New free speech Universe Chat in-game!


Old Alpha
Sep 10, 2010
Dirty Dingo's
Avatar Name
RJ Rob James

So just wanted to get the word out and get this channel growing faster and try and get it to become the main "Universe Wide Chat" in game.

To Join the channel just copy and paste this into game: /join #universe-chat

So some stuff about the channel. The aim is that it only has 1 rule and it is a free speech chat. It will have mods it already has 3 mods and I will add more as it grows. So if you would like to be a mod then please PM me in game. But I will not just make you a mod for no reason you will have to earn it unless I know you already and I think you are trustworthy and will not abuse the role etc.

So the only rule for the channel is this:

NO bullying or trolling or belittling other players in this game. Any players that do troll messages or is rude towards other players - This includes Hate Speech and Racism, aimed towards groups of people or individuals - based on sex/religion/sexual orientation/country of origin. Will be banned from the channel. (Discussion about hate speech on the other hand is allowed but always respect others opinions.)

If a discussion gets out of hand then please try and alert one of the mods. So they can come and try calm down and cool down the discussion etc. The current mods is listed below:


RJ Rob James
Ace FireFist Williams
Juicy Fruit Monster
Inherent Marxus Legends

PM them in game if you need them to moderate the channel.

Other than that everything else is allowed. If you want to ask for a specific material you can but NOT full ads (trade channels are for full ads). So like example. Anyone got any X item or material is fine,

I am hoping we can make this the main Universe chat that covers every planet and space. Other planet specific channels are heavily moderated and I think that is wrong in this game. I mean we are all adults mainly I think who play this game so banning people from a channel for swearing or giving misleading info is not the right way to go. Chats should be free speech as long as you respect other players and are not rude personally towards other players. Banter can get out of hand sometimes and some people can get offended by banter too. But that is also hard to know if it is banter or not sometimes.

But given that above I am sticking to the 1 rule above I stated for the channel........

Lets get this channel full ready for UE5 so new players will have a place to get help etc. Rookie channel is soo nasty and rude and full of trolls. MA do not even moderate it and that is why I never use it and it is not nice for new players who ask for help in it because all the trolls are so rude towards the new players.

We need to create a nice welcoming environment for the new players that will be joining the game in the coming years and once UE5 launches and gets listed on Epic Games store. We need players to stay in the game too. Retention is KEY for the long term of this game.

So if we all help each other then we will make the game great going forward and into UE5 era! :)

So please get all your soc m8's etc to join to and spread the word about this channel.

Thanks and hope to see you all in the channel.
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Best of luck
No being rude or trolling? Afraid you have to do better than that to migrate the degenerates off of rookie chat, which I assume is your main intention.
Anyways GL.

That is not why. The main reason is to get a proper chat channel that is global for every planet. Currently "Rookie" is the only one........ And as I said that is toxic.

Everyone is welcome in this channel you all just have to abide by that rule. So if people who use Rookie chat want to use Universe chat they can but all I ask is you respect the 1 rule for this channel :)

But thanks for the gl
That is not why. The main reason is to get a proper chat channel that is global for every planet. Currently "Rookie" is the only one........ And as I said that is toxic.

Everyone is welcome in this channel you all just have to abide by that rule. So if people who use Rookie chat want to use Universe chat they can but all I ask is you respect the 1 rule for this channel :)

But thanks for the gl
Yep a global chat is definitely needed and rookie shouldn’t be the only outlet. It’s a shame what rookie has become.
If this becomes popular hopefully it gets official recognition and becomes the default global chat.
I’ll definitely give it a join.
Ok I need help in changing the color of the channel , but I have so many channels now i cannot scroll to it.

Is there a fix for this ?
thank you for taking people away from spamming in local. appreciate
I was wondering why you did call it universal chat, so checked.

Members of channel: #universal_chat
Total member count: 1

I'm sorry 🤭

Good luck with it :)
once you try to moderate those who bully and slander others in your free speech channel you will be busy defending the nature of the channel as a 'heavily moderated' free speech channel - its in the nature of the game that those feeling suppressed in being nasty to others will do their very best to point out how not free your channel is.
Thats how other channels got accused of being 'heavily moderated' when the same people come back and complain for the 99th time how they cant speak their mind about how shit something/one is.
From my experience there is moderated and unmoderated channels - nothing inbetween - only people who like to have beef with someone or with the one who stopped them from having that beef...
What is the goal of the channel though? Rookie chat is to ask questions if you are new, granted it has some interesting characters in it, they tend to be quite helpful I will say when questions are asked. Would it be for interplanetary trade or something?
We have this in space already...a channel for all of space. But I guess planet-side folks need something also.

Good luck, ill check it out tonight. Might be cool thing.
once you try to moderate those who bully and slander others in your free speech channel you will be busy defending the nature of the channel as a 'heavily moderated' free speech channel - its in the nature of the game that those feeling suppressed in being nasty to others will do their very best to point out how not free your channel is.
Thats how other channels got accused of being 'heavily moderated' when the same people come back and complain for the 99th time how they cant speak their mind about how shit something/one is.
From my experience there is moderated and unmoderated channels - nothing inbetween - only people who like to have beef with someone or with the one who stopped them from having that beef...

