Question: Tier Upgrading skill removal and compensation

Any monkey with half a brain can interpret that as "When we remove the profession, we will convert your skill into an implant value and pay you 20k%, ALTERNATIVELY you can put this on auction and a rep will buy it at 20k% or under"
There is obviously two pathways here, chip it out now, or let us do it behind the scenes later. How can mindark not acknowledge this? Is it a language barrier? How can they even link you to the direct quote after it blatantly contradicts what they have done and what they told you.
This is baffling.

My support cases about this issue were all closed (quite fast) with an automated response (sorry we'll look into it... stay tuned...). And even when I have seen both Ludvig and My browsing this thread there's no communication at all.

Go figure. More broken promises...
I have an explanation for what is happening.

The computer clock is set from 0 BC to be able to set dates in the past.
Sometimes there is confusion in the time zone when someone wants to build their own better function like in the game. And because of the Leap Years there are discrepancy.

That is 365.2563 is the annual orbit of the earth around the sun, but to better understand it is considered 365 and these 0.2563 increase every fourth year by 1 day.

The problem, in my opinion, is with those 0.0063 days that are not calculated in the MA calendar, and if it seems small and insignificant to you, you are obviously new to Entropia.

In other words, by rough calculations without a pen and paper ... or a calculator... I think the deadline will be 6 years and 4 months after the announcement of this change.
To convert our skills 'behind the scenes' at the end of the given period, would have been far simpler and less labour intensive for MA , a well written macro should have taken at most a few hours to write and test. For the impatient they wasted hours for weeks on weeks to deal with a small percentage of those that wanted the conversion early.
So those that showed patience and who were actually trying to make their job (MAs) easier were rewarded with contempt and had their skills in effect stolen.
The fact that the skills had already been converted for some people proves they have 'value', the fact that they promised 'When we remove the profession, we will convert your skill into an implant value and pay you 20k%,' confirms this.
MA needs to restore player confidence if they are to have our trust. An RCE like any financial environment is based on trust. Lose that and you lose your player-base.
We have had BPs that players have worked hard to get QR on, only to have MA change the loot pool and make them useless by no longer dropping essential resources, other UL ones devalued by making (L) BPs stackable, now they take our skills (which they constantly remind us have fiscal value) without compensation.
If this was the real world and you simply stopped supporting products or re-possessed without compensation, you would very swiftly see customers switch to other suppliers at the very least.
Has anyone at MA seriously considered why they have player retention issues, have you actually considered the importance of trust ? Is there anyone out there ? ECHO ...ECHo ...ECho ...Echo ...echo ...echo.............o

We want to trust, we want the game to thrive and give us enjoyment for years to come... we are not whining, we are trying to help by pointing out oversights and the damage they cause. Only MindArk can put this right and give us a feel good factor (for remarkably little cost).
goes far and long way for a feel good factor - not even joking
To convert our skills 'behind the scenes' at the end of the given period, would have been far simpler and less labour intensive for MA , a well written macro should have taken at most a few hours to write and test. For the impatient they wasted hours for weeks on weeks to deal with a small percentage of those that wanted the conversion early.
So those that showed patience and who were actually trying to make their job (MAs) easier were rewarded with contempt and had their skills in effect stolen.
The fact that the skills had already been converted for some people proves they have 'value', the fact that they promised 'When we remove the profession, we will convert your skill into an implant value and pay you 20k%,' confirms this.
MA needs to restore player confidence if they are to have our trust. An RCE like any financial environment is based on trust. Lose that and you lose your player-base.
We have had BPs that players have worked hard to get QR on, only to have MA change the loot pool and make them useless by no longer dropping essential resources, other UL ones devalued by making (L) BPs stackable, now they take our skills (which they constantly remind us have fiscal value) without compensation.
If this was the real world and you simply stopped supporting products or re-possessed without compensation, you would very swiftly see customers switch to other suppliers at the very least.
Has anyone at MA seriously considered why they have player retention issues, have you actually considered the importance of trust ? Is there anyone out there ? ECHO ...ECHo ...ECho ...Echo ...echo ...echo.............o

We want to trust, we want the game to thrive and give us enjoyment for years to come... we are not whining, we are trying to help by pointing out oversights and the damage they cause. Only MindArk can put this right and give us a feel good factor (for remarkably little cost).
Well said Granny Rowan. I only hope someone at MA is reading this and doesn't fall on deaf ears...
this is sæd ...
Still zero communication on this issue. Nothing, not a single word.

