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  • Ty for your comments on my site ^_^

    I love to do my best on my ideas and I'm glad that you appreciate it :)
    your inbox is full...braiinnnnssssss....i googled...and youtubed, but there are too many. So clear your inbox and tell me :)
    Ah yes... thankfully that seems fixed these days (tbey took away the restriction with the forum upgrade)
    been a very very long time Wis :) hope all is well..

    Even longer for me to see this! 12 years has to be a record!!!
    I am a finance student, writing my master thesis about socs in EU. i would like to interview some of the members of this soc.
    I hope that you soc, will help me

    best regards
    miss master thesis
    Ooops! 12 years later I finally see this. Sorry! Hope the theses went OK in the end and you were able to find someone. Would love to read your Theses is it available?
    ah Backgrounds, cool :) I have one of the older pics from the last vu as my bg, but think I will change it. Actually as I sat and went through the pics as a slide show I thought it would make a nice screen saver so think I will work setting that up on my pc too .
    Thank u for the rep, glad u liked them. What are BG's?
    Probably Backgrounds - sorry for the delay responding
    Thanks for the heads up on virtualhivemind. :)
    Gosh! So long ago. I wonder if Az still has access to the site/DB. We hope to archive it at www.entropiaplanets.com eventually but at the moment we are still working on doing the Entropia Pioneers forum. Viagrafalls is dragging his heals and holding things up.
    Hey man, you were commenting on my Entropia art. You were saddened because it wasn't Walpaper sized.

    Well, you're in luck!

    I am able to make it the size of a walpaper. ^_^

    You want me to? Just gimme the go with a thumbsup and we'll see from there.
    Thanks Onciest. I wonder if either of us are able to remember what image we were talking about 13 years later, if you are even still here! (sorry for the decade+ late reply). I have a feeling it might have been an image of one of the habitats on Eudoria. I think possibly you got me one that was 1024x768 at the time. It's a nice image. I'm sure I still have it somewhere.
    Hi there my friend!

    You can have just about anything you want, just specify and i'll get to work with it. :)

    "Bow you say you're lonley
    You cried the long night through
    Well you can Cry me an ENGINE®, Cry me an ENGINE®
    *Cause I've cried an ENGINE® over you"
    Hey Pepper been forever I am sorry. Hope you are still around and are good!
    No worries :)

    We all need breaks once in a while, it'll be interesting to see what happens with this crytopia stuff. I've convinced too many people to stay and see what happens/
    I hope I made the right move :)
    13 years later we about to get in that same boat again with UnTropia. Sorry for the delay responding! Hope you are still around!
    13 years later! Helloooooooooooooo! Sorry about the delay responding (it's a bit like the beer shipment!)
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