You can speak your mind just not being rude or personal towards other players.

You can say anything you like :) Swear anything :)
What is the goal of the channel though? Rookie chat is to ask questions if you are new, granted it has some interesting characters in it, they tend to be quite helpful I will say when questions are asked. Would it be for interplanetary trade or something?
We have this in space already...a channel for all of space. But I guess planet-side folks need something also.

Good luck, ill check it out tonight. Might be cool thing.

But as I said the goal is to make this the main channel for the whole universe and space and all planets. Ask for help etc new players can also get help too. Rookie chat is toxic for new players and it can be off putting to some of them when they see some trolling messages and some rudeness etc.

Let me be clear, BANTER is allowed :)

Anyway thanks all
Here is a suggestion.

We try to get mindark to just filter rookie channel (and any channel for that matter) for:

- Racism
- Hate speech in general
- Blatant homophobic slurrs and cussing
- Threats on the above
- And various other TOS breaking

Instead of letting the toxic assholes try to slander what "free speech" is, how about we instead start by enforcing the TOS that already exists :D Unless these people are obviously on Mindarks approved looter / protected user list, if so then we can't do much i suppose ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Also free speech is not a free card to say whatever you want, not only does it not protect litterally hatespeak by definition, but it also never was a free card to speak your mind about anything and everything without consequence, it was for you as a person reading this, to question your goverments.
Ok I need help in changing the color of the channel , but I have so many channels now i cannot scroll to it.

Is there a fix for this ?

Just change the resolution that fixed that issue for me, it is not a proper fix. Rather it is just a workaround fix until MA add a scroll bar to it. But UE5 is coming so maybe it will be fixed in UE5 version :)
Here is a suggestion.

We try to get mindark to just filter rookie channel (and any channel for that matter) for:

- Racism
- Hate speech in general
- Blatant homophobic slurrs and cussing
- Threats on the above
- And various other TOS breaking

Instead of letting the toxic assholes try to slander what "free speech" is, how about we instead start by enforcing the TOS that already exists :D Unless these people are obviously on Mindarks approved looter / protected user list, if so then we can't do much i suppose ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Also free speech is not a free card to say whatever you want, not only does it not protect litterally hatespeak by definition, but it also never was a free card to speak your mind about anything and everything without consequence, it was for you as a person reading this, to question your goverments.

Good points but we have to keep it open to everyone. At the end of the day if people do break the TOS and MA monitor the channel then they will probably do something to those players anyway without me or the mods knowing. So we wont really know.

I know the term and phrase "Free Speech" is vague. But I used it to show that everyone is welcome etc.

Thanks for the suggestion though :)
Good points but we have to keep it open to everyone. At the end of the day if people do break the TOS and MA monitor the channel then they will probably do something to those players anyway without me or the mods knowing. So we wont really know.

I know the term and phrase "Free Speech" is vague. But I used it to show that everyone is welcome etc.

Thanks for the suggestion though :)

It is open for everyone, but if you do any of the points i mentioned the hammer should be planted in your face.

I personally will never understand why someone wants to allow straight up hate speech or various forms of it. It does not belong anywhere others than serve a purpose where one human, wants to harm another, and conflict harm in some way upon another.

The term Free Speech is not at all vague, it is a term protected by the United Nations. But as such it does not protect people who want to cause others harm. You can have opinions that are cross and what not but it is not a vague term in any circumstance.

I've also personally reported several people several times with screenshots and timestamps some of them just after or before a "star Mindark employee" has typed some copy pasta "help" info... Which does lead me to believe that mindark, really gives zero crap about their own TOS but, yeah.

Your "universal channel" is also btw not exempt from game TOS just a heads up, so no matter what is said there is also and will fall under the same TOS as every other channel or aspect of the game.
It is open for everyone, but if you do any of the points i mentioned the hammer should be planted in your face.

I personally will never understand why someone wants to allow straight up hate speech or various forms of it. It does not belong anywhere others than serve a purpose where one human, wants to harm another, and conflict harm in some way upon another.

The term Free Speech is not at all vague, it is a term protected by the United Nations. But as such it does not protect people who want to cause others harm. You can have opinions that are cross and what not but it is not a vague term in any circumstance.

I've also personally reported several people several times with screenshots and timestamps some of them just after or before a "star Mindark employee" has typed some copy pasta "help" info... Which does lead me to believe that mindark, really gives zero crap about their own TOS but, yeah.

Your "universal channel" is also btw not exempt from game TOS just a heads up, so no matter what is said there is also and will fall under the same TOS as every other channel or aspect of the game.

BIB - Well the 1 rule I created does indeed cover that. indirectly. If people do messages that is in anyway a threat towards other people or groups of people or based on sexuality etc of course that is not allowed.

Talking about the subjects however is allowed. That is freedom of expression having a calm and civilised debate. OF course this can get out of hand. That is why we have mods. So we will need more mods as the channel grows for those times it gets out of hand.

I am a liberal. This is not really relevant but I am not far right or far left. I am just liberal :)
Here is a suggestion.

