus Skubahta Rui
Silly Underground Family --------------- Leader : Killahbee Killer Bee Killahbee
Random ---------------------------------- Leader : Triska23
Royal Swunters -------------------------- Leader : Gloria Goni Nicestyle
Hunt to Sell ------------------------ Leader : Gloria Goni Nicestyle
Iala ma ------------------------------------- Leader : Dakota Silviu Tanuk
CRT demolition ----------------------------- Leader : Lucky Almostme
Big Fund ------------------------------------ Leader : Xvirus bujakov
cant stop wont stop ---------------------- LEader : richard nero rahl
sbd ------------------------------------------ Leader : Roman Shoo Shumberg
KoBrA and Baltra on the run! ------------- Leader : Johny KoBrA Fighter
ROUA Cadets Eco Hunt! ----------------- Leader - Johny KoBrA Fighter
Q&A ----------------------------------------- Leader : Helen Quant Winterwolf
Ambu swunters united! ------------------- Leader : Mark Distorter Boki
Cuda's Royals ----------------------------- Leader : Cudic CudachiNi Cudic
next one will HOF ----------------------- Leader : Azra Azazel Astarte
Raven and Spike -------------------------- Leader : Kara RavenJade SummerWind
Wyndi Wyndi Chelien -------------------- Leader : Vikings Kill team
Masterminds swhunt glob x -------------- Leader : Celeborn Celeb Andros
Sarven & Bulka ----------------------- Leader: Bulka Bula Peekay
Gun Fever Hunt, by >> gillg.com << ---- Leader : Gill Greed Gush
Heal me up, Scotty! by >> gillg.com << ---- Leader : Gill Greed Gush
Elenas Fap Service ---------------------------- Leader : Elena Elena GAC
Boo & Spud -------------------------- Leader : Boo Who You
TIME TO HOF!!! ----------------------------- Leader: robin darkrome vandeput
My Hamster Ate My Socks ----------------- Leader: Vic Oskar Skaya
CCCPPP ----------------------------------- Leader : Vlad Graf Tepesh
DFA on Chiee LAs --------------------------- Leader : K-max
Ultimate Frozen Flame BIG30074 -------- Leader : Xanato Xan Kaso
DMG Inc. --------------------------------- Leader : PR OXY ME
Danger Noobs With Guns ------- Leader: Boo Who You
Ultimate Goki Minefield OLA 14 --------- leader : ze-jo
Fluffy Army ----------------------------- Leader : Maxel FluffKnuckle Sharpy
Ooops they dont ---------------------------- Leader : Xarleen Shoshii Beru
SwuntTeam ------------------------------- Leader : zero age bro
"La Pandillita S.A. ----------------------- leader: Nishi Azben Bayushi
Ambu Swunt ---------------------------- Leader: Fq Cloud Uto
Team Royal Rumble ---------------------- Leader: Ibu Bubu Abhi
RTr even more so! Bimmel-Zauber ------ Leader: Ruori GreatSin Kenshin
RYAN SONIC Rtr HOF PFANNE ------------- Leader: John SonicHero1 Wick
Henry's ATH Team ------------------------- leader: Henry BabyOxide Ha
Ultimate Henry ATH Team BIG18738 ------ leader: Henry BabyOxide Ha
FrenchDede & Dohkolibra ----------------- Leader : FrenchDede Killeuse GAF
A-Team ---------------------------------- Leader : Serephim Sereph Malachi
CEF Esseduss & Solcar ------------------- Leader : Biggerthanmost Esseduss Blackburn
CCCP, ---------------------------------------- leader : Leena Lynx McFerlon
Soc noremorse ----------------------------- Leader : Link Link propthet
[READY] PLAYER ONE --------------------- Leader : Kimi VipEr Hime
Entropian Empire ------------------------- Leader : Brute Sledge Hammer
Skynet can't win -------------------------- Leader : Jonas Lovegun Johansson
[R]P1 - Vamps Campers ------------------ Leader : Durhem Vampiress Red
Bois ---------------------------------- Leader : Mike Peanut Stine
CotS: We do it for the Cookies!! --------- Team leader : Kingu KinguXnoX Kingu
-=RoR=- SWUNT --------------------------- Leader : Solcar
DK Killing dry Ambulimax ------------------ Leader: marco ItIsCo Jansen
Viera Hunt Squad ----------------------- Leader : bujako Xvirus
Prots ---------------------------------- Leader : Stuart Gamble
Erik n friends ---------------------------- Leader : erik erikthred desousa
AF-RFC ------------------------------- Leader : Sven Melbus
8675309z --------------------------- Leader : pablo pablo jasdfdsa
n00bs-on-tour ------------------------ Leader : Anjali Sweetheart Sharma
Nib Down elite -------------------------- Leader : Yoji Fransson Wittekind
Twitch.tv/KingAddz ------------------- leader - Rocky Addz Harley
Rikane & Greenwood ---------------------- Leader: Titof Greenwood Aries
PoorFcksHunting --------------------------- leader: EnTaro Adun Artanis
LoC ------------------------------------ Leader : Kenzo Uji
Time with Soze and the Devil -------- Leader : Monkey Lou-Cifer
Classified Degenerates ----------- Leader : Monkey Lou
The Doctor & Mymlan ------------ Leader : The Doctor
⟱Nib down⟱ ----------------------- Leader : Leir'hy Leon Ension
IFN Hunting Team ------------------ Leader : Samuel Fixit McCollin
sadcats ------------------------------- Leader : amii sadcatz kat
Expedition Ultima ------------------Leader: Enzo The Great
Skilling Is Beautiful ------------------------ Leader : Alexander David Blood
Ramey ------------------ Leader: K-Town
Royal Club Hof ----------------------- Leader: Heceleon
Last edited:
Rules update 1.9.2020
After much discussion, we have decided to make a small change to interest earnings on points from hunting on EntropiaFund Land Area’s. If no points are earned from an avatar for 3 consecutive months, their name will be moved to an “Inactive” tab on the points page and they will no longer receive interest from their points. Any points earned will be retained. Once that avatar earns any points, they will be moved back to the active list and the 3-month period will start over. If your name is not colored, then you have earned points in the current month. If your name is in yellow, you did not earn any points in the previous month. If your name is in red, then you have not earned any points in the previous 2 months. If after your name is in red, you do not earn any points in the current month, your avatar will be moved to the “Inactive” tab. Any points will be retained, you will just no longer earn interest on those points. If this concerns you, you are welcome to talk with Chiee about transferring your point value (1 point = 1 ped) over to the EntropiaFund where interest will continue to be earned. Please let either Chiee or Salerine know if you have any questions about the changes to the interest earned on EntropiaFund Points. As always, happy hunting.
Last edited:
This is new event thread for replacing old one.

