Post a picture of your Gold Card if you want to keep using it!


Mar 31, 2005
The Arctic (GMT)
Entropia Pioneers
Avatar Name
Wistrel (Wisty) Chianti
Inspired by awesome work of the fan community of the Zero Escape series of games (who launched "Operation Bluebird" and got everyone who was a fan, to post a picture of their copy of the first two games, in order to encourage the final game to be made*) I figured we could give this a try in order to try and convince Mindark NOT to scrap the gold cards in September.

So, if you like your Gold Card, and want to keep using it. Then post a cool picture of your gold card in this thread. Be as creative as you like!

Here's mine with a model of the 1980's Nintendo NES Robot :D


*and it was! The pictures were compiled like pixels, into a montage of the Zero Character and featured on the cover of a fan compiled art book (Operation Bluebird Cover) that was then produced and sent to the lead developer/writer. In many ways it was due to the sheer out pour of support that motivated him to ensure the trillogy was completed, and to seek new funding in order make the final game.
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I would if I could but I dont have a cellphone to take a pic...or any other device...not because I cant have/get one, its a choice. just as I may choose to quit EU and sell out. Hell, the argument that new tech is better flies in the face of the game itself...EU, afterall, is 16 years old :p

Cheers o/

Why the toilet though? :scratch2::scratch2:

Just flush it down the drain and get it over with! ;)

Or if you really insist on keep using it, get your typewriter out, stuff in some paper, type a complaint letter to MA, put it in an envelope, put a postage stamp on it, and shove it in the mailbox.

I guess that's not much trouble is it?
Since you all dont have phones, and it's impossible for you to adept to new times.

Jeezzz, it's 2018 peoples!!!

And for some fossils, it wont work on your current phone:

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Come and get it! :)

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Here's my gold card with my latest phone, computer and gaming system :)


how did you make this picture?
Did you make a scan of the polaroid?
Just flush it down the drain and get it over with! ;)

Or if you really insist on keep using it, get your typewriter out, stuff in some paper, type a complaint letter to MA, put it in an envelope, put a postage stamp on it, and shove it in the mailbox.

I guess that's not much trouble is it?
Since you all dont have phones, and it's impossible for you to adept to new times.

Jeezzz, it's 2018 peoples!!!

And for some fossils, it wont work on your current phone:

Are you sure? Selfies work with our old phone:

Here's my gold card with my latest phone, computer and gaming system :)


Gotto love that 16 kilobyte memory expansion on that zx81.. I was soo happy when I bought mine!

foto done by Nintendo 3DS XL
Thats the same phone i had until i upgraded to android for the pocket app :laugh:

same here but with the comment the screen is broken and the fact that I don't have a problem to purchase separate phone to play EU.
I don't piss against the wind.I just go with whatever Developer decide its best for the game.

Call me a fossil, but there is a notepad, a calculator, phone with cable, mobile (damn old) and my soon obsolete GC
Covered by some Mobs. Only the Atrox is not here...

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No one is going to comment on that keyboard o_O?

You mean about how good it is? I've had it since 1998. It cost £15 at the time. I have a friend who tells me it's great and you can't get similar quality keyboards now without spending a packet.

Apparently these days a lot of keyboards don't have proper keys.

(now you come to mention it though, it's due another clean)
You mean about how good it is? I've had it since 1998. It cost £15 at the time. I have a friend who tells me it's great and you can't get similar quality keyboards now without spending a packet.

Apparently these days a lot of keyboards don't have proper keys.

(now you come to mention it though, it's due another clean)

One of the first keytronics right??

Hope to hit an ATH and upgrade soon-to-be novelty items, lol
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One of the first keytronics right??

Just looked underneath - says Mirai Technologies Inc - Made in Thailand

amusingly there are some logos that say

Made for windows 95


Netware compliant :D:D:D:D