Making Apartments & Shops more useful


Dec 31, 2006
Twin Peaks mall, 2nd floor
Dirty Dingos
Avatar Name
Inherent Marxus Legends
Seems to me that the overriding principle for a lot of things in this game is based on Keynesian economics of 'Create Want'. The problem with this principle is that in real life, taken to it's natural end, all you are left with is everyone starving and sick...

Pretty bold statement I guess but I'm kind of fed up with this system of imposed 'scarcities' as the only means of creating value for things.

Either an Estate has intrinsic value based on it's utility or service, or it does not.

So, if MindArk is listening, here's some ideas on how Apartments could have real value for owners:

Apartments don't really serve much purpose in EU other than as a way to store more items. But as it is, it's not that many. Small apartments only have 120 item points and large ones, 200. Apartments could do so much more for players, here's some ideas:

1. Provide a Storage bin separate from Planet Storage with a capacity of 200 items, which is fixed and cannot be removed from the Apartment, and can only be accessed from within that Apartment (and won't work for crafting/tiering items remotely).

2. Fixed Refiner. Provide free refining of materials (no decay) inside an Apartment, for the Deed holder. Can only be performed from within the Apartment.

3. Grant the holder of an Apartment Deed an additional 2 Auction slots, for each Deed, up to a max of 10 additional slots (on top of the 30 Auction slots that everyone has). (Consider reducing all other players' limit to 20)

4. Buff Beauty related professions and skills when performed in an Apartment.

5. Buff Coloring/Texturing professions and skills when performed in an Apartment.

Shops are already very useful obviously but here's some other things they could have or do for their owners:

I think it has always been the intent to provide more functionality for Shops so as to make them an attractive option for players. The most obvious of these being that it's possible to put up a much larger number of items up for sale as compared to the 30 Auction slot limit that's currently available to all players. Another benefit is that all Auctions expire after 7 days, whereas an item in a shop can be for sale for years without ever expiring. Another benefit is the ability to set prices down to the pec. But shops in EU could do so much more. Here's just a few ideas:

1. Provide a Storage bin separate from Planet Storage with a capacity of 150 items for small shops and 350 for large ones, which is fixed and cannot be removed from the Shop, and can only be accessed from within that Shop (and won't work for crafting/tiering items remotely).

2. Make it possible for Shop owners to sell a package of items together for 1 price, e.g. an UL gun along with the amp that is best suited for it, a complete set of Armor, an outfit, a blueprint along with all the ingredients required to click it, etc... This added functionality could make Shops more convenient than the Auction in many cases.

3. Grant the holder of a Shop Deed an additional 5 Auction slots, for each Deed, up to a max of 20 additional slots (on top of the 30 Auction slots that everyone has). (Consider reducing all other players' limit to 20)

4. Fixed refining services. Allow the owner to enable free refining services for shoppers (contrary to Apartment refiners, this one could be enabled so that anyone can use it. When used by a player other than the Deed holder, the refiner would decay and the shop owner would need to repair it from time to time.)

5. Dispensing Shop Keeper. A Shop Keeper that has a UI where a shopper can set and buy the exact number of a stackable item which he needs, e.g. if a shopper only requires 12 Blausariam Ingots to tier upgrade a piece of armor, or say 5 defense enhancers, he would be able to buy exactly that amount by setting the quantity desired in the Shop Keeper's UI and buy them at the price set by the Shop owner. A Dispensing type Shop Keeper could hold say up to 12 different item stacks at any given time, and require 25 item points when placed in a Shop.

6. Buying Shop Keeper. A Shop Keeper which a Shop owner can use to set Buy Orders. A Shop owner could set prices for up to 20 distinct items, and a buy price for each. Shoppers could sell their items to this Shop Keeper anytime when the owner is not online. This is different then Banks (pawn shops) where you are putting up collateral for a loan.

7. Allow Shops to sell some items that are otherwise non-trade-able, such as Z12 Barbarella, I0-Pulse, Strongbox X/Y pills and Mayhem Tokens.

8. A Shop directory. I have to include this here because it has been brought up so many times by the community that this list would be incomplete without it. Ideally, this Shop directory should be located within the Auction interface, under a separate tab probably but matches would be shown whenever searching the Auction for a specific item. Remote buy would not be possible since this would defeat and by-pass the whole shopping experience.


That's what I can think of off the top of my head right now. I understand it may seem like an ask for added value to items already owned, perhaps, but there is also new items in there like these new types of Shop Keepers which you get to sell for the first time.

