My Mining Journey (A Sequel)

Run 22 - unamped, small run
TT Cost - 100
TT Return - 171 (171% TT)
Weighted MU - 10.35%

Ya know, it's kind of funny... I was chatting with a good friend of mine the other day and saying how I thought it was possible to make 500 peds profit a day. My friend responded, "Yeah, but how long would that take you? At what cost?"

I really enjoy EU, and I have seen that it's possible to be very profitable with MU. But I think that, like anything in life, it's important to keep things in balance. At the end of the day, this is just a game. So looking forward to the fun and friendships that will be made in the years to come! Hopefully what has been journaled so far has helped some of you to believe that you, too, can succeed. But make sure you keep things in focus: this is just a game. Enjoy!
Run 26 - 1 L5 Amp, mixed drops
TT Cost - 360
TT Return - 362
Weighted MU - 6.32%

Tried changing things up to cycle PED a little bit faster, but it didn't work out well for me from a MU perspective. I have another idea that I'm going to try hopefully tonight before bed. We'll see what happens.
A not-so-great continuation to the morning...

Run 28 - 1 L5 and 1 D-class
TT Cost - 560
TT Return - 444 (79.28% TT)
Weighted MU % - 6.86%

Gonna spend some time going unamped and see if the fortunes change.
Ran with 174 unamped drops to see if we could get any sort of a multi on some high MU enmatter to get back to square pegging, but unfortunately no juice.

Run 29 - unamped
TT Cost - 174
TT Return - 163 (93.67% TT)
Weighted MU - 7.45%

Running into a little bit of a bankroll issue since I bought some deeds (too many?) with profits in addition to some gear that I will be using for Mayhem. Furthermore, I'm waiting for some things to sell on the Caly auction so that is taking some time and preventing me from mining more.

I think that the next play is to head to NI and mine for some dark lysterium after selling some extra goodies on the Caly AH. People say that Dark lyst is challenging to find, but I've never really had much trouble with it. It doesn't drop in large quantities, but it does drop fairly consistently.

Looking forward to the fun of next week with mayhem starting and a new deposit incoming. My strategy is to sell out of my mining materials and to store those as PED on the card so that I know where I stand. I don't mind losing money hunting...and quite frankly I plan I want my mining "stockpile" to be there when Mayhem is over so we can resume business as usual. As always, I'm open to feedback or suggestions on my thinking/trading suggestions/etc. Anything you have really!
They are really, really rare. I think that in my total time of playing EU (about a year and a half if my memory serves me right), I've gotten maybe 10 mining strongboxes overall. That's with level 61 prospector and 58 surveyor, so we're probably talking close to 100k probes dropped.

They are a little less rare on Arkadia, but to my understanding to find something that is SOOTO on Arkadia (something out of the ordinary - for you newbies...I didn't know what SOOTO meant for a long time either) you have to hunt for treasure...and since most treasure has no markup, well, you get the picture.
Give or take, I've sold around 25-30 mining boxes. I'd say you get them a lot more unamped, as that's what I specialise in whilst treasure hunting.
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Got a little crazy and decided to go with one amp to Ark underground to try and find a bit of ignisium since the surface hasn't been coughing up any.

Never again! Lol

Run 31 - 1x L5 amp
TT Cost - 410
TT Return - 177 (43.17% TT)
Weighted MU % - 0% xD

TT Cost - 14037
TT Return - 13565 (96.63% TT)
Got a little crazy and decided to go with one amp to Ark underground to try and find a bit of ignisium since the surface hasn't been coughing up any.

Never again! Lol

Run 31 - 1x L5 amp
TT Cost - 410
TT Return - 177 (43.17% TT)
Weighted MU % - 0% xD

TT Cost - 14037
TT Return - 13565 (96.63% TT)
its okay, we all learn to stay away from AU the hard way😉
Well Next Island was a big bust. Apparently, when you tell others that you think you know how to do something...nature/God/MA has a funny way of showing you how little you actually know. I found a grand total of 0 dark lysterium in this most recent visit, which was quite disappointing and rather unusual based on past experience. The rest was mainly iron and lyst, but not hardly enough MU on lyst to cover losses.

