Kub's mining adventures


Aug 22, 2007
The Gladiators
Avatar Name
Kubroz Wise Philosopher
Yes... Here comes another mining log... :ahh:

I know that there are already a lot of mining logs on EF, but only a few of them are really interesting and provide usefull data - I'll do my best and hope that after 5-6 months someone will also be able to say it about my log.

Why do I start a mining log?:
Because I can and want to...

What goals do I want to achieve?:
Well, this is rather ment to be a mining diary, than a project that sets some goals and is considered finished after they are met. So I dont set any certain goals, maybe apart from one - having fun :cool: There are some milestones that I'd like to reach and some things that I want to achieve as a miner, but I'm sure with time they'll change, so after finishing one goal, others will be set. Updated list of goals will be witten down in the bottom part of this post.

Who the hell is Kubroz???
Time to introduce myself. I joined EU almost 3 years ago, but I had 2 long breaks (around 4 and 6 months), so I'm Mr. Nobody :ahh: I used to make regulary small depo's some time ago, but with current returns I doubt I'll make any deposits in the nearest future. This also means that I'd call my budget rather small - all that were looking for an uber mining log will be diappointed for sure. Currently I'm lvl 30 prospector and lvl 28 surveyor - unlocked Mineral Sense not long ago. Last 30-45 days my mining returns are so poor, that I even considered chiping all mining skills out - at the moment my runs are still far from beeing decent, so anything can happen in this log ;) But one thing is certain - with or without skills, I'll be mining :laugh: I'm also a trader, so I hope that if results will be really bad, I'll still be able to survive and recover the losses. I wont hide that I have a sight hope that starting a log would improve my mining returns - worked for most of blogers, so who knows ;)

What's my equipment?
That will depend on my lvl and availible peds. At the moment I'm using of105 (tier 1) and tk120 (tier 6), but with time I plan to use different finders and compare the results. For enmatters I'm using eMINE EMF - altough I maxed it long ago I think it has decent average depth and so far I was rather lucky with this finder. If I wont chip out, I'll try better finders in the future for sure. For extracting I'll be using tt miner/driller and 104.

Will I be using amps?
If only I can afford them - yes! Wont use uber amps like oa/ma109, but I'll be using oa102-104, ma 103-106 whenever I can for sure. I'm addicted to swirles, so can't help myself - even when I lose big time I still continue going amped :ahh:

Where will I mine?
Mostly Amethera. Eudoria has too many mobs for my taste, CND is too risky so I not plan mining there (altough it may change, who knows) and Rocktropia I'll probably never consider as a part of EU, so I wont mine there as well.

What tactics do I use?
"Fire in the hole!!!... tic...tic...tic... BOOOM!!!" Thats my whole tactics :rolleyes: Maybe I'm not one of most experienced miners in game, but I've dropped some bombs and from my experience I can tell that there arent any patterns that could grant steady and certain profit. All the so called "This is the proof that XXX theory is correct" threads are way overrated in my opinion - somehow I dont see their authors on global chat often, so I think their theories arent worth much. Who do I see on global chat? Ppl that drop a lot of bombs and perisit even when they're badly screwed looking at their returns. So my only tactics is bomb&extract. I dont beleive in any mining theories that I've read on forum (the 95% return in the long run is in my opinion also just a myth), but I'd still try to look for some ingame clues on how and what to mine to optimise your returns and have fun at the same time. Probably I'll fail just like all the others, but let me be a dreamer for a short while ;)

My current skill lvls
Drilling: 3514
Extraction: 2882
Geology: 3508
Ground Assesment: 1491
Mineral Sense: 299
Mining: 4234
Prospecting: 3917
Surveying: 3474

1. 5000 ped profit
2. 500 globals
3. 100 hofs
4. Global on every ore (except rare ones)
5. Hof on every ore (except rare ones)
6. Find my first tower
7. Meet requirements for VRX2000 and max that finder.
8. Find my first Dunkel, Xeremite, Rugaritz, Tridentite.

Wish me luck :cool:
Reserved for future results...

