LeshTrox': SurpriZe Youself! (L) - defeat your goals - Overtaking the Grand Master

Leshrac Brevin

Old Alpha
Feb 1, 2008
The Rebellion
Avatar Name
Leshrac Holynight Brevin
LeshTrox presents
5.000 PED Jackpot, five rewarded Missions and
SurpriZe Yourself! (L) - 4 PED each global
Starts 01/03/2022, Tickets @ Shopkeeper LA40!

Earnings / Participating players

Game starts after you get a ticket for it. Ticket = 0 PED.
Ticket tt value is 1 PED, trade with Leshrac Holynight Brevin for 1 PED of the according months ticket. The ticket is a an ingame ticket for 1.00 PED.

If you give the ticket back after game ends, you get the 1 PED back and the payout. To get the payout, return the ticket.

Shopkeeper on LA40 close to LA Marker has tickets, they cost 2.02 PED. 2.02 PED are returned anytime the game ends and the ticket is returned to Leshrac Holynight Brevin.


Ongoing, can be played multiple months.

The land area can be found
Calypso 24000, 28000, 113, LA40 Atrox Valley (click for details).


Get a ticket as described above and you earn Virtual Platinum for globals.

Each Virtual Platinum is 4 ped in the starting period.

For instance, 100 globals are 400 ped in platinum.

Lets say you global as follows:

March 10 globals

April 22 globals

In April you read about ‘SurpriZe youself’

You get the ticket for 0 ped and do

5 more globals in April

In May you have 29 globals

In June you have 15 globals

Global count: April: 27 globals (22 before ticket, 5 after ticket), March and June globals are not counted.

May: 29 globals

27+29 = 56 globals = 56 Virtual Platinum

Rate 1:4

Earned PED: 224 PED.

Return ticket that indicates you started in March 'SurpriZe Youself 3/22'. You get the prize of the ticket back, either 1 PED or 2.02 PED, depending if you bought at Shopkeeper or from Leshrac Holynight Brevin.

Global 50 ped = 4 ped platinum, tax rate 4%, 2 ped. I lose 2 ped due to platinum value. This is better than anywhere else in Calypso, the global on LA40 has a higher value than non-taxed area.

Global 100 ped = 4 ped platinum, tax rate 4%, 4 ped. You get exactly what you globaled.

Game ends, according rule you have to have more globals than last month.

Game does not begin, the idea is to overtake your previous global record at least once, according to rule you have to have more globals than last month.

Only globals that show on Entropia Life can be count.

If you had a global that is not shown on EL, make an ingame screen shot and post it in PCF or ask a friend to post the screenshot in PCF.

Automatically with EL Tracker, the global/HoF, position and time have to be shown. Alternatively, make a screenshot of the ingame global message, looking like: Player Xy killed a creature (Atrox Alpha) on LA40, Atrox Valley with a total value of 88 PED! Make a screenshot of this and the current ingame time and I will count that global as well if it meets the other rules. I am not responsible of the globals and if they can be count if it does not fit these rules.

Tax rate is 4%. The idea is to get most of tax rate back to player, that are made in globals plus a little bit more, if the global is below 100 ped. I earn from bigger globals, HoFs and the tiny peds, like 3 ped from Atrox is 12 pec for me. This way 80% of tax goes to player that grinds. Note that I have to fertilize this land, the costs of fertilizing have also to be paid.

Note also that this mix of globals with maturity and density is unique in Entropia, there is no other LA with 3x Atrox DNA in this maturity and density. In this area, very rare items, like UL Supremacy parts, Sapphire Atrox (tameable, 2500 ped) and Animal Heart Oil from Atrox Stalkers can be found. There is Submarine Rifle with 120% MU, Supremacy parts (L) with 130% to 180% MU.

I do not know yet, but it is possible that the value of Virtual Platinum may change due to activity. However, changes are only for future, not for past value.

Virtual Platinum (VP) earned before the planned change, will remain at its value, its value will not change. That means, if the rate should change, it does not affect the value you earned before, the 4 ped. Changes may affect further earned platinum.

They still remain active. They do not affect each other. You can get the jackpot, maximum 5000 PED, in Mission 2 and in Mission 1 you can earn 125 ped. Read the other Missions for more information here.

So that means if you get a pay out for Mission 1, you can still play in SurpriZe Yourself if you follow the according rules. SurpriZe Yourself can be played for several months as long as the explained rules are followed.

Check LeshTrox.com (link) for Mission 1 to 5.

Good luck!

