...the more you whine and think that in former times everything was better, the more you will shift away from what EU is today. And i know you will regret that for sure, cause i feel that you still love the game or at least parts of it. I have to deal with many people who think like you do...
I dont shift away from todays Entropia. I just say that I feel that the love of detail is going to leave us.
You really getting grumpier and grumpier
You dont wanna move on at all since 2004 ?? Just keep same skills and same map with nothing new being added cuz you
feel comfortable with no changes?
Im happy you dont design the games I play
Nothing new ? The original art is gone, argonauts got designed in a hurry, strange 3d shuttles, tanks and jeep models entered the world of Entropia, changing the "look&feel" like never before. Empty map, dead towns or no towns at all around teleporters. It just doesnt feel right to me. And its not only us grumpy guys.
How poor was the "campaign" of adding real cars at Hadesheim ? Announcing real car manufacturers would join (was it Mitsubishi?) Entropia...of course it failed...and Hadesheim got its strange "look&feel" then.
It just didnt feel right again. That wasnt "project Entropia.
Again, thats only another example of dozens. Examples that you, strakkan, dont really took care of. It doesnt meant a lot you, but it meant a lot to me. (still means, thats why I am here) The original design. THE design. Project Entropia. It went a long road, it became cooler and cooler...and again, it doesnt feel right. Its all out of place.
I dont whine, I just try to show that the love of design is going to leave us.
Just because YOU like the way Entropia is going, doesnt mean I am wrong. You got your opinion I got mine.
If I would be fed up repeating this all over again and again and again ...I would have left long ago.
But Im here to spread the word. My feelings. Im not here to say "PE suxx". I have better things to do. Many people already understodd that.
Why do I still enjoy making videos ? Yea, there is still a charmy feeling about Entropia...its not (yet) gone.
But as Parlog says...
...i feel that you still love the game or at least parts of it. I have to deal with many people who think like you do...
We all just cant be the grumpy old guys sittign at the bar. We have more to say then "PE suxx".
You are happy that I do not design your game ? Maybe Im happy that you dont desing my game...but does that really matter ? Not to me. But for sure Id like to work out the old storyline again. Create a a new render movie with professional people. Put the love of detail back into our universe. But I cant...not yet... ;p
Have a nice day!