Gamer got killed by senile decay while waiting for taming! A matter of design ?

Maybe the next announcement of the announcement of a roadmap will mention the announcement of a to-do-list...

No, I dont want this thread to die with the words "ahhhh the design".

Hello ? Mr. Timkrans ? Marco ? Frank ? David ?

Lars? Hanne? Justin? Someone????
Maybe the next announcement of the announcement of a roadmap will mention the announcement of a to-do-list...

... with top priority on this to-do-list to create a wishlist of participants wishes at which the development team will have a look at somewhere in the near future. Support case closed, do you feel this answer to be satisfying... :scratch2:
I think 2010 PE is better than 2006 PE.

yes you right 2010 EU is better then 2006 PE
but both can only dream about beening PE 2004-2005

we can only hope roadmap for 2011 did contains
...all old features are expected to come back before end of year...
Damn, we had grumpy old men in 2009 already ? ;) And 2008 ? 2006 ? :O Yes we had =)

April 2005 it started, VU5.4. Back then I wasn't aware of the impact of that VU, but looking back at it, that's where it started. When MA fucked up many ways to auto-skill, and nerved both skillgain and specially attribute gain for the first time, bigtime.
Only to find out year after year that their nerves didn't hold back a hardcore part of their community to keep growing skills, getting way to much advantage over the newcomers and the casual players. So they introduced (L) :rocket: items in order to let people with a LvL 40 profession even have an advantage with a maxed (L) gun over people who had invested for years already to be a LvL 70 with an unmaxed (unL) gun.

That's the point where my grumpiness really started to grow. WTF did I spend all this time and money on only to see some "n00b" with (L) armor this and (L) gun that hit the big one that I still never managed to hit. WTF did I put in all this effort to gain all these skills in order to see most of them become pretty useless.

Don't you think they are pretty useless? I do:

VU5.4, all the way to (L) items and everything in between that MA did in order to try to balance their playerbase's experience made me to a grumpy man. Who, instead of being all positive about the game, ignoring bugs, old graphics and slow development (as I did from early 2003 till early 2007), became pretty negative and focussing on the stuff he doesn't like about the game (after I sold off most of my good gear and started playing less mid 2007).

End of todays rant, I don't have the force for it anymore. Like I said before, I promised myself to enjoy the game more.
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Kemp and OP pretty much said everything I have to say.. :)

yay @ getting rid of old playerbase, eh? :) that must be their roadmap for 2011
I haven't been playing very long comparatively, I came in post VU-10. And this is my take, as a fairly new player, on the current state of things.

1) The CE2 update isn't finished, I know from reading here and speaking with players who've been around much longer than I that many details are missing but I have hope that they will be returned in time. As one poster said this really does seem like an alpha stage for the post VU-10 entropia.

2) In the short time that I've been here (since April of this year) I have already seen many things promised and not delivered upon. Some say that taming, mentoring, beacons and the rest are less important than the content that has been released... Many of the new features are great but you're missing the point. MA stated that things would happen and even the order they would happen in. They have not followed through. Given the nature of the economy and the cost to play anymore ($1 per hour, lol, right) can you really say that you're happy having your money in the hands of a company that has shown it can't be trusted even in such trivial matters as sticking to their stated release plan for features?

3) There is little to no attention given to player feedback from MA. I've seen many good ideas and many times MA's deviation from their own promised plans pointed out in threads such as this one and rarely has any manner of productive response been given if they bother to respond at all. This poor customer service really has no excuse.

All in all I think EU has some great potential. I deposited at first but after quickly realizing the problems facing the game I stopped and I now wait to see what will happen before putting in more of my hard-earned money. I find the rapidly expanding universe to be quite alarming. IMO there were not enough people for Calypso / CND / CP as it was, and now we have Rocktropia, Next Island, and a further expanded Eudoria. Over half of Calypso sees rare use if any at all, LAs are more or less deserted on Amenthera save for a few of the more popular and yet they add more, spread the player population even thinner.

As it is I see these as problems and reasons not to deposit like I could. If I had been around for years, invested in skilling up to high levels, perhaps purchased a land area, I would be downright enraged at the current trend. I fear that eventually the player base will be spread so thin across so many continents / other planets that it will be near impossible to have any meaningful interaction in game. I'm reminded a bit of my try at playing second life. I'd heard it awas great fun, I logged in and there were so many different worlds to go to that I was overwhelmed but every one of them I tried was empty, I saw ONE other person in my 4 hours in that game, I've never gone back. I don't want to see that for Entropia =(

Sorry about the lengthy post, it wasn't intended. Just my 2 pecs as a recent addition to the Entropia Universe.