Reserved for future results
Thumbs up for eMINE EMF, best finder with a decent markup :D
Run 1
North Shinook

Bombs: 83 ped
Amps (oa104): 291.03 ped
Decay: 5.82 ped
Enhancers: 7.2 ped
Total: 378.05 ped

Durulium: 205.6 ped
Gazzurdite: 119 ped
Belkar: 23.18 ped
Redulite: 4.4 ped
Total tt: 352.18 ped

Sold for: 418.05 (sold to C.O.R.E)

Return: 110.58%

Profit: 40 ped

Claims: 17
Hit rate: 20.48%

Hit pattern:
_ _ _ _ _ _ tp _ _ VI _ _ _ XV _(r) _ _ _ _ _ VI _ _ _ X _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ VI _ XII _(r) _ _ _ _ VI _ _ _ VI _ _ _ IX _ _ V _ _ _ VI IX _ _ _ tp _ _ IX V VI _ XII _(r) _ _ _ _ _ VI _ _ _ _ _ _

Claim sizes:
V - 2
VI - 8
IX - 3
X - 1
XII - 2
XV - 1

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Pretty low hit rate, but the duru global saved my ass and allowed me to finish with a small profit. Thats a nice suprise, cause last 8-9 runs before this log started I had (except 1 run) losses and they were not a small ones. Hope that green start of blog is a sign that I'll be sticking to green colou most of time ;)
dużo Szczęścia :D

(good luck)

I hope I rememeber polish well :D
The Azz Man Wishes u best of luck my friend find that tower
Good luck! You will do great :yay:
Run 2
Around Oshiri

Bombs: 78 ped
Amps (oa104): 264,74 ped
Decay: 5.19 ped
Enhancers (6 broken!!!): 14,4 ped
Total: 362,33 ped

Durulium: 332 ped
Valuite: 36 ped
Ignisium: 10.5 ped
Niksarium: 31.85 ped
Caldorite: 4.93 ped
Copper: 63.68 ped
Megan: 37.44 ped
Total tt: 516,4 ped

Sold for: 557,83 (sold to C.O.R.E)

Return: 153,96%

Profit: 195,5 ped

Claims: 18
Hit rate: 23,08%

Hit pattern:
X VIII VII _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IX _ _ _ _ _ VI _ _ _ _ _ IX _ _ VI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ VI _ _ _ VIII IX _ _ _ IX XVII _(r) VIII VI _ _ _ _ _ _ VI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IX _ XII _(r) VIII _ _

Claim sizes:
VI - 5
VII - 1
VIII - 4
IX - 5
X - 1
XII -1
XVII - 1

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This run had it's ups and downs (as the hit pattern shows) - it started great, with 3 claims in a row, but after them it was pretty bad. After burning first oa104 I had just 75 ped tt ores. Fortunatelly a little duru hof appeared and in the middle of the run I already knew all will end well. Had really long nrfs sreak after the hof, but in the very end of run (on chompers LA) I found large copper. Almost no mu - but ped is ped :) During this run 6 enhancers broke down - thats really a lot considering that I did only 78 drops. Nice thing is that average claim size was much better than during previous run, but without the hof I would be far from breaking even this run.

Total profit/loss: +235.5 ped
Great to see you started a mining log my friend :)

You're definitely not a nobody, not to me for sure ;) I started trading my stuff to you with very small stacks and was living on almost nothing, and now I can finally breathe a bit. You've always been helpful to me.

Best of luck to you for your tower :yay:
GL! I think that this blog will be full of swirlies ;)
Adn Nice target number 8 .. anyone must find fuc**** dunkel :D
Good luck with the blog ! Nice to see this great start :)
Run 3
Around Solfais

Bombs: 168 ped
Amps (oa103): 369,81 ped
Decay: 12,33 ped
Enhancers (7 broken!!!): 16,8 ped
Total: 566,94 ped

Lanorium: 16.77 ped
Narcanisum: 98.56 ped
Belkar: 89.74 ped
Cumbriz: 114.3 ped
Caldorite: 66.13 ped
Gold: 11 ped
Zanderium: 45 ped
Total tt: 441,5 ped

Sold for: 563,97 (sold to C.O.R.E)

Return: 99,48%

Loss:2,97 ped

Claims: 50
Hit rate: 29,76%

Hit pattern:

