J Boy's Sketchbook Diary

Clam Jamphrie

Old Alpha
Feb 2, 2006
Hefty Acres - Somerset
GloryHound Irregulars
Avatar Name
Clam Jboy Jamphrie
Well, here we go then, welcome to my Sketchbook Diary!

Unemployment can do two things to a man, it can either make one feel useless, worthless and so full of stress that it drives you to distraction, or one may relish in the free time that circumstance has thrown in their face, and find themselves deeply involved in their passions.

After a short period of realising that I knew everything about blue whales, Hitler and World War 2, I decided to drag myself away from daytime TV and start skilling up, lord knows I needed to.

Then the ped ran out. That was a dark day.

So I decided to draw some stuff, and then realised I couldn't. I could think of stuff, but not be able to put it to paper. Artist block.

Then my mate, asked me to draw some stuff for him for the Forum. Inspiration. So now I'm sketching and modeling like there's no tomorrow.

I thought it might be interesting to show some original sketches of things before they're tarted up on the PC. For example, this one of me for my sig....


Anyway, hope you enjoy it, keep on keepin’ on ;)
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It's all in the preparation...

It's all in the preparation, so they say, but the WoF CuP didn't thankfully turn out like the sketch. I say sketch, I think I thought of it while doing something else and then quickly jotted it down. One of the lovely things about 3D modeling is that you can mess about with it loads until you're happy with it, try new things etc...

It would be lovely if MA did make a model of this for WoF Winners... and losers :D


Oh, and there are 24 bullets, one for each of the qualifying nations, around the plinth thingy, clever eh?
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WoF Banner Ava's

These chaps got me drawing again :)

So What now...?

So, what now? I hear you ask!

Well, I'm waiting for the qualifying rounds of the WoF to finish, so I can finish the Fixtures and results and the WoF HoF list things.

So in the meantime, I'll be working on Bravo Girl :)


I'm sure I've seen this pose somewhere before, but I can't put my finger on it :scratch:

Ahhh... got it! I think it's the girl from the Zovirax advert :D


Splendid Job! Hurrikane posted the WoF Score sheet earlier and the WoF HoF list, already I am seeing improvments that can be made but all in all I'm quite happy with them. I'm thinking of making the WoF HoF table into one long strip. I think I've worked out how to do that and I think that it will be better visually. I will probably have to model some new guns.

First match of stage 2 of the WoF on Saturday. Go Eudoria :wtg:




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Well what can I say, I'm pleased to have got the WoF HoF into one long strip.

I now have so many things to do, it's shocking (well, I'm shocked). Not less than a couple of months ago I was sitting around waiting for the cat to get hungry, so as I had something to do in feeding him.

Now it's all gone balistic, and the list keeps growing.

Next on the list (as long as I can stop tampering with the WoF stuff) is Roosters siggie, a heap of weapons, armour and stuff from the 'Moliskian', i've still got to make a model of my friend's recording studio, Making preperations for FoF X, my little brothers tattoo (although he's been asking for that for ages), a picture of some cheese??? and I've just got another modeling job for a shop fiting (and that's for real money ;)) Oh, and I've still got to finish Bravo Girl.

Still broke though :D

Anyway, it seems odd not to leave a pic of something, so I'll pop this on:


NOTE: If you open this pic in photoshop and adjust the contrast, up and down, really quickly, it looks like a spooky old film. enjoy ;)
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A bit sleepy now...

"I've posted an idea for a new Tournament called 'World of Firepower" said Hurrikane as he supped on pint of Stella.
"That's nice" I said "Ooo, I'll make you some result tables for it and match stats etc if you like"
"Thanks J Boy, you truly are the best friend an avatar can have" was his reply.

That's not exactly how the conversation went, but the end result is the same.

I never realised how much time it would take to compile all the stats, examine every screen shot and make corrections...

Still, I believe I have just finished the last of Round 1 (and all the corrections) and I think it has been worth it. More than anything, the response and comments from the Entropia Forum public have been lovely. Even though it has been a bit of a mindfuck trawling through everything, checking and rechecking and dreading the phone ringing with hurrikane on the other end saying "You missed Serbia's variety bonus points or you spelt Aidans name wrong", I am feeling a tad empty now that it's finished and do not want to return to real life work. In saying that, I will be cursing offering to do the WoF stuff come Sunday eve and striving to get all the results in by Monday. I find it very satisfying working through the night.

"Real life work, Jboy? I thought you were unemployed?" Well yes, but I have just got a little more work modelling an exhibition stand and designing a character for a company logo. It's not a lot but it will be this month’s beer money.... or the gas bill...

Anyway, I don't have any new Entropian pics to show, my time lately has been taken up with WoF stuff which you can find in the World of Firepower section of the Hunting thread, and I don’t really want to put non EU stuff here so I'm afraid it's just words for now!
Tick, Tick, Tick...

