Lykkes diary


May 26, 2005
In your dreams!
Church of Lootius
Avatar Name
Ann Lykke TheNun
Word of the day: Hope

Started a new job today - my stressfactor reached a level I did not even thought was possible. I new, I could handle a lot of things all together - but this was horrible. Im trying to manage 2 jobs at the same time - and have to do that for the rest of this week!

"Hope" is a positive word. When things goes wrong, hope is the way to get you going.

I hope, I will be able to manage to finish my job before Monday and still be alive (or avake).

In PE I still hope to be able to HOF or Global on my own *GG* and be there, when it happens :laugh:

If I wasnt Danish, and if I would ever have another child, and it was a babygirl. I could easily call her Hope.

Lykke :girl:
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Word of the day: Confidence

Do you have confidence in your life and trust the way, that are shown you? I do!

Sometimes its like, when one door shuts in front of you - 5 new doors open. I also noticed that when you give up one thing in life, its to make room for something better. You just have to keep faith in your own intuition! Sometimes its good to listen to your heart and not your brain, even though you find the logical and easy option more reasonable. If things feels good, the odds for success is more likely good too. :yup:

Its fun, PE is different from RL. When I really feel in my heart, I should go and hunt maffoids at argus, because my intuition tells me I would HOF there ... I get the worse loot ever???

OHH praise Lootie .. I have to kneel more - and do some more penance ... I think! ViagraFalls, I have some confessions to make too ... and after, you can decide what the penalty should be :bowdown: :whip:
Word of the day: Sex

AHHHH well, I just wanted to see if you were awake ;) ...

Im quite amazed how most guys are talking to girls in online-games. They just say excactly what they mean, how they want it and were :eek: (I dont care much about it myself - I just follow the conversation if its a blast or :whip: them over, when it turns out to be too much - which actually is a rare thing!)

When I meet guys in RL, they harly talk, stepping on their own feets, stutting out "hi's" and "hello's" ..! Imagine a guy like this turning over to be a hot studbull in the evenings, drenching girls with drooling pervert words and offers ... ?

Sometimes I have to laugh hard of peoples sexy-conversations when hearing them .. and imagine the guy and girl(or guy :eek: ) sitting behind the screens! Is it pathetic, you think? Naaa, I dont think it is really. I believe that the possibility to chat and flirt with people of the opposite sex gives you the strenght to talk to them in RL too - by time.

Like myself ... I like flirting in game ... but in RL, Im ... ohhh well, nevermind :laugh:

[wishlist]I wish there were flirting-skills in PE ... then I would have been an UBER long time ago :rolleyes: (Any priests here, who would like to help me skill???)[/wishlist]
Word of tomorrow: Happiness

WELL, I will be too busy tomorrow to write about the days word - but I have allready decided it will be happiness :D

And that made me think of an old The Beatles song :rolleyes: :

*She's not a girl who misses much
Do do do do do do do, oh yeah
She's well acquainted with the touch of the velvet hand
Like a lizard on a window pane

The man in the crowd with the multicoloured mirrors
On his hobnail boots
Lying with his eyes while his hands are busy
Working overtime
A soap impression of his wife which he ate
And donated to the National Trust.

I need a fix 'cause I'm going down
Down to the bits that I left uptown
I need a fix cause I'm going down

Mother Superior jump the gun
Mother Superior jump the gun
Mother Superior jump the gun
Mother Superior jump the gun
Mother Superior jump the gun
Mother Superior jump the gun

Happiness is a warm gun
Happiness is a warm gun
When I hold you in my arms
And I feel my finger on your trigger
I know nobody can do me no harm
Because happiness is a warm gun
Happines is a warm gun
Yes it is

Happiness is a warm yes it is...gun....*

Not REALLY a happy song .. but real good anyway ;)
The word of the day: Cleaning

Well, what a boring word :rolleyes: .... yes it is ... sort off.

Im cleaning up my house. Its a mess. My divorce is not making it any better. Roommate is messing around with stuff - trying to get as much as possible (thats why I WAS going to call this post "Greed" instead).

Nevermind. Im not into material things anyway. He can take all the things, as long as he promise me to back off.

