Well now ... I kinda fell short on bumping this up for this last Flashback Oldies show on Sunday the 27th, but hey ... we had a pretty big crowd anyway, and we ended up continuing with the TP runs that Twitchie started during his show. The plan is always to meet at Corinth Beach, but we're pretty flexible and quite spontaneous ... we like to keep people active and moving.

Most recently ... we've been continuing with the TP runs that Twitchie starts during his shows. During his show this week, we went from Port Atlantis to Swamp Camp, to Billy's, to Camp Phoenix (I think ... lol ... still confused about that, it went so fast) to Orthos West Mound, and then on to Fort Fury before Twitchie turned the radio stream over to me for the Flashback Oldies show. Got a couple of screenies though along the way ...

Radar during Twitchie's TP run ...


Part of the group after we arrived at Billy's ... others were inside the service center, and we were waiting on a couple of other people to arrive ...

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Caught some of us going up a steep incline ... MA likes to put roads in weird places and make it a challenge, as well as an adventure :D ...

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Then ... when I took over the radio stream to do my Flashback Oldies show, we continued with the TP run and ran from Fort Fury to Zychion Citadel. Some had to leave us at Fort Fury because of the time, but we still had a good crew with us on the last couple legs of the TP run ...

Here's the group once we arrived at Zychion ...

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Our ultimate destination ... was the East Scylla Mountain TP so that the newbies with us would have that TP for our 5th Athena Spaceport TP Run next week Saturday. That's quite the run when they don't have other TP's, but it's a fun adventure ... especially when Softy decides to invite a group of Osseocollums to the run ... not a good idea with newbies, nor those of us who had the wrong armor on. A couple of them smacked me around big time through 4 parts Rutuba and 3 parts Jaguar. :eek: We all ended up at an outpost South of us, which actually advanced us further on our path, so we gained instead of lost this time. It's always an adventure with us. :D Here are a couple more pics I captured during the trip ...

Love water reflections ...

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Once we reached East Scylla, I took this photo ... CyberTrash on the left, and Adam Heineken on the right ... there's something just not right with this picture :eek: ...

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It was another great day ... and we gave out goodies to the newbies as well. The MSR philosophy and mission is to "community build" and to "pay it forward" when we can, and what we are finding, is that many of our MSR supporters are paying it forward. They are approaching us quite frequently now and donating newbie items like armor, weapons (whether crafted or looted), glow sticks (TT swords) for our parties and activities during the night cycle, and all unsolicited.

Thing is ... that's what makes it incredibly special, and they say it's because they believe in what we're doing toward community building and getting everyone more interactive. We do like to keep people moving, so anything is possible during our DJ shows (or any other time for that matter), as most of you have already experienced. :laugh:

Let me just put it out there ... we are deeply grateful for those who consistently support our efforts, but please know that it is not an expectation that you donate. If you have the means to pay it forward then we often ask you to pass the items or ped on directly to those in need of them, such as what happened with Adam Heineken during the most recent MidNite Moods show. He gave up his 50 ped winnings for one of the swim contests that I held, and said ... get more glow sticks for the Athena TP run on Saturday for the newbies who don't have them ... I said ... why don't you get them and hand them out yourself as an MSR Ambassador ... and he did ... thank you Adam.

Also ... at the same MidNite Moods show on the MSR party island, Dirk Rand (DR) also gave up his 100 ped winnings for coming in first place and said to use it for futures contests. Well ... I did just that ... I had another swim contest with a 50 ped prize for the first male and first female back to shore from the other island where Moonie was the turnaround point. Do we not have fun or what. :yay:

Then ... we have people like Aegyan See who had the hardest time getting me to trade him because I was so busy multi-tasking :silly2: ... but eventually donated 3 Opalos to give out to the newbies on our runs. Well Ageyan ... I gave them to Twitchie during his show, and he ended up giving those out, as well as the 2 CB5's I and someone else looted during the run. There were more glow sticks given out as well at Fort Fury for the continued run during my Flashback Oldies show, because we went into a night cycle, but it was nearly day waiting on Cyber's ass to show up. :rolleyes: :laugh:

Oh, Oh, Oh ... and then there are people like TOAST from Chicago Hardcore Gamers who showed up at Corinth Beach out of nowhere just to donate a 105 ped mining amp for a future contest. I haven't used it yet, but know that it will be a prize in an event soon. :D We also have the deeper pocket donaters as I call them, who wish to remain anonymous ... for them I had to open the vault :laugh: ... I laugh, but I'm not kidding ... that's how incredibly generous they've been.

