Suggestion: Remove auto targeting


Feb 1, 2007
Stockholm Syndrome
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SleePy Angel Chick
Auto targeting unfortunatly gets abused by macro users, it's understandable that MA doesn't ban people macroing since a lot of the player base would disapear.

However when we even see streamers leaving their house while macroing during mayhem it has gone to far.

Easiest solution is just to remove the option to auto target something with a key press, the mouse should be the only way to target something.
Doesn't really make sense unless they completly overhaul the game design. Right now you gotta kill thousands of mobs to get anywhere and having to manually target every time when a kill is performed in 5 seconds, its going to be incredibly tedious.
Doesn't really make sense unless they completly overhaul the game design. Right now you gotta kill thousands of mobs to get anywhere and having to manually target every time when a kill is performed in 5 seconds, its going to be incredibly tedious.

It would put more pressure on MA to actually provide fun content to get players to keep playing. Now the can just put a grind fest (mayhem) into the game because most players will just macro grind while doing something else.

But anyway a game is supposed to be played, not automated.
It would put more pressure on MA to actually provide fun content to get players to keep playing. Now the can just put a grind fest (mayhem) into the game because most players will just macro grind while doing something else.

But anyway a game is supposed to be played, not automated.
Yeah it would be a big change to the meta of the game, would need a fairly radical resign to everything including mayhem. I'm not opposed to the idea! Just doesn't seem a good idea in terms of revenue for mindark due to the small playerbase.
the game been up for almost 20 years now, u had enuff time having fun in the past clicking same mob milion times, if u still think is fun to click a mob, maybe u should try for the 1st time to play a real game, EU is hardly considered a game, exept for newcomers they think its a game.
Everyone with a disability affecting aim (including getting older and older) will vote against that. Other than that we'd go back to the days where, e.g. sweating was a bad experience when people didn't care much and stood in each other's sweating beam. I'm really not missing those exchanges of words ;)

So if you really dislike the auto-aim maybe PvP might be something you could try.

There have been a decent amount of threads about this already, just saying.
Finally a fresh topic that hasn’t been discussed before. The answer is no, such a drastic change of mechanics would kill Entropia. I wouldn’t play, most people I know wouldn’t play, most of the big cyclers probably wouldn’t play either. Mindark can’t afford to lose these players.
Entropia for most of us isn’t a high intensity FPS, it’s a casual grinder that we play while watching Netflix.

Anyway, in the UE5 announcements, they hinted that there will be some more interactive combat mechanics. This won’t be a removal of auto targeting, but likely something that will reward player attentiveness.
Finally a fresh topic that hasn’t been discussed before. The answer is no, such a drastic change of mechanics would kill Entropia. I wouldn’t play, most people I know wouldn’t play, most of the big cyclers probably wouldn’t play either. Mindark can’t afford to lose these players.
Entropia for most of us isn’t a high intensity FPS, it’s a casual grinder that we play while watching Netflix.

Anyway, in the UE5 announcements, they hinted that there will be some more interactive combat mechanics. This won’t be a removal of auto targeting, but likely something that will reward player attentiveness.
Like if u target the mobs "thing" u get more loot>? :ROFLMAO:
Finally a fresh topic that hasn’t been discussed before. The answer is no, such a drastic change of mechanics would kill Entropia. I wouldn’t play, most people I know wouldn’t play, most of the big cyclers probably wouldn’t play either. Mindark can’t afford to lose these players.
Entropia for most of us isn’t a high intensity FPS, it’s a casual grinder that we play while watching Netflix.

Anyway, in the UE5 announcements, they hinted that there will be some more interactive combat mechanics. This won’t be a removal of auto targeting, but likely something that will reward player attentiveness.
This I look soooooooooooooooooo forward too.
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the game been up for almost 20 years now, u had enuff time having fun in the past clicking same mob milion times, if u still think is fun to click a mob, maybe u should try for the 1st time to play a real game, EU is hardly considered a game, exept for newcomers they think its a game.