Hmm... There’s a great chance that I may be forced into getting a job in a call centre tomorrow by the lovely people at the job centre. Just as the weather is getting better too :( . I had also decided to try and make one good engine out of two bad ones for my moggy as it was getting warmer, but I guess helping the public in their woes and their worries must come first... apparently. My friend told me that working in call centres is not so bad, plenty of time to doodle so he says, so you never know, it may be tolerable :scratch2: . Anyway, enough of such doldrums, I have finished "Bravo Girl" although I'm not entirely happy with her, but I'm sick to death of looking into those 'big green eyes' of hers, so she will do for now. I'm still thinking of putting a background on the pic, something like a setting sun behind her and making her a tad darker... we'll see.

So here we go then... as you can see I've cheered her up a bit from the sketch... Avatars of Calypso and beyond, I give you, in comic book styleee, Bravo Girl...


This is based on a true story... sort of

The Ballad of Bravo Girl.

Even though Bravo Girl carries a Gloryhound Issue Bravo (or GIB) she is not contrary to popular belief, a Gloryhound. Bravo Girl's story starts off, as do all on Calypso, as life as a noob. Her name was Hedge Witch. An adventurous and restless soul was she, and it was not long after landing on Calypso that she was off through the swamps and exploring the land of the mighty WoF heroes Eudoria. Unarmed, for she had no ped to buy a gun and could not bear the tedium of sweating, she dodged and evaded her way to many a TP. But then came the day that she could not evade and dodge enough. She cursed those days that she scoffed at the other noobs sweating, and thus gained no defense skills and didn't earn the ped so she could buy a gun and hunt (a lesson for you all there kids) and was stuck helpless and defenseless in a place unknown to her and alone. Eventually, after what seemed like minutes, fortune took up its mighty hammer and struck her with it. This was the moment her life would change forever. Fortune, as it is with fortune, was good and happened for her to cross the path of a passing Gloryhound. On espying the obviously distressed noob, the mighty dog of war, held up his slaying to pause for audience with our heroine.
"What ails you, oh pale haired noob? Inquired the kindly Hound (go with me on this ok)
Hedge Witch told her tale of woe and mishap, and the kindly Gloryhound warrior took pity and decided to aid her.
"You sweat the mobs while they attack me" he said. "when you get 10 peds worth of sweat, let me now and I'll buy it off you".
If the sun could set in Eudoria it would of, and for long into the night Hedge Witch sweated and evaded her way to salvation. Eventually came the day that she had her 10 peds worth of sweat and a boot load of skills. "Now" said the Hound after buying the sweat. " go and buy 10 peds worth of Medium cells and come back to me when you've got them. TEN PED! She had 10 ped, never before had she ten ped. Why did she need ammo if she had no gun? The trade terminal couldn't work quick enough. On returning to where the Hound was relaxing she was surprised to see him open a trade window. Oh, she thought dismally, he just wanted me to get him ammo :( When the Bravo appeared in the trade window she could hardly stiffle her glee. "Now take this Bravo young Hedge Witch, and with this rifle take up thy path that is yours to take. Cast aside this ranger and become who you were born to be. Bravo Girl!!!" (crickey, I hope there are not any lawyers reading)
Then with a mighty "WOOSH", the handsome, kindly, generous Hound was gone. Alone again. But this time, with a fucking big gun. Bravo Girl smiled as she raised her namsake for her first kill, and after she had killed it, for kill it she did (although she missed with the first shot, but shh) she stooped to dye her hair in the creature's blood.
It is said that now-a-days she has the highest plasma skills in the game. This could or could not be true. However for many a year nothing has been either too big or too small for the Bravo.
Bravo Girl is seldom seen in public places. She prefers the open plains where the Bravo is at it's most lethal. Still she bloodies her hair red and every now and again you will overhear noobs talking of how Bravo Girl rescued them and guided them home.

Thus told is the Ballad of Bravo Girl.

Editors note: It would like to be pointed out that Gloryhounds don't go giving out Bravo's willy nilly, if at all. You're more likely to get one off a Ripper Snapper.

HA! I've just noticed that I have reached the level of 'provider'!!! Oh the irony of it all :D
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Bravo Girl Loves Jboy

...and if you want to know what has paused Bravo girls ... um... Bravo-ing... look into her eyes... aw bless :D

Who’s that casting devious stares In my direction...?

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Not on my watch Guv'nor...

Hurrah!!! Just a quick note, I've just got back from the Job Centre and I am safe for another week! :D
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It's all gone a bit 'Cosmo'...