WELL .. cleaning. SO after sorting papers, cd's, dvd's, bills ... seperating bankaccounts etc. I thought of all the unnessecary things we get in life. I have a lot of crap! It IS crap - most of it. And then I have funny small things, which some people might considder as crap - but things that means a hell of a lot to me. Like my wodden elephant! A letter from my kids given on Mothers-day. My old old tarot cards. And I feel warm inside when memorizing all the happy moments I have connected to these things.

What do I do with 4 tv's? 2 dvd-players anyway? Or all the kitchen stuff .... and all the other crappy stuff I have? They are not connected to any moments in my life worth to remember. Let roommate take it all, if thats so important to him. But im sure it still not fullfill the emtiness Im sure he is feeling inside.

Cleaning - Im cleaning up everything. My life .. Im turning everything upside down. Im throwing out things I dont need. Im collecting happy moments. I just got a new exciting job, a new light apartment! im doing a real turn over .. and I am so happy - and you make me so happy! And that is also worth to remember!
The word of the day: Lovesong

Another song .. sorry .. love songs :D This is SO beautiful, I nearly get tears in my eyes when listening to it (nearly ... :cool: )

Sign your name by Terence Trent D'Arby

Fortunately you have got
someone who relies on you
we started out as friends
but the thought of you just caves me in
the synptoms are so deep
it is much to late to turn away
we started out as friends

Sign your name
across my heart
i want you to be my baby
Sign your name
across my heart
i want you to be my lady

Time i'm sure will bring
disappointments in so many things
it seems to be the way
when your gambling cards on love you play
i'd rather be in hell with you baby
than in cool heaven
it seems to be the way

Birds never look into the sun
before the day is done
but oh the light shines brighter
on a peaceful day
stranger blue leave us alone
we don't want to deal with you
we'll shed our stains showering
in the room that makes the rain

All alone with you
makes the butterflies in me arise
slowly we make love
and the earth rotates
to our dictates
slowly we make love

Nothing more to say .. I have had a busy day ;)
word of the day: Trouble

My parents always told me to keep out of troubles. I dont know .. that just made it even more exciting to get into troubles. Somehow troubles learned me about life - the hard way .. but then again ... I cant help it - I just LOVE troubles!

Word of the day: Joke

An tragedy, and accident, and a great loss

George W. Bush is visiting a primary school and he visits one of the classes. They are in the middle of a discussion related to words and their meanings. The teacher asks the President if he would like to lead the discussion of the word "tragedy."

So the illustrious leader asks the class for an example of a tragedy. One little boy stands up and offers: "If my best friend who lives on a farm, is playing in the field and a runaway tractor comes along and knocks him dead, that would be a tragedy."

"No," says President Bush, "that would be an accident."

A little girl raises her hand: "If a school bus carrying 50 children drove over a cliff, killing everyone inside, that would be a tragedy."

"I'm afraid not," explains the exalted leader. "That's what we would call a great loss."

The room goes silent. No other children volunteer. President Bush searches the room. "Isn't there someone here who can give me an example of a tragedy?"

Finally at the back of the room, little Peter raises his hand. In a quiet voice he says: "If Air Force One carrying you was struck by a missile and blown to smithereens, that would be a tragedy."

"Fantastic!" exclaims President Bush, "That's right. And can you tell me why that would be a tragedy?"

"Well," says the boy, "because it sure as hell wouldn't be a great loss and it probably wouldn't be an accident either."

:eek: :laugh:
Word of the day: Dreams

WHAT a wonderfull morning ... ;)

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Have a nice day all :cool:
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Word of the day: Dreams II

... continued ...

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Word of the day: Love

I love you

I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you
I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you

I love you
• I love you I love you I love you I love
• you
• I love you I love you
• I love you I love you I love you I
• love you

I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you
I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love
You I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love
You I love you I love you I love you I love you.