What is it then if it's not a game?
Everyone with a disability affecting aim (including getting older and older) will vote against that. Other than that we'd go back to the days where, e.g. sweating was a bad experience when people didn't care much and stood in each other's sweating beam. I'm really not missing those exchanges of words ;)

So if you really dislike the auto-aim maybe PvP might be something you could try.

There have been a decent amount of threads about this already, just saying.

I'm not talking about auto aim, when you have right click your mob it can auto aim.

I dislike auto targeting in combination with macro, since people just afk while their character keeps shooting..
There have been a decent amount of threads about this already, just saying.

Good, hopefully many more will come, we need to keep reminding MA..
I hate auto target and macros I like the old times of a manual target. #bringbackoldschool.
Auto targeting unfortunatly gets abused by macro users, it's understandable that MA doesn't ban people macroing since a lot of the player base would disapear.

However when we even see streamers leaving their house while macroing during mayhem it has gone to far.

Easiest solution is just to remove the option to auto target something with a key press, the mouse should be the only way to target something.
seeing how i i play from my phone and press F using teamviewer and am trying to avoid carpool tunnel grinding mobs all day i sure hope you have a solution for me and all 40+ year old players who dont find it fun getting trigger finger clicking 1mil mobs with mouse or pressing F and other health issues. this game is not a FPS or PVP focused game, its more a mature social game with RCE aspect, t i can show you how to play from your phone so you dont have to click your mouse and keyboard if you want to play all day and not mess up your fingers, but i do hope Ue5 makes the game fun PVP wise and making the game interactive without messing up weapons firerate and stuff should be interesting,
Auto targeting unfortunatly gets abused by macro users, it's understandable that MA doesn't ban people macroing since a lot of the player base would disapear.

However when we even see streamers leaving their house while macroing during mayhem it has gone to far.

Easiest solution is just to remove the option to auto target something with a key press, the mouse should be the only way to target something.
I agree completely, but sadly I don't see Mindark changing this feature. Hopefully UE5 adds some kind of mechanics that require player attentiveness, it gets old real fast having afk people shooting your mobs over and over.
Best way for MA to deal with this is make more stuff like RDI in UE5 and make all the good MU shit drop from stuff you cant afk macro on.
Could not have said it better myself. I have personally been hoping they add some kind of good markup to pvp mobs, never have afk people there either.
Finally a fresh topic that hasn’t been discussed before. The answer is no, such a drastic change of mechanics would kill Entropia. I wouldn’t play, most people I know wouldn’t play, most of the big cyclers probably wouldn’t play either. Mindark can’t afford to lose these players.
Entropia for most of us isn’t a high intensity FPS, it’s a casual grinder that we play while watching Netflix.

Anyway, in the UE5 announcements, they hinted that there will be some more interactive combat mechanics. This won’t be a removal of auto targeting, but likely something that will reward player attentiveness.
The very fact you have to watch netflix to play this game says it all. Eventually after a while you will ask yourself the question what the hell am i doing this for because lets face it vast majority players lose unless they got serious amount of ped in gear (hunting wise). Also the fact they cant afford to lose above players means retention rate among new players and players in general is not very good most likely because the game is not engaging on a level people want to stay.

If the game is about grinding then it should be about their sheer determination not who uses a macro or bot.

on positive note i love the video ue5 has a whole dune feel to it.
The very fact you have to watch netflix to play this game says it all. Eventually after a while you will ask yourself the question what the hell am i doing this for because lets face it vast majority players lose unless they got serious amount of ped in gear (hunting wise). Also the fact they cant afford to lose above players means retention rate among new players and players in general is not very good most likely because the game is not engaging on a level people want to stay.

If the game is about grinding then it should be about their sheer determination not who uses a macro or bot.

on positive note i love the video ue5 has a whole dune feel to it.
Different people like different things. I like games (or game modes) that don't require my full attention.
Also Netflix is just an example, I don't pay for that woke tripe.
Different people like different things. I like games (or game modes) that don't require my full attention.
Also Netflix is just an example, I don't pay for that woke tripe.
So true.

However MA and PPs are businesses that are presumably looking to maximize profits. What our small playerbase enjoys, doesn't really matter much at all if they could hit a much larger target by changing things up.

