Meta Codex


Mar 7, 2021
Dirty Dingos
Avatar Name
Marco Killy Stur
This is a ladder of Meta codex.
[EDIT: Vizzanu reached CAP that seems set to 751 after which REPEAT META kicks in with apparently no reward in stats]

UPDATE: 2024 available points are 1360 ( 5 point each unique monster , repeats dont give meta rewards.

VIzzanu reached 881 points and this is the highest reported amount, as per 2024, remember tbat after 750 there is no reward

The 751 Club - Vizzanu, Victor 'Brick' Vonn, Rick Ricardo Sanchez

Runner ups

734 - Archaon Baldurn Zantetsuken
726 - John Black Knight
700 - Vontang Kwanyi Kwan

699 - SgtL Joat Mount-Islet
632 - Kayla Mystique Sinclair
603 - Marco Killy Stur

547 - Juan Balberith Martinez
540 - CZ Jane CZ
540 - Vandalhand

500 - Lamia Majora Pechunter

491 - Drake Slade Corbett
489 - Teresa Contessa DiVicenzo (R.I.P.)
445 - Vandal VandalHand Hand
416 - Aglandiir
402 - Ackerz
400 - Harry Hoob Hoobler

367 - Count Sinner Gism
347 - Ranyard Rany Ranyhyn
343 - Buster Westy Westmoreland
334 - Sw4g MaSt3r
327 - Naomi NP Polder
325- Snake Slither Hellfire
322 - Miss Afrodita TheOne
315 - Alindrina Alli Golden
303 - Perfect Dmatrix Bimbo
300 - Jules Vladington Brookstream
300 - Adrian DistantSun Jones
300 - Umbalba Waka Juni

296 - MeLoveYou LongTime FiveDollars
285 - Alexanndrea Ysabel Diavolo
281 - Inguts Sokolade Spurz
276 - Nikita Nick Nechepurenko
272 - Angela Draniie Cloud
265- Samantha Naraya Flynn
260 - Jay VeNgeNcE Spitzel
252 - Anuthik the Goliath
252 - Forgo Forgorth Lundain
250 - Katie Chalmers
250 - Themodius Craw Craw
205- Wand AxeMurderer Silva

224 - Marco Magnifico Schiffano
222 - Frolic Fric Dogfood
211 - Blixt "Flash" Gordon
209 - Dix Trencherman Handley
208 - RicK Ninja Hunter
202 - Ice Cat Black
200 - Angela Draniie Cloud
195 - Nite Niteflite Flite
191 - Einar Lee Yap
191 - Rubbade CigarrTed Runar
177 - Epoch Epik NoMercy
171 - Cypress Fredelig Hill
170 - Rafaele Meiersos Rocko
169 - dynamage voltage assasin
160 - Jade Jade Draconis
155 - Sarah SS Schlager
154 - Hormel Mel Jorell

140 - Jetsina
135 - Crazy Madmax Hellraizer
131 - King Kian did
130 - Freddy Michael Krueger
128 - hijacker Hijacker27 inferno
124 - John Desverger Desverger
110 - RJ Rob James
102 - Dante Artorius Inferno
100 - Baron Martin
98 - Tom Archy Blad
93 - Danny Finnigan Fitzpatrick
85 - Grannykillz
77 - Martin the Hope
77 - Rexextreme
74 - Renee Rex Extreme
72 - Yasuki
71 - Jo Aloisius Smith
70 - Niklas Negolas Hedlund
61 - Ranyard Rany Ranyhyn
59 - Sheila Dr Girlfriend
50 - Cobra Cob Guru
45 - Inherent Marxus Legends
44 - Per Strakkan Kollebolle
42 - Goatts (That is the answer... but... what is the question? )
34 - Ann Lykke TheNun
31 - Crimson Eyeshark Tide
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all opinions are respectable annunaki but.. you dislike the number 203?
or consider Arkadia not generous with meta for small critters?
because if u dislike me, i am etero, apologize for interest
Reached rank 400 now, mainly shooting low level mobs due to dry pedcard. Thats my future now I guess... :p
congratulations Joat. this was exactly the spirit. gridn more, move JBK to number 2 , no hates, no flames, just fun
i hope small monster will refill your pedcard.
142 for Drake Slade Corbett:


Will be touring non-Caly/Monria in the fall.
Oh I just looked I’m at 77 !!
222 nice number ?
122 over here.
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Updated all... i could not resist, 500 deserve a Bigger and Bold Font.
Please erase me from this list.
BUMP-date ladder

Can anyone familiar with Toulan confirm if DSEC-9 Monria monster are shared codex or need to change total META points available?

so far Joat is @ less than 50% of available points..... No King rulez forever.... grind em all!

BUMP-date ladder

Can anyone familiar with Toulan confirm if DSEC-9 Monria monster are shared codex or need to change total META points available?

so far Joat is @ less than 50% of available points..... No King rulez forever.... grind em all!

I think the only unique mob at DSEC-9 is Otis, rest is shared with Toulan.
Btw, my progress have slowed down a LOT now so yes, should be passed by some or several soon. :p Might look
hard to reach but it isn't, what you need most to reach higher levels is time and not necessarily so much money.
Good tactis is also good to have on many mobs, for those using F only that will not work in many spawns.
I think the only unique mob at DSEC-9 is Otis, rest is shared with Toulan.
Btw, my progress have slowed down a LOT now so yes, should be passed by some or several soon. :p Might look
hard to reach but it isn't, what you need most to reach higher levels is time and not necessarily so much money.
Good tactis is also good to have on many mobs, for those using F only that will not work in many spawns.
I can confirm that OTIS is the only unique mob to DSEC-9.

Also add me to the list at 260 meta as of last night.

Jay VeNgeNcE Spitzel
update adter some Ark grind... 267
someone should make a guide - list best codex mobs to go after, spawns, etc… :)