First Amp:
VIII VII V _ VIII _ VII _ _ VII IX _(r) IX _(r) IV _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tp _ _ _ _ _ _ V _ _ VII VI _ _ _ _ V _ _ _ V _ _ IX V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Second Amp:
V _ _ _ _ _ IX _ _ _ _ IV _ _ VIII _(r) _ tp XII VIII(r) _(r) V VII V _ IX VIII(r) _(r) _ _ V _ _ V _ _ _ tp _ _ VII tp _ XII _(r) _ V _ _ _ V VIII _ _ VIII _ _ _ _

Third Amp:
_ _ _ _ _ VIII VIII VIII V IX _ _ _ _ _ V _ VIII _ VIII _ _ VIII _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IX _(r) _ _ VIII _ _ V _ _ _ VIII VII _ _ _ _ _ _ VII _ _ _

Claim sizes:
IV - 2
V - 15
VI - 1
VII - 8
VIII - 15
IX - 7
XII -2

No swirles this run :ahh:

This time I decided to mine in a place that after VU10 was just terrible for me. And I'm glad I did it :cool: This run didnt brought me any global, but hit rate was very nice, so I finished with just a tiny loss. Only bad thing was that 30% of my hits with oa103 were size V (15 V's on 50 hits) - if that was a bit better or if I found just one global, I'd be in green again. Well, at least I know that this place is worth giving it few more tries before I can say if it's a good or bad spot for me. One thing is for sure - without decent depth it can be tricky for amps - this time found 6 zand claims (12% of total claims) and that helped for sure.

Total profit/loss: +232,53 ped
I am a pathetic miner, so I am subscribing maybe I can figure out what is wrong with me. :laugh:
Run 4
New Swiss

Bombs: 78 ped
Amps (oa104): 260 ped
Decay: 5,08 ped
Enhancers (2 broken): 4,8 ped
Total: 347,88 ped

Caldorite: 10.37
Narcanisum: 59.68
Niksarium: 18.85
Zinc: 25.8
Gazzurdite: 16
Gold: 4
Blausariam: 4.48
Combriz: 21.15
Adomasite: 4.2
Total tt: 164.53 ped

Sold for: 207.14 ped (sold to C.O.R.E)

Return: 59,54%

Loss:140,74 ped

Claims: 21
Hit rate: 26,92%

Hit pattern:

First Amp:
_ VIII _ _ IX _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tp _ _ IX _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ VI V _ _ _

Second Amp:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ VI VI _ _ _ _ _ VI _ IX _ V IX VI V VIII VI _ _ _ _ VIII _ _ V _ IX V V _ _ _

Claim sizes:
V - 7
VI - 6
IX - 5

No swirles again :ahh:

Ok, this is the run I really wanted to show - long series of nrfs and a lot of crappy claims size V and VI. This is how my mining looked like for over a month except just a few lucky runs that didnt helped much. Simmilar results can be found in Strash's log - before VU10 such runs happened just ocasionally, now they're rather something normal. Decent finish saved me from even bigger loss - after burning first amp I had around 30% return... I bet almost all miners that read this know such runs very well, cause sadly mining was seriously screwed past few months. MA - PLEASE DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!

At the moment 5th run is in progres - took a break while VU is beeing implemented. Just dropped 18 bombs so till servers went down, but sadly I have no reasons to be optimistic again :laugh:

Total profit/loss: +91,79 ped
Good Luck!
Run 5
East of Nea's

Bombs: 78 ped
Amps (oa104): 260 ped
Decay: 5,28 ped
Enhancers (5 broken): 12 ped
Total: 355.28 ped

Blausariam: 21,52
Azzurdite: 10,8
Quantium: 10,2
Cumbriz: 13,95
Terrudite: 55
Belkar: 16,94
Kanerium: 7,5

Total tt: 135,91 ped

Sold for: 150,02 ped (sold to C.O.R.E)

Return: 42,23%

Loss:205,26 ped

Claims: 17
Hit rate: 21,79%

Hit pattern:

First Amp:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ VI _ VI VIII V _ VII _ _ _ _ _ _ VI VI IX V V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Second Amp:
_ _ _ _ tp _ _ _ IX _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ VI IX _ IX _ _ tp _ _ _ _ _ VIII _ IV _ _ tp _ _ _ _ VI _ _

Claim sizes:
IV - 1
V - 3
VI - 6
VII - 1
VIII - 2
IX - 4

Again nothing at all...

