Help: Hey MA, reboot the servers real quick pls

Angel O2 Mercer

Mar 1, 2010
Avatar Name
Angel O2 Mercer
After the great success of "Too Cool To Test - Unkickable Soc Members" here comes my next big hit "Too Cool To Test 2 - Electric Boogaloo".

We made the unforgivable mistake of leaving the soc application open for a couple hours, and sure enough some rando applied, and for some reason subsequently cancelled the application.

So now we all have a stuck notification on our Message Center to either Accept or Reject a member application that no longer exists (we are all officers).
  • If you click Accept you get an error: "The applicant is no longer applying for membership"
  • If you click Reject you get an error: "The applicant is no longer applying for membership"
  • There's no other option. The notification is eternal, immortal, undying even.

I'm told this is a known bug, and the notification will go away on the next server reset/restart. I don't want to give anyone any ideas, but seems like this can be abused quite easily ;)

I could hide all the messages, but I don't wanna miss the legit ones.

We've also experienced this in our soc, and because of this I simply decline as soon as I see an application now, and then contact the avatar.

Last night, we had someone apply and I was lucky to be online in the middle of the night, otherwise I am certain we'd be in the same position as you are now.

It is almost as annoying as completing a rank of codex on one planet, leaving the planet, and then you notice the "star" in your codex... unable to select the reward....

i know monria is close, but damn ive had a star in my codex for months now lol
As the owner of TWEN ONLY Society, I’ve not had this issue. This is due to me not advertising the society and no one being interested in joining a society that is going to disband in about a month.

Can’t wait for the 16 members to get booted 😬
A work around could be to contact the avatar. Explain the situation and ask them to apply again then hopefully you'll be able to get rid of the notification.