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  • Many happy wishes to you and your family, this holiday season !
    Hi mate, havent started on one yet but have been thinking about something. Its a lot of work and I know the community support would be there but RL is making things a little difficult at the mo. But that doesnt mean I wont, just not yet.
    Collecting the data with suprise rewards along the way is very a rewarding project that I enjoy doing, also sharing the data is equally rewarding too.
    hey jack, wondering if you have any plans to make a new mining map like the old one? i am not such a fan of the current one posted in the mining section, it just isnt nearly as good for finding good areas.
    Yr welcome mate.. and it means alot to me too see honest people like you playing along side me in EU :)
    hey thanks Scudd it means a lot to me :) and tyvm for the EFDs it was a very kind gesture!
    I am a finance student writing my master thesis, about EU. i am writing about socs, i would like to interview some of the members of the soc, and i was wondering if you think that you or a member of your soc would want to help me by answering some questions.

    hope to hear from you

    miss master thesis
    Ive been giving this a thought for quite some time now. Haven't been with a soc. in over 2 years because of boringness, eventless, everyman to themselves kinda attitude. I have look at you guys for some time and I can say I would like to join your soc.
    Hi Grampa...
    Not sure what yr asking/offering? I have many screen captures of claims,globals, hoffs, towers etc..
    So if you mean do I need some more , then no sorry.

    even though I am not in your soc would you like the screen captures of my globals? 3's
    lol... yeah but I forgive ya :) Yr my 1st... whoo not a visitor message virgin no more.. (celabrates) :)
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