Worst of my runs so far - the numbers and hit patter say all. Very shitty claim sizes and 20 nrfs in a row did the job. Thank you for update MA... :rolleyes: This is the deep shit I was sitting in for over a month, so now I'm really tired of it. It should be obligatory for all MA staff to depo 10k ped per month and play as a regular avatar - maybe when their own asses will get constantly screwed like this, they'll figure out that something is not right with the system... But of course instead of dealing with serious problems, they rather "improve Client Loader stability" once per weak and implement visual changes that nobody really cares about... I'm really not greedy - regular return around 80-90% would be satisfactory. Thats what I was getting over a year ago before I took a long break - is this too much to ask for?

PS. Sorry Bling - this time I can't say that you were right :ahh:

Total profit/loss: -113,47 ped
Damn Told u i Shouldnt of Gone To Bed :p woulda given u a better spot
Run 6

Bombs: 117 ped
Amps (oa104): 397,11 ped
Decay: 8,95 ped
Enhancers (2 broken): 4,8 ped
Total: 527,86 ped

Belkar: 71,02
Durulium: 146,4
Gazzurdite: 199,5
Kanerium: 12,5

Total tt: 429,42 ped

Sold for: 505,13 ped (sold to C.O.R.E)

Return: 95,69%

Loss:22,73 ped

Claims: 36
Hit rate: 31,62%

Hit pattern:

First Amp:
_ VIII VI _ _ IX VI _ _ _ _ VIII _ VI _ _ _ V _ _ _ _ IX IX _ _ _ XIII _(r) _ _ VI _ IX _ IX VI _ _

Second Amp:
VIII _ VIII VII IX _ VIII _ VI _ _ _ X _(r) VIII _ IX _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ VI _ _ _ _ VI _ _ VIII _ _ _ _

Third Amp:
_ _ _ _ _ _ XIII _ (r) _ _ _ VI _ _ _ V IX _ _ tp VI _ _ _ _ tp _ IX VI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IX _ VI

Claim sizes:
V - 2
VI - 12
VII - 1
VIII - 7
IX - 11
X - 1
XIII - 2


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First half of this run was very good. Very high hit rate and decent claim sizes, second half of the run was not so good, but even with so many nrfs in the second part I finished with over 31% hit rate. Generally claim sizes were good - just 2 Vs and a lot of VIIIs and IXs. I finished with loss, but considering that the return was over 95% and I also magaged to get 2 mini-globals, I'll call it a good run.

From now on I'll try to make 3-amps run instead of 2-amps. Every run there are hot and cold spots, or (if you prefer to call it that way) hot & cold time frames. I hope that will improve my returns a bit and it should also make easier the decission to take a tp jump or two and change location while mining - when I have just 20 bombs left I'm usually deciding not to drop and to give the area little more time. Usually that's a mistake, but I'm too lazy to think were shall I tp now when I have just 20-40 bombs on me ;)

Total profit/loss: -136,20 ped
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Good luck mate! keep going dropping like crazy!
Run 7
Treasure Island

Bombs: 168 ped
Amps (3x oa103): 369,91 ped
Decay: 13,44 ped
Enhancers (4 broken): 9,6 ped
Total: 560,85 ped

Gazzurdite: 112,75
Durulium: 88,8
Blausariam: 229,08
Cobalt: 85,8
Valurite: 132
Hansidian: 0,92
Azzurdite: 7,2

Total tt: 656,55 ped

Sold for: 754,42 ped (sold to C.O.R.E)

Return: 134,61%

Profit:193,57 ped

Claims: 52
Hit rate: 30,95%

Hit pattern:

First Amp:
VIII _ _ _ VIII _ V _ _ V _ _ VIII _ _ _ V V V _ XII _(r) _ _ _ IX _ _ _ VIII _ _ _ V _ _ _ _ V _ _ V _ _ _ V _ V _ V V _ _ _ _ _

