Suggestion: Increase the TT value of MACE MK. 6 FEN

Then why have a max TT value?

I'm fine with being allowed to sink whatever TT you like into your gear. But no reason to assign a max at all in that system.

No skin off my snout, right? It's going to be harder to sell if you don't grind it down a bit but repairable items are TT+ not % for MV. Armor is different though, they would have to change the way that works to allow open TT.

On this aside the item has a minimum TT value and it will be somewhere between that and full TT. You can guarantee full TT by adding various residues to the craft but the system knows the actual return on the click and won't announce a global for the value of the residue included in the craft.

This is the only reason that most of the crafted (L) items you see for sale have full TT. Nobody would typically add residue while crafting a repairable item because you would lose the MU on the residue - instead you just craft those and repair them after (if you want to) for no markup.
Residue isn’t included in globals though, for example if cost to click is 30 ped and you get 40 ped of an item, but use 160 ped of residue for a 200 ped loot, you don’t get a global as your true return was 40 ped and under the global limit
but the system knows the actual return on the click and won't announce a global for the value of the residue included in the craft.

Right exactly. Sorry for my tortuous grammar.

I went and looked at that BP and without MU it's 70 ped-ish as you mention so since '17 - '18 changes to crafting or so I don't think anyone reports TT of a success (non-partial) being less than cost to click any more.

So then yes, each click of that particular BP that resulted in an item being produced would be a global. This one might also global on a partial success but I don't click big enough BPs to know if that's actually a thing.
This one might also global on a partial success but I don't click big enough BPs to know if that's actually a thing.
no such thing as near success global, even if partial success is over 50 ped, it won't swirl, for example recycle EP or gizmo BPs
for example my biggest non glob near success was 900+ ped on mega boosted Vivo T15 BP