Sunsout Gunsout
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- Sunsout Tacotuesday Gunsout
This is very true. I suspect a lot of these threads are made in a misguided attempt to force MA into giving the OP an ATH in order to "shut them up". But it's really short sighted and well, actually just plain stupid. I'm sure this particular thread managed to turn away many prospective depositors and current depositors to run away in FUD. So if MA wasn't struggling before, they are having a harder time of it after this thread. Way to go!
Don't worry, the next subject of discussion will be "why don't more people play this game?!?!!"
I liked you, but this is total bullshit and you know it.
They reason more people don't play is BECAUSE of the reasons themselves I put in my first few posts in this thread. The reason more people don't deposit is because they SEE and DEAL with all those reasons EVERY DAY when playing this game and interacting with MA.
They aren't held back because Taco posted something.
If you think it is "stupid" to ask for answers to issues that you think are important, in a game you invest heavily in, then you cease to have any credibility with me from now on. This is a REAL economy, with real ramifications, and if legitimate concerns can't be discussed, then you are trying to blind people, to censor, and to limit free thought, and that is even more appalling than anything I have ever said.
Lol...this thread or any of them like it, doesn't stop people from playing. If there were NO negative threads for a year, and 10,000 people joined, do you think there would be no negative threads from those 10k people? Stupidest thing ever.
If a bunch of people joined because they were UNINFORMED, there would be 10 times the amount of negative, rage threads than there are. Every thread that discusses ALL aspects of this game, good OR bad, serves to educate, and in that way, they create less negativity down the line.
Edit: Man, the more I read what you said, the more I am pissed off at your accusations. You make a lot of judgments in it. Don't you fu@king EVER say I did this because I want an ATH. I know for a fact it doesn't work like that. My loot never got better when I saved MA from that horrible bug. My loot will not get better for ANY reason other than by playing smart. Anyone who thinks that MA reads this and give ATH's out is a moron, and anyone who thinks I do it to get an ATH is a fuck1ng uninformed piece of sh*t. I can ATH anytime I want by depo'ing because I get paid tons of money, and I earned it all by working my ass off. I don't need a free ATH from MA like your poor as$ probably does, you whiney little fuc#.
Edit Edit: Eh wtf...I will clean up some of the language in the last edit. Done.
And furthermore, over a year ago probably, I posted on here somewhere that IF MA ever gave out ATH to stop people from leaving, that I would never want it. That I would be sickened by that and completely disappointed in MA. If and when I ever get one, it will be because I depo and I earned it by grinding hard and being in the right place at the right time. I have said this in numerous threads btw, so look it up next time you accuse me of something. MA doesn't give out ATH to stop people from leaving. There are 1000's of avatar who can prove that. You all see shit that isn't there, to justify in your weak minds why x avatar got a lucky loot. And anyone who thinks MA does that because of a thread is a pea-brained fool deluding themselves to a point beyond laughable.
I expected better of you, Stockton.
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