Nice day mining


Dec 16, 2005
SWAG inc.
Avatar Name
Iono Io Onoi
MA delivered a late Christmas present this morning. Thanks MA...


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Gratz on it! and it even has a nice markup :)
Big gratz to great find :)

Next time post your achivements in Hall Of Fame forum, so we can grats you properly :D

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Nice claim.... Gratz
Grats m8. Nice One
VERY nice! Congrats, m8! :yay:
Heh, silly me got my second HOF in less than a week with a (XIX) 770 PED crude HOF. Turns out it bumped you down since I was put in 18th place for the day. I was jumping for joy until I found out how long it takes to pull up 770PEDs worth of crude. I went to bed last night after 3 hours... and I only had half of it up.
But, I'm extremely happy! :yay:
Heh, silly me got my second HOF in less than a week with a (XIX) 770 PED crude HOF. Turns out it bumped you down since I was put in 18th place for the day. I was jumping for joy until I found out how long it takes to pull up 770PEDs worth of crude. I went to bed last night after 3 hours... and I only had half of it up.
But, I'm extremely happy! :yay:

think about all the engineering skillgains ;)
Gratz dude... Nice Typo hit :yay:

Engineering = very yes!

I forgot to mention this, but his Typo hit may have been smaller, but it is still worth waaay more due to the markup. So congrats, Bud! :D