But at the very least, you need to consider the idea concerning fixed storage bins in Apartments and Shops, that one is a necessity. Here's what my carried inventory looks like these days:


Planet storage on RT is full, Caly is full, Monria is almost full, Hell is more then half full... My avatar hasn't been able to run for almost 3 years now, except for a rare occasion when I just stuffed everything in storage so I could hunt with my soc mates for a few days. And before anyone says anything, yes I have lots of containers and storage boxes, I calculated I would have to buy another 30 or so Tall Urns just to have a bit of a skip in my step, and there aren't that many on auction in one year.

The more Shops a player owns it seems, the more need there is for a large inventory. So providing some additional storage to Shop owners is of vital importance. I own 6 shops now, mining is impossible, hunting very painful... Is this what was intended? To make players decide between hunting/mining or running Shops? I think not..


PS: Regarding additional Auction slots, I think it makes sense. Estates like Apartments and Hangars don't really have much purpose, and lots of people would like to have more Auction slots. But if you won't allow more Auction slots, at least enforce your own rules and stop cheaters who have multiple accounts and use them to list more items on Auction. I follow the rules, and I expect that everyone else should be required to as well. I've already reported to you a year ago the Avatars involved, and some of them are still at it today, which tells me you won't enforce your own rules, and that really aggravates me.
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Craftingsystem don't "see" resources in apartments though. Only way for me to
not accidently use resources ment for other projects is to drop them in one of
my apartments.
Craftingsystem don't "see" resources in apartments though. Only way for me to
not accidently use resources ment for other projects is to drop them in one of
my apartments.

I'm guessing that you are mentioning this as an added benefit of owning an Apartments?

That's fine, none of the ideas proposed above change that.
I'm guessing that you are mentioning this as an added benefit of owning an Apartments?

That's fine, none of the ideas proposed above change that.

I just mentioned it so people who doesn't have an apartment today can see that we
can hide resources from craftingsystem already by dropping it in the apartment.

Forgot to mention one thing I like to see in apartments and stores:
Possibilty to buy TT, Crafting, Storage and Repair terminals, with two options
where option 1 is for owner only (cheaper to buy) or for anyone on guesstlist (a bit more expensive).
Allow mannequin to sell/ markup items or wears... allow shopkeeper to do that too.
Well, now we are in a new year, technically a NEW DECADE... so time to compile a list of other previous wishes and suggestions for estates made for Mindark to hopefully look at someday and not continue to ignore as has been done previously... below suggestions/wishes were found simply by searching for the word apartments in wishlist section of forum:

In ages gone by Calypso's apartments hallways had item points... then the age of darkened apartments came... Balconies have never had item points. Add 50 points to each please... Maybe even do something nice and put one of those item points in as a shop item point? ;)

I wish MA could add the possibility to add cover charge in order to enter private property (apartments, castles and what not). Here's why:

It would make an incentive for people to make weird and fun exhibitions!

How about..

*Natural history museum (with skins, bones, skulls etc. from different animals)
* Art exhibits (from ingame art)
* Vehicle exhibits
* whatever you can come up with

If someone made an effort in making say a Natural History museum, I would gladly pay a couple of peds to enter. It builds lore, creativity, and makes use of (at the time) useless items.!&p=3657070&viewfull=1#post3657070 - an entire thread on estate suggestions/rants... lots of suggestions over there...

Might be a decent idea to put the word 'apartment' in the deeds for apartments to make it easier to find them on the auctions... so you can then just search for the word apartment instead of having to weed through all the compet, aud, and cld auctions too.

Also, as suggested many times in the past, seperate the auction markup for apartments, shops, booths, etc. since they all interfere with one another's market history as things are now...

When mindark makes houses with cld, I was wondering if you could make it so I can mail packages. Maybe like cash on demand. Would be nice to send items to society mates and they can go home and check their box.

So 3/4 of all the appartments and shops (especially the appartment buildings) are in the hands of marcus callender the estatebroker. (who is ofcourse a mindark avatar).

He's held all these buildings for years. So why not make an appartment/shop broker?

a fixed price for the shops say 5k ped and a fixed price for an appartment, say 500 ped.

easy money for Mindark, no hassle with the auction, happy customers who can own their own appartment/shop

I had this crazy idea. What if we got MA to make apartments walls (C) make it so they can be colored! They can do a system where you put the cans in field in the terminal outside. Or a fashion designer could come to your house and paint the walls. What do you all think? I think this would cause a boom in paint and the use of apartments.

