FYI: Robot Easter Bunny - Buffs


Nov 17, 2014
Fort Fury
Natural Born Killers
Avatar Name
Jo Aloisius Smith
They all got Increase Pet Focus Generation 20% at L2.
They all got Autoloot 32 meters but each unlock is at a different level.
They all got Increase Critical Damage but each unlock is also at a different level.

Bronze: Autoloot is unlockable at L34, Increase Critical Damage 5% only is unlockable at L66

Silver: Autoloot is unlockable at L33, Increase Critical Damage 10% is unlockable at L64

Gold: Autoloot is unlockable at L32, Increase Critical Damage 10% is unlockable at L62

Redulite: Autoloot is unlockable at L31, Increase Critical Damage 10% is unlockable at L60 (500, 50 rare essences)

Defense: Autoloot is unlockable at L30, Increase Critical Damage 10% is unlockable at L55 !

Please comment on how much your pet eats. How long it's taking you to get him to which level. How much total cost and what criteria you got to do to unlock the lock. Perhaps a screeny of the pet like I seen a redulite one. I'll post it.

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Looks like nutrio cost for each buff is the same too, (my bronze bunny same cost for auto loot as red) so bigger bunnies just unlock slightly sooner. That the only diff?
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You have to have the pet spawned when you take autoloot pills to get the autoloot features criteria filled to unlock autoloot. You can put it up once you've consumed the pill. To get the pet focus regen buff to activate you just spam tricks until the criteria is completed. What you do to raise the increased crit damage criteria I don't know but I'd assume similar to the autoloot but with something like devistims but that ones just a guess.
Looks like nutrio cost for each buff is the same too, (my bronze bunny same cost for auto loot as red) so bigger bunnies just unlock slightly sooner. That the only diff?
Robot bunny from Defense25 consumes 22 nutrios as it’s base value vs redulite which consumes 25. Assuming all others are the same as redulite.
You have to have the pet spawned when you take autoloot pills to get the autoloot features criteria filled to unlock autoloot. You can put it up once you've consumed the pill. To get the pet focus regen buff to activate you just spam tricks until the criteria is completed. What you do to raise the increased crit damage criteria I don't know but I'd assume similar to the autoloot but with something like devistims but that ones just a guess.

Yay! My bunny pic got recycled here!

Unlocking Autoloot requires to eat 100 Autoloot pills.
I discovered this years ago with S0ph13.
You can eat the next pill, once the old pill ran out. So use pills with lowest duration (TT pills) and prepare for wonderfull 50-100 hours of online waiting.
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You have to have the pet spawned when you take autoloot pills to get the autoloot features criteria filled to unlock autoloot.
Funny - I never fed my new Redulite Bunny and noticed that the criteria goes up even when all his attributes are 0. Beta Testers of the world UNITE!!
What's the purpose of pet focus regeneration? Why would you need/want that?
What's the purpose of pet focus regeneration? Why would you need/want that?
This lets you burn more calories so you can level faster. You would probably not use it once you unlock the highest effect.

NE tells me there is another robot bunny in the defense instance. Please tell me about it.
Here are some screenshots of my Defense Bunny:




Unlocking Autoloot requires to eat either 50 or 100 Autoloot pills.
I discovered this years ago with S0ph13, but forgot if it was 50 or 100 pills.
You can eat the next pill, once the old pill ran out. So use pills with lowest duration (TT pills) and prepare for wonderfull 50-100 hours of online waiting.

This can't be right. I have eaten one autoloot pill since i acquired my bunny and the criteria is 50.6%
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I have not eaten an autoloot pill either, but I run a ring with autoloot. That must be enough to raise the criteria.
Robot Easter Bunny (Defense) has 22.00 metabolic rate vs 25.00 Redulite
This can't be right. I have eaten one autoloot pill since i acquired my bunny and the criteria is 50.6%
Unlocking Autoloot requires 2 different actions.
Each action type accounts for 50% of the necessary progress to 100%.

First action type naturally comes by normal hunting with the spawned pet. Quite likely it is the normal manual loot action.
I couldnt progress past 50% till i popped my first autoloot pill and discovered its effect on the pet progress.
Second action type requires the initiation of 100 autoloot effects like the autoloot pills have.
Unlocking Autoloot requires 2 different actions.
Each action type accounts for 50% of the necessary progress to 100%.

First action type naturally comes by normal hunting with the spawned pet. Quite likely it is the normal manual loot action.
I couldnt progress past 50% till i popped my first autoloot pill and discovered its effect on the pet progress.
Second action type requires the initiation of 100 autoloot effects like the autoloot pills have.
This is definitely correct. My bunny has been sitting at 50% until just now after eating a loot pill. Now it is at 50.6% after one pill. It is gonna take quite a few pills to get to 100%

LPT: If you want to reach the criteria more quickly, it appears you can consume a new Autoloot pill at 29 minutes remaining rather than having to wait the full 60 minutes.
You have to have the pet spawned when you take autoloot pills to get the autoloot features criteria filled to unlock autoloot. You can put it up once you've consumed the pill. To get the pet focus regen buff to activate you just spam tricks until the criteria is completed. What you do to raise the increased crit damage criteria I don't know but I'd assume similar to the autoloot but with something like devistims but that ones just a guess.
To save people auto loot pills. You only need to use after 50% criteria, you can get the first 50% just form looting mobs.
Is there a combo of tricks to raise up the criteria for focus generation?
Looks like nutrio cost for each buff is the same too, (my bronze bunny same cost for auto loot as red) so bigger bunnies just unlock slightly sooner. That the only diff?
and the Crit Protection is 5 in Bronce Bunny and 15% in other....
So, once you have all the unlocks, there's no difference between teh bunnies? This seems a little short sighted.

Read again the buffs pls atleast the one with crit
oh for the love of ..... fine, okay, ignoring, the one difference, in crit for the bronze - jeeze... they are all exactly the same.

In my book this makes them all worth exactly the same. Why not just have one bunny? This seems completely pointless, or am i missing something major?

In my book this makes them all worth exactly the same. Why not just have one bunny? This seems completely pointless, or am i missing something major?

well might the red one fits better to your armor, not to forget people make statements with what they wear or carry.... showing of the redulite and not fiddling around with bronze.... like my house, my car my boat my pedcard ;P
oh for the love of ..... fine, okay, ignoring, the one difference, in crit for the bronze - jeeze... they are all exactly the same.

In my book this makes them all worth exactly the same. Why not just have one bunny? This seems completely pointless, or am i missing something major?

It's clearly someone that was a bit to quick before leaving for Easter vacation on a Friday and forgot to change the buffs after he copied gold and redu from silver :p
Well, let's compare, shall we?


So, once you have all the unlocks, there's no difference between teh bunnies? This seems a little short sighted.

Metabolism is not the same
Hey folks, i got my pet on lvl 4 or 5 and got the required Essences to Unlock the Focus Generation (first Buff).
How do i complete the Criteria on it?
Hey folks, i got my pet on lvl 4 or 5 and got the required Essences to Unlock the Focus Generation (first Buff).
How do i complete the Criteria on it?

Use Tricks
Hey folks, i got my pet on lvl 4 or 5 and got the required Essences to Unlock the Focus Generation (first Buff).
How do i complete the Criteria on it?
50% by using tricks and 50% by using auto loot pills for auto loot, devastim for crit dmg criteria (just last 50%).

I wouldn't do this before getting the pet's level close to unlocking, as it takes really long time to level up.