Snipe's Diary

My deciple is on 2% now.

We still get along great, it looks as if he will be staying :)
Today i baught my deciple his first mining kit.

TT finder and excavator and probes.

We went mining, when he found his first claim it was hell to try and tell him how to excavate the thing, apparently there was something wrong with his keys :D

but yea

after 20Min of strugeling and explaining, he finaly managed to extract it :p

you gotta love TI :wtg:
got a deciple from SA tonight :)

took him on a short TP run and he was invited into the SOC, so luckely i will be able to see him alot :)

Dani, my other deciple, is doing great :) He is extremely interested in the game, today he said that he noticed that the skill gains dcrease the more time you spend skilling on a mob, ive never heard of this before, so i told him to post it here on EF, maby someone els also noticed something :)

Im off to bed now :)

I started playing around with photoshop and i made myself a pretty simple sig:


When i find out how photoshop works exactly, ill make a new one :)
I edited my sig, but now i see we are not allowed to have quotes in our sigs :(
i just calculated my total skills, im on 17137 total skill now :D

17K... never thaught i would see the day :D

Im the official EU n00b :p :laugh:
i did some tailoring and i made myself some Manlle Shoes...

I made 2 F pairs (i wanted to make M) and 2 M pairs.... im so proud of myself :yay:

oh yea

im broke again :laugh:
I had a hectic week.

Party here and party there.... party everywhere :D

I just have to take pics of the party and then my boss is happy :yay:

One of my friends are desperately seeking a girlfriend, he said the perfect girlfriend for him is: 16 years old, looks 21, but tastes 13 :laugh:

In a couple of weeks its test time again :(

Oh well, luckely i will get my degree soon!
I just finished my Debating Societies half year report.... you gotta love it...

Tomorrow i have to go train a couple of girls on how this debating style works, i just hope it goes quick.

After that i have a extra accounting classes.... I HATE ACCOUNTING....

after that i have to study again... LOL

I applied for work at around 10 to 15 companies, one replied and said i was not selected. Oh well... 9 to 14 more to hear from :D

Hope you all have a great day :)
EF hates me :(

a couple of times when i wanted to post in the HOF section (or even just read the post) i would get a message that i have been banned :(


Luckely it aint true, BUT its a sign of bad things to come... :eek:


i even have 666 EFD's.... 0_o

Lootious.... am i gonna die soon? 0_0
im tired of studying!!!!!!!!! Im tired of everything!!!!!!!!!

I need a holliday 0_o and a girlfriend. IF i had a girlfriend, i wouldnt feel this bad right now.
i wanted to go and watch a movie tonight, but i couldnt find anybody that wanted to go with me :(

Everybody was busy studying or some just said they dont feel like it... i need new friends if u ask me.
Latest Crime Trick in South Africa...

(this is a copy-paste)

Please be warned!

It was on Highveld Stereo one afternoon and it has happened to the folks
that phoned in on the radio.

Folks, please beware of the following that has been happening in Guateng,
and given crime trends will be hitting Cape Town next!
Over the past couple of weeks there have been reportings of a sick form
of hijacking and robbery.

Basically what happens is that the mother of a school-going child
is called at work and told that her child has had an accident in
the play ground; she is told that it is an emergency and that she
must rather come to school immediately. When she arrives at the
school, she is awaited by a well-dressed man and woman OUTSIDE the
school premises. They advise her at the entrance that her child
has been taken to hospital and they have been waiting for her.

They offer to take her in their car but also suggest they go
together in hers. When she opts to go with them, they rob her in the
vehicle, take her car keys, throw her from the car and return to the
school site to steal her car.
Should she take her car, they join her and rob her of her vehicle.

Folks, these criminals are impeccably dressed, and appear very
Concerned and anxious to help the parent.
Naturally, the mothers are in such a state that they are vulnerable to
any kind of suggestion.
This has now happened to 4 women, all from the Germiston area.
Please warn all mums at work to check back with the school should
they get such emergency calls. These calls can so easily be bogus.


Its due to stuff like this that i dont find it suprising that most of SA's young people with degree's go to live overseas...

only a couple of months then im getting my degree :wtg:
Im writing 2 tests on Monday :( my last test is Friday.

Im so busy studying, that i dont even have time to play anymore :( Luckely its almost holliday :D
i finally reached 1500 posts on my SOC's forum and now i am the official Forum Spammer on there :D

May i ad, i am also the first member of my SOC to reach it :cool:

i rule :p

now i have to get back to studying :(
today was a brilliant day...

i log'd in and i won the bid on a Breer M3.... since it was my first M3, i decided to go test it out.

I got myself 40 PED ammo and me and the SOC started joking about fish and stuff...

I decided to go and hunt some fish with my new M3....

Got to a bit of water and asked the one guy how the loot was, he just said bad, so i decided ill kill 2 or 3 fish...

i killed 5 fishes, when i noticed a poor lone fishy that spawned to the side, so i decided to put him out of his missery.... i looted a Marber-Bravo from that fishy and also F Knight Tights... i was EXTREMLY happy about that :D

i kept on hunting fishes, loot was ok'ish and on TT value i was close to breaking even...

I got a PM from a friend, asking if i wanna hunt some Miner Bots with him, so i joined him. On my search for him, i killed a Drone Gen 3 and i looted 25 PED :D

We killed some miner bots, but loot was nothing spectacular.