The shiny part of the storage terminal is highly reflective, etc. Why not introduce mirrors as a new type of furniture, and/or just add an option in the PC/ad background type of thing to put mirror as a background on a sign, displays and screens? Seems like the tiny apartments might look a little bigger if there were some mirrors on the walls?

I started the other thread about wishes for shops, so figured maybe there needs to another for apartments.

- make balconies a part of the 'display area', and add about 20 slots out there, or at least 10.
- add more item slots to the inside item points of all estates for free. Do keep the upgrade offer active, but add a few for free since right now some estates look rather empty when they are full sometimes.
- as mentioned in another thread, colorable/texturable walls, floors, and ceilings would be neat
- 'stretch' the estate 3d models to make them taller. It's silly that some of the bigger signs like gigantium can't be hung on walls where you can see the entire sign. I am very glad you did adjust the tron towers to get rid of that crazy neon shoe on top that didn't let them work in apartments, but there's more you can do.
- redesign the size of apartments to make bigger furniture like paintings able to be hung on all walls, or at least more than they can be at the moment as some walls are too short, etc.
- add option for streaming audio and other upgrades to all estates, not just mall shops
- add every 'city' where there is a tp to the tp list that new players get automatically on planet calypso when they first start the game (treasure island, omegaton, sakura, genesis, Minopolis, etc.). This will give estate owners that have estates there better opportunities to get visitors, and will also give n00bs that are just starting out a better chance of figuring out where the estates are and what they look like before they buy an estate off of the auction, etc.
- Add item slot listing and other info in estate terminal on to the deeds' item info screens, and make at least the item slot number show up as icons on auction similar to the way tier rating shows up in auctions now on various items that can be tiered.
- automate the upgrade opportunities in game so that an actual 'avatar' run by planet partner won't have to be online. That should increase sales potential in upgrades since the upgrade option will be there 24/7 in all time zones.

I'll probably add more later. Feel free to add to the list.

A recent rep message about wallpapers in space ships gave me this idea: Why not make the walls in apartments, shops and so on (C)? This way people can customize them with colors and textures. That should earn MA and the PPs some nice PEDs too, especially with the girls who like to redecorate often!


I'd like to have personal boom boxes in game. These would be similar to the little soundhorn thing in the Neverdie Bank and elsewhere, but would be something more shaped like a typical 1980s style boom box, and your avatar could carry it around on their shoulder. Like the thing at Bank Neverdie, it'd let you play streaming radio of your choice in game, and wherever your avatar went the music would travel with you so others could hear it.

If you have an estate, you could also put it down so it'd act exactly like the radio horn at Neverdie bank. This way the price for the radio upgrade on estates might be justified a bit.

Some towns are getting a bit crowded with vehicles, would you like to see parking areas added to the edge of town? :) it doesnt have to be all the way out either...

Malls could even have parking garages :D and landing platforms ;)

Make it so that items sitting on shelves, tables, tron towers, l-quent sideboards, etc. are items inside of that table, shelf, etc. and the furniture is acting as a container... Maybe give each container about 20 item slots to hold...This way more items could be put in to shops and apartments since the container items would be helping to conserve item points. This way the furniture industry might actually be useful. This way stuff hanging on manniquens are sellable. This way blueprints inside of books can be sold and the book only using one item slot in the shop... this way estate owners will be happy. This way the places to live in game that can be purchased actually have more potential then they currently do and probably would be used more... To offset the effect on shopkeepers, increase shopkeeper slots from 20 to 40, or at the very least let what the shopkeeper is wearing be able to be sold similar to the manniquens through this change... that way shopkeepers hold 20 items inside, and 7 outside.

How about seperating the estate part from the auction, and making it into a building on it's own? :)

This estate building could exist in 2-3 towns only, adding a more unique feeling to some places :D

The building could have the following things:
- 3 'estate brokers', one for each category (shops, landareas, apartments/houses).
- One wallmap of Amathera with land areas marked out and some script so they change color if for sale (yellow instead of green or something).
- A function to let the seller of an estate upload a screenshot of the estate, and a small layout map of the estate in question.

Other suggestions? Or do ya just think this is a bad idea? ;) lol

I wish the new special deals that MA is making to upgrade estates for a certain number of peds was done via Amps to deeds so that the upgrades could be transferred to other estates in case the estate owner moves to another estate on another planet at some point in the future, etc. Since there is a set price for these upgrades, why not make them in to in game amps for deeds and put them in the Trade Terminal so we won't all have to hound the estate broker and do a bunch of emails to FPC staff... make it hassle free - simply go to the Trade Terminal and pop open the Deed Attachments Section, or whatever you end up calling it. This could even work like the tier system sort of... with every deed having only so many slots for upgrades... so you can add up to x amount of amps, and then you need to start deciding which upgrade is more important to you for whatever you happen to be doing with the estate at that point in time, so you could pop the amps in and out of the deeds just like scopes in guns, etc... except they never decay and TT value is always what is paid for them at the Trade Terminal.