Is it because we are in the 4 month mandatory summer vacation at MA? Who knows...

Stay tuned for more pointless bumps from your local retard (me !).
Till 2003 there used to be "Voting Booths" ingame.
MA used them to let us vote on some questions, but i only remember there were polls like 2 or 3 times at all or so.

There are reasons why MindArk removed them and does not use them to ask us customers about our opinion of their product:
MindArk gives a sh*t about their customers opinion.

A mindset change of MindArk is mandatory.
Together with the reactivation of the voting booths:
Serious, painfully self-critical weekly pollings (no self-congratulatory blah-blah PR questions) and published polling results are due.

Let MA allow us to pay 0-100 PECs per answer to attach importance to them, then MA even makes some bucks, and MA sees what matters to us so much that we pay for it.
Its hard to remember but CLD was introduced as Vote Voice
and they removed Voting machines and noone has voted anymore if you own CLDs or not
I have more disposable money in real life than I ever have, mostly thanks to this game, but MA, did you notice I havn't deposited in quite some time?

Supporting the players current concerns and keeping promises might help motivate me to support you with my excess money, rather than making plans with my accountant on the best method to reduce taxes when taking it out.
I have more disposable money in real life than I ever have, mostly thanks to this game, but MA, did you notice I havn't deposited in quite some time?

Supporting the players current concerns and keeping promises might help motivate me to support you with my excess money, rather than making plans with my accountant on the best method to reduce taxes when taking it out.
So you're a Ninja investor in Entropia? I guess
Isn't it fraud if they announce something like that and then don't do it? :unsure:

MA is well versed in fraudulent claims. Apparently there is no legal consequence.
I am probably the only one that wants to keep my tiering skills.

Hell , let me keep gaining and take your cut.
Maybe instead of early 2020 they meant early 2022, haha numbers are so confusing am I right?

They don't have enough monet to compensate 20k%?

a) never happens
b) we get 2000% MU
Why cant they simply put in a terminal where we can sell them or skill at whatever rate they finally decide (after all the ped would still be in game, unlikely anyone would promptly cash such an amount out.
OR they could simply offer and exchange rate of these skills to some other related skill, that way costs them damn all except setting up a terminal where we go choose which one we want.
So come on MA how about showing your 'playerbase' some respect... you know, those guys that keep you employed and pay your wages.
Either honour your promises or at least have the guts to tell us it is cancelled and why.
Communication, communication, communication
Whatever the reason it has been years already, the least they can do is put out a statement. This is actually ridiculous, improved communication? well yeah, you can only improve from zero.

Also I've seen both Ludvig and My browsing this thread several times so they are fully aware, they just choose to ignore the issue.
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Not even joking - David Icke has a good explanation of why powerbases make outrageous demands of people or go out of their way to promise something and then not deliver. It's about self-esteem (or a similar word), breaking it in people, then being able to go on happily in the knowledge that those who have stayed so far are now unlikely to be dissentful in the future. Given that MA are possibly a bit shy of attracting the attention of millions of players anyway, it allows much more "relaxed laziness" and incompetence with impunity.
View this as a sort of test, with something we never asked to be compensated for in the first place being promised and then not delivered on.

The theorist above also stressed that you have to realise you're being !"§$%&-ed in order to be able to lose your self-esteem. This is why stuff has to get crazier and crazier to get through to newer generations of thicker and thicker people.

Of course, it could just be that the priority for implementing this really is terribly low compared to other stuff they now have going on. A few years ago they may have been programming faster than their own master plan for world evolution dictated, but now they have UE5 to work on in any spare moments... !
Given the change to the item tiering process described above, the Tier Upgrader profession will no longer have any purpose, and will be removed completely in early 2020. Any remaining Tier Upgrading skill points will then be converted to their corresponding Tier Upgrading Skill Implant value and compensated at a markup of 20000%. early 2020

...early 2020


My guess is they have a team working on UE5, a team working on User Interfaces, a team working on Robot Beacons (as per what they said in the last AMA), and nobody working on this skill reimbursement...