I love you I love you I love you I love you
• I
• Love
• You

I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you
I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you

I love you

Ps: Your cute too
Word of the day: Traffic lights

:eek: I have had this "song" in my head all day? Maybe its time for me to realize, that my brain might be overloaded ... ... ...?? :laugh:

I Like Traffic Lights by Monty Python

I Like traffic lights
I Like traffic lights
I Like traffic lights
No matter where they've been

I Like traffic lights
I Like traffic lights
I Like traffic lights
I Like traffic lights
I Like traffic lights
But only when they're Green

He likes traffic lights
He likes traffic lights
He likes traffic lights
No matter where they've been

He likes traffic lights
He likes traffic lights
He likes traffic lights
But only when they're Green

I Like traffic lights
I Like traffic lights
I Like traffic lights
That is what I said

I Like traffic lights
I Like traffic lights
I Like traffic lights
But not when they are Red

He likes traffic lights
He likes traffic lights
(He) That is what I said

He likes traffic lights
He likes traffic lights
He likes traffic lights
He likes traffic lights
He likes traffic lights
But not when they are Red

I Like traffic lights
I Like traffic lights
I Like traffic lights
Although my name's not Bamber

I Like traffic lights
I Like traffic lights
I Like traffic lights
I-- Oh, God!...

Word of the day: Karma

I want to write about karma, because thats a word most of us can deal with. Karma is the spiritual sphere affected by the way you act. The buddhists also describes it as "cause and effect". Whenever you say or do something, it affects your life somehow.

You might have tried the following: you say something rude to someone - and shortly after that, something bad happends?? Some also calls it nemesis. Or maybe you even tried to give an other person an item of some kind, even though you did not have much - but then shortly after, you get something back that pays you 10 times?

Im sure everyone has been told, as a child: Treat others like you want them to treat you? If you are not nice to others and show them respect, you cant expect them to be nice or show you any respect back!

Your life is affected by everything you say and do ... your surroundings are affected by what you say and do - your surroundings acts after you - and making that positive, makes you move forward instead of backwards.

Tomorrow is a new day and gives you a new chance to see life and feel it - yesterday happend, but is the past and you cant do anything to change it. Dont be stucked in the negative sphere or try and change things you dont understand. Everything that happends, happends for a reason - everything that happends - happends because of the unsaid wishes inside of you - positive or negative!

A wise guy - you can call him my RL-mentor - told me once: We are all universes in the universe. Meaning - we are all individual, special, unique - but we are all still affected by each others way of reacting! When you realize facts like the once above, you can change your life.

When you do, Its time to take the responsibility of your own life, time to move on. And most of all, its time to live life!


(For you who might wonder, Im NOT a buddhist)
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The word of the day: bad joke

WELL, Im ill today :rolleyes: and THAT allows me to come up with a real bad joke ... though Im SOOOO ill, I just couldnt help laughing still.

Three men were in a sauna...

Three men were in a sauna. An Italian, a German, and a Pollack.

Suddenly, they heard a beeping noise. The Italian guy pushed a few buttons on his hand and then told the others that he had a chip installed in his hand to allow him to be paged.

Then, they heard a ring and the German man pushed a button on his hand and put his hand up to his ear and carried a conversation.

After pressing another button on his hand the German man said that he had a chip installed in his hand to allow him to receive calls.

The Polish man excuses himself to use the bathroom.

He comes back, with a piece of toilet paper trailing from his butt.

The other men laugh and point. The Polish man cranes his neck around to look.

He says, "Wow! I must have gotten a fax!"

:rolleyes: I know .. but still :laugh:
Word of the day: Business

Word of the day: Rain

I woke up from the sound of hard rain on my roof.

I like the sound of rain – the drumming sound of a million raindrops falling down, hitting ground like small bombs. I like the smell of rain. The smell of water mixed up with soil and the smell of wet grass in the autumn. You know, when the winter with its cold and darkness is real near, and you suck the last colours from leafs on the ground – red, yellow, purple!

I like the feeling of rain on my body. Wet grass under my bare feet. The raindrops on my body feels like a million small needles, but still warm – and have a cleaning effect on both body and soul. I like the silence after the rain. When the air is new and fresh – and when the last drops hit the ground.

This is a new day! The beginning of it was perfect! My house is now cleaned from bad air and energy. My heart is filled with you! I like the taste too – the taste of rain and new beginnings. The taste of life!
Word of the day: Webcam

AHH have you seen the pattern yet? When I have busy days, I just quote a song :D I heard this one in the car on my way to work this morning. I really forgot how good it is!

Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You by Lauryn Hill

You're just too good to be true
can't take my eyes off of you
you'd be like heaven to touch
I wanna hold you so much
at long last love has arrived
and I thank God I'm alive
you're just too good to be true
can't take my eyes off of you

Pardon the way that I stare
there's nothing else to compare
the sight of you leaves me weak
there are no words left to speak
but if you feel like I feel
please let me know that it's real
you're just too good to be true
can't take my eyes off of you

I Need you baby, and if it's quite alright
I need you baby to warm the lonely nights
I love you baby, trust in me when I say ok (it's ok)
Oh pretty baby, don't let me down, I pray
oh pretty baby, now that I've found you, stay
and let me love you, oh baby, let me love you, oh baby

You're just too good to be true
can't take my eyes out off of you
you'd be like heaven to touch
I wanna hold you so much
at long last love has arrived
and I thank God I'm alive
you're just too good to be true
can't take my eyes off of you

AND a nice day to you all
The word of the day: Dreams lll

... continued ...

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Word of the night: Dreams lV

... continued ...

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Word of the day: Dreams v

... continued ...

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wuv u

OMG OMG OMG Im SOOOOO excited ... *jumps up and down* - I just cant wait ...

And I just HAD to share that :wise:
Word of the day: Kingdom

From Shakespeare's Richard III

CATESBY: Rescue, my Lord of Norfolk, rescue, rescue!
The king enacts more wonders than a man,
Daring an opposite to every danger:
His horse is slain, and all on foot he fights,
Seeking for Richmond in the throat of death.
Rescue, fair lord, or else the day is lost!

KING RICHARD III: A horse! a horse! my kingdom for a horse!

CATESBY: Withdraw, my lord; I'll help you to a horse.

Word of the day: Friends?

Something has been bugging me lately. Not really bugging me - might be the wrong word, but made me pondering; once again I had to turn my friendlist round and realize who is there for ME and who I most likely will be best living without!

I have done this a couple of times in my life. Not because im fond of it - but because I also realized, that real good and close friends not necessary are those you are together with 12/52/7/24 ... ??

I had friends like that - had them for 5 years now. They were wifes to my x-husbands friends. We met every week - were sitting there 4 couples at least - with all the children .. at least as many as grown-ups. The talk was always about money, what investments to make next time, what new things to build on the houses, what car to buy when the new babies came etc. That MIGHT be interesting ... but I was sitting there, looking at the whole set-up knowing, that one of the wifes has been cheating on her husband, the other was about to be left by hers last year because she was over-shopping the Visa dry, the third one always whined and cried because her husband watched Porn on the pc ... and so on ... ! Maybe Im just rough? But if you whine? Do something about it. DONT sit week after week pretending to be the perfect family! We could NEVER talk deeper than, how much damage last birth did to the poor mother ... or about what child was plagued about getting teeths ... ! And yes I know, Im not (and will never be) the perfect housewife! But not beeing interested in talking about nappies, chapped nipples and diapers all the time, doesnt make me a bad mother .. does it??

And while I was watching this theater week after week I realized, that I was about to waste away my life! Then I found excuses to keep away from the weekly family-meetings! And that ALSO made me feel bad - well, kind of!

When I left my husband none of these friends asked me why. They all considder me to be the weirdo! They DID though say to people I know, and Im sure with an envy feeling, that I must have at least 10 lovers out there, I was evil and out of my mind, i was blind against realities - a bad mother to drag away the children from their father, that I had everything I needed and they kept on going! Im the bad *guy*! Well, the thing is - and this is kind of scaring. Even though we DID meet that often - they DID call me from time to time (before leaving x), they ALWAYS remembered my kids birthdays and I could keep on - I dont miss one single girl in that society?

The closest and dearest friends I have, I meet once or twize a month. I known them for a LOT of years. They know me - and we are able to talk about much - to me - deeper things. I even have friends who call me when Im sad - because they somehow know! Thats the kind of friends I like to keep. They really make my life richer!

And then I have a lot of other friends, I never met! But people I do talk with everyday. Among them a lot from PE. Dunno why - but we are also able to be close in another but very inspiring way!