Second Amp:
_ _ _ _ V _ XII(o) _(r) _ _ V _ _ _ V _ _ _ V IX _ XII _(r) _ VIII _ XI _ _ _ VIII VIII _ XV _(r) _ _ _ _ _ _ VII V V VIII VI _ _ _ _ _ _ VIII _ _

Third Amp:
_ _ _ V IV _ _ V _ _ _ V V VIII _ V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ VIII _ XIV _(r) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V _ V _ V _ _ _ _ _ V _ V VII _ _ _ _ _ _

Claim sizes:
IV - 1
V - 28
VI - 1
VII - 4
VIII - 10
IX - 2
XI - 1
XII - 3
XIV - 1
XV - 1


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This was a very weird run. Decided to give TI a try because I needed cobalt, that one of the crafters ordered at C.O.R.E. Treasure Island recently sucked big time and I had terrible returns there last 5-6 runs I did there, so instead of oa104s I tried 3 oa103's. I was counting on cobalt hof, cause current auction demand is much bigger than supply, but of course I didnt got it - in fact havent found that much cobalt at all - all the bigger hits were on other ores.

Why I said this was a weird run? Well, cause I had mixed feeling during it - judging from hit pattern you can see that I rather didnt had any long nrf series this time, but on the other hand around 54% of my claims were size V - thats sucky for oa103. I havent made any claim sizes statistics yet (will do them every 50 runs finished), but I think on oa103 V's should be around 30% of total claims, so this run they were way over that average. Ususally such a big number of V's means a big loss, but this time I managed to get also 2 globals, 3 XII's and one XI. So after all I finished with really decent profit.

I'm back in greens, but I doubt I'll stay here for long :D

Total profit/loss: +57,37 ped
Run 8

Bombs: 117 ped
Amps (3x oa104): 397,11 ped
Decay: 8,07 ped
Enhancers (4 broken): 9,6 ped
Total: 531,78 ped

Belkar: 22
Lysterium: 4,19
Durulium: 162,4
Gazzurdite: 331,5
Kanerium: 5

Total tt: 525,09 ped

Sold for: 618,45 ped (sold to C.O.R.E)

Return: 116,30%

Profit:86,67 ped

Claims: 28
Hit rate: 23,93%

Hit pattern:

First Amp:
_ _ _ _ _ V VI _ _ XVI _(r) _ _ _ _ _ _ VI _ _ _ _ _ VI _ IX _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ VIII _ _ _ _

Second Amp:
_ VI V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V IX _ _ IX _(r) VIII _ _ _ VIII _ _ _ IX V _ _ _ _ X _(r) _ _ _ IX VIII _

Third Amp:
V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ X _(r) _ _ IX _ _ _ _ _ tp _ _ _ _ VIII _ IX _ _ _ _ VIII XIII _(r) _ VI _ IX _ _

Claim sizes:
V - 5
VI - 5
VIII - 6
IX - 8
X - 2
XVI - 1


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Another weird run and another run finished with profit. Tiny hof in the beggining made me expect much more, but this time my hit rate sucked. It's funy, cause befor this run I bough range enhancers for the first time to see if they'll improve the number of claims found. But I can already see that putting just lvl 1 range enhancers dont make any difference - I'd need to use tier I-VI to get additional 3m radius - maybe that would work. Considering current price of range enhancers I doubt I'll do the test now - maybe after the tower (hopefully soon ;)). Anyway - profit is profit, so I wont complain (altough I really like to complain in public ;)).

Total profit/loss: +144,04 ped
Run 9
Many spots S from Neas

Bombs: 117 ped
Amps (3x oa104): 397,11 ped
Decay: 14,15 ped
Enhancers (2 broken): 4,8 ped
Total: 533,06 ped

Caldorite: 40,8
Cumbriz: 15,3
Niksarium: 6,5
Dianum: 3,75
Narcanisum: 25,52
Quantium: 25,2
Azzurdite: 49,2
Terrudite: 44
Lysterium: 359,29

Total tt: 569,56 ped

Sold for: 590,5 ped (sold to C.O.R.E)

Return: 110,78%

Profit:57,44 ped

Claims: 25
Hit rate: 21,37%

Hit pattern:

First Amp:
_ _ _ _ _ IV _ _ _ IX _ _ _ _ _ VIII VI(r) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ VI _ _ tp _ _ VI _ _ VIII _ _ VIII IX(r) _ _ _ _