(Tickets available from Shopkeeper on LA40)
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Participating players
  • Petrus PM Molinos
    • October 0 globals
    • Earned Virtual Platinum: projected 0, in case of overtaking next month
    • Payout: 0 PED payout in case of not overtaking next month
    • goal for November:
      • at least 1 globals for payout

  • Colorado ilikecoorz Rockies
    • November 112 globals
    • October 18 globals
    • Earned Virtual Platinum: 112
    • Payout: 448 PED payout in case of not overtaking next month
    • goal for November:
      • at least 1 globals for payout

  • Osgrr Osse Aiam
    • October 0 globals
    • Earned Virtual Platinum: projected 0, in case of overtaking next month
    • Payout: 0 PED payout in case of not overtaking next month
    • goal for November:
      • at least 1 globals for payout

  • Jessica aJK Eschweiler
    • November 19 globals
    • October 0 globals
    • Earned Virtual Platinum: 19
    • Payout: 76 PED payout in case of not overtaking next month
    • goal for November:
      • at least 1 globals for payout

  • Wovenn Kbotty Asterfield
    • October 0 globals
    • Earned Virtual Platinum: projected 0, in case of overtaking next month
    • Payout: 0 PED payout in case of not overtaking next month
    • goal for November:
      • at least 1 globals for payout

  • Petrus PM Molinos
    • October 0 globals
    • Earned Virtual Platinum: projected 0, in case of overtaking next month
    • Payout: 0 PED payout in case of not overtaking next month
    • goal for November:
      • at least 1 globals for payout

  • Colorado ilikecoorz Rockies
    • November 112 globals
    • October 0 globals
    • Earned Virtual Platinum: 112
    • Payout: 448 PED payout in case of not overtaking next month
    • goal for November:
      • at least 1 globals for payout

  • Osgrr Osse Aiam
    • October 0 globals
    • Earned Virtual Platinum: projected 0, in case of overtaking next month
    • Payout: 0 PED payout in case of not overtaking next month
    • goal for November:
      • at least 1 globals for payout

  • Jessica aJK Eschweller
    • October 0 globals
    • Earned Virtual Platinum: projected 0, in case of overtaking next month
    • Payout: 0 PED payout in case of not overtaking next month
    • goal for November:
      • at least 1 globals for payout

  • Wovenn Kbotty Asterfield
    • October 0 globals
    • Earned Virtual Platinum: projected 0, in case of overtaking next month
    • Payout: 0 PED payout in case of not overtaking next month
    • goal for November:
      • at least 1 globals for payout

  • Petrus PM Molinos
    • October 0 globals
    • Earned Virtual Platinum: projected 0, in case of overtaking next month
    • Payout: 0 PED payout in case of not overtaking next month
    • goal for November:
      • at least 1 globals for payout

  • Colorado ilikecoorz Rockies
    • November 92 globals
    • October 0 globals
    • Earned Virtual Platinum: 92
    • Payout: 368 PED payout in case of not overtaking next month
    • goal for November:
      • at least 1 globals for payout

  • Osgrr Osse Aiam
    • October 0 globals
    • Earned Virtual Platinum: projected 0, in case of overtaking next month
    • Payout: 0 PED payout in case of not overtaking next month
    • goal for November:
      • at least 1 globals for payout

  • Shoo Walla Aboo
    • September 19 globals
      • Earned Virtual Platinum: projected 19, in case of overtaking next month
      • Payout: projected 76 PED, in case overtakes next month
      • lost, no globals in October

  • Pitsch Pit imsch
    • July 14 globals
      • Earned Virtual Platinum: 14
      • Payout: - ped
    • August

  • Paul CrazedWolfman90 Davis
    • June 5 globals
      • Earned Virtual Platinum: 5
      • Payout: - ped
    • July 0 globals
      • Lost this instance, not at least 15 globals

  • wargeneral Cratonos dorito
    • June 9 globals
      • Earned Virtual Platinum: 9
      • Payout: - ped
  • July 0 globals
    • Lost this instance, not at least 15 globals

  • Ragnar Walhalla82 Lotbrock
    • June 14 globals
      • Earned Virtual Platinum: 14
      • Payout: - ped
    • July 1 global
      • Lost this instance, not at least 15 globals

  • Jeff ieme Hood
    • May 13 globals
      • Earned Virtual Platinum: 13
      • Payout: - ped
    • June 0 globals
      • Lost this instance, not at least 14 globals

Example List

  • Leshrac Holynight Brevin
    • February 8 globals
    • March 21 globals
    • April 15 globals
      • Earned Virtual Platinum: 29
      • Payout: 116 ped
  • Other SuperGood PlayerThatGrinds
    • February 56 globals
    • March 73 globals
    • April 94 globals
    • May unknown
      • Earned Virtual Platinum: 223
      • Payout: 892 ped
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last reserved - post your comments and qestions below.
Hey mate,

I want to get a ticket, how does it work?

Kind regards
Some PlayerThat Asks

You can find tickets for every month @ Shopkeeper on LA40.

Otherwise, trade me and I hand over a ticket that indicates when you started.

The ticket has a tt value of 1 ped, trade 1 ped to me for it. If the game ends, you can trade back the ticket to me for 1 ped and get your payout as well. The Shopkeeper tickets value of 2.02 ped are returned as well according to above.

Tickets are player bound and indicate your participation at a certain month. Buying more tickets than one per person is not allowed and can lead to be kicked from event. Same for trading tickets between players.
Good luck!

Hi Leshrac,
I want to participate @ Surprize yourself, put me on the list please.

Please get an ingame ticket as described in the FAQ or at the beginning of the starting post. Without the ingame ticket, you do not participate. Good luck!