Run 32 - mix of unamped and 1 L5 amp
TT Cost - 470
TT Return - 393 (83.61% TT)
Weighted MU % - 1.01%

Jade and I have been talking and we think that MA may have decided to rake in a little extra change for the Mayhem starting this Thursday, evidenced by our recent poor return streaks. "But it's such a small sample, John!" Agreed. Just let us have our vengeance against MA, OK? xD
Well Next Island was a big bust. Apparently, when you tell others that you think you know how to do something...nature/God/MA has a funny way of showing you how little you actually know. I found a grand total of 0 dark lysterium in this most recent visit, which was quite disappointing and rather unusual based on past experience. The rest was mainly iron and lyst, but not hardly enough MU on lyst to cover losses.

Run 32 - mix of unamped and 1 L5 amp
TT Cost - 470
TT Return - 393 (83.61% TT)
Weighted MU % - 1.01%

Jade and I have been talking and we think that MA may have decided to rake in a little extra change for the Mayhem starting this Thursday, evidenced by our recent poor return streaks. "But it's such a small sample, John!" Agreed. Just let us have our vengeance against MA, OK? xD
Doesn’t all loot drop before mayhem?

although it seems vixens are boosted atm Globals keep coming way more often than normal. 1-3 every day when it’s normally 1 a week…

something is definitely up with loot
Doesn’t all loot drop before mayhem?

although it seems vixens are boosted atm Globals keep coming way more often than normal. 1-3 every day when it’s normally 1 a week…

something is definitely up with loot
Here's the real question...what amount equals a vixen global?

Edit: the real, real do your eyes/fingers not bleed hunting those things all day?
Press F and watch another another window in my 5120x1440 monitor lots of space to multitask
It would be the monotony of having to click to loot each creature that would get me. The shooting would be fine xD
F loots too

F is select next target, F is start autotool, and F is loot.
The action is contextual

Growing up playing maplestory (a Korean hardcore grind mmorpg) will get your brain wired all fucked up where it likes the grind…
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Haha I used to play Maplestory believe it or not, that was a fun little game when I was younger. Maybe I just haven't come to appreciate the grind enough ;)

I do appreciate that mining gives me something really active to do each evening where I feel like I'm in control of my destiny, so to speak.
Just tied my all-time worst for NRFs outdoors at 16 drops in a row with nothing. When I'm mining, I have to keep LBML up on my other screen and therefore can't really do much else. That makes those 16 drops in a row pretty agonizing. With that, I've decided to hang up mining through Mayhem and join Dr. Girlfriend over at the vixens. At least over there I can watch TV while I'm shooting.

Run 32 - unamped
TT Cost - 102
TT Return - 80 (78.43% TT)
With that, I've decided to hang up mining through Mayhem and join Dr. Girlfriend over at the vixens
Just zoom all the way out, put your mouse cursor over your avatars butt, and you’ll effectively have 10m auto loot (you still need to press f to loot) but you don’t even need to move your cursor or anything and don’t need loot pills this way. I’m posting here so it’s public but you gotta read all the journey threads to learn the real shit so I don’t wanna post it in my thread.
Got a little bored while hunting vixens today (and we had a presentation at work where I was able to listen in and simultaneously play a little bit more actively instead of just pressing "F" every few seconds on my gaming keyboard), so I went out for a quick mining run.

Run 33 - unamped
TT Cost - 144
TT Return - 148 (102.77% TT)
Weighted MU % - 7.69%
It seems that every mildly decent run is followed by a proper smacking of late:

Run 34 - unamped
TT Cost - 144
TT Return - 110 (76.38% TT)
Weighted MU % - 5.18%