FYI: Non-populated planets?

I love the idea in general, but believe that there should be at least one that does not have pvp. The threads of "why not have PvP everywhere" are a recurring endorsement AGAINST having a venue of this sort. The points made are valid in these posts, and represent exactly what happens now at places like the oil rig -- it's a no-fun zone because it is monopolized by an elite subgroup 100% of the time.

Well, thats not even true, quite often the rig is held by a bunch of mid level players with vigi and big L guns...
We took and held it for quite some time with such a gang... from another similar gang... until some uber pk guy showed up and kicked all our asses.. :D
Well, it still was fun even including getting wiped after grabbing at least some oil.

Sure, there could be some non-pvp areas, for people who hate pvp, but they will never get the same atmosphere as the pvp areas...

I think it would be better to instead make the area large enough, so its impossible for any one group to keep it all.

I have a vision of something like a constant LandGrab raging, where each asteroid or asteroid area is one claimable land...

Its an idea how you could separate the pvp:ing form the general playing in this way:
Pvp:ers battle for the land, and control of it, a claimed asteroid will just as LA:s today give a % to the keeper from mining and other activities on them

This will have the result that PVP:ers must be selective who they kill... sure, they could kill anyone, but killing off all miners and hunters would make their income 0... But at the same time, they must have their eyes open for people trying to sneak an attack on the claim marker...

And there should be enough areas that not even a 200 person 100% uber soc can claim all areas at the same time... but areas also should be a lot smaller then the equivalent of current day LA:s

There wont be a way to customize them, their location and composition is what decides its desireability.

claiming should also work somewhat like during LG, you need to keep people patrolling your areas, if you leave them, they will go back to "unclaimed" (and untaxed) state after a few hours.

Fun for everyone :)
"broken radar"
umm... everywhere... all over that "planet" (or moon or... u name it). Shall it be lootable pvp or not... its different story. (and ofc not in "arrival station").

If some ava cant sleep before couple pk... sooo.... find those miners first! not just run to green dot on radar. It will not be easy if there are rocks... some vegetation... some friends of that miner... with different kind of equipment;)

how about adding caves and hiding places too then? :D and some placeable traps?
how about adding caves and hiding places too then? :D and some placeable traps?

If they give us traps.. they need to improve how the decoys work ;)


Maybe a decoy can leave a green dot in a space while you bolt the hell out of there... hence a DECOY! OMG :D
If they give us traps.. they need to improve how the decoys work ;)


Maybe a decoy can leave a green dot in a space while you bolt the hell out of there... hence a DECOY! OMG :D

lol but decoys that exist now are for animals, the traps I'm talking about would be for PvP too ;)
lol but decoys that exist now are for animals, the traps I'm talking about would be for PvP too ;)

Hmmm, I like this -- the trap *could* be a decoy in the form of a green dot that appears elsewhere allowing you to escape undetected. Not knowing where the dot shows up, you have a chance of running into the attacker anyway, adding a "risk" factor to make things interesting.

Or, the trap/decoy could show an opposite/mirror movement factor, if you go east, the dot moves west, drawing them away. Adding the "deploy decoy" skill in, the angle of deviation could be determined from your skill level, with a minimum angle of around 90 degrees, and a maxed out skill setting of 180 degrees.

There's a lot of possibility here - but I think doing away with the radar completely is the best answer. It's simple, which is an enormous advantage when you rely on programmers that have had a relatively bad reputation for getting things to work well (and correctly) in the past.

Or, to put it another way: I love the *idea* of being able to use a decoy in PvP situations, but I don't trust MA to pull it off in a way that would live up to the expectations.
lol but decoys that exist now are for animals, the traps I'm talking about would be for PvP too ;)

Hmmmm so would the traps cause damage? add a snaring effect (IE temp agility loss so the attacker cant move as fast)? "slime" the target making it a bit slower to pull the trigger, or swing the sword. Or in an extreme case.. open up a wormhole to another (deadly) area?

I guess what im wondering is .. would traps kill , have the potential to kill, or just give the other person a chance to get away safely.

Man.. so much potential MA :D

get workin! lol

P.S. Oh hell... wormholes... why not have random wormholes in space that will fling you into a different sector, would be difficult, but hopefully not impossible to escape.
I guess what im wondering is .. would traps kill , have the potential to kill, or just give the other person a chance to get away safely.

a bomb that explodes, sending spikes in all directions for impact/penetration damage, and also blinds everyone that is too close? :D

or how about a "disruptor" which disables all guns (even yours)? :silly2:
a bomb that explodes, sending spikes in all directions for impact/penetration damage, and also blinds everyone that is too close? :D

Perfect! :D maybe 2 points of shrapnel damage just to add insult to injury!

oo and the disabling gun thing sounds good. maybe like a mini-emp.