I do realize that MA is in the business of making money, so just make these little things not be able to be sold back to the TT... if owner wants to sell it other players though, please let them. That's not the real reason I am making this proposal. The main reason is that none of us know which planet we'll end up going to the most 5 years from now. It would be bad to put a lot of money in to an estate on Calypso and then just sell it in a year or two, possibly losing your investment to upgrade the place more or less...

Something else I'd like to see would be auction history for each type of deed... so apartments, shops in the apartments, houses, mall shops, etc. all would have a seperate history to them. It's really silly that the smallest apartments have the same market history as the largest houses and mall shops, and even probably the same history as huge deed purchases such as CND, etc.

I have some ideas to make towns in Calypso better, and I hope some of you have something to add to those ideas, or maybe completely other ideas :D

I know that FPC probably has a bunch to do right now, with implementing stuff, but this is for the future :)

Yes, might be nice with totally clean towns... but doesn't it feel more cosy with a bunch of litter on the ground? (at least like the graffiti and trash in Hadesheim pre-VU10)

Just smack up some ad-signs like the ones we have had before :) more of them I mean... like "Buy your weapons from Omegaton, we are the future", "Miss Duncan of the Feffoid help program wants YOU to donate to our fund for getting underpants distributed to the poor Feffoids across our planet!"... stuff like that, ads for ingame (or RL) stuff :D

More buildings
More buildings in towns, more apartments in towns and not just in towers, more player-owned shops in good locations (for example, imagine owning a shop set close to Twin Peaks TP?)

Road systems
Add more of a road network in towns with buildings inbetween (they dont have to do anything, you can develop those later), name the roads, etc :)

If you make a town the size of Hadesheim again, make it easy to navigate, get ppl there, get player-owned estate there, etc... and then add a park! :D how much extra would ppl pay to get a park-view apartment? ;)

Other ideas?

Athena Spaceport
- Add underground area under TP "platform" area.
- Put hangars facing out through the cliff wall
- Add underground tunnels connecting those hangars, as well as some storage rooms, maybe the weapons trader (with a couple of weapons you cant find in tt or something?)
- Script ships landing and taking off every now and then... Shouldn't take too much memory to have this implemented, and would do ALOT for the general feel of the game...

4 giant landing platforms... make it so you can go via televator to the top of those, and see ships landed there! Script so you can see ships coming/going every now and then...

Unique features - Razer, True Juan
Add unique features to (some) towns, so that there is a bigger reason of having a "hometown"

At the moment having an apartment (or house) is not as useful/interesting as it could be. I have seen suggestions every now and then as to how the "experience" could be improved, and, based on those, I would like to suggest the following:
---The ability to tp directly to your own apartment if you are within a certain distance (obviously using a tp chip). This would make accessing your own apt much easier.

---A change in the rent system so that rent is required even when the apartment is not in use. For example: decrease the normal rent for an apt from 10 PED to 5 PED per month. Increase from 0 PED to 1 PED per month if the apt is not in use. This would increase the number of open apts and decrease the number of apts just being held.

---A safe balcony for apartments. So that balconies could be decorated. This would also enable new items to be crafted (balcony furniture etc.)

---A garden for houses. This would allow some decoration outside of the house and also enable new items to be crafted.

---Wallpaper/painting possibilities for apartments/houses. This would enable the owner to personalise his/her home more than can be done now. Would also give more items to be crafted and more uses for paint.

---Letterboxes. The ability to "post" information to an apt/house when the owner is not present. This could be done in several ways, for example a Post Office machine where you pay (say) 10 pec . You select the address e.g TI City - Platinum - 2 - G and then type in a short message. The owner would then be able to read from a noticeboard in their house/apt next time they went there (perhaps getting a notification that a message has arrived the next time they log in). Alternatively, paper (L) could be bought from tt and a message written on it by the sender who would then deliver it to the apt/house.

COmments? Anything I have missed?

I did a search and came up with nothing :scratch2:

Am I the only one who wishes to be able to paint my apartment?

The walls are pretty drab and as for that carpet, it's shocking! :eek:

It must be possible to come up with a way to paint my walls, if MA put their minds to it, surely?

