Second Entity


Aug 15, 2006
Leeds, UK
Avatar Name
Oleg Oleg McMullery

Second Entity


The extra height, long reaching laser blades and thin profile of the Second Entity make it one of the most difficult droids on Calypso to destroy.

Creature Type


Damage Type

To add
Source: To add


Generation 01331810Huge123891181101
Generation 02351840Huge1251031184145
Generation 03371900Huge1251051190145
Generation 04422190Huge1251021219145
Generation 05482410Huge1291101241152
Generation 06572450Immense1301121245153
Generation 07622510Immense1321151251156
Generation 08653010Immense1341301301156
Generation 09673100Immense1341451310156
Generation 10803800Immense1541651380178

Akbal (Beacon Mission) varieties:

Experimental Holo-Secent285700Large100100100570100


Calypso375945184601 - 02MediumTI Hook's Alley19-Feb-15


Link to Entropedia
Archived Bestiary information

Second Entity were rebalanced in Planet Calypso Update 2012.6, December 2012. Some data from before this update may be inaccurate.
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The Creatures section is currently under construction and this process will take some time to complete. The work is being done by volunteers with limited time, so please bear with us while we add the data. If you can provide any information that is currently missing, please post in the thread to let us know.

While this construction period is ongoing, you will be able to access the old Bestiary section which is archived in a sub-forum of the Creatures section. Each mob thread in Creatures contains a link to the relevant Bestiary thread and to the Entropedia page, so if you are looking for information that isn't yet available in the Creatures thread, please use the links provided at the bottom of the first post in the thread.

Thank you for your patience.
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Apparently higher level SEGs are spawning at the moment, so if someone could get stats that would be great. I'm not on Calypso so can't get them myself.
Apparently higher level SEGs are spawning at the moment, so if someone could get stats that would be great. I'm not on Calypso so can't get them myself.

I dont mind doing so, but I would like some coordinates.
I dont mind doing so, but I would like some coordinates.

The news item suggests Atlas Haven, but other than that I don't know.
The news item suggests Atlas Haven, but other than that I don't know.

I'll check it out.


SEG03 L37

SEG06 L57

Only two I could see, obviously if they are killed then others will spawn. Graphic 'fog' error is new to this version of Entropia, there was some fog, but why it affected the Stat scan pic so badly I've no idea (I play on Very High). :scratch2:
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scanned a few others, just Gen08 is still missing

SEG 04 is L42
SEG 05 is L48
SEG 07 is L62
SEG 09 is L67
SEG 10 is L80

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Excellent, from 2/10 maturities complete to a full stats table in the space of 2 days, good work people :)

Not my best picture ever, but there was a lot going on. :handgun:

Located in 29 Ped Beacon missions. :)