Solcar Pricey Lazroc found a deposit (Growth Molecules ) with
a value of 56 PED at Winter Park! Wed, 07 Aug 2019 09:32:15

Solcar's 56 PED global match 7th day lottery number which was 0 5 6
This means Solcar wins 10% of jackpot 2362 EF Points!!


EF points scores updated in the sheet updated!
Let me know if im missing you from list or if you notice there is misscalculations!

Good luck everyone!
Last edited:
Solcar Pricey Lazroc found a deposit (Growth Molecules ) with
a value of 56 PED at Winter Park! Wed, 07 Aug 2019 09:32:15

Solcar's 56 PED global match 7th day lottery number which was 0 5 6
This means Solcar wins 10% of jackpot 2362 EF Points!!


EF points scores updated in the sheet updated!
Let me know if im missing you from list or if you notice there is misscalculations!

Good luck everyone!
WE have changed LA54 spawning PROTERON STALKERS atleast for few months now. Go see if you can handle them ;)

LA #54 - Atami's Proteron Paradise (21400, 45700)
Mob: Proteron Stalkers (until we decide to drop maturity) & Chomper young to stalker
Blausarium, Frigulite, Adomasite, Belkar , Lanorium, Dianum, Valurite, Zanderium
Force Nexus, Angelic, Devil's Tail, Growth Moles, Acid Root, Henrem Stems,
Very nice hits recently in Bakunawa island with markup!

Nishi Azben Bayushi Solis Beans 77 PED Fri, 23 Aug 2019 22:07:31
Nishi Azben Bayushi Gold Stone 160 PED Fri, 23 Aug 2019 19:23:45
Dragon DJ Jones Ignisium Stone 51 PED Fri, 23 Aug 2019 12:12:12
laina RedD mudai Cave Sap 75 PED Wed, 21 Aug 2019 15:04:30

People also seems to like our Proteron Stalkers ;)

