How to show the keyboard map?

Ace Flyster

Aug 31, 2006
England, London
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Dave Ace Flyster
As before, we could bring up the keyboard map, which was amazing useful to find out what's mapped where. How do i do that now?

At the moment i can only see these action bars, which are useless when trying to find what keys are available

Right now it's not possible, that feature is gone. It got replaced by Actions. Which is the old action library but where you can assign stuff. Maybe they could add later on the key map...
I can see why they removed it, it wouldn't be able to display the new complex key combos so would be a half-feature anyway.
I can see why they removed it, it wouldn't be able to display the new complex key combos so would be a half-feature anyway.
It would be doable to display even those, as you hold down one of the modifier, the keyboard layout would change to reflect the mapped keys from the combination. It's probably not easy to have it as a way to change controls but it would be easy to have it as a simple map, to just show what's mapped currently. That would be really helpful.
I can see why they removed it, it wouldn't be able to display the new complex key combos so would be a half-feature anyway.
You mean the useless shit most just disabled anyways? :p Add me to the list that miss the keyboard layout. How do I know if a key is free now without testing keys until I find a free one?
I can see why they removed it, it wouldn't be able to display the new complex key combos so would be a half-feature anyway.

They could add a toggle to select Ctrl or any other modifyer key to change the keyboard layout accordingly to cope with that.
It would be doable to display even those, as you hold down one of the modifier, the keyboard layout would change to reflect the mapped keys from the combination. It's probably not easy to have it as a way to change controls but it would be easy to have it as a simple map, to just show what's mapped currently. That would be really helpful.
This would be amazing ... i am really struggling to know what is mapped where ...

Returning player. The keyboard map and desktop icons were one of the great things that PE/EU had. Now we have "action bars" which are really really bad. Not all players are able bodied and PE/EU was one of the few games out there that disabled players could quickly get a hold of - being able to quickly emote/etc via desktop icons was a huge plus for them. Now it's just a confusing mess. Pls stop and revert. Cheers.
Now we have "action bars" which are really really bad. Not all players are able bodied and PE/EU was one of the few games out there that disabled players could quickly get a hold of - being able to quickly emote/etc via desktop icons was a huge plus for them.

Sorry, I don't quite understand which change you mean would affect players with disabilities?

You can still put icons on the screen just as before, and you can still click them to activate them just as before. The only difference compared to before is that you have to place the icons in the Action Bars rather than as loose icons. They still work the same other than that.
Yet you notice that the paying customers want a keyboard setting like we had before, dont you?

The keyboard setting from before the UI with its 10 sets was brilliant.
Why does MA always "improve" the few good things by removing them?

QoL - Quality of Life
Make the game easier to handle, more accessible, and reduce the obstacles in handling and managing the game.
Oh, obstacles! Get better pathfinding for mobs so they don't get stuck on every leaf of grass...
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