Oh, and no I don't want to move to NO, that ugly (Adult rated) wallpaper is enough to deter me from living there...

Unfortunately in EU, owning an estate is nothing else but a status symbol and a source of extra storage space. And is a shame that is not much else to it, except for land owners.
I was thinking that having an apartment should give an extra benefit. And that can come at an extra cost to. It should be a resting facility.
You can choose to connect your apartment to utility system, like electricity, water, gas, TV... whatever. That should give you benefits from resting there.
Having a utility installed, you will have the option to get an attribute boost of 5 points on all your atributes, except HP. HP will be boosted only as a result of attribute increase. The boost can last 6 hours and can be used only 1 time in 24 hours. Different utilities can add more benefit to attribute boost, but you can get maximum 5 utilities in one day. Each extra utility will add 1 less attribute increase. That means 4 points for seccond utility installed, 3 points for next and so on. You get maximum 1+2+3+4+5=15 points boost.
Using the apartment resting facility, will generate costs to different types of utilities, a form of decay that is subtracted from your ped card each time you use a facility.
In order to have a utility installed, you need to pay a tax to the owner of a power plant, gas company, TV provider or whatever.
Poer plants and all the rest of the utility generators, are owned by players, and sold in auction by MA. You can only use the services of a plant on your continent.
In order to provide service, a utility provider must consume resources, like oil, melchi, robot components animal oils in order to charge the plant. When the plant has 0 charge, the service is unavailable.
Each utility provider can choose the price he wants to use for its service.

Wishlist thread;

I wish my inventory list on the EU website would accurately show which estate I'm holding stuff in...

When you have a few apartments and a fwe shops, it gets rough to look at your inventory to find something. I realize that Mindark didn't program it that was because they may have thought 'oh, people will only own one peice of real estate', but, really, c'mon. If you own a shop and an apartment/house/castle, it's difficult to remember what's where.

So, just like with blueprint books, please show me WHICH estate my stuff is in.

Thanks! :)


Proposition for Society Clubhouse/Headquarters

I will think it will be cool to have such feature of Society Clubhouse/headquarters for the players in entropia. 1st Mindark can generates more peds for 'disposal', 2ndly It's create more needs for funitures and the usage of curtains (which will help mainly funiture crafters) and 3rdly it probabaly will create lesser lag/spam in alot of places like twins.

HQ that able to hold 20+people at least to huge size to hold 200+ people for the most members soc.

Any Location at the moment that have "bald spots" that doesn't have a mob.
Example near the hangers at Corinth, North of Corinth, North of North space base, Sakura City, new switzerland etc ... A Location can Hold as many Soc HQ without a turret.

-Meeting/lecture Room
-Room for Society Garage Sale where soc members can sell inside the
clubhouse which exculsively for Soc members and only entered by valid Soc
-All soc members can add in their Funitures and decorate the Soc house with
their own funitures. Funitures will be returned to the rightful owner if the
Headquarters failed to pay it's rent.
-1 Outdoor Space for Soc members to laid Down their Shopkeepers (Which is
appealing to players that have nothing much to sell.) Shopkeeper will decay
as usual and the tax collected will go to the socbank.
-Additions like Crafting Terminal, Society Terminal and Special Revival
Terminal. (Soc members can teleport back to Soc Headquarter using teleport
-Soc Bank will be like a "Fertilzer Machine" for the Soc house, Everything
Collected from tax from the shopkeepers outside the Soc HQ will
automatically credited here. the Features will be auto pay for the SocHQ
Rental and other rentals like Additions (stated above).
-Societies that have a HQ will be able to create a Society Flag/enblem to
represent themselves.
-Suggestive Price Range will be Free but with a monthly Rent of 50peds.
Soc leader will Hold the Pimary Deeds that able to Restrict Guests and
features like redecorating. While Duplicates deeds will be awarded to all Soc
members as long they are valid in the society, The secondary deeds will
allow them to place their shopkeepers and funitures anywhere they like in
HQ. All deeds not Tradable/resellerable/sold.
-Occasionally Mutants will spawn near the SocietyHQs, creating a small but
havok enough stirs at the HQ (like messed up the soc decorations just like
every VU, my storage box is always haywire:D) when event happens like
that, the Society Chat of those effected soc, will get a warning message.

