Sweating Support Initiative l BIG Industries


Sep 4, 2008
Nevada, USA
Avatar Name
Blastoise Meculus Yarlboro

Every Monday through Friday at the OLA42 teleport (290,587) at 21:00, and Saturday & Sunday @ 15:00 a BIG Representative will be purchasing sweat from the community at well above market value, Current BIG Purchase Price: 2.5 ped per 1K bottles.

  • We will purchase up to 10k sweat per day
  • There is a limit of 1k bottles allowed to be sold per avatar per day.
  • Priority will be given to avatars actively sweating on the LA just prior to the purchasing periods. We advise sweating parties congregate to the open space NE from the teleport around (291,588) (this is to help ensure active sweaters not alternate accounts are reaping the benefits of this program)
  • Medics will be available every day up to their allotted decay limits courtesy of BIG Industries.
  • Avatars with an agility of 40 or less will be given priority for the allotted sweat buying amounts.
  • Occasional trivia events and giveaways will be announced in this thread and happen at our normal purchasing times, keep an eye on this thread for updates.

Anyone else in the community that may be interested in purchasing sweat is encouraged to join us at these times to purchase additional sweat if they wish to do so.
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nice team going today, thanks Erastothenes for donating some vehicles to give away as well!!

nice idea, it could be a great sweating place, just need more people there to share ambus attacks xD but i believe with a good advertising this place will become a popular sweating point, so + rep :yup:
Maybe 5k is a little low for sweat buying. I understand that you want to get it to the newbies but that just leaves 5 purchases at the 1k limit, meaning only 5 people can do this, although if only 5 people show up that is fine.
Maybe 5k is a little low for sweat buying. I understand that you want to get it to the newbies but that just leaves 5 purchases at the 1k limit, meaning only 5 people can do this, although if only 5 people show up that is fine.

Better then nothing though :), if 100 avatars did this would make a big difference. Just wanted to give this thread a B.U.M.P.! Cause BIG does a great job supporting all level of players.
Won a free round trip to arkadia

I went to one of these events I will make sure to return as I won a free round trip to Arkadia, if you don't have this location you should get it.
lets bump this, cuz i was at neas place today and its too damn laggy, its time to split that sweaters population in a half, the only problem is that people are used to Neas, so i would offer to open this wormhole (or not sure how its called) from neas to this new place. (just not sure if those wormholes still exist in the game)
I will gladly start sweating here! I hope this becomes a more popular spot. I will even offer rides to noobies to get the tp to sweat here if you'd like? Keep up the great work Big Industries!
Some cool items donated for event giveaway from Headshot Pro Gamer, I'll be popping into some SSI events this weekend for ya guys (probably not the 0900 ones as thats crazy early for me)
Ty so much great swunt !:yay::yay::yay:

If someone need lift to this place i can help add me

is there a certain time that groups are sweating here? i found the tp but couldnt find anyone swunting :'(
ReWard and smedonian each win a spear tonighte ...GZZZ!!
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ReWad and Smedonian won a Spear tonighte ...GZZZ!!y

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Winner Nr. 2 of 2 at the Sweating event *** grrratz ***

Friday 7 december seems that the place it started to became a sweat place
Saturday 8 december first Group at @12:00 MA time...we made some free rides from Neas to BIG OLA #42
Sunday 9 december we made the Group at 09:30 MA time...I made this day also free rides from Neas...at 13:00 MA time were on LA 2 circles.....We have a new sweat place...Thank you to all ppl that helped us and to all that they make the start Group in morning...
Monday 10 december logged in at 16:00 MA time the Group was there....Respect!
My clanmate, Mrs Neffy Giggles, says thank you for coming by today and picking her. :)
Happy New Year to all!!
I hope you had great time sweating at OLa 42!!

Just a reminder this program is still active :)
i want to go there but i dont have the tp im stuck at neas
Good stuff! Bump!
updated schedule change, see OP
One of the lovely folks who help make this event happen pointed me to PigBenis' video on the event just thought I'd share it here and give a big thanks to the man whose always out there trying to give good educational and entertaining EU films for all of ya :)