EDIT: One last thing... short, I promise!

Some have said that threads like these are just whining and that people should do something rather than complain. I have only one question in response to that. Where should people voice their concerns if not here on a forum dedicated to the game and frequented by representatives of the company that runs it?
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Have you read this Marco/Hanne/Jan? This could be a paying customer. He would have been a paying customer if you guys did a proper job. And I bet you for a LA that there are 10s of 1000s out there. Maybe something to talk a bit about during the New Years drink...
Maybe just pop the question why 95+% of all accounts created ever are abandonned. Or would that spoil the euforic mood about yet a new Virtual Real Estate sale filling MA/FPCs pockets?!
Only to find out year after year that their nerves didn't hold back a hardcore part of their community to keep growing skills, getting way to much advantage over the newcomers and the casual players. So they introduced (L) :rocket: items in order to let people with a LvL 40 profession even have an advantage with a maxed (L) gun over people who had invested for years already to be a LvL 70 with an unmaxed (unL) gun.

yes they did all for NOObs ... here you got SIB and (L) and have fun ...
for oldtimers ... here you got adjusted Noobs and uber regenerating Mobs
better not speak about new NOOB skill system
When it took ages to skill from 1999 rifle to 2000 rifle and you had to spend many time and peds to reach that goal...

Today the skill barrier is gone.

Just another example that made me feel uncomfortable in here.

But hey, I have 9 skill points in...uhm...I already forgot the name of that skill.

Back then I knew the map. I knew the points of interests. It was a good feeling. =)

"There is a new Calypso to explore" felt like a slap in my face. And wtf is actually there to explore ? Steep hills ? Empty towns ? Ah yea, CE2 is yet unfinished, right. I forgot. Well, thats how I actually feel. Im here to tell you how I (as a customer) feel about the game. The game that really did something to me regarding my online gaming experience.

It was called Project Entropia...
i can not agree more with you!
Buying McCormicks tears for TT.

Who is senile here? I dont get it Mc. The mightiest weapon ingame carries your name and since then a lot of things have happened. From day one since i play (i know you have been an old fart back then already) the whole world was dynamic and from what i know this is the only thing that didnt change since Novembre 2002. A new VU always was a new question and the player who answered it first for himself was the profiting player. Of course the questions always changed, the answers as well and the question was not put in a human language, but in a game-system code. The only way to read that "code" was playing, it still is, it hopefully always will be. Maybe its time for you to put down the camera for a while and get an actor again, because the more you whine and think that in former times everything was better, the more you will shift away from what EU is today. And i know you will regret that for sure, cause i feel that you still love the game or at least parts of it. I have to deal with many people who think like you do and i have to deal with many players who adapt and hit their biggies. I think the first mentioned behave like chessplayers in an unfortunate situation who regrets several moves he made on the board. I can assure you we all do wrong moves now and then, but in Entropia even the most unsatisfying situations can change with a new VU, a new setup, a new mob you hunt.

There is no skillbarrier gone they just shift some levels up and down or changes in their quality (read mobs items proffessions...), and right now its the newbies who have the toughest skill barrier to overbear. I know what i am talking of, i play daily, still raise my disciples, have my midlevel soc and front ModMercs on the battlefield. And nothing really changed, its still ups and downs. Nothing new on the west front...

I hope Gustav Gans doesnt get a party pooper ;) The game is far from empty and far from crashing, sometimes crashing at Twin, Port Atlanits or any other crowded spot makes me smile. You just have to find those spots and seriously thats not really hard these days.
Buying McCormicks tears for TT.
I hope Gustav Gans doesnt get a party pooper ;) The game is far from empty and far from crashing, sometimes crashing at Twin, Port Atlanits or any other crowded spot makes me smile. You just have to find those spots and seriously thats not really hard these days.

I'm sorry... but compared to other games I've played I don't consider 20 people hanging out at a TP shouting to buy / seel stuff to be crowded. And I've only see that at twin / PA (And neas, but I don't consider a bunch of people afk sweating ambus to count really...). What about all the other places in the world, all the TPs I've run to only to find no one or nothing there. Take Cape Corinth... it was kindof a pita run for me when I did it and what do I find when I get there? A bunch of nice looking booths and whatnot, all empty. You say there's plenty of people, I say there's too many un-used areas of the game already.