That's just some of my ideas, might add a few more later :)

I wish that MA in their infinite wisdome will give us the ability to costumize the walls of appartments and houses,and maybe a new skill...Interior Decorator, my appartment seriously need a new set of wallpapers or woodpaneling

I own an apartment of which costs me 10 peds a months but yet it can only hold 200 items yet the storage can hold a lot more and we dont pay for that.

I know that other apartments can hold more but surly if we pay for storage we should be able to hold more than basic storage, which is also easier to get too then running back to your apartment.

at least the basic apartment should hold the same amount as the storage and then each apartment next in size should be able too hold more.

I think this i fair.

you should also be able to allow certain people to be able to drop or take items in your flat through a trusted FL or access list.

for something we pay for we dont get many options.

my 2pec.

It would be nice to be able to paint the walls in an apartment. This would make it easier to customise them. It should be doable by anyone so that if teh owner is not very good at colouring he/she can take home a "professional" decorator who can do it for him.

I did a quick search but I did not find anything, apologies if this has been addressed before... but why are the balconies public places? Is there a programming issue, is it a bug? We need to petiton MA to make these private areas in our apartments as soon as possible.

Please MA, make my balcony a useful place in my apartment!

Please redo the home lighting and increase the area of brightness, it's hard to struggle with 7 working lights in a H size apartment and it's totally insane to do with a G size.

or at least give the apartments a center light source like the shops where one is bright enough to "brighten up" the room and adjustable of brightness, it's just a simple feature to add and i think it will make our house alot nicer than hanging those fugly celling lamp and make my home looks like a

I'd very much like MA to reconsider a Rental system that could allow Estate owners for Hangars, Land Areas, Apartments, Shops, Etc. to use their Estate Terminal to create Leasing or Rental Deeds that have an expiry date.

After the owner Creates the Leasing / Rental Deed by setting a Date of Expiry he can auction or sell it. Once sold and if used to claim on the Estate Terminal for the duration of the Lease the Estate is under the Control of the new claimant until the Lease Expires. When the lease expires the owner of the original Deed can reclaim his Estate using the terminal.

The obvious thing here is that those who are tentative about becoming a heavy depositor have the chance to "test" the market and also show their entreprenaurial streak. Subsequently they may become heavy depositors themselves after seeing how much PEDs they've made (hopefully anyway!)

This will also eliminate trades where Owners of expensive Estates require Collateral in order to complete a "rental" agreement.

I would love to see an implementation of readable and player publishable books in PE. As I myself use the PE concept to write fan-fiction it would be tremendeously fun to be able to publish these stories as books in the PE universe. They would also enhance the aestethics of peoples apartments and estates I think, and they would provide a certain amount of income for the authors. But of course; the stories should be reviewed prior to publication.

Just a thought ;)

Ok its just a simple wish, i wish they cleaned my apartment windows :( I have a gr8 vio to the lake in Sakura from an 18th floor but cant see a thing because the windows are foggy. New Oxford's apartments seem to be a lot better in this subject.

id like to be able to upload my own textures to use as my apartments carpet and wallpaper, people could turn on or off in options so they dont have to see the customw allpaper (reduce lag) if they didnt wanna.

also, to be able to buy/loot/craft black canvas, where i can upload my own picture and put it on it. would be kool, of crouse, these paintings wouldnt be sellable, or. maybe they could be. hm...

Lets say I wanted to buy a shop, or a market stall in auction.

ATM, I have 99 pages of estates on auction to search through.

I would like the auction to be split up in the same way the armour section is.

IE, I click on Estates, and there are subsections.

Shops/Market stalls (Booths?)
Land areas.
Large Apartments (Storage C+)
Meduim apartments (Storage A to B)
Small Apartments (Storage A and under)

Or somthing simular, but I am sure you see what I mean. At the moment they are all under one heading, and I can't be bothered to look, as there are more important things to do than look at 99 pages, of which 98.5 are for estates I am not interested in/can't justify the cost of.
Thanks mastermesh, I think it's very useful to have everyone's ideas on how to improve Apartments and Estates all together here in one place :)
5. Dispensing Shop Keeper. A Shop Keeper that has a UI where a shopper can set and buy the exact number of a stackable item which he needs, e.g. if a shopper only requires 12 Blausariam Ingots to tier upgrade a piece of armor, or say 5 defense enhancers, he would be able to buy exactly that amount by setting the quantity desired in the Shop Keeper's UI and buy them at the price set by the Shop owner. A Dispensing type Shop Keeper could hold say up to 12 different item stacks at any given time, and require 25 item points when placed in a Shop.

This is something I suggested many years ago ...

Would be ideal for my resource shop with some depth enhancers.