At the end after decay and ammo, i made a profit of around 20 PED :p first time in ages that something like this happend to me :D
went to my cousins 21st last night, was a great party :D :yay:

My holliday is over :( i almost have to drive back to varsity :(

I HATE CLASS!!!!!!!!
i never thaught my life could become so hectically busy 0_o

its almost terrifying!

Hopefully i will have time to play again (even if its just for a bit) this weekend :)
virus :(

Hi guys

I picked up a virus at my university and after i was infected, i cant access my hard drives anymore.

Norton already removed the virus from my PC and my flash drives, but each time i double click to access the hard drive i get the window that asks with what you want to open the drive. (its the same with my flashdrives)

Does anybody know how i can fix this?


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i found the fix for my virus problem :)

The virus made the autorun.inf file hidden and if i tried to change my settings to show hidden files, it would just switch back to dont show hidden files.

What i did was i used norton's info wipe and i just typed in the path to the autorun files to let it wipe it.

After it was wiped, i still had the window pop'ping up asking me what program to use to open the drives, but this time when i select Internet Explorer, it did not give me another error message and it opened the drive :)

i hope this helps if anybody gets the same problem as i did in the future :)
Tomorrow im writing my first test for this semester. Its hard to believe that in 4 weeks it will be my final exams :) I CANT WAIT!

All and all, i have been busy like hell with the studies :(

On the 26th it is my Residences Formal function thing, good thing is i asked a super sexy girl to the thing, so its going to be a extremely enjoyable night :)

Bye all!
Me and my best friend got muged yesterday while we were sitting outside a McDonalds enjoying a meal.

Short story is:

The guy came up to us, whiped out a 9mm Pistol and said if we get up, he is going to shoot us.

He demanded our Cell Phones (biggest thing that gets stolen in SA), wallets and my friends gold chain he had around his arm and neck.

The guy wanted to shoot us when we wanted to stand up to get our phones out and when my friend wanted to get his wallet out and he wanted to shoot me when i looked at him (i wanted to give a nice description to the police).

When my friend gave him his gold chain, he jumped the guy and grabbed him by the trought, the guy paniced and ran away, my friend gave chase and i ran into the Mc Donalds to tell them to call the cops.

After that i also gave chace after the guy. He ran into a shopping complex nearby with 2 entrances, my friend chased him in at the one and i ran to the other one to try and cut him off. IRONICALLY he was stoped by security who told him "dont run" my friend then shouted "he stole my stuff" and security grabbed him. My friend then yelled "he has a gun", then they threw him to the ground and banged his face into the ground a few times, his nose was broken and his mouth was bloody.

When they took him into the security offices, they hit him some more and when the police arrived they also hit him :) (When he was lying on the ground, my friend kicked the guy so hard his ancle had to be bandaged!)

after the hitting, he said to me "im sorry" i told him "i would also be sorry if i was you and if i thaught what is going to happen to my ass tonight, you will be going to jail for life, but think of the bright side, you wont finish your sentance, in less than 10 years you will be dead from aids, luckely 10 years goes quick when you have somebody that loves you each night"

If i have to guess, the guy is around 25.

Earlier he also muged 2 other people. Within 2 hours he had 4 accounts of armed robbery against him and they found drugs on him! IF he goes to jail, he will get a life sentance (in SA, that is 25 years).

At the police station another police officer recognised him, because he found drugs on him before and gave him a warning, so now that is also coming forward again.

Im just glad the guy didnt shoot us :)
I cant wait for the weekend, i only have 2 tests left....

I also want to see what the new VU looks like :D

see you all :)
havent posted in here in a while, lol! Im so busy with exams its shocking :(

Thanks to everyone who wished me happy D-Day :)

I spent my B-Day taking photo's and just relaxing, i couldnt go party, cos all my friends are also busy with exams :laugh: it sux, but at least i enjoyed my day with my family!

22 now.... 8 more years till im 30, 18 years till im in my midlife crisis... i cant wait :wtg:

good luck everybody!
for the ladies

Here are some jokes the ladies will love:

One day my housework-challenged husband decided to wash his Sweat- shirt. Seconds after he stepped into the laundry room, he shouted to me, "What setting do I use on the washing machine?"
"It depends," I replied. "What does it say on your shirt?"
He yelled back, " University of Oklahoma ."

And they say blondes are dumb...

A couple is lying in bed. The man says,
"I am going to make you the happiest woman in the world."
The woman replies, "I'll miss you..."

"It's just too hot to wear clothes today," Jack says as he stepped out of the shower, "honey, what do you think the neighbors would think if I mowed the lawn like this?"
"Probably that I married you for your money," she replied.

Q: What do you call an intelligent, good looking, sensitive man?
A: A rumor

Dear Lord,
I pray for Wisdom to understand my man; Love to forgive him; And Patience for his moods. Because, Lord, if I pray for Strength, I'll beat him to death.

Q: Why do little boys whine?
A: They are practicing to be men.
Q: What do you call a handcuffed man?
A: Trustworthy.
Q: What does it mean when a man is in your bed gasping for breath and calling your name?
A: You did not hold the pillow down long enough.
Q: Why do men whistle when they are sitting on the toilet?
A: It helps them remember which end they need to wipe.
Q: How do you keep your husband from reading your e-mail?
A: Rename the mail folder "Instruction Manuals"
Monday today... just 4 more days till its holliday... :)
one of my exam marks is out, i passed it :D

Now just 3 left :)