i cant stop thinking of the missing kids today. Im extremely sad and emotional, i cry about anything the past 24 hours 0_o
I found out that since the beginning of the year in one city in SA (East London) 74 children were reported missing and 23 were found. Out of the 23, 7 were hurt and 2 were dead.
One city... 74 children... east london aint even that big dammit.
They say SA has officially reached the highest crime rate in the world, i heard Brazil is second
(i dont know for a fact if Brazil is second).
In my own town (poppulation of 6000), i heard 5 children were kidnapped. 4 girls and 1 boy. Onely 1 girl was found alive.
I heard that a "Sangoma" (its a witchdoctor) needs the "private parts" of a male virgin to make certain medicice and spells (its also called muti). It has to be a virgin, so they steal young boys to be sure.
Some of the cultures also believe that if you have aids and you have "intercourse" with a virgin, you will be cured of aids... so they kidnap young girls and in most cases, kill them. 2 guesses what country has the highest aids rating in the world.... South Africa (no, brazil is second yet again i heard. They were first for a long time.)
Im tired of this country, im tired of the crime.
Im getting my degree in 5 months time, but i wont get a job, because i have the wrong skin colour. So many international people say "no, its a good thing thats happening in SA and you will still get a job if you want one". If they lived here, they would understand BEE better.
Each year there are training cources that a huge international company give to students studying my degree, the company was founded in SA (the beer u drink has a 99% chance that it is owned by this company). 100 Logistics managers can go.... onely around 30 black people study logistics... what do they do? To get 100 black people, they take people that dont even study logistics to do the training. Is that fair? i was 9 years old when the white people opressed the black people... ironically, i am paying for it today.
Ironically, after white peopel couldnt find jobs, the international markets opend their doors for them. The government wanted to inact laws to stop them from leaving the country, but luckely the laws was against the human rights, so it never got inacted. SA still has a HUGE skill shortage when it come to qualified people.
They can make it more fair by saying "lets make it 50/50" so that everybody has equal oppertunity, instead of black onely. Yes, SA has "black onely" stuff... kinda sounds alot like "white onely"... If you dont believe me, you get Black Onely companies, black onely shares, black onely jobs positions, ive even heard some places onely sell to black owned companies.
My dad got fired at his job, because he is white. He struggled for a year and a half to get a job... 18 months... i almost had to stop studying because our expenses got to much. My dad went to a place to ask for work, they said they cant afford to have another employee, so he told them he will work for free, but onely until he finds a job. He worked for free for 6 months before he found a job. (it was thanks to the "working free" part on his CV that he got the job.....yes, he got payed this time
The definitions in sa:
Rasism - When a white man discriminates against a black man. Jail time is the penalty.
Affirmative action - When a black man discriminates against a white man. No jailtime, its encouraged. (literally)
A white journalist once called affirmative action "reverse rasism" he is in jail for a couple of years now.
One race that i feel sorry for is the coloured people (you get white, black and coloured), the reason for this is that in the past, they werent white enouth.... today, they aint dark enouth. They have been discriminated against the whole time.
you know what i want.... i want to be judged according to my qualifications and my skills, not according to my skin colour. Im tired of getting letters in the mail that says "sorry, but due to our current BEE policy, we cannot employ you, please feel free to apply for future vacant positions that might become available". I just want a job in my own country, is that to much to ask for?
Im thinking of a book i read once called "animal farm". The animals made rules, one rule was "everybody is equal" (the governemnt in SA said equal oppertunity for all). That rule in the book was later changed to "everybody is equal, but some are more equal than others" (in SA, thats when BEE was inacted).
next is crime... (all incedents happend in my town)
A friend of mynes father is in jail right now. He killed a burglar that charged him and his family with a knife. The jury said that he did not fire 3 warning shots before he killed the burglar, thus it was 1st degree murder. Now, the rifle he used to kill the burglar is a single round rifle. He would have needed at least 1 min 30 sec (if i had to guess) to reload that thing in the dark. In 90 seconds, that burglar could have killed all of them, because he was around 10 - 15 meters away from them.
In another case, a burglar climed over a wall, landed in "wire with blades" (dunno what the english word is), the burglar got injured pretty bad. He sued the owner of the house and won, the reason was that the owner did not put up warning signs of whats behind the wall. The same burglar tried to break in a second time, he climed through a window in the kitchen and he got injured by a knife somehow. According to his statement, he sliped or lost his balance and landed with his leg in the knife. He sued the owner once again and he won. The reason was that the dangerous objects were to secured in a save place and the owner must have used logic that somebody could have climbed through the window. That guy broke in for a 3rd time, the burglar drowned in the pool... (trust me, the story behind this is interesting...)
In another incident, a guy wanted to poison mice in his house. He noticed the mice always ate sugar, so he went and he put some poisoned sugar out (he driped poison on some sugar). one night he and his family went out and burglar broke in and made tea with the poisoned sugar. When the family returned home, they apparently found the dead burglar. The man of the house was sent to jail for first degree murder. (i have no idea how true this story is, because i dont know the people this happend to)
Im not even going to go into the rest of the incidents, there are to many.
I know in my above post, i am extremely negative about SA and 99% of you wont agree with me with alot of what i said, because you watch the news an CNN and you read the paper, some of u even visited SA on holliday... But until you live in SA and "experience" it like i am, then you will understand.
Ive covered alot in here today and i feel better now that i wrote about it. Writing is a amazing therapy.
I covered kidnappings, government policy, crime...
its a mouth full.
also, before i get attacked.... im not against black people getting jobs and stuff... im against it being done in a unfair manner. I just want equal oppertunity for all...white, black, indian, coloured, asian... equal must mean equal.