Run# 8
Run 2 lvl 5 amps
TT OUT 657
TT IN 527
Return% 80%
Final run went as expected after the last one. Also i focused a bit too much on the desert area which is partly my bad.
So if we are to now calculate our final return:- 907%/ 8 runs averages a return of 113% per run.
Final Stats:-
Total TT OUT 5174
Total TT IN 5046
Net Gross Return :- 97.54%
This is a callout to whoever keep cribbing that mining isnt good or its "broken". The returns speak for themselves. I would encourage more people to pick up mining and track your results over time. Short runs may not be good, as i have hit 79-80% myself on a few runs. but you just got to keep cycling.
List of Ores/Enmats found including Treasures and SOOTO:- (Will update later, off to work now.)
As promised, here is the list of stuff ive found. I have sold some already so i don't have the exact tt amounts for each Mineral, however i shall mention what i recall.
Bismuth:- 180 tt( Sold already at 350% MU)
Arkan Pellets:- 226 Ped (Negligible MU 101-102%)
Khordual Polymer:- 420 ped (Negligible MU 101-102%)
Gazzurite:- 498 Ped (Sold ay 106%)
Flint Axe head- 181 ped (Negligible MU 101-102%)
Root Acid:- 48 ped (Negligible MU 102-103%)
Oil:- 80 ped (Negligible MU 101-102%)
Zolphic Grease:- 93 ped (Negligible MU 101-102%)
Yulurieum:- 75 ped ( avg MU 105-100 not large sale in terms of volumes not sold yet)
Vesperdite Ore:- 75 ped ( Avg MU 116-120% not sold yet)
Alicenese:- 44 ped (Negligible MU 102-103%)
Dianthus:- 75 ped ( 200% Avg MU Not sold)
Magerian Spray:- 40 ped (103-15% MU not sold)
Ganganite:- 40 ped (Negligible MU 102-103%)
Typonolic Gas:- 40 ped ((Negligible MU 102-104%)
Alferix Stone:- 20 ped ((Negligible MU 101-102%)
Langotz Ore:- 4.5ped ( 200% Avg MU Not sold)
Erdorium:- 163 ped (Avg MU varies 135-150% not sold)
Sweet stuff :-20 ped (108-110% MU avg not sold)
Caldorite:- 35 ped (avg mu 103-106 %vaires not sold)
Cave sap:- 11 ped ( 200% Avg MU Not sold)
Chalmon:- 20 ped (125% to 146% varies avg mu not sold)
Pyrite:- 90 ped ( Avg Mu 165% upto 175% during mayhem not sold)
Blood moss :- 20 ped ( Avg Mu 350% goes upto 600+% depending on events)
Adomasite:- 20 ped (Avg mu 140-150% depending on events not sold)
Garcen:-200 ped (Avg mu fluctuates a lot between 123% to 140% not sold)
Belkar:- 50 ped ( Avg mu 116-120% fluctuates not sold)
Akas Alloy:- 200 ped (Sold at 116%)
Lysterium:- 300 ped (103-105% avg MU not sold)
Frakite:- 10 ped (Avg mu gone way down atm to 1000% usualy at 1800%) (i might not sell tll price hits around 1600% at least)
I had other stuff as well but i sold it and now i cant find the exact amount i had, but was mostly Arkadia specific ores/enmats.
10 Mining Boxes (Avg Mu 16 ped per box at current day)
4 Large Dehra Urns
3 Songkra Paintings
Needless to say I made profit on Bismuth alone. The rest were just cherries on the cake
I wish I had a way to give you my exact returns with MU but its a lot of trouble to keep track of it while im continuously cycling and i dont know when i will put certain items like pyrite, dianthus ,garcen with erdorium for sale....