getting error message


Mar 11, 2013
every time I kill any mob get two messages in center of screen

an unepected error in the proccesing of the following mission

anyone else having simular issue ?
i just did one arkadian key instance so far and had the same problem.. i didn't try to kill other mobs yet..
Yeah getting it on almost everything mining, hunting and crafting.
i think this is linked to the oratan mission chain.

have heard the errors stop if the mission is abandoned.... im just dealing with the errors tho as i dont fancy a mission counter reset.

proper annoying tho!
I'm getting this error each time i log, but also when i picked up stones, enter the ark rig.
And even now, I died due to crazy fucking lag, error when i die + a 2nd error when i revive...
Too bad there is no error when a disgusting ninja respawn start shooting you in the back (the fair way).

"Culture Bug"...
2nd confirm its Oratan mission chain who causing this problem.
Its seem error is in IFN mission terminal where Oratan mission disapered.
Iam not on Ark but my RL friend is and when he disbanded oratan mission 1k/10k points :) problem gone away

I've hade 18 month of being unable to install the game.
It recently can to my attention that I could not blame this upon the system however could not blame real reason in the world we participate in entropia. I leave this open, I cannot provide a conclusive response!