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- Forgo Forgorth Lundain
My 2 pecs..
Most crafters atm are gamblers..
They click a huge amount cousing big fluctuations in mu (just check the gazz for lvl 2 amps)
nothing good can come from it, imo it's better to have a lower, more steady markup on regular loot.
I'm not even considering the (rare) UL drops.. If it wasn't for that UL HL15, R150, MOD LR53 or arcsparc I got in loot, I would be playing Project Ion..
Anyone who says let the crafters conrol markup either doesn't know this game or has a gambling addict.
I have a buffer of +20k ped to sell L stuff or stackables whenever I want to (mu is ok'ish)
The day I'm dependant from crafters is the day I sell my 40k ped TT hunting skills + gear + storage!
If anyone can name me 5 crafters who make a regular profit vs hunters, not counting uber uber loots, I might relook at things but atm.. most ppl who profit (doesn't matter how much & trading/resellers can FUCK OFF) are either hunting or mining
I quality craft only goods people buy, I do make profit, far more than I ever did or have hunting (withdrew 10k usd profits from hunting a couple years ago), but that profit is dissappearing as the need for people to buy are now almost gone. What enables my profit? investment in BPS, which is now also deteriorating.
Many of the previously profitable crafters have already stopped, rates are shitty, we cant compete with items already assembled and looted vs spend 30 minutes +300 ped on a maybe, which even if it became a weapon now sells for less thanks to other drops. So many crafters take a loss generally just to move goods and gain skill....which takes ages less than hunting or mining.
2k Ped in hunting can cycle fast, 2k ped in crafting can take longer. One of us is bottlenecked by demand. Mobs are always there dropping markup.
I am in the predicament of having a few hundred k in a game that doesn't seem to be doing much of anything towards ensuring markets in crafting.
I spent 80k in blueprints, and still am stuck with concerning balancing issues that directly affect those investments.
The day I am not dependant on hunters and miners is the day my investment doesn't even have value to sell.