My day as a living target


The Half-Wit Phoenix
Feb 3, 2005
Swedish Woods
Avatar Name
Silicon Skam Chip
My Day as a Living Target

Allthough I have seen LandGrab in action I have never actually been a real part of it. This time I lent out myself to DNA (Dawn of the New Age), to get the feeling, not just the visual of what LG was about. This time Im not screaming "reporter" as I enter the area. This time Ill be a living target.

My alarm was set on 07:30, thats 05:30 ingame time. Half an hour before Landgrab round 2 starts. I drag myself out of bed, splash my face with cold water to wake up, and drag my butt over to the computer. I realize this is the first time I have ever put on a alarm to play a game. I yawn, stretch my arms and fingers, getting ready for a few hours of ammowaste.
I remember to call my socmate, that will help me in todays mission. Lactarius answers the phone with a groggy voice, and minutes later he's in PE aswell.

[wrap=left][/wrap]After borrowing some armorplates and armor, we head up to LA 4, where Essi have notified me that DNA are holding. We get up there and everything is quiet. At least a little while. Not long since we joined them, the french society 'les armes the fernard' are challenging us. Bad hits, lag, jumpbug and empty fapping starts to get on my nerves allready after 10 minutes. Also, in the confusion, Lactarius gets killed by a DNA, whom we are allied to. I can understand the confusion going on, but still this accident is just building up the pissed-mist that has been boiling in our society-chat from bugs,lag and CTD's.
However, it IS an adrenalinekick. In real life, my feet dont touch the ground when I sit in the pc-chair. I find myself kicking the air like a little baby when I am in trouble.

To keep order in the area, the allies are set to be watchdogs, a bit away from the claim. Now, also Waka, another society member, joins us.
Black Pearl is holding out 'les armes de fernard`s' allies. We do good, feeling a little proud of our noobish selfs. LADF are getting more and more people over, and DNA is loosing their people, but still holding up. DNA have now held the claim for over half the time.

I eventually get killed, and when Im heading back up, I meet a dear friend of mine. Zee, who just joined Dark Knights, informs me that they too are going for LA4. This troubles me somewhat, since they too are challenging DNA, and that might mean that I have to fight a friend. While I ponder about this, I use teleport-chip to get up there, I land in the middle of the crowd by the claim, and get killed by Tory, who have on last landgrab also crossed my paths, usually (if any expetions at all?) resulting in my immediate death. DNA loose their claim to 'les armes de fernard'.

At the revival-terminals its as much riot as over at the Claims. People are Revival-killing, causing distress to alot of people who would like to get back to their societies whereabouts to fight for land and the right to tax it. Revival Terminals seem to be the place for all the people with ammo to waste but nothing to waste it on. I am biting nails and kicking the wall irl, and then I get the message that White Tigers have taken over the Land. I once again use the TP chip, painfully aware of all the Mindessence Ive used today. I find that Marco have decided to drop by. In godmode, most likely with the painful memory of ron killing him last LG-round. I ask him if he have recived my loveletter, and just as I got answer Tory kills me. ...I figure he's just jealous.

I am overheated, and the fact that my landlord, who lives over me, have his sisters' kids with him and they are jumping and running and making a awful lot of noise, isnt exactly soothing me. If RPG's makes people into killers, this must be the reason. DONT BOTHER ME WHILE IM PLAYING DAMMIT!

When I head back to the claim, I am amazed by that most of Calypso Conqueres are there. They have, ofcourse, taken over the claim now.
DNA accepts the fatal truth that the land is lost to them. As we wonder on what to do next, EBN reports that there are only two claims left, the LA4 and the LA10. LA10 have a broken teleport, so that place isnt too popular it seems. Because now everyone is heading for LA-4. BAHQ's, Ex Con's. White Tigers', CC's and cK's are all there.