Implementing fun and challenging content for all levels of play going forward, and rewarding interaction with that content while still leaving less rewarding F spam friendly content for the people who wants to play like that might be the way to go.

After a while the people who are here just to spam F will either adapt or move to a different game and hopefully more than enough new players who enjoy actual gameplay in games will have taken their place.

I do agree though, the best move is likely not to remove F spam. The best move is probably incentivizing active gameplay by making it fun and rewarding.

who dont find it fun getting trigger finger clicking 1mil mobs with mouse or pressing F and other health issues. this game is not a FPS or PVP focused game
If noone did it, the game wouldn't have to be balanced around it.

This used to be an FPS game. You aimed at your mobs hitbox. If you missed, the ammo and cost was lost. As i recall, there was a lot fewer bots back then :)

It all comes full circle you see, when botting was made easy, bots arrived, game balanced around bots, and now it is impossible to compete without botting. It is possible to go backwards. Deincentivize botting, bots go away, game balances around the top players, it is still impossible to compete because they are miles ahead, but at least now you get to enjoy the game instead of just mindlessly pressing F all day.
i dropped 2pec here
someone musta pick it up at the end
This used to be an FPS game.
People forgot this.
There are many that killed millions of mobs long before camera change, before locking target. What mindark did with this was to sort of leveling the playing filed. Because for someone that can put massive amount of hours is a major disadvantage because all of the sudden everyone else (exaggerating a bit) will now be able to do it too.

I know people like sightseeing in the old PE but that alone won't bring money to MA. What brings money to MA is for them to look at top 100 players and try to move everyone else to these level of activity by incentivizing everyone somehow, constantly removing advantages of the top players but at the same tine creating more opportunities.

There is plenty of VERY engaging content released BECUASE of community feedback, because community misses big beacons teams, interaction and such. People just won't visit, because they say they like interactive content but secretly they don't.
People forgot this.
There are many that killed millions of mobs long before camera change, before locking target. What mindark did with this was to sort of leveling the playing filed. Because for someone that can put massive amount of hours is a major disadvantage because all of the sudden everyone else (exaggerating a bit) will now be able to do it too.

I know people like sightseeing in the old PE but that alone won't bring money to MA. What brings money to MA is for them to look at top 100 players and try to move everyone else to these level of activity by incentivizing everyone somehow, constantly removing advantages of the top players but at the same tine creating more opportunities.

There is plenty of VERY engaging content released BECUASE of community feedback, because community misses big beacons teams, interaction and such. People just won't visit, because they say they like interactive content but secretly they don't.
that is correct i hosted a free monria suit event tuesday and most of the playerbase that showed up was low depo to no depo and boy did they die a lot but had fun we all got our suits i paid for the costs of them getting their suits mostly i dont remember seeing any big or mid level players besides some friends , so if you say lack of interactive content theres not , just people who use that excuse

also fyi i dont support people botting and leaving their pc alone for hours thats not playing but as a person that started at 16 years old 13 years ago my hands arent as flexible as they used to with work and the game so i dont mind the press f feature for us who im sure are not as young as we used to be especially the 20 years ago ubers. Im sure now some are in their 60s
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People watch netflix to play this game?

I do it the other way around. I engage with netflix and watch Entropia :cool: fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
It's a shame that some people abuse this function to play afk.. i don't mind auto targeting as long as you are actually at your computer keeping atleast one eye on the game.

Another solution could be to change so you can only auto target something that is actually present in your view, so it would be impossible to do 180 degree (out of your sight) auto targeting.

This would make it impossible to afk farm, unless botting ofc, but this should be banned by MA, if they enforce this no one would dare to bot potentially loosing all markup on your character.
Another solution could be to change so you can only auto target something that is actually present in your view, so it would be impossible to do 180 degree (out of your sight) auto targeting.

This would make it impossible to afk farm
I mean theres a button to rotate clockwise and counterclockwise. Just stick a coin in your keyboard and you'd still be able to "macro autoshoot" which per definition is a bot. But perhaps we shouldn’t get into that again.