Question: Forum icons

Feb 18, 2010
Planet Calypso
Avatar Name
Audrey Cheery Cheerful
Now that I purchased some forum icons I suddenly care about them. ;) Is there a way to change how they are arranged? Is there a way to turn of certain icons or all of them? Thank you!

Unfortunately, the order of the icons is not able to be customised (unlike the modification that was used on older versions of the forum software, i.e. back on EntropiaForum).
Unfortunately, the order of the icons is not able to be customised (unlike the modification that was used on older versions of the forum software, i.e. back on EntropiaForum).

Thank you for the quick reply! :) Too bad I didn't know that the icons would be displayed in the reverse buying order. If icons could be sold again all that (order, which are shown and so on) could be customized.

Have a good one!