QUICK MENTAL MATH for shots per min, vs shrapnel for new players.

At the cost/min that weapon is able to produce it's not a bad choice for experimentation. It would take A LOT of grinding to create any sort of significant loss, however continuing down the path with a weapon which could cycle more does hit the ped card unless you know what you're doing and even then the those things are niche.
and the wired thing at my lvl. single digits still. and it makes no sense. based on what other groups say, and everyone here.

The pistol got me small ped global, on lvl 2 drones in Icarus. i think i got one yesterday or day before. it is getting me more shrapnel. and a higher loot drop rate... and im am either tiny tiny positive or up 5-20 ped. and this is the MANN pistol, with scope and amp putting at 140 ammo cost per shot. hitting for almost max damage of the weapon.

and it almost kills faster than the Z11 barb. with a 243 ammo use when i put the amp and scope on it.

i average 3-5 shots a mob unless i miss. max count was 10 to kill. with misses. and its only 4/10 on hit and 3.X on the other.
but with the barb 3 shots to kill no misses, and up to 7 with misses, and 10/10 in both fields. and with 10, i thought that would reduce misses.

but over the coarse of about 10 mob test on both, o got almost equal hits and misses. the barb was ahead by 3 hits to misses.

but the repair costs at the end were only about .04 off or it was .40 but that is not much at all. and that was instatly covered by the trash gun drops. and animal oil. and i had about 300 more shrapnel at the end....

but unless i can global every hour, or half, with higher than average drops. it would take me months to make 1000 ped profit hunting puny or lvl 2 drones. cause there are the break even times and the tiny negatives.

maybe it is just this weird trashy pistol, because if it was a good weapon it would sell for more than 3 ped.
You will be losing more PED in “you have missed” shots than you would paying markup on a limited weapon. A 4.0 hit ability is exceptionally unprofitable long term, regardless of any short term profits you have had. Please trust us on this, all of us have said get rid of it, that’s not a coincidence
yeah i was telling someone this... i did a 10 to 10 kill compare with my z11 and the hit miss were almost even it was off by 3, but i am lvl 7 sniper and only a lvl 4 pistol user. so i found this to be weird. but a longer test is needed. but a longer test is needed. but i did think that was weird after reading that thing posted by one of the people.
but maybe its the mobs, the puny and lvl2 drones. maybe i need to venture out to more regular mobs and try. something with higher HP maybe the paneleons on cyrene. they take forever even with my z11.
yeah i was telling someone this... i did a 10 to 10 kill compare with my z11 and the hit miss were almost even it was off by 3, but i am lvl 7 sniper and only a lvl 4 pistol user. so i found this to be weird. but a longer test is needed. but a longer test is needed. but i did think that was weird after reading that thing posted by one of the people.
but maybe its the mobs, the puny and lvl2 drones. maybe i need to venture out to more regular mobs and try. something with higher HP maybe the paneleons on cyrene. they take forever even with my z11.
The difference is, you will very quickly max out the z12 after a few hunts, and no more misses. Evades are still present but they are paid back, misses aren’t. Where it will literally take millions of PED cycled to max out the Mann and remove the misses.
And I’ll say again. Killing 10 mobs means nothing for any test. This game runs on the macro scale.
The difference is, you will very quickly max out the z12 after a few hunts, and no more misses. Evades are still present but they are paid back, misses aren’t. Where it will literally take millions of PED cycled to max out the Mann and remove the misses.
And I’ll say again. Killing 10 mobs means nothing for any test. This game runs on the macro scale.

these are my weapons as of right now, and i still get misses with the z11, but i found that other gun at a shopping place that was not on a teleporter it was a house at the top right of the map. when i was just exploring. so i got it today. it was cheap its some old TT unlimited HERMAN ASI-R cost me 57ped.
Take a shot of tequilla after every 10 shots and well...
ragarding your "arsenal".

1. fully decay Bukin Rifle, put it in the storage, forget about it. Z12 Barbarella is better stats in all places
2. Mann MPH sell to TT, dont even decay, it is small loss but accumulates big losses
3. Asi-R is a BLP weapon, it is not laser, but is a nice starter item, adding a small mk1 amp (you can self craft it if you get the BP on rocktropia) make it good for paneleons or small shinkiba/daikiba
4. if your combat level is lower than barbarella (press P to see progress window for proficiency on tool) use rubio, azuro or other TT-tools to skill to max the items

as a rule, SIB should not be exploited but only 10/10 proficiency items should be equipped (or max depth finders, or max skill BP in crafting). SIB reward less loot more skill point so you PAY for experience you get.

skilling blp pistol and laser rifle splits the skills trees and let you spend more for progress (either in PED or in time).
progress one weapon class to level 30, unlock at least serendipity then equip another class.
using more than one class will make your RDA, weapon handling skills let DMG profession progress faster than HIT so you will lag options for weapons on both classes compared to potential damage class.

talk with your mentor, or for cheapest path, embrace the ASI-R, skill to ozpyn s1x1 as a blp pistol progress, then the cost are 2000 EUR for a BP-20FEN or go on the armatrix path toward level 40ish for a Maddox 4 adjusted (500 euro), or an Enigma L2+dante (350 euro)

Laser rifle with cost you about 4x for tools with no special benefit (all weapons are the same, monster have special attack but not special resistances)