I decided NOT to contact the people I dont feel i will be missing in my life! I have thought about it a lot! And when coming to the conclusion - and after talking to the people I really love - I feel so much lighter and relieved.

Thanks to you all - With lot of love :grouphug:

(A dear pe-friend of mine gave me these thoughts the other day; when saying he didnt feel he had many close friends, and he felt kind of alone. I came to the conclusion; its not about the number of friends. Its about how deep your connection is to the friends you got!)
Word of the day: Big brother

Dunno .. really .. but sometimes I feel someone is watching me .... :dunno:

Maybe im just paranoid?????

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Word of the day: Big brother ll

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Word of the day: Menora

:dunno: Its just a beautifull song ... and I'm a nun ... :D

Misere Mani by Era

Pera menora
Infane lia
Doven anore
Misere mani

I will look in the sky
I will search for the sun
Who'll tell us all about
Where we'll be tomorrow

I will read all the books
On my knees countlessness
To tell you what about
The legends of the past

I will wait for the sun (Pera menora )
On the top of the world (Infane lia)
To tell you all about (Doven anore)
The beauty of the light (Misere mani)

If you look inside your soul
The world will open to your eyes
You will see...

Pera menora
Ifano mia
Misere mani
Doven adore
Ifane nia
Misere maneo
Doven adore
Ifane tia
Misera omane

I will stand in the rain
Hoping sun will come through
And I'll see the colours of a misty rainbow
I'll stay up in the night
Looking on shooting stars
To tell you how magic
Is the whole universe

If you look inside your soul
The world will open to your eyes
You will see...

Pera menora infano lia
Misere mani
Doven anore
Infane lia
Misere manio
Doven anore
Infane lia
Misero omane

Pera menora
Infane lia
You will see...
Doven anore
Misere mani


I will wait for the sun
On the top of the world
To tell you all about
The beauty of the light
I'll stay up in the night
Looking on shooting stars

Doven anore
Infane lia
Misere manio
Doven anore
Infane lia
Misero omane

I will look in the sky
I will search for the sun
I will wait for the sun
On the top of the world
I will look in the sky
Of the world, of the world, of the world ...
Word of the day: Time

Time is such a funny thing. When you are young, you wish time would run faster - and you feel time is SO slow... When you grow older, you wish time would run slower, because you feel time is running too fast. When you are really old - you feel time is running slow again and time might be against you ... yet your time will be near! The truth is, time is never changing ... but we are!

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Word of the day: Precious

Life is precious. I have a very good friend. Her mom is so very ill by the Cancer in her head. She has had several cerebral thrombosis, which means, that she can hardly do anything or remember things. One day, when my friend visit her mom at the hospital, she found her dad collapsed on the hospital floor, just beside her moms bed. She went in chok. She is the only child. In her head she imagine what would happend if she lost both of her parents. But it made her strong - and both survived.

At the moment she was standing there - from beeing the child, who was taken care of - to be the one, to take care ... she realized how presious life is. To value every single second of it. She also grew strong at that very moment. She took the responsibility and did excactly what she had to do, to make sure her dad got the correct treatment. She didnt panic, her fear and sorrows went in the back and she took things step by step.

The worse thougth is the thought of loosing someone you love deeply. After its the thought of beeing alone. When your parents dies - and noone else is left, you are the last person in the family chain. Then its the thought of time ... as you know your last time is closer (which isnt right, as you never know when your time comes, but its the THOUGHT of it).

I was close to loose my mom not that long ago - also cancer. Its a terrible feeling. And the fear of loosing my children is huge. But things like this makes us stronger! And it makes us value even little things in our weekday. I value the hugs my daughters gives me everyday, and when they tell me they love me. I value when beeing able to get to work everyday, because I have a job Im able to take care off. I value remembering things - and the ability to see, hear and smell! I value all the time I am able to spend with boyfriend/friends and family.

Its all about living and exploring the exact moment - and know that its precious. Its all about seizing the day!
Word of the day: ONE


Theres only ONE day left, ONE night ... Im ONE big nervous freak - my thoughts are wandering about only ONE - and you are the ONE!

*jumps up and down*

(Please give me ONE :drink:, I really need ONE )