I suggested those would be crafted (like in furniture) and hang them on a wall or put them on the floor where you can put a name on.

I do not like to put then in a shopkeeper cause its so much nicer and handy if you see them lying there and do not have to go searching in all the shopkeepers.
Another suggestion I'd like to make is to allow the place command to utilize all three axis, x, y, and z, and not just x and y. The 'hang in air' trick still works but it'd be better if you could actually move stuff up instead of having to place it on a non-existent back buffer duped item to get it to move up the third axis.

Also thought it'd be cool if estate items granted buffs to estate owner/whoever holds the deed for that estate...

Also, think it'd be cool if you owned an estate on any planet if you could get something like a once a week or once a month tp back to the home planet you have that estate on and then tp back to where you were later, so you can manage the estate no matter which part of the virtual universe you are on, bypassing space and however long it takes to get through all of that, etc. I seriously think one reason more estates don't seem active is because the owner is off on some other planet and doesn't want to take the time to to go through space to get there to do what the estate needs before venturing off back to wherever they were. Adding this tp to home functionality to existing tp chips may be one way to make it happen, but make it have a weekly cool down etc.
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I'm now walking around with almost 1700 items in carried inventory..

I would like a new animation that shows me crawling on the ground, crushed by all the weight :rolleyes:
New Idea I'd like to see... a PERMANENT TP allows you to tp between planets from one estate to the next that your avatar holds deeds to... on any planet...

make it an 'upgrade' available at the terminal or whatever...

Also add in this ability to tp chips so you can tp home from anywhere in the virtual universe. Space is boring as hell and just an annoying little thing if you have multiple estates on different planets... it also makes towns all across the virtual universe look like ghost towns since avatars with multiple deeds on multiple planets not want to go 'home' regularly on each planet, etc. I suspect if estate owners could hop from one base of operations to the other on each planet quickly and easily it'd make economy a bit better on all planets ultimately.
New Idea I'd like to see... a PERMANENT TP allows you to tp between planets from one estate to the next that your avatar holds deeds to... on any planet...

make it an 'upgrade' available at the terminal or whatever...

Also add in this ability to tp chips so you can tp home from anywhere in the virtual universe. Space is boring as hell and just an annoying little thing if you have multiple estates on different planets... it also makes towns all across the virtual universe look like ghost towns since avatars with multiple deeds on multiple planets not want to go 'home' regularly on each planet, etc. I suspect if estate owners could hop from one base of operations to the other on each planet quickly and easily it'd make economy a bit better on all planets ultimately.

I always thought this was an interesting idea with the teleport home feature on TP chips. If it was ever implemented though, it would have to be only a handful of chips released. I've never used the current teleport home feature, though I've seen others say it is 3x the cost of normal teleporting. If say the TP chip 7 were used, that would put the cost per jump in the 7-10 PED range, right about what a mothership trip costs at most if interplanet teleport was actually possible that way. That said, there's already a framework for warping in space, so I doubt we'd see something new available on the teleporting side to a significant number of players.

Technically, there are wormhole chips, and I thought they were interplanetary (correct me if I'm wrong). That could be an area to flesh out a little more (or just drop one or two more) without significantly undercutting current space developments.
I always thought this was an interesting idea with the teleport home feature on TP chips. If it was ever implemented though, it would have to be only a handful of chips released. I've never used the current teleport home feature, though I've seen others say it is 3x the cost of normal teleporting. If say the TP chip 7 were used, that would put the cost per jump in the 7-10 PED range, right about what a mothership trip costs at most if interplanet teleport was actually possible that way. That said, there's already a framework for warping in space, so I doubt we'd see something new available on the teleporting side to a significant number of players.

Technically, there are wormhole chips, and I thought they were interplanetary (correct me if I'm wrong). That could be an area to flesh out a little more (or just drop one or two more) without significantly undercutting current space developments.

Wormhole is just a way to summon other people but I believe they have to be on the same planet as you. I re-read the description on the wormhole chip recently and that's what it said iirc.
Re-design FOMA...

All over FOMA you have stupid damn hallways that lead nowhere...


It's from early days when Mindark devs wanted to be lazy and copy/paste the hell out of things... nowadays it just looks damn stupid... In apartments on Calypso hallways like these lead to balconies... this is just a copy/paste of Calypso apartment.