Which means... its powerfist/blade time! :D
Perfect! :D maybe 2 points of shrapnel damage just to add insult to injury!

oo and the disabling gun thing sounds good. maybe like a mini-emp.

Which means... its powerfist/blade time! :D

well... or you could make it realistic and it will disable every weapon that uses energy (energy swords, fists, laserguns, etc)

and BLP, non-energy swords, axes, etc would still be useful? :D
Well, thats not even true, quite often the rig is held by a bunch of mid level players with vigi and big L guns...
We took and held it for quite some time with such a gang... from another similar gang... until some uber pk guy showed up and kicked all our asses.. :D
Well, it still was fun even including getting wiped after grabbing at least some oil.

Sure, there could be some non-pvp areas, for people who hate pvp, but they will never get the same atmosphere as the pvp areas...

I think it would be better to instead make the area large enough, so its impossible for any one group to keep it all.

I have a vision of something like a constant LandGrab raging, where each asteroid or asteroid area is one claimable land...

Its an idea how you could separate the pvp:ing form the general playing in this way:
Pvp:ers battle for the land, and control of it, a claimed asteroid will just as LA:s today give a % to the keeper from mining and other activities on them

This will have the result that PVP:ers must be selective who they kill... sure, they could kill anyone, but killing off all miners and hunters would make their income 0... But at the same time, they must have their eyes open for people trying to sneak an attack on the claim marker...

And there should be enough areas that not even a 200 person 100% uber soc can claim all areas at the same time... but areas also should be a lot smaller then the equivalent of current day LA:s

There wont be a way to customize them, their location and composition is what decides its desireability.

claiming should also work somewhat like during LG, you need to keep people patrolling your areas, if you leave them, they will go back to "unclaimed" (and untaxed) state after a few hours.

Fun for everyone :)

I understand what you are saying -- the "no fun" statement holds though. Yes, some people will find it fun, but others are *not* there to get bullied around (there is enough of that in real life already), and don't go near PvP because the odds of being picked off are far from in your favor (it's tough enough to break even without some thug taking your loot for a fraction of what you invested to get it). The math doesn't add up, and while it is true that if you are on the "right side of the fence" skill-wise, you may find moments of fun, the bulk of the player base has already weighed in on the matter over and over and over again. Putting something in to further the desires of the relatively FEW people that really do enjoy PvP, but pisses off the relative MAJORITY of people that don't -- well, it's not a smart move.

Hence, putting something in there for everyone means leaving a GOOD part of it non-pvp. And as for the same atmosphere aspect -- that is the WHOLE POINT. The vulture like atmosphere is why MOST people don't like the PvP that is already there! With all the things biased against you already, what fun is there in making it even MORE so?!? This PvP "atmosphere" is devoid of fun already for most people -- you can pump it up all you want but even when I *have* been in a PvP area without dying off immediately, there was no gain from it -- no oil, period. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. A complete and total waste of time, money, ammo, bombs, probes, and decay for NOTHING. How exactly can more of the same be fun?

Oh, wait... for the vultures it might just be fun... Yeah, let's add something to give the vultures even more reason to go around gathering huge profits from the unwary innocents. The hunters spend 150 PED on a hunting run and the vulture walks away with the whole lot for a 2 PED investment in ammo. Sounds like a lot of fun to me... not. If the only way to go to these areas is through/in a PvP area, then my shadow will never be seen there, my friend -- and mine is not the only one in that category. I find the "atmosphere" a little to hostile for my tastes, and the "fun" of being raided a little on the stale side.

The only way MA could POSSIBLY make a PvP zone that would be of any interest to me would be if they made one that was Melee only. As a melee hunter, this is the only place I could find a *chance* to be on the winning end of the conflict. Even then, I don't believe being a vulture is fun, and don't think I would stoop to such behavior, the fun would not be as stale, but it would still leave a sour taste in my mouth.
well... or you could make it realistic and it will disable every weapon that uses energy (energy swords, fists, laserguns, etc)

and BLP, non-energy swords, axes, etc would still be useful? :D

hmmmm those blp users would still pwn face :D But.. it makes it easy to choose what set of armor to wear etc.

Still.. the whole trap idea rocks :D. Would definetly add a nice thrill to the pvp arena. Never know what kinda trap the guy might toss out !

But getting a bit off topic... more planets/asteroids MA! :D
- Avaliable only by spaceships
- No atmosphere (you need breathing masks and protection armor to walk around on it)- PvP everywhere (some places lootable)
and get shot on first step outside spaceship?:laugh:
omgomg this thread is officially +repped :D

(bump btw)
Hypnos its huge!!! 00
it is :D lets explore it! (oh wait... just a gas giant, no landing zone.. crap >_<) :D:D:D:D

If I think back to the Bio of a Space Tyrant series of books by Piers Anthony there was a particular part of those stories where the main character spent some time searching different layers of a gas giant (Saturn maybe can't remember) looking for these naturaly formed spheres they used in making space craft or space habitats or something. It was basically the same as mining. They would search out the sphere and then land a claim on it. From what I remember they have specialized craft that could withstand the pressure of the gas giant and some type of gavity lens system to keep them from being dragged down to where the pressure was to great.

I would think exploring the many layers of a gas giant could be interesting who knows maybe it could be populated with all types of floating or flying mobs, gases, and what not. :wtg:
Yeah, but you could be able to "scoop" resources from the uppermost atmosphere layers of gas giants with special equipment...

Being a miner, the idea sounds just awesome to me, to embark on a trip of discovery onto unexplored places, just me and my tools... and the other hundreds of PKers waiting for me to hit that HOF and loot me. :(

I am too against PvP, and if there would be implemented everywhere, I'd like to at least see some penalties introduced to those decided to kill anyone in sight- perhaps a (temporal) inventory limit/attributes reduction or chances of successful deploying per kill, or something like that. I think it requires some planning and thinking.
I would think exploring the many layers of a gas giant could be interesting who knows maybe it could be populated with all types of floating or flying mobs, gases, and what not. :wtg:

or create a floating city ;) (see Bespin at whereever)
Just reply

PvP on such moons are great ideas. Also the good lead is to invest in your moon center (non pvp zone), where you and your valuable resources will be very well protected.
Well there's plenty that could be used for that. As there are many planets with non livable atmosphere and no plants or animals.


I'd be greatly in favor of a mining planet.

well... Hypnos have a lot of moons :) but i don't know... what is the biggest planet with a land area?(wow calypso is really small... imagine trying to walk around of some of the bigger planets, prometheus maybe? (you walk 2 days and finally you have walked from one point to another of one continent lol)

edit: Calypso

This is a living planet with an oxygen atmosphere and an average surface temperature of 25°C. The planet has two moons in orbit.

Type: Planet with oxygen atmosphere
Mass (Earth=1): 0,48
Mass (metric tonnes): 2,87*10e21
Diameter (km): 8836
Radius (m): 4 418 000
Volume (Earth=1): 0,33
Volume (m3): 3,61*10e20
Density (Water=1): 7,95
Axis Angle: 1,2
Gravitational force (m/s2): 9,81
Escape Velocity (km/s): 9,31
Surface Temp (°C): 25
Orbital period: 1 year 91 days
Rotational period: 4 h
Distance from Sun (AU): 1,16
Distance from Sun (M km): 173,5
Number of moons: 2

like i said, calypso is very small, less than half earth?

more edit: gorgon is a good option, is not huge, is close and have really low grav *_*
(a question, what is the font from this info, in the game?)

edit ++: Thanatos is a good idea... it's very small(half calypso) is very cold, imagine mining in the ice :) (well... I am a crafter anyway, so whatever lol)
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like i said, calypso is very small, less than half earth?

yeah, why do you think we can jump so high? ;) (difference in gravity)
yes, and turns the space more real(well, they will never make calypso as half the earth, but they can say that have morewater(and dont have sure, is there some date on this?)
(well, they will never make calypso as half the earth, but they can say that have more water

I think it does... if you look at the old calypso-from-space pics :) you should be able to find those pics on forum... (not sure if those are official pics though)

(and dont have sure, is there some date on this?)

date on what?
you have aswered :) data about water on calypso
I love the idea of opening up space, exploring new worlds, mining new asteroids etc etc.

It is however a huge undertaking, here's hoping the MA can put the resources into it once Cryengine is released. There is a heap of work to ensure it stays balanced for the economy, ie new ores need new products to craft, needs new things to do with new products etc etc without destroying current economy.

EU is complex, but imagine if MA could pull this off, EU would really leave other games int he dust.
I could name a few peoples id like to send there anyways :silly2:
Interesting ideas :) Mining influenced more about how you play? Getting to hard to reach areas and mining the rich resources sounds awesome :D
+REP to you! I would remove the pvp element though :p
Frankenberry-NBK Legoin