[wrap=left][/wrap]When I head back up again, I have a plan. I find a tree near the fertilizing station and hide in it. Nobody can see me here except for on radar. I figure it wont do any harm since Im not shooting anyone. It works pretty well, and I stand there for 1/3 of CC's claimtime. Then someone plays hide and seek with me, finds me, and blood covers my eyes. I also see that is the faith to a poor Equus that Shadow-Ale brought with him to ammuse the masses.

This was nothing like last LandGrab. People didnt have time to sit down and joke, the jokes that were made were mostly from viewers. The event were alot more intense then anything I have ever experienced before. Im not sure if its really good or a bad thing.
great reporting! i really liked how you mixed in the real life feelings and events.... very cool. i tried to rep you, but dang it, i think ive repped you too much!
Haha! Great work. My experience was much more subdued. I was with DR at LA1. Noone even came into radar for the entire time. The only fighting I saw was them beating on eachother with powerfists and whips, lol

Nice little piece of the story..but the intelligent reader wants to hear the whole truth and nothing but the truth ....yea yea so help me god.. :rolleyes:

Land being divided by uber socs among other allied societies before the thingy even started..

Said this before ..but i will say it again so foking sad.. :mad:

Made me loose interest in the whole thingy actually..
But who cares..
Ciao a tutti.. :cool:
Again skam, really really nice post and as emty wall said ist a nice mix betwan irl fellings and game feelings :D
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Smoking Holland said:
Nice little piece of the story..but the intelligent reader wants to hear the whole truth and nothing but the truth ....yea yea so help me god.. :rolleyes:

Land being divided by uber socs among other allied societies before the thingy even started..

Said this before ..but i will say it again so foking sad.. :mad:

Made me loose interest in the whole thingy actually..
But who cares..
Ciao a tutti.. :cool:

Where you there? Did you see the fighting for yourself? No? Ok then...

The most powerfull socs won. Period. This was the way LG should have been all along.

Nice work Skam, again! :)

And Smoking Holland lets just give the land to random people in PA, yaaayyy!!

IMO Time is still the issue. 12 hours is to long and 90 minutes is to short. 3 hours would be better.
great reporting, rep for you ;)
I was alittle shocked over the low amount of action BAHQ got at LA9, only real action was when Universal Brotherhood tried to get within 100meters of the claim.They did a good effort but killing none and referred to LA9 as "Hell on Earth" from some sources :D
Awesome, Skammy!

Did cK !!!! everyone as always?
yup yup. Was a great read. So here you go: reps :D
maniac said:
Did cK !!!! everyone as always?

Nope,although they spent some time revival killing everyone :rolleyes:
Knuckles said:
Nope,although they spent some time revival killing everyone :rolleyes:

How undoubtfully "cK" of them...
Smoking Holland said:
Nice little piece of the story..but the intelligent reader wants to hear the whole truth and nothing but the truth ....yea yea so help me god.. :rolleyes:

Land being divided by uber socs among other allied societies before the thingy even started..

Said this before ..but i will say it again so foking sad.. :mad:

Made me loose interest in the whole thingy actually..
But who cares..
Ciao a tutti.. :cool:

This LG was politically Orchestrated to some degree..which made it even more fun!

I was helping UnB (imagine our surprise when we ran into LA 9 and saw BAHQs line of defense waiting....ROFL) try to secure a LA.

When we went to LA 10 the fun really started. Defenders and attackers alike went into Chaos Mode, killing in some cases indisciminatley who ever got in their way.

A riot quickly ensued with more players pouring out of the TP only to realize that they couldn't leave!

The RT looked like a major crash site with bodies heaped all over the place. The RT Killers couldn't keep up!

The tides turned near the last 10 minutes of fighting when everyone basically realized who were the defenders and who were the attackers.

UnB rallied towards the end to win LA 10 with the coopertaion of other socs that came to help.

My point being (as was DDs) if you weren't there Smoking,how can you conjecture on what is truth or not?