Bottom line ... it all goes out to the community during contests, events, or giveaways that we do throughout the week even when we're hanging around and see someone in need. For those of you who know me, then you know that I and my soc have been philanthropic within our community for over 4 years, and that philosophy and mission has carried over into MindStar Radio. It carries my name, as well as my goals for the community, and so far ... I feel very blessed that there are so many who support the genuineness of the efforts.

Ok, sorry ... I went off on a tangent into left field there, but there are times that I just feel so overwhelmed I have to explode, but on the other hand ... it continues to confirm just how awesome this community is ... and why it deserves the attention it gets from my purple ass :laugh: ... along with the MSR Honor Guard and MSR Ambassadors ... the lists will be published soon. I know everything is going to be soon :silly2: ... but I'm waiting for my partner to get through his specialized RL training so that he has more time to devote to our projects in development.

In the meantime ... thank you! :bowdown:

We are waiting for Cybers ass..

Still waiting..

MSR Honor Guard


Oh guess what :laugh: ... another week I forgot to bump the thread ... but hey, we still had an awesome turn-out for the Flashback Oldies Show - 100409 ... what a blast. The shows usually start out slow with people in attendance, but it sure does grow within the first hour, and continues to grow. I like to wait until we have a good crowd before I have the contests, so once we were many in number, it was non-stop.

One thing is for sure ... people love the PK fun in the rings, and after having the TT Fist Free-For-All Boxing Matches at the MidNite Moods show the last two weeks, I figured I would continue with the same contest theme, only twist it up a bit. I believe it was tamlin's idea to do it with TT pistols this time, so for the first several or so PK matches, the TT pistols were used, and the winners were ...

Kruts ... (Irken Invaders)

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Ulrike ... (Irken Invaders) ... won 2 of the TT pistol contests

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CyberTrash wasn't happy about it :laugh: ... not sure how this chain of events took place, but I ended up on the ring floor, and I think Cyber might have done the deed, along with taking out Ulrike, but then someone took Cyber out ... this looks rather painful :eek:

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Vatrogasac Mirko ... (Expeditors) ... won a TT pistol match

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Then ... I changed it up again and had a Glow Stick Match (TT swords) ... here is a pic of those who stuck around for this event (getting ready) ... many already had to go because it was getting late for them, but still a nice crowd.

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Ulrike ... (Irken Invaders)

Once again a winner, but this time ... donated the 50 peds back into the contest ped pool for a future contest ... thank you Ulrike ;)

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And thanks to Ulrike ... I turned right around and had one last contest that ended up being 2 parts. I think it might have been 3-J who came up with the new contest idea, which was for me to put my armor on, stand in the middle of the ring and have everyone with TT pistols circle the ring and shoot ... I was wearing 4 parts Rutuba and 3 parts Jaguar ... the person with the kill shot won the 50 peds ... and the winner was ...

Crunk Smash ... (Freelancer)

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After reviving ... I told everyone to keep at it, and the last person standing would win 50 peds ... the winner was ...

Cappy ... (Irken Invaders)

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Yet another crazy-ass MSR night ... it was unbelievable ... we had a lot of people there, which you will see in the videos once they hit the thread, and the activity just never stopped ... nor did the nutty chat banter. One of the things I like to do is keep the guests at my shows active, and we're always doing something. We usually start off with the music and dancing on the pier until the group swells, and then we get busy.

If it's not ... holding the Pier Diving Board Olympics, then we're off at the MSR Party Island having fun swim contests (we added a twist this last time), or ... we're at the ring at Corinth enjoying total chaos, but getting creative. And ... if we're not engaged in these events, then we're off on TP runs or doing crazy stuff out in the wild ... yes, it's crazy stuff ... can't help it when Cyber's in the mix. :eek:

We also had special guests ... Nadie (Menace to Society) stopped by to join us, and she captured footage of the ring activities, so I'm looking forward to seeing how that comes out. Her perspective was different than mine from where I was standing, so it'll be cool to see what she comes up with. :wtg: Then, out of the blue, she donated 200 ped toward our upcoming big newbie event that hasn't been announced yet, so thank you VERY much Ms Nadie, much appreciated, and the newbies will appreciate it too.