Shops on FOMA are not much better... one side of hallways leads towards the racetrack so that makes sense having hallway there... on the other side it just creates an 'empty room' on the back wall near the front of the store. I like it in my shop since it's a nice dark spot to put glowy stuff like fireplaces, etc, but from a design perspective it doesn't make a lot of sense. Along same lines the copy/paste thing on the shops makes every other hallway dark and every other hallway light... the light ones have display areas you can utilize. The dark ones have 'backwards' display areas you cannot put anything in since it's backwards... You can work around it with big items by putting them inside and forcing them through a wall but such work arounds for bad design should not have to happen imho...

In ancient days when Mindark let avatars put items in hallways as a display area type of thing or was it 'other' areas?... anyways that was ok or tolerable since you could light up hallways or make them look interesting... when they pulled the plug on that and made all item points in hallways on Calypso based apartments go away and added those points to interior apartment points it made things a hell of a lot less interesting visually, and also made dumb looking empty hallways to nowhere just look even more stupid.

It's a place in space... at least put in something that makes more sense at the end of the hallway... whatever it may be... an escape pod, a doorway to the outside... an automated televator back to central televator for the floor, etc. Maybe even a stairway down to next floor or something... lots of possibilities...
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2. Make it possible for Shop owners to sell a package of items together for 1 price, e.g. an UL gun along with the amp that is best suited for it, a complete set of Armor, an outfit, a blueprint along with all the ingredients required to click it, etc... This added functionality could make Shops more convenient than the Auction in many cases.

really liked that one even if it would show up on auction too with some additional costs then probably, a few lines of text then in addition so you can quickly describe the reason for the package.
Also prices for each seperate item set anyway if you want so buyers can compare to total price and with auction prices.
Teleporting to shops as already mentioned, I'd like to see business cards like items with no tt value a shop owner can pass around so buyers can teleport to a shop too and easily remember its location, maybe tping from the fixed TPs would cost a very low fee then for the time saved.

Another idea for helping shops that I guess is not much effort would be to simply be able to inform via auction system about offers in a shop, a different background color at auction then, some free slots for this for the shop owner or for a very small fee beyond the free ones, simply the waypoint link for the buyer via auction and the info screen at auction showing exactly what would be visible in the shop, a few lines of text a owner can add would be nice in case of shops of course. Maybe even enable to buy or reserve items at auction but at least you should have to go there then I guess to get the item bc all other offers there are in the interest of the shop owner of course.
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Teleporting to shops as already mentioned, I'd like to see business cards like items with no tt value a shop owner can pass around so buyers can teleport to a shop too and easily remember its location, maybe tping from the fixed TPs would cost a very low fee then for the time saved.

Another idea for helping shops that I guess is not much effort would be to simply be able to inform via auction system about offers in a shop, a different background color at auction then, some free slots for this for the shop owner or for a very small fee beyond the free ones, simply the waypoint link for the buyer via auction and the info screen at auction showing exactly what would be visible in the shop, a few lines of text a owner can add would be nice in case of shops of course. Maybe even enable to buy or reserve items at auction but at least you should have to go there then I guess to get the item bc all other offers there are in the interest of the shop owner of course.

Cool ideas :)
Teleporting to shops as already mentioned, I'd like to see business cards like items with no tt value a shop owner can pass around so buyers can teleport to a shop too and easily remember its location, maybe tping from the fixed TPs would cost a very low fee then for the time saved.

Another idea for helping shops that I guess is not much effort would be to simply be able to inform via auction system about offers in a shop, a different background color at auction then, some free slots for this for the shop owner or for a very small fee beyond the free ones, simply the waypoint link for the buyer via auction and the info screen at auction showing exactly what would be visible in the shop, a few lines of text a owner can add would be nice in case of shops of course. Maybe even enable to buy or reserve items at auction but at least you should have to go there then I guess to get the item bc all other offers there are in the interest of the shop owner of course.

Yes very cool, I'm for it
Really loving all of these ideas. It would be cool if there was some sort of offline-trade ability with Estates and Shopkeepers, so you could sell certain item(s) to a certain player(s).
Really loving all of these ideas. It would be cool if there was some sort of offline-trade ability with Estates and Shopkeepers, so you could sell certain item(s) to a certain player(s).

in a roundabout way it sort of already exists, at least in theory... buy an apartment. put shopkeeper inside. change to private. add the intended buyer to the guest list so they can go inside while set to private. Haven't tested it, but I think that's the way it's supposed to work.
just a bump, in case you know, Mindark has the capability to read this someday in the future.
Would be cool if plants were harvestable in an appartment. Would also be awsome if they fixed the ugly ass hallways! I have a gold (g) appartment in TI and the hallways look horrible.
Bump this one, for shits and giggles :)