News: Planet Calypso Content Release 2024.0.2.1

Qty: 0

Nothing added 🤣
Wait...1.1 GB for that????

Stop holding out on us...
must be a heavy data filled coat :)
Someone have stats of the new Mayhem coat? They are flying like hot cakes. :eek:
is cosmetic only .. 10ped and 1 cosmetic token to get from vendor
is cosmetic only .. 10ped and 1 cosmetic token to get from vendor
Saw one player pulling like 5 or more. I thought it had any kind of stats. Thanks for clarify Spike.
Saw one player pulling like 5 or more. I thought it had any kind of stats. Thanks for clarify Spike.
Some people had like 5-6 Cosmetic Tokens, and i guess they have pulled more just for the Yellow Flames !

Apart from that, i dont see any reason why should pull so many ! (There are + 1k left in vendor) so there should be enought for everyone :wtg:
Some people had like 5-6 Cosmetic Tokens, and i guess they have pulled more just for the Yellow Flames !

Apart from that, i dont see any reason why should pull so many ! (There are + 1k left in vendor) so there should be enought for everyone :wtg:
Then they must look really pretty! :D
Anyone got picture or screenshot of it? 😗

Oh nevermind! Had chance to log in and bought both (F) and (M). 😗
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