We try to get mindark to just filter rookie channel (and any channel for that matter) for:

- Racism
- Hate speech in general
- Blatant homophobic slurrs and cussing
- Threats on the above
- And various other TOS breaking

Instead of letting the toxic assholes try to slander what "free speech" is, how about we instead start by enforcing the TOS that already exists :D Unless these people are obviously on Mindarks approved looter / protected user list, if so then we can't do much i suppose ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Also free speech is not a free card to say whatever you want, not only does it not protect litterally hatespeak by definition, but it also never was a free card to speak your mind about anything and everything without consequence, it was for you as a person reading this, to question your goverments.
or... you can hit the ignore button and stop asking Mindark to consume resources they clearly don't have.
Yep that too @atomicstorm agree - Ignore feature works too if you dont like what others say etc.
Moderating actual hate speech is fine I guess but there’s becomes a problem when PC culture moves the goalposts on what the definition of hate speech is. We see this in the real world. Can’t talk about basic biology these days or have an opinion different than what the far left are pedalling without being flagged for hate speech. Not that any of the issues I’m hinting at have anything to do with Entropia and shouldn’t even need to be discussed in universe, but having such a liquid definition if “hate speech” is always going to be a problem in places where it’s being moderated.
Moderating actual hate speech is fine I guess but there’s becomes a problem when PC culture moves the goalposts on what the definition of hate speech is. We see this in the real world. Can’t talk about basic biology these days or have an opinion different than what the far left are pedalling without being flagged for hate speech. Not that any of the issues I’m hinting at have anything to do with Entropia and shouldn’t even need to be discussed in universe, but having such a liquid definition if “hate speech” is always going to be a problem in places where it’s being moderated.
Yep true

I mean I could amend the rule to include the wording then. But I will add a meaning to the Hate Speech rule that states Discussion surrounding it is fine as long as it is not actual hate speech aimed at groups of people or individuals?

I am not the most Articulate person when it comes to writing the perfect lines. So if anyone could maybe write me that 1 rule that includes Hate Speech with the wider meaning I mentioned would appreciate it :)
Yep true

I mean I could amend the rule to include the wording then. But I will add a meaning to the Hate Speech rule that states Discussion surrounding it is fine as long as it is not actual hate speech aimed at groups of people or individuals?

I am not the most Articulate person when it comes to writing the perfect lines. So if anyone could maybe write me that 1 rule that includes Hate Speech with the wider meaning I mentioned would appreciate it :)
I don’t want to give examples really because my post would likely get removed. This forum is moderated too. My definition of hate speech is a direct call to violence or hatred to a specific group of people. Stuff like God hates X or Death to all X people. Anything outside of that shouldn’t be considered hate speech.
I edited the Original post of this thread. Let mw know if that is ok now everyone? thanks in advance
Here is a suggestion.

We try to get mindark to just filter rookie channel (and any channel for that matter) for:

- Racism
- Hate speech in general
- Blatant homophobic slurrs and cussing
- Threats on the above
- And various other TOS breaking

Instead of letting the toxic assholes try to slander what "free speech" is, how about we instead start by enforcing the TOS that already exists :D Unless these people are obviously on Mindarks approved looter / protected user list, if so then we can't do much i suppose ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Also free speech is not a free card to say whatever you want, not only does it not protect litterally hatespeak by definition, but it also never was a free card to speak your mind about anything and everything without consequence, it was for you as a person reading this, to question your goverments.
this game is 18+ i dont like hatespeech and despite i am straight i dont liike insulting gender preferences
but i dislike censorship more than assholes.
so i prefer to add to my blocklist instead having some bot decide if a french player sayin PeTIT is censored to peT** from a brain damaged AI.
thanks but no thanks
(my blocklist is bigger than my buddy list, proud of it)
this game is 18+ i dont like hatespeech and despite i am straight i dont liike insulting gender preferences
but i dislike censorship more than assholes.
so i prefer to add to my blocklist instead having some bot decide if a french player sayin PeTIT is censored to peT** from a brain damaged AI.
thanks but no thanks
(my blocklist is bigger than my buddy list, proud of it)

I am also anti censorship too.
Sure, I'll give it a shot, but the phrasing alone made me roll my eyes. This surely is again gonna be full of american political stuff: the left is stupid, no the right is racist, what even is left or right, wait no genders, lemme ask you a question: "could god create a boulder he couldnt lift?", wait, no fascism is a lefty thing, no no no its just a word, you can't even say x anymore... bla bla. URGH! Whats the point?

If you want a useful universe wide channel, Id think limiting it to EU talk might be more helpful? Otherwise it surely would just become some subreddit thats easier to write in cuz its ingame. But I mean, dont get me wrong, that might actually totally be what people want or whats needed. So hope its fun for everyone there.

It just seems a true "universe channel" might be more productive if the focus is EU related? Maybe we could have both?! Tho, thinking about it a little more just now, that doesnt make much sense either, like what are you gonna do if people talk about some fun crap thats not EU related? ban them? nahh. So what ever, maybe it does work out and its not just a rookie 2.0. I really hope so! GL m8