Well, what can I say? I really don't know what Team Eudoria must do to get more globals in the WoF. The mind wobbles.
I actually believe I could of got all of the WoF stuff updated tonight, but I'm still waiting for people to post their screen shots. So I messed about with Bravo Girl a bit while I waited for them to come in. I'm not the most "arty" of people, but I thought I would have a go at mixing some mediums (see, arty eh?) :painter: So I made up a model of a bit of scenery, chucked in a bit of atmospheric lighting, and stuck old 'BG' in there. I then messed about with her colouring a bit, whacked in a few dust swirls, and then for some reason, turned it into the front cover of a comic book. I did think of putting some sort of space craft behind her. Throwing up clouds of dust... maybe even a swirl. Probably will at some point. Still not sure about the 3D/2D thing, I think I'll mess about with it some more and see what comes up for issue 2 in April ;)

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Not only, but also...

Hello Diary enthusiasts!

Well, It's all been a bit busy lately (which can't be a bad thing) but the sun is out in the UK and is beautifuly warm,

Well, I havn't popped anything on here for a while, so I thought I would show a few pics of some WoF stuff.

This is the Argo from the Stage 3 banner (although I'm not sure if the final version will work.... we will find out later). I thought I would show a few of the stages that this sort of pic goes through.

First off, I do the initial sketch. I'm a bit messy when it comes to sketching things. The pic starts off with scribbles and from there on the pencil takes on a mind of it's own and creates...well.... more scribbles.


Next I go through (what I find) the labourious task of putting on the 'base coat' This is usually the point where I think it looks shit (although old comic book like, hmm). Also you can see that I have shamelessly 'mirrored' the image, but the way I see it... well imagine this: You're asking somebody if they would like peas with their dinner. They say yes. Now, you don't go out and plant the seeds and grow some peas, that would take ages and the rest of the food would go off. No. You use the peas from the freezer. You 'could' grow your own peas, but what's the point if you already have some? Hmm, maybe not the best analogy but there you have it. Although I have to say, most of the left side of this argo will not be seen in the final pic, as with the legs (hence none)


Finally (IMO) the fun bit. Adding all the things that make it look lovely.


Anyway good luck to all those teams left in the WoF! May the best team win! :)
Where have the past few months gone...?

Well I had to go all the way back to page 3 to find my diary and it has to be said it was pretty dusty. Well, as I'm sure you all know, the WoF is now over. Team USA won it, and I have to say I can't think of any other team in the Tournament that needed the fame and fortune as much as they did :D
I still have to do the match report (not looking forward to that) and update the WoF HoF, but I have finished the final pic for the winners.

I have also been asked to do a banner for somebody, and I am now learning all about animated gifs. What little bundles of joy they are!!! Fun Fun Fun!!! I do seem to be experiencing some technical difficulties though, the animated gif works on mine and my friends PC, but not when I upload it to the forum :scratch2: If anybody knows what I may be doing wrong, please PM me ;)

Hmm, what else have I been up to..?

Oh, I offered to do a scoreboard for the Champions League. It was one of those things that when I was looking at it I thought; 'ooo I know what would be cool, so I PM'd Klod and joy above joys he accepted my offer. It would be nice if more of the players had little avatar pics or if their socs had little iconic logo's (like the Warants logo, that's perfect) it would help make the scoreboard look like it was supposed to, but there is still time I guess. I am also trying to get my soc mate Rooster to take part as I want to put the little Gloryhound logo in there. I guess I'll have to buy him a few more pints before he signs up.

I still have a logo to do for someone (for their RL stuff) and if you're reading this I haven’t forgotten, just a bit busy/lazy....busy sounds better, let's say busy :D

Well avid diary viewers here's a sneak preview of the WoF Winners pic. I'm not sure if I've finished it yet... I'm never satisfied... :D

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Woo Hoo! My first ever animated banner!


I can't believe I haven't messed about with these things before! I now want to do an animated comic book! Just a few frames (well a comic book page worth anyway) with each frame animated *sharpens pencil*

I've started working on 'Araneatrox Invaders' which is inspired from previous FoF's. Ah the good old days when the noob army was present to stand in front of the spiders to slow them down. Brave souls. Infact, I believe Raptor and Jax were taken into the Gloryhounds on the back of such heroics. And what lovely Hounds they are too.

Anyway, Araneatrox Invaders:


P.S. If you are wondering what has happened to Bravo Girl, it looks like she now has a job as a stewardess at Reign Airways... go figure! :D

How cool is this?

I've got to say the WoF took a lot of time to compile and illustrate, and I also have to say I was kind of glad when it drew to an end... It meant I got my weekends back... but this has made it all worth while! OK, so I can't afford the ped to hunt or repair my equipment at the moment, but to have the WoF Cup artworked onto the UNIQUE WoF Hurrikane Jacket and WoF Winners 2007 Jackets is worth all the ped in the game! I feel if I have been slapped in the head with a big, dead, cold, wet fish... and for some reason, that is like ecstasy at the moment... hang on... I think there's some sort of smiley thing for this... ahh here it is...

Anyway, check this out... :D



I cannot believe there is a happier Entropian than me right now... life is good :)