Eomon Pheromone Levels Rising!

Bertha Bot

Entropia News Fetcher
Jul 26, 2006
Eomon Migration is now only a couple of weeks away according to forecasts from the Colonial Xenobiological Institute following a recent surge of atmospheric Eomon pheromone.

The Institute networked an Eomon Pheromone Tracker to show red-level warnings when Eomon Migration is imminent!

The annual Eomon Migration spans the entire summer, offering a rare opportunity to hunt prized herds of Longtooth and Eomon creatures.

Originally Posted Here
Book me while you can ;-)
Current level 35 Pheq.

Well, pheq the eomons.
As long they are choclat cookies ;)

Just pm me ingame with dates and times

From start til end, 24/7! =)
PS: I make the best brownies you've ever tasted (brownies with ganache on top of them!)
cool story.....meanwhile mayhem is still going 6 hours past deadline and points are still being collected.

I guess some people get to take their time finishing up.
Just wondering Messi...
Does trifle have to heal you, or should she heal the mobs instead? :p
Sounds fairer to me!

what healing?what mobs?
I don't bring cookies for healing.
cool story.....meanwhile mayhem is still going 6 hours past deadline and points are still being collected.

I guess some people get to take their time finishing up.

It's not going past its deadline, it is going exactly as long as it's supposed to based on the extended end time they gave us a week ago or so:

Event End - Friday, June 22, 2018, 14:00 UTC

Which means it's ending in about 16 hours and 45 minutes :)
aha thanks, so many threads on it and so many diff times missed that one :)

Disciple was all like " I took of work for what?" :)
Yeah, the wrong end time is displayed on the client launcher. Thus the continued confusion.
Book me while you can ;-)


:D :D :D :D
Yikes, I think you need to check your gear... :eyecrazy:

Was a bit hyperbolic although returns are pre-migration terrible as every year.
I’m guessing we start tomorrow.

100% levels on tracker.

No, they'll set it going just before leaving the office so that any screw ups won't be dealt with for another 12 hours.
Hey MA.
Start earning $$$, release eomons today!!