You had to be there....... :D
Ehehe too bad i was unable to attend :(
Great Report Skam, brings back memories of an enjoyable experience we had. Delta Force and Delta Force Academy, with very little chance of making a claim paid a visit to LA-19 (I believe) and throughly got or butts kicked by the Demons :laugh:

After that we tried for one of the other LG areas with a bit more success but still all soon died, the LAG was so bad many of our members actually ended up killing our own! :dunce:

Despite the fact we had little chance of a claim, it was great fun trying anyway.

:wise: <Note to self> Rascal armour is useless in LG! :laugh:
great article Skam! ;) +rep :D

Also, Smoking Holland.... alot of societies did talk to each other before the LG to see who was going where, and thats what makes the LG fun, the politics side of it :p... it happens in RL too... a country talks with another country during a battle to try and avoid conflict and major losses on both sides...

my :twocents:

oh yeah, and great fights at LA18 which included many socs:

The Honour Guard
Delta Force and the Academy
a 50-person noob army led by OTMOPO3K (spelling may be wrong)
and many more ;)
Very cool report of this exciting day Skamz0r! :cool:
We actually figured out how to get on top of the claim rods, and sat and had a good time chatting for about 3 hours before the landgrab even started.... Landgrab 19 I believe it was...
Then some guy comes up and starts complaining that we're cheating and abusing a bug because he couldn't kill us. And he's going to report us if we attempt to claim the land... My soc leader replied "Well we can't kill you either, bugger off, where's the fairness in that?" (paraphrased).

Of course, being the diplomat I was, I hopped down for a "Fair" fight... Before I could even pull out my gun, I'm pushing up daisies.

I then spent the next hour trying to get away from the revival terminal because I kept being killed by someone who was INVISIBLE. (How's that for fair? :mad: )
About 4 minutes later, I notice that my soc leader and everyone else I was with is in my same predicament (apparently that guy could kill us after all :( ).

Ok, I finally make it to a TP and attempt the southern most island (with the broken TP). Another mistake (PKs galore), but not as bad. I get forced to swim for 20 minutes back to Memorial Island.

Ok, I said, the land grab hasn't even started yet. All the Ubers are there, let's try the rig.

I head out to the rig and everyone seems peaceful enough. Couple noobs, a couple people on my level, and all of a sudden one guy starts shooting me.... My last words "Hey man, I'm just here to chat!"


Ok, I'm ticked off. I head back and ask: "Now come on, the ubers are out. Can we have peace?" His response: "Sure!" then proceeds to shoot a poor noob in the back ... So, being the Noob Avenger that I am :D I shoot him with my Marber Blaster and take him out in 1 hit.... ME: "Can we have some peace now? :) ) The guy's friend was asked to kill me, so he told me "could you please leave and act like I shot you?" So I took a walk and came back a few mins later, and before I can whip out my gun again, the guy I shot comes back and kills me and is all ticked off because "I shot him in the back after asking for peace!"

About 3 hours of fighting with my soc leader now joining to help out.... and no oil. I give up and quit for the night.... with the biggest headache I've ever had. :duh:

Got some cool screenshots though :laugh:
Nice story herb, rep for that :)
well... stay out of PVP areas ;) Good story though :D rep
looking for the rep button but cant find it shame great post Herb
never mind found it :)
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Hi Strakkan !

to have an idea, how much money have you had depenser for three years?

Have nice loot !

Mat mateo pablo (Entraide Francophone)
Mat said:
to have an idea, how much money have you had depenser for three years?

Have nice loot !

Mat mateo pablo (Entraide Francophone)

I think your in the wrong thread :laugh:
killer job scam, havnt seen onelg and dont think i ever will:)
ahh the good old landgrabs

great post sounds like you had a great time at the land grab cant wait for the next one :yay:
aaa. the good old LG. I miss it ! Was a fun thing for us in DNA. I been part of all Landgrabs up to date, but never on the winning side. Next time...will be different..