Thing is ... people have been coming out of the virtual woodwork donating either looted or crafted newbie armor and weapons, and my socmate Mac looted 6 Lesser TP Chips that he brought to full condition that he donated as well. With mindforce coming back this week, it will be a nice prize for a newbie. We're going to add the implants and implanters to the prize as well. Thank you all for your generosity ... the newbies are going to have a field day with this event and prizes.

Oh yes, back to other guests ... I was standing in the ring and had just taken out someone (I think), when I turned and saw this pretty good sized avatar standing there in full dress armor. Not sure what it was, or who he was because it was the night cycle and the moon just made parts of the armor shine. When I put my cursor over the avatar I said to myself ... I'm a frickin' goner! :duh: It was Magnus (Freelancer), lookin' all ... ok, I'm not going to say it, but know it's good. :silly2: I gave my pleasant greeting and asked if he was there to join Round #4 ... what was I supposed to say, eh? :eek: ... but he replied and said that he just stopped by to say hello and watch the event. Awww ... I gave a friendly bow, and then we both left the ring. :beerchug:
He was waiting for a client to get back with him to find out what he wanted him to hunt. :D

Then of course ... any PK party is usually kicked up a notch or two when the one and only Star (Menace to Society) shows up ... I saw him in the service center and said hello, and he said ... oh crap, now my cover's blown :laugh: ... but I like your cover Star, I said. ANYway ... Star came out to the ring to have a little fun with us, but not full on PK because of the events going on, but when he did get his shots in, they were timely, and just too funny ... oh geez ... perfect, I mean perfect. :hammer: He was there for a little while with us, but then said he was heading out to Dairy Queen, because he had been craving a Blizzard all day. That actually sounded really good, and I was tempted to go get one myself after we finished for the night, but it got to be too late. Thanks for dropping by Star. ;)

Ok, one last thing ... I think some people are going to want a rematch at the next MidNite Moods show since the Irken Invaders basically ran away with winning all the contests but 2 (I think). If I got any of the contest winners wrong, please let me know and I'll fix it. Anyway ... the Irken Invaders ruled during this Flashback Oldies show, so let's see who's going to step up and take them on next time. :yay:

*Maybe I should have soc matches, eh?* :D

I'll post the video when I have it finished.

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Nice dancing circle: :wtg:

Ouch.. :eek:

Purple .. :yup:


OMG Kruts :laugh: ... guess I got a little carried away with the PK energy flowin' around the place. :eek: Hey, I don't miss an opportunity if I think I can get away with it in the ring (or was that Adam Heineken this time). :D You look so ... well ... uhhh ... (fill in the blank). :silly2: Great pics ... and I look like I'm ready to punch out the lights of the scanner, but what's more disturbing is that you seem to approve. :laugh:

I love your photos ... you always add a special touch to them! :thumbup:
TT Pistols!

Fun times and I can't wait to see the TT pistol video(s)!

Excellent write-up MS9 and kruts' pix are always nice.

Woot for the Irken Invaders :laugh:

No comment here.. :woot:

Um, What the @$#* is Adam doing to Cyber?!? :eyecrazy:

What has been seen, can not be unseen

OMFG Mr Red Pants WTF you trying to do to me :eek::eek::eek:
Um, What the @$#* is Adam doing to Cyber?!? :eyecrazy:

What has been seen, can not be unseen

Once the bell is rung ... you can't unring it. :D

*It's a case of having to be there, and the MSR gatherings are ... well, ya gotta be there!* :laugh:

many thanks to http://mindstarradio.com/, ms9, and of course 711. Also to all those that help out in paying it forward. That was my favorite party yet and I think they will only get better. i shall let ya'll get bck to yer crazy banter and get on game finally. Rock on!


:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: ... 5-star laughing ... you guys are NUTbars ... but I love ya all. Don't know what MSR would be without ya! :grouphug:

Oh, and ... I'm working on the video from this recent gathering, and should have it up in a little while. :D I hope Nadie gets to do hers soon as well, because she had a different perspective than I did, and I'm interested in seeing how it turns out. :wtg:
Wow.. Looks like fun was had by all.:dance:

Ok Maybe Adam more than Cyber.:laugh: Yikes!:eek:

Good to see so many people enjoying the many crazy ass events.
You just never know what's next with MSR.
Star, Awsome commentary. What a show!:yay:
Total Octagon Chaos

I just HAD to do this ... I know I have other videos that I haven't finished yet, but this last Flashback Oldies show was just so out there that I had to get it done. I didn't record the Round #1 match because Nadie was filming as well, but I picked up the rest. However, I do name the winner of the first round

Also ... just wanted to mention that the music track I used is an incredible remake of a classical piece Pachelbels Canon in D Major, and was done 3 years ago by a then 15 year old guitarist named Matt Rach ... his version is actually the rearrangement of the great JerryC's Cannon Rock ... Matt's version is called ... The NEW Canon Rock ... and his guitar work is amazing. He sounds a lot like Joe Satriani and Steve Vai.

Enjoy! :yay:

Best watched at YouTube on big screen and in HQ!
(press HQ at bottom right here to watch in high quality too)

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lmao that was so much fun and looked great from the outside :laugh: :yay:

P.S Wardrobe change was compulsory :wtg:
That was really fun and thx to Ulrike for running out of ammo:yay::yay:

Great video and the music was fantastik!:wtg:

Go Irkens GO :woot::beerchug:
Nice video; I'm continually impressed with how much you manage to do MS9!

I'm also impressed that I made it to the final 3 in one of the rounds ;-)

Nice video; I'm continually impressed with how much you manage to do MS9!

I'm also impressed that I made it to the final 3 in one of the rounds ;-)


Thank you ... much appreciated ... and you did great ... there was a nice pile-up at the end there that made for some fun footage.

And yes ... I'm even amazed myself at times that I manage to fit in what I do, but I enjoy providing fun and entertainment for the community. I've been doing it well over 4 years now, and I'm not stopping anytime soon ... at least I don't think I am. There's always that inspired moment that causes us to think now and then. :D

That said ... I regret to inform everyone that I must cancel my Flashback Oldies show for this weekend. It's definitely a time-crunch situation, and I just don't have the hours to spare. I'm sure we'll be back in full swing next weekend (hopefully). We made a commitment to Oleg to provide live coverage of his boxing event matches, and that is taking priority. We're having fun with it, and we want to be there to support his immense efforts with this enormous undertaking.

Please pass the word on ... but I will also post a short note in the MSR Notes to the Community thread as well. My apologies for the short notice, but I absolutely need the time this week since I'm working on a Who's Who profile.

See you at the boxing matches! :boxer:

Just a heads up ... I'm going to put the Flashback Oldies show on hold until after the EU World Boxing Championships event has concluded at the end of the month, or whenever it will be, because I want to make sure that Oleg gets as much coverage as possible from MSR. Besides ... I'm having too much fun, and some of these matches are unbelievably exciting. :yay:

Also ... I'm even considering doing away with the Flashback Oldies show altogether, because ... for MSR, it's not all about the DJ shows, but rather a continuation of special events and activities for the community, as well as being available to cover live events hosted by other Entropians. The majority of our activity is on the weekend right now, which is fine, but we will be incorporating other events and activities during the week as well.

Thing is ... my MidNite Moods show on Friday nights draws a big crowd for crazy-ass fun, and I would rather put more energy and focus into that to up the game a bit more. And of course, we also want to do more for the newbies, so lots in development, and ... as soon as we add that special person to the MSR staff, the activities and events will start showing up.

Ok, all that to tell you ... that the Flashback Oldies show today is canceled, and put on hold for the rest of the month until I decide what I want to do with it. In the meantime, make sure you come out to enjoy the boxing matches in the Octagon Arena at Billy's ... check the schedule in the official event thread to see what's happening when. :D


I for one am saddened by this as it's the show my schedule allows me to go to.

I understand the reasons so oh-well...maybe my schedule will change....:rolleyes:

I for one am saddened by this as it's the show my schedule allows me to go to.

I understand the reasons so oh-well...maybe my schedule will change....:rolleyes:

Yeah me too mac . This show i stop everything to join most time. But oh Well .
Have a good time at the fight MS9 :).
:scratch2:what to do after the boxing? :tapfinger
:( no more sunday parties...

I guess I will just get with Della and :idea: :woot: :censored: :censored: :dance: :tux: :smirk: :inbed: :censored: :censored: :tongue2: :tongue4:

Well we all could still show up have a party still . Miss u guys alreay . hehe
Flashback Oldies is permanently canceled.