Again... this is just the opinion of a relative newcomer hoping for a bright EU future =)
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When it took ages to skill from 1999 rifle to 2000 rifle and you had to spend many time and peds to reach that goal...

Today the skill barrier is gone.

Just another example that made me feel uncomfortable in here.

But hey, I have 9 skill points in...uhm...I already forgot the name of that skill.

Back then I knew the map. I knew the points of interests. It was a good feeling. =)

"There is a new Calypso to explore" felt like a slap in my face. And wtf is actually there to explore ? Steep hills ? Empty towns ? Ah yea, CE2 is yet unfinished, right. I forgot. Well, thats how I actually feel. Im here to tell you how I (as a customer) feel about the game. The game that really did something to me regarding my online gaming experience.

It was called Project Entropia...

You really getting grumpier and grumpier :)
You dont wanna move on at all since 2004 ?? Just keep same skills and same map with nothing new being added cuz you
feel comfortable with no changes?
Im happy you dont design the games I play :tongue2:
...the more you whine and think that in former times everything was better, the more you will shift away from what EU is today. And i know you will regret that for sure, cause i feel that you still love the game or at least parts of it. I have to deal with many people who think like you do...

I dont shift away from todays Entropia. I just say that I feel that the love of detail is going to leave us.

You really getting grumpier and grumpier :)
You dont wanna move on at all since 2004 ?? Just keep same skills and same map with nothing new being added cuz you
feel comfortable with no changes?
Im happy you dont design the games I play :tongue2:

Nothing new ? The original art is gone, argonauts got designed in a hurry, strange 3d shuttles, tanks and jeep models entered the world of Entropia, changing the "look&feel" like never before. Empty map, dead towns or no towns at all around teleporters. It just doesnt feel right to me. And its not only us grumpy guys.

How poor was the "campaign" of adding real cars at Hadesheim ? Announcing real car manufacturers would join (was it Mitsubishi?) Entropia...of course it failed...and Hadesheim got its strange "look&feel" then.
It just didnt feel right again. That wasnt "project Entropia.

Again, thats only another example of dozens. Examples that you, strakkan, dont really took care of. It doesnt meant a lot you, but it meant a lot to me. (still means, thats why I am here) The original design. THE design. Project Entropia. It went a long road, it became cooler and cooler...and again, it doesnt feel right. Its all out of place.

I dont whine, I just try to show that the love of design is going to leave us.

Just because YOU like the way Entropia is going, doesnt mean I am wrong. You got your opinion I got mine.

If I would be fed up repeating this all over again and again and again ...I would have left long ago.

But Im here to spread the word. My feelings. Im not here to say "PE suxx". I have better things to do. Many people already understodd that.

Why do I still enjoy making videos ? Yea, there is still a charmy feeling about Entropia...its not (yet) gone.

But as Parlog says...

...i feel that you still love the game or at least parts of it. I have to deal with many people who think like you do...

We all just cant be the grumpy old guys sittign at the bar. We have more to say then "PE suxx".

You are happy that I do not design your game ? Maybe Im happy that you dont desing my game...but does that really matter ? Not to me. But for sure Id like to work out the old storyline again. Create a a new render movie with professional people. Put the love of detail back into our universe. But I cant...not yet... ;p

Have a nice day!
Love you McCormick :D
Love you McCormick :D

Couldn't have said it better!

Someone's got to be a voice for us people who recognize that the times are a' changin'.
+rep for Mc....

love your posts, it's like taken right out of my mind, rewritten in proper english and just ... stunning, amazing...

I miss PE as well, EU ruined it :D

as you said just above this post, it is not all lost, yet.... hoping for the best :)
Even in hunting you can see that we grow more and more to a monotome grind game.

You used to be able to use runners, run and jump hunt, tank, ....
Now the only way to hunt is tank. MA/FPC also gave most new mobs low dmg/high hp+regen so we can spend the absolute max amount peds/hour.

All the finesse seems to be going away. Offcourse if you like grinding, thats all you need. Who cares that there is no story, that there are no real cities. As long as you can skill up as fast and as efficient as possible, everything is ok.

But I'm sure there are many players that dislike grinding, that would prefer a more immersed experience.

Or maybe I'm wrong :)
Even in hunting you can see that we grow more and more to a monotome grind game.

