Space - State of the Universe - an overview and outlook of past and future


Please add me to this petition.
Thank you for all the work you guys have put in.
Courier missions.... I seem to remember...

The transport fees collected for the Normal and Instant Delivery options will be held in a special transport fee pool. In a subsequent Version Update, transport missions will be made available that can be claimed by spaceship pilots via a queue system that incorporates the available transport fee pool, pilot skills, time limitations, and ship cargo capacities.

Those missions will take the form of cargo boxes which must be delivered to a destination in return for a PED reward funded by the transport fee pool. Cargo boxes are at risk of being looted by other participants in cases where the transporting ship is defeated in space combat; the looted cargo boxes can then be delivered to the assigned destination by the looter to claim the original transport mission reward. Note that the cargo boxes will correspond to the value of the transport mission reward rather than the actual items traded via auction sales. In this way piracy of cargo boxes will not negatively impact interplanetary trade.

It will still be possible to transport goods and resources through space in the current manner, though changes will be made in upcoming Version Updates to address currently existing issues and loopholes that allow for risk-free transport of goods and materials through space.

MindArk believes that this new Galactic Transport system will result in increased activity and efficiency in the interplanetary market for goods and materials, along with more accurate and informative market history data that will benefit participants on all planets. It will also make for a much more exciting and engaging gameplay experience in space and pave the way for further development of space systems including combat, hunting, transport and resource gathering.

While the vehicle that i purchased back in 2011 and of which i was told it would have shields is annoying to still not have them 12 years later or the logout issue that undermined the success of the whole space part of entropia with hundreds of thousands of gaming hours lost to mindark of players traveling 'offline' in those 12 years the most upsetting issue is actually the following statement from 2015's SotU:
In order to improve the quality and quantity of space content, we are working on several new features and systems. Those new features will be developed and released incrementally during 2015 and into 2016. The first stage of the Galactic Transport system will likely be included in the Version Update currently planned for June, and will offer transport missions with rewards drawn from the Galactic Transport pool that is funded by auction transfer fees.'
Version Update: 15.1.0
Galactic Transport
It is now possible to bid on auctions listings from all planets, regardless of the current location of the bidding avatar. Buyers are presented with three options when winning an auction originating from a different planet:
  • Pickup at Origin - Items won from auction will be placed into the buyer's storage on the planet of origin (the planet where the auction was created). Buyer must then travel to the planet of origin to retrieve the items from storage.
  • Normal Delivery - Items won from auction will be transported to the buyer's storage at the buyer's current location after 12 hours. This option will incur a small transport fee based on the weight of the items to be transported, with a minimum fee of 2 PED. A delivery notice will appear in the Message Center when items are delivered.
  • Instant Delivery - Items won from auction will be transported immediately to the buyer's inventory at the buyer's current location. This option will incur a higher fee than Normal Delivery, with a minimum fee of 6 PED.
The majority of the transport fees collected for the Normal and Instant Delivery options will be held in a special transport fee pool. In a future Version Update, transport missions will be made available that can be claimed by spaceship pilots via a queue system that incorporates the available transport fee pool, pilot skills, time limitations, and ship cargo capacities.
These fees that have been charged from players for the past 8 years for a bussiness service which was taken away from shipowners in 2015 while selling new additional spacecrafts were supposed to be in a 'galactic transport pool' which was supposed to fund cargo missions to compensate shipowners for the negative bussiness impact of the changes.
Even with the most modest calculation and presuming that a 'majority of the transport fees' means only 51% the pool would have to be now far in exess of a million ped... with still no cargo/galactic transport missions in sight.
But this isnt even about the money (my account is worth more then that) its about changing the foundation for an investment and just do the taking away part while not making the replacement part and then seemingly forgetting about it.
since we are remembering galactic transport missions atm i figured i give this one a slight bump on the matter
They should bring back this idea and make the containers egg shaped for the lulz