Second Amp:
XVII _(r) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ VIII _ tp _ _ _ _ _ IX _(r) _ _ _ IX VI(r) _ tp _ VIII _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IX V(r) _ _ _ _

Third Amp:
_ _ VI _ IX _ _ IX _ _ VI _ tp _ _ VI _ _ _ _ _ _ V _ VIII _ _ _ V _ _ _ VI _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Claim sizes:
IV - 1
V - 3
VI - 8
VIII - 5
IX - 7
XVII - 1


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And another weird run... Hof saved it - without that lyst I'd have a huge loss due to low hit rate and shitty claim sizes. Well - I wish I had just 1 lucky moment like this on every bad run ;)

Total profit/loss: +201,48 ped
Run 10
Treasure Island

Bombs: 117 ped
Amps (3x oa104): 393 ped
Decay: 8,18 ped
Enhancers (9 broken!!!): 21,6 ped
Total: 539,78 ped

Cobat: 80,2
Gazzurdite: 81,5
Durulium: 10,4
Azzurdite: 9,6
Valurite: 12
Blausariam: 101,4

Total tt: 295,1 ped

Sold for: 359,01 ped (sold to C.O.R.E)

Return: 66,51%

Loss:180,71 ped

Claims: 29
Hit rate: 24,79%

Hit pattern:

First Amp:
_ IX _ _ V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IX _ _ V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IX _ _ VI _ _ VIII _ IX _ VI _ VI _ _

Second Amp:
_ VI IX _ _ _ V VI _ _ VI _ _ _ _ _ V _ _ _ IX _ V _ _ _ _ _ tp _ _ _ _ _ _ _ VI _ _ _

Third Amp:
_ _ VI _ VI _ _ _ _ _ _ VII _ IX _ _ _ _ tp _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IX _ IX _ _ VI _ XII _ V IX _

Claim sizes:
V - 5
VI - 10
VII - 1
VIII - 2
IX - 10
XII - 1

Nothing this time

Just a bad run... Few findings in the very end improved my hit rate a bit, but generally claim sizes sucked. Additional thing is enhancers break rate - on 117 bombs I've broken 9 enhancers and that increased the run cost. Not much more to say about such shitty run - I just have to get over it and look for my luck in the next run.

Total profit/loss: +20,71 ped
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Run 11
NW Oshiri

Bombs: 117 ped
Amps (3x oa104): 393 ped
Decay: 7,85 ped
Enhancers (5 broken): 12 ped
Total: 529,85 ped

Platinum: 6
Cumbriz: 18,45
Zinc: 31,4
Lysterium: 5,06
Dianum: 8,75
Durulium: 35,2
Gazzurdite: 9
Valurite: 6
Azzurdite: 6
Narcanisum: 149,12
Niksarium: 35,1

Total tt: 310,08 ped

Sold for: 376,2 ped (sold to C.O.R.E)

Return: 71%

Loss:153,65 ped

Claims: 38
Hit rate: 32,48%

Hit pattern:

First Amp:
_ _ _ _ VIII _ _ _ _ _ VI _ _ _ V _ _ V _ _ VI VIII _ V VIII V IX VIr _ _ _ _ _ VI _ _ IX _r IX

Second Amp:
IX IXr Vr VIr _r _ _ _ _ _ VIII _ _ IX _r VI _ _ _ VI VI _ _ _ VI V IX _ _ _ _ _ VI _ _ _ VIII _

Third Amp:
_ VI _ _ _ _ IX _ VII _ _ _ VIII _ XII IXr _r _ IX _r _ VIII _ V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ VII _ _ _ _ _ _

Claim sizes:
V - 5
VI - 10
VII - 1
VIII - 2
IX - 10
XII - 1

Nothing again

And another bad run - even despite very good hit rate I'm getting screwed again. The funniest thing is, that the biggest claim I found this run (XII) was inside a tree and I couldnt dig it out lol. I had such claims 2 or 3 times before, but they were so small, that I was too lazy to write a support case -this time I will do that and I'm very curious what MA will respond :rolleyes:

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Total profit/loss: -132,94 ped