Hank mchammer Hammer D-A-CH-S Proteron Stalker 62 PED Sat, 24 Aug 2019 07:19:45
Hank mchammer Hammer D-A-CH-S Proteron Stalker 63 PED Sat, 24 Aug 2019 06:59:35
Hank mchammer Hammer D-A-CH-S Proteron Stalker 86 PED Sat, 24 Aug 2019 06:50:22
Hank mchammer Hammer D-A-CH-S Proteron Stalker 68 PED Sat, 24 Aug 2019 06:46:58
Hank mchammer Hammer D-A-CH-S Proteron Stalker 135 PED Sat, 24 Aug 2019 06:40:34
Hank mchammer Hammer D-A-CH-S Proteron Stalker 134 PED Sat, 24 Aug 2019 06:38:57
Hank mchammer Hammer D-A-CH-S Proteron Stalker 138 PED Sat, 24 Aug 2019 06:36:52
Hank mchammer Hammer D-A-CH-S Proteron Prowler 59 PED Sat, 24 Aug 2019 06:24:15
Hank mchammer Hammer D-A-CH-S Proteron Prowler 50 PED Sat, 24 Aug 2019 06:22:46
Hank mchammer Hammer D-A-CH-S Proteron Prowler 102 PED Sat, 24 Aug 2019 06:19:37
Hank mchammer Hammer D-A-CH-S Proteron Stalker 228 PED Sat, 24 Aug 2019 06:18:17
Hank mchammer Hammer D-A-CH-S Proteron Stalker 71 PED Sat, 24 Aug 2019 06:16:38
Hank mchammer Hammer D-A-CH-S Proteron Stalker 67 PED Sat, 24 Aug 2019 06:15:03
Hank mchammer Hammer D-A-CH-S Proteron Prowler 114 PED Sat, 24 Aug 2019 06:13:23
Hank mchammer Hammer D-A-CH-S Proteron Prowler 69 PED Sat, 24 Aug 2019 06:10:32
Hank mchammer Hammer D-A-CH-S Proteron Stalker 89 PED Sat, 24 Aug 2019 05:55:16
Hank mchammer Hammer D-A-CH-S Proteron Stalker 75 PED Sat, 24 Aug 2019 05:53:05
Hank mchammer Hammer D-A-CH-S Proteron Prowler 78 PED Sat, 24 Aug 2019 05:51:07
Hank mchammer Hammer D-A-CH-S Proteron Prowler 138 PED Sat, 24 Aug 2019 05:42:43
Hank mchammer Hammer D-A-CH-S Proteron Stalker 64 PED Sat, 24 Aug 2019 05:40:57

Good luck everyone!


EF points scores updated in the sheet updated!
Let me know if im missing you from list or if you notice there is misscalculations!

Good luck everyone!

WE have changed LA54 spawning PROTERON STALKERS atleast for few months now. Go see if you can handle them ;)

LA #54 - Atami's Proteron Paradise (21400, 45700)
Mob: Proteron Stalkers (until we decide to drop maturity) & Chomper young to stalker
Blausarium, Frigulite, Adomasite, Belkar , Lanorium, Dianum, Valurite, Zanderium
Force Nexus, Angelic, Devil's Tail, Growth Moles, Acid Root, Henrem Stems,
Last edited:


EF points scores updated in the sheet updated!
Let me know if im missing you from list or if you notice there is misscalculations!

Good luck everyone!

WE have changed LA54 spawning PROTERON STALKERS atleast for few months now. Go see if you can handle them ;)

LA #54 - Atami's Proteron Paradise (21400, 45700)
Mob: Proteron Stalkers (until we decide to drop maturity) & Chomper young to stalker
Blausarium, Frigulite, Adomasite, Belkar , Lanorium, Dianum, Valurite, Zanderium
Force Nexus, Angelic, Devil's Tail, Growth Moles, Acid Root, Henrem Stems,
SUPER GZ FOR KENZO!!! AWESOME SCORE with multipliers!!!
3049,60 EF POINTS EARNED during august which is 17,53 Points per global!
GZ for nice returns


EF points sheet is updated!
Let me know if im missing you from list or if you notice there is misscalculations!

Good luck everyone!

Atamis paradise proterons maturity is going back to mid level size. Locks didnt hold
SUPER GZ FOR KENZO!!! AWESOME SCORE with multipliers!!!
3049,60 EF POINTS EARNED during august which is 17,53 Points per global!
GZ for nice returns


EF points sheet is updated!
Let me know if im missing you from list or if you notice there is misscalculations!

Good luck everyone!

Atamis paradise proterons maturity is going back to mid level size. Locks didnt hold
Last edited:


EF points sheet is updated!
Let me know if im missing you from list or if you notice there is misscalculations!

Good luck everyone!

Atamis paradise proterons maturity is going back to mid level size. Locks didnt hold
I have added new bonus points in table.

Any proteron Global gives you 1 point more always. So now any global gives you atleast 1 point and if its proteron you get another point!

Good luck all!
I have added new bonus points in table.

Any proteron Global gives you 1 point more always. So now any global gives you atleast 1 point and if its proteron you get another point!

Good luck all!

Amanda Mandy Swift
Last edited:


EF points sheet is updated!
Let me know if im missing you from list or if you notice there is misscalculations!

Good luck everyone!

Atamis paradise proterons maturity is going back to mid level size. Locks didnt hold

each proteron global pays now 1 extra EF point aswell :yay:
Last edited:

M-J StaticR3AP3R D-B
Last edited:


EF points sheet is updated!
Let me know if im missing you from list or if you notice there is misscalculations!

Good luck everyone!

Atamis paradise proterons maturity is going back to mid level size. Locks didnt hold

each proteron global pays now 1 extra EF point aswell :yay: