I wish for some positivity on the forum ;)


Jan 19, 2007
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Naomi NP Polder
Humans are so ... "funny" ...

When MA implements important new things:
"omg, can't they repair the current things pls?"

When MA repairs current things:
"'omg, that should have done ages ago, we should be getting new content!"

When MA re-implement old features
"omg, don't they have important things to do?"

... feel free to complete this list.

"Don't listen to what people say, look at their actions (aka deposits & activity)"
The following quote is attributed to the poet John Lydgate and later adapted by President Lincoln:

“You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time”. :)
Only for the moaning trolls to attack you... constantly.

Coming up in next release Omegaton Troll Thumper - OTT 101 (with new temporary buff - increases intelligence of pvp victim by 0.001 point on each hit)
I some what agree with positivity part.

MA can't please everyone.

But still i do understand people frustration too.

Personaly i wouldn't say MA has done "good job" either communicating with the community or fixing most annoying bugs/features that aren't PED cycle related.

We don't have to agree on this*

It is just my opinion/view of the current situation and it will affect on my cycling rate.

MA has improved tho and i hope this trend continues. 👍👍👍
It's impossible to please everyone all the time, but the progress lately is undeniable. We've seen a lot of improvement and some of the best updates we've ever had in the last years!! Op top of that, communication is better than it has ever been.

Some people will always have "no" as their default reply, just because they can..
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Positive people are usually thrown rocks at until they give up showing on forums and only trolls, people that don't play / don't know how to play the game remain and cry every VU, get offended in behalf of other players, other professions they never did or understand, get offended on behalf of players that are happy with the changes, or just smash every addition to the game accusing it will destroy the game, a game they find unplayebale anyway.
I don't get why such vast amount of energy is not put into something that brings some satisfaction instead of spewing same poison bs over and over: game is dead, or about to die, ubers should be banned, Entropia is not MA's game, it ours, MA is just temporarily administrating and we know better. But they don't understand the basics of the game...

Guess it's just part of human nature and this will never change.
Positive people are usually thrown rocks at until they give up showing on forums and only trolls, people that don't play / don't know how to play the game remain and cry every VU, get offended in behalf of other players, other professions they never did or understand, get offended on behalf of players that are happy with the changes, or just smash every addition to the game accusing it will destroy the game, a game they find unplayebale anyway.
I don't get why such vast amount of energy is not put into something that brings some satisfaction instead of spewing same poison bs over and over: game is dead, or about to die, ubers should be banned, Entropia is not MA's game, it ours, MA is just temporarily administrating and we know better. But they don't understand the basics of the game...

Guess it's just part of human nature and this will never change.

Nothing wrong with constructive criticism, but yes some will complain about everything :).
Indeed is human nature.
Guess it's just part of human nature and this will never change.

Sometimes even the seemingly hopeless can change. One day something may click, or a spark of interest in trying to learn etc. There is no magic formula it depends on the person, their experiences etc...What works for one may not work for another.

Sometimes the actions of others may help and sometimes it's only within the person themselves that may bring about a change. I suspect this ability to change and become better is within everyone and is also part of human nature.

Can work the other way too. Someone may be on the ball but one day may lapse, may not have read something properly, jumped to the wrong conclusion etc. No one is perfect and certainly not all the time :)
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Guess it's just part of human nature and this will never change.
Indeed is human nature.
I suspect this ability to change and become better is within everyone and is also part of human nature.

Positivity? :unsure:

Here? :rolleyes:

On this forum?? :oops:

Say no more!!!

One of them is calling me a c*** just because i tell him he is out of touch sometimes and all he does is spreading negativity.

There are things i dont understand like when you become so frustrated with a game after losing money why you keep coming on forum and not moving on. Waiting for a game to die for the past 20 years lmao.

Other problem imo is those players influence others too and for 15 years are same level 40-70 and wont progress at all. Here is a discussion with a guy i had few days ago:

2024-05-06 12:01:16 [FROM: I have to delete his name :) ] things have changed, some got lucky and progressed and other used exploits

And as you see they always blame it on luck/exploits :D If you read old post from 2009-2010 when i replying to users on this forum some told me same thing "sit down you got lucky".
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Also Naomi i have a lot of respect for you since i meet you in 2006-2007 :D You always been a positive person even if you had some interesting soc members back in the days :D
Most of the positivity I have is still centred on the HUGE potential that EU has, that has not been successfully picked up by any other development group either. ...and it's been so for a looooong time as well.
Only a subset of participants understands stochastic. The rest has opinions.
One of them is calling me a c*** just because i tell him he is out of touch sometimes and all he does is spreading negativity.

There are things i dont understand like when you become so frustrated with a game after losing money why you keep coming on forum and not move on. Waiting for a game to die for the past 20 years lmao.

Other problem imo is those players influence others too and for 15 years are same level 40-70 and wont progress at all. Here is a discussion with a guy i had few days ago:

2024-05-06 12:01:16 [FROM: I have to delete his name :) ] things have changed, some got lucky and progressed and other used exploits

And as you see they always blame it on luck/exploits :D If you read old post from 2009-2010 when i replying to users on this forum some told me same thing "sit down you got lucky".

Sorry to hear about the C*** incident, no need for such language and hate. Luckily most people in EU are cool, however some people just don't get on and happens.

I think some frustration is a good thing, it shows that they care about game and direction still. Some things i guess are a clamour for past in some way (something i can be guilty of time to time), but things progress and as always adapt or die :). Some however as you say seem just unhappy or bitter, and i agree if game making you feel such then why play.

As for level 40-70 I guess i fit into that catagory, but i kinda skill everything and has been a side want to have as much health as possible pre commando. Also being able to use a very wide range of weapons has meant that over years in can sort weapons by mark up and go for lowest dps/dpp or whatever, and have damage rank almost same as hit rank :D . Although looking back i perhaps should have specialised more. Also bankroll means people slow down over the years, or time as life changes as we get older.

We all play at different rates, however the messages you got seem kinda personal and sorry to hear. I get hate like this from people IRL who were once close to me, somehow trying to blame me for their own bad decisions in life. Jealousy and lack of self purpose I put it down to usually, don't let it get to you. :)
If they add auto mining to the game, I hope they start banning bots, macros, alts for breaking the rules.

We have had good updates and bad updates.

I’m positively hopeful for UE5.
Why do people get disillusioned with the game? Most likely for different reasons but one central theme to them all is probably loosing money and the fact that they didn't understand the game.

The disillusioned players and some with remarkably "stupid" beliefs feed of each others negativity be it on forum or in game. The thing is this can happen to any sane person and so anyone could potentially end up being a disillusioned player.

Also vice versa anyone heading into being a disillusioned player or indeed a fully mature disillusioned player can make the change and become a successful player. For example one successful uber player today said the following things. I'll quote him word for word:

There were many breaks, a couple of chipping outs (not from high lvls or something). I “quit’ the game more times than I would like to admit, even after I started doing OK, I sold out 2 or 3 times.
Basically 2005-2015 I did not take the game too serious pn the RCE aspect, mainly because of false information and lack of research on my side (I had al the wrong beliefs, all thos that are hunting are degenrate gamblers, you need to hit a lucky one in order to profit, you need to be chosen or have inside information or understand really well how Perception gains work)
Worth a note, for a while, I was TTing shrapnel and buying ammo because everyone was saying around me loot seems worse with UA and what does it matter 1% anyway.... And pretty much all the wrong things were also done by me but being a curious person and with help of wiser folks, I managed to debunk those slowly and do less stupid stuff.

I know a very disillusioned player. Wholly negative and I think many have tried to help him to no avail. I quoted the above three quotes to him and linked it with his and our stupid beliefs that we have i.e. this uber player now was no different than us! not a subtle hint to change :)
Anyway he never replied. So it's unknown what impact if any that had on him.
They can't win.
it can not be "top" for everyone and i ack it...
in my mind htere are some "piorities" that can of course differ from the "house"
to me sitting on the ground has same priorities than "foliage".... zero

i would love dead end BPs and mission fixing, as well as collision problems
to have a "working" environment should be the first priority
then of course game is a grindfest so no one assk for quests but a game designer
should implement a sense of accomplishment so insert quests to do...
mindless shooting is not for everyday...