FYI: How To Loot Rings - Code Has Been CRACKED!

Captain Jack

Dec 28, 2010
Copy and paste into Microsoft Word! Save a copy! Whatever you have to do SAVE THIS INFORMATION BEFORE MA TAKES IT DOWN!
Or just open a shitload of boxes.
After numerous inquiries as to my tremendous success in looting multiple rings, I have finally decided to go public and share some knowledge that previously I had kept strictly confidential to my inner circle.
Open a shitload of boxes.
The first thing you need to do is...
Open a shitload of boxes.
Check the moon phase. If you paid close attention, you will notice that the moon was in a waxing gibbous phase at 93% visibility yesterday when I looted my second Halloween 2019 Ring on December 9th. So how did I manage to loot the previous one? I opened a shitload of boxes.
Let us look at the moon phase on the night of the previous ring. On December 3rd 2019 the moon had just completed it's waxing crescent and was in it's first quarter with 43% visibility. This means? Open a shitload of boxes.
So we have two numbers, 93 and 43. Remember that. And open a shitload of boxes.

Now look at the two rings looted prior to that. Two rings to the same person. Coincidence? I think not! He opened a shitload of boxes.

On the night of the first ring, November 22nd, the moon was in a waning crescent with 22% visibility. Open a shitload of boxes.
On the night of November 24th, the day of his second ring drop, the moon was in a waning crescent with only 7% visbility. So here we have two numbers again, 22 and 7. Open a shitload of boxes.

So what's all this mad talk about? Open a shitload of boxes.

Take the number of the % of the moon visibility as a whole number. For example 93% becomes 93. If it is only one digit then write two of the same number. For example 7% becomes 77.... This number is your multiplier.

And now open a shitload of boxes.

Now look at the current date. Apply the same number system as before, if it's a single digit then write it down twice.... This is your chronology number.
Open a shitload of boxes.
Now multiply the square of your chronology number by your multiplier. For example, December 9th becomes 99, 99 squared = 9801. 9801 is my chronology number, multiplied by 93 = 911493. Now open a shitload of boxes.

If your number is greater than 100,000 then divide by 3.14159 until you get below 100,000. If the resulting number is less than 50,000 then apply the second method. And open a shitload of boxes.

If your number is less than 100,000 then multiply by 3.14159 until you get the first number over 100,000. Now open a shitload of boxes.

Now open a shitload of boxes.
I have seen a direct correlation between this method and the players who looted multiple rings in this Halloween season. NOW THE WORD IS OUT! GET YOUR RINGS BEFORE MA CHANGES IT!!!

Just open a shitload of boxes dude, your time will come.
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funny. but actually all you have to do is wait for the wave to be open and then open ur boxes. e.g. wait until a ring dropped and then open boxes for 5 to 10 minutes. after that stop and repeat the process
I learn something new every day. :scratch2:
Is the resulting number the amount of boxes you need to open?
I'm more inclined to know how many boxes you have opened???
Since you have looted a lot of rings, not just Special rings like Halloween but the standard rings as well (like Hermetic, Aeglic, Ares, etc).

thanks for the great tips
anyone selling ingame telescope?:laugh:
If this is true , no need to copy and paste this thread , MA only need to change the coding , without your knowledge and then you gotta come up with another conspiracy :)
Jack's super super secret "Just open a shitload of boxes dude, your time will come"

Please, it's not April,1st :)

For those who responded to this "lunatic" (notice the reference to the moon !) message , please quote Jack's original message and read the hidden text (where he used the color option to make the text almost invisible)

"Just open a shitload of boxes dude, your time will come."

Copy and paste into Microsoft Word! Save a copy! Whatever you have to do SAVE THIS INFORMATION BEFORE MA TAKES IT DOWN!
Or just open a shitload of boxes.
After numerous inquiries as to my tremendous success in looting multiple rings, I have finally decided to go public and share some knowledge that previously I had kept strictly confidential to my inner circle.
Open a shitload of boxes.
The first thing you need to do is...
Open a shitload of boxes.
Check the moon phase. If you paid close attention, you will notice that the moon was in a waxing gibbous phase at 93% visibility yesterday when I looted my second Halloween 2019 Ring on December 9th. So how did I manage to loot the previous one? I opened a shitload of boxes.
Let us look at the moon phase on the night of the previous ring. On December 3rd 2019 the moon had just completed it's waxing crescent and was in it's first quarter with 43% visibility. This means? Open a shitload of boxes.
So we have two numbers, 93 and 43. Remember that. And open a shitload of boxes.

Now look at the two rings looted prior to that. Two rings to the same person. Coincidence? I think not! He opened a shitload of boxes.

On the night of the first ring, November 22nd, the moon was in a waning crescent with 22% visibility. Open a shitload of boxes.
On the night of November 24th, the day of his second ring drop, the moon was in a waning crescent with only 7% visbility. So here we have two numbers again, 22 and 7. Open a shitload of boxes.

So what's all this mad talk about? Open a shitload of boxes.

Take the number of the % of the moon visibility as a whole number. For example 93% becomes 93. If it is only one digit then write two of the same number. For example 7% becomes 77.... This number is your multiplier.

And now open a shitload of boxes.

Now look at the current date. Apply the same number system as before, if it's a single digit then write it down twice.... This is your chronology number.
Open a shitload of boxes.
Now multiply the square of your chronology number by your multiplier. For example, December 9th becomes 99, 99 squared = 9801. 9801 is my chronology number, multiplied by 93 = 911493. Now open a shitload of boxes.

If your number is greater than 100,000 then divide by 3.14159 until you get below 100,000. If the resulting number is less than 50,000 then apply the second method. And open a shitload of boxes.

If your number is less than 100,000 then multiply by 3.14159 until you get the first number over 100,000. Now open a shitload of boxes.

Now open a shitload of boxes.
I have seen a direct correlation between this method and the players who looted multiple rings in this Halloween season. NOW THE WORD IS OUT! GET YOUR RINGS BEFORE MA CHANGES IT!!!

Just open a shitload of boxes dude, your time will come.
I just use the old NES Konamii code: upp upp down down left right left right B A Select and Start.
I am sure you have some item that increase your chance for looting a ring :scratch2::scratch2::eyecrazy:

Can't wait for that selling thread :laugh:
Community would pay like 50k ped to get this info and You just give it us for free?
Stop blowing that crack :silly2:
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This is all wrong!

The BIG secret is this (I am sharing it with you for free):

When you click open the box, your face has to be turned to Mecca.

However, prior to the click you will have to stand on one foot and jump three times.

In addition, it has to be full moon.

Hope this helps someone.

It's just like fishing: it's all in how you hold your mouth.
only amateurs.
if you don't rub your balls with the exact hand you open them boxes there is no luck.
This must be the stupidest thread on pfc to date...
Didn't you have anything else to do at the time you wrote it? :scratch2:
Alot of "useful" info like this for players lately on pfc and some still wander why people don't join or stick around to much in EU.
This must be the stupidest thread on pfc to date...
Didn't you have anything else to do at the time you wrote it? :scratch2:
Alot of "useful" info like this for players lately on pfc and some still wander why people don't join or stick around to much in EU.

Lighten up mate, it's called a joke :laugh:
I'm just glad I bought my UL Strongbox key when they were available after the VU

I followed this to the T and Captain Jack Won the ring :D

It is rigged....
Thanks for sharing MR jack i 100% understand all that XD now i can get all those fancy rings:cool::wtg:
Its the moon guys we just need to factor that in next time we open boxes:wise:
Soooo many Christmas rings have been looted since I posted this thread. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!! Keep doing it guys! Grab 'em now before it's too late!!!

Soooo many Christmas rings have been looted since I posted this thread. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!! Keep doing it guys! Grab 'em now before it's too late!!!


The only thing this list says is, don't open boxes on Monday. :wise:
I take it Mondays are for all the (L) rings and other boxy non-ring shenanigans, :dunce: