Add me for that list.
Im a new player, active maybe 1 year, when i started i was surpriced why there is so little Armor/Fap/Guns/etc etc crafted i was hoping ok they might change it, kind of nerf unl items or just boost those crafted ones,so all materials gathered by miners/hunters would be used and possibly get some MU, from what i heard it used to be like that,most weapons were crafted,it was a platform where people could interact with each other economicly and MA cut from it 10%, instead i see a lot new UNL items from diferent events i mean a LOT,but what do we get from that?
Less and less MU and less demand, so from MMO RCE it's changing for single player, where interaction with other players is limited to soc chat.
Explosive BP its a single player game between MA and crafters, at least BP III-IV, 20ped for click its like putting to this game 50x UNL LVL 13 Amp, or allowing naked solo hunting Kong. Noone would need anything just portable trade terminal, not even internet connection. Ok internet connection would be needed to buy booster from Web Shop.....(instead from crafters)
Just look at ANY loot graph, they all are all time lowest, not only MU but demand as well. I dont think thats good for RCE MMO game.
Thats how it looks in my newbie eyes, its still great game don't get me wrong, its just sad to see how Entropia is changing from MMO RCE to single player.
Nothing separate players/professions more than Explosive BP.That game should be between players only! and MA should just get cut from it, thats why i agree with op in 100% and asking to put me on that list