RT Share Price


Feb 11, 2009
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Rocky Addz Harley
Just some quick maths on the RT turnover and estimated share price.

As anyone who watches my stream knows I like to track these things over the long term and do the maths behind working out what the best buy is at any given time.

With that said I don't have the actual return data for RT shares (if there is some way to get a single share so I can track the data it would be much appreciated)

However what we do have is data from entropialife that shows us the amount of peds shown in globals on each planet each day.

In the data presently available on entropialife I used the data from June 30th which is the most advantageous day for RT with turnover of 21,110 Ped in globals to Calypso 1,137,255. on most days turnover from globals on RT is below 1,000 ped so I must stress this is a best case scenario.

However calypso has 6,000,000 shares while RT only has 1,000,000 shares. This equates to earning of 0.189 per share for calypso and 0.020 for RT.

Assuming an approximate current share price of 3800 PED for CLDT we can see that the CLDT price is approximately 20,048 x the turnover.

If we multiply the 0.020 turnover of RT by 20,048 we get a price per share of 4.03 PED for RT deeds.

That is to say that assuming that revenue holds up ove time, below that price I would consider RT deeds a good buy that gives a better return than buying CLDT and anything above that price I would steer clear.

As mentioned earlier I have used the data from the most advantageous day for RT, the likelihood is that the longer term average will trend well below this price.

Interestingly this puts an upper price on RT of 4,000,000 PED or $400,000USD which is a long way short of even the $635,000 that CND sold for back in 2010
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entropialife does not record any planet other then calypso correctly...there is never enough players running the tracker to catch all the globals and hunting stats on RT...I have frequented RT for the last couple years and id be surprised if it picked up 10% of my cycle there
entropialife does not record any planet other then calypso correctly...there is never enough players running the tracker to catch all the globals and hunting stats on RT...I have frequented RT for the last couple years and id be surprised if it picked up 10% of my cycle there
Fair call, I may have to spend a few days there myself and get some data, maybe over a weekend when activity is higher.

Truthfully the best thing would be if we could actually get a hold of a share to track it accurately, but who knows when that might happen.
... also just throwing in that tracking globals is in itself an uncertain ballpark, as mobs can vary greatly in the percentages of loot that make it into globalling stats. It might be 1 mob in 100 kills that global, or 1 in 500 kills or fewer.
I agree that the main factor of EL not even recording globals is a major issue, though. Whenever I've looked recently there have just been one or two people tracking all the minor planets combined, which means none of them are being tracked as valid at those times.
You can math it all you want but Neverdie and Stakeholders have the deeds. and i dont think He Will Be selling them cheap.
That was great. Now we just need an AI to text-to-speech the chat :)
I was an idiot, disregard :)
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Wait, what? There are Rocktropia shares now?
Wait, what? There are Rocktropia shares now?
Yeah. With ND selling RT to MA, a part of the deal was paid in shares to ND and a couple of other partners. He then put a small amount for sale on the exchange
Dividend drops at 03:00 @ 1 pec/share week 2 , only ND knows what week 1 was.
Ok, now they paid out 1 PEC per share
Thank you for posting the real payout. Perhaps the fair market value is closer to 7 to 10 PED per share if they hold up at 1 PEC per week. Gratz on selling some at a large premium :thumbup:
Hello, for anyone interested, here are the payouts based on holding 1 share:

Below prices are weekly payouts, and what the share costs. See below links (in same order, for information about your return).
Share price is as of 15/07-2024.
  1. Ancient Greece - 0.01 PED weekly payout (Share Price; 8.67)
  2. Calypso Land Deed Trust - 0.04 PED weekly payout (Share Price; 38.00)
  3. Crystal Palace Space Station - 0.01PED weekly payout (Share Price; 10.13)
  4. New Treasure Island - 0.00PED weekly payout (Share Price; 7.87)
  5. Triton Industries - 0.01PED weekly payout (Share Price; 12.70)
  6. Rocktropia - 0.01PED weekly payout (Share Price; Undetermined, new shares still being dropped at 10.00, current lowest 70.00 PED

I hope you have children, so they can get the positve return! ;)
RT -1 pec week 4

Edit - 1 pec , not 3
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I only got 1 PEC for my single share of RT:

fucking worth maybe 5 ped lmao. Trash ass planet and we can now accurately math how much people cycle with the deeds showing.

Embarassing planet and ex owner.
Deeds and Shares Show is back. We go over Rocktropia Dividends and more