You used to be able to use runners, run and jump hunt, tank, ....
Now the only way to hunt is tank. MA/FPC also gave most new mobs low dmg/high hp+regen so we can spend the absolute max amount peds/hour.

All the finesse seems to be going away. Offcourse if you like grinding, thats all you need. Who cares that there is no story, that there are no real cities. As long as you can skill up as fast and as efficient as possible, everything is ok.

But I'm sure there are many players that dislike grinding, that would prefer a more immersed experience.

Or maybe I'm wrong :)

You are not wrong as far as I'm concerned, and I think you pretty much summed it up. Fact is fact, and I would have to agree that it is not really immersive at all. You're also right about no real story, and no real cities ... they've all been ruined and not revived, other than Athena and PA, and I don't think Athena has an Auctioneer yet either.

Yup, finesse is fading, the low dmg/high hp +regen pretty much makes it a grinder game, and the event dynamics never really change either, other than the skin of the mobs. The theme always seems to be the same ... ban together, kill the mobs, protect the planet, maybe you'll get something good, rinse and repeat, end of event.

I'm still sittin' up at the bar with you guys ... I don't really play the game, but rather report on it. However, from time to time something will be discussed at the forum that may require some exploring to support content so I might find myself inside the universe investigating, but that's not that often. I'll pop in to connect with friends, but other than that, I'm really not inspired to play the game. I get my game on elsewhere and have a blast with my virtual family of almost 6 years. :silly2:
I'm still sittin' up at the bar with you guys ...

Nope you don't because we can't sit in bars anymore since the new engine arrived.
Thats something I really miss by the way :-(
Nope you don't because we can't sit in bars anymore since the new engine arrived.
Thats something I really miss by the way :-(

Oh MAN !!! :duh: Well, I guess that shows how much I've been playing since the new engine arrived, eh? :) I just go after key information and news to report to the community ... maybe I should make the bar stool thing key since it seems that more of us are bellying up to the bar, huh? It also seems that yet another aspect of our game play that we enjoyed has been taken away as well.

When I thought about Entropia Universe before (ok, PE and prior to VU10), I could envision vibrant cities, and societies calling many of those cities their home of operation. There were key locations around Calypso that generated activity, even at the old Hades. There were mysteries to solve, a semi-decent storyline that connected us with an evolving planet, but now ... cities have been destroyed and find themselves a mere shadow of what they used to be, not to mention having an appearance of being dark and dreary.

Atlas Haven used to be hoppin' 24 hrs a day, and it used to be a huge hub of activity. Minopolis was incredibly unique, as was Palms Corner with tremendous charm, but Palms Corner is totally gone, and I have no idea what Minopolis is supposed to be these days.

It just concerns me that major content is added and then removed (golf course) or reconstructed, or never even fully completed with known purpose ... only left to guess ... such as with Athena Spaceport. There just doesn't to seem to be any rhyme or reason to what's happening now, and it gives a feel of being disjointed ... at least to me.

Well ... sitting or standing, I'm still at the bar with you guys, so who's turn is it to buy this round? :silly2:
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Nope you don't because we can't sit in bars anymore since the new engine arrived.
Thats something I really miss by the way :-(

What for, one may ask...we know it. =)

Foodpacks and beverages exist as images and textures since VU3.4.

Since then it never got introduced but mentioned once or twice in a Marco post.


What for, one may ask...we know it. =)

Fishing ?

What for, one may ask...we know it. =)

The factories where you can work for rich players ?
Build your own robot ?
Travel to Akbal Cimi... ? :p

What for, one may ask...we know it. =)

Then Rocktropia came. And the land of medusa. (top notch story attached) -_-

What for, one may ask...I dont know it.

Gratz on the Next Island beta start. But we are still not enough Entropians yet, to inhabit multiple worlds, making them look filled.
Also while we wait for unique features for each planet to come...time passes.

A lot of time.

Unique features connecting different worlds. Unique features that arent there yet. Nothing. So there is nothing that will connect different worlds.

Neverdies, ghosts, punk-ingots and time travel crystals set up in a beta-test-world isnt something to brag about and will be forgotten and ignored until some blueprints pop up, where you can craft useless metal parts from, that can be used to craft useless/usefull (L) Items.

And if each planet is going to be its own "adventure", rocktropia and next island already failed in my eyes, after all those super-announcements.
+REP !!! I agree whit u 100000000 %