Sweating Support Initiative l BIG Industries

No Dantius, I am sorry. But in order to give the most possible players a shot at a little bonus we only buy one K of sweat per day per avatar.

You can return every day and sell 1K each day you attend but not more than 1k per day.
Sorry stormdancer but I find better way to earn peds. Collecting sweat is too boring for me.
bump for sweat :D
sweat bump!!!
Great picture!!
Yes. Daily on arkadia. I sponsor it from time to time.
SSI event is also held every day of the week on Calypso. OLA 42 - Mon-Fri 21:00 - Sat-Sun 15:00
Great, I'll come from time to time then. I'm kinda short on ped atm :)
power to sweaters bump !
I'm interested in becoming a healer what is the process?
I've been at a few of these events and I think they're great and I appreciate what you're doing for the new players. The reason I'm writing is that I'd like to volunteer as a stand in killer in case there's no one killing the mobs for you. I always forget the time and always miss it but it'd be great if you gave me a whisper in-game whenever you'd like some assistance :)
Hunting help

I've been at a few of these events and I think they're great and I appreciate what you're doing for the new players. The reason I'm writing is that I'd like to volunteer as a stand in killer in case there's no one killing the mobs for you. I always forget the time and always miss it but it'd be great if you gave me a whisper in-game whenever you'd like some assistance :)

thank you Diosa

thats an awsome offer

looking forward to see you jumping in.
lets see how we can handle the times and let you a message ingame when a Killer is missing

Summers last dance

BIG Industries announces "SUMMERS LAST DANCE", a festival of events starting with a special SSI, at 15:00 MA on Sunday Sept 20th.

"Summers Last Dance", will start with a special SSI, and a Trivia in addition to the usual question and buylist, prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.

The event will continue with this Trivia quiz, a "secretGame for your surprise " and finish with a team hunt which will have first prize for most nova`s looted. 5 teams will be built with up to 10 participants cited by a BIG INDUSTREIS Staff Member with the ENTROPIATRACKER running to watch the loot for NOVAS. The cometition is The TEAM with " MOST NOVA LOOT" as total amount wins.
Prizes are prepared to any of the Maximal 50 Participants.
Winning teammember getting a TT weapon :)

At 2 other days....
BIG Industries "Summers Last Dance", will include a Rextelum swunt (caly) and a Riptor swunt (ark), dates and times to follow.
Congratulations for event!
Everything went more or less right!
(It is expected some minor incidents in an event of this magnitude and nature).

I liked the SWEAT SEEK and EASTER EGGS parts of event.
Could not get very well with the TRIVIA part, too many fast typers! lol!

Hope we see other events similar to this in future.


Awesome incentive I'll be sure to grab some friends and head out.
Time for a BUMP