Version Update 10.3


Don`t get your hopes up too may have to re-download the client once they get thier stuff straightened out. Maybe my problem is related to a certain make of graphics card. I saw in another thread called "Need Help" that an other person who has this same issue has a NVIDIA graphics card also.If you can log on...can you please tell me what type of computer and graphics card you are using?
Malc are invisible too .....nothing on radar u just get dmg and u can't see maturity when u die
Malc are invisible too .....nothing on radar u just get dmg and u can't see maturity when u die

so... drop grenades??

and when dmg stops.. click around u to loot.. like crazy?

might get lucky?
anyone wants a NewsGroup (nzb) file to download??

i could spend few hours uploading, once i recieve the update.. i suppose...

plz reply....
downloading 2nd time?

Downloaded with launcher in 4 + h , tried 2 run and got error msg - "Shared file error" and now downloading another 3G update to,....

Would new mega downloaded "patch" work? After downlonding for 3h? this prealpha- prebetta testing getting annoying, plc consider test before deployment if such large updates

Br. Resnis
Finally got connected!

After trying to get the update for at least four hours.. Yee,.
1.6 mb/sec 28 minutes remaining!
..Don`t get your hopes up too may have to re-download the client once they get thier stuff straightened out...

And likely again when each Planet arrives.
i get a brown smudge on all of my bp's and bp books.

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]


I had this issue prior to the patch.
It was resolved by changing textures setting to high :)


Also noted from the known issues:

  • At technician, items have faulty grey texture
A patch for VU10.3 is being finalized, which will address the Known Issues, above. The patch will be released in a few days time. We apologize for the inconvenience.
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Jup I want :yay: :yay: :yay:

Hey peeps!

I am making a newsgroup download available.
Will take me a while to have it all ready for you guys.
So there will soon be a NZB-file for yall to download.

For those who dont know what it is, and how to use it...
Search for it

Newsgroup.... nzb (something like that)

For those who do know....
Give the servers some time to process the files.
And look if its fully uploaded, before u start downloading.

I will edit this post, once i have the download-link for the nzb file.

And REMEMBER --> wait wih downloading untill the servers
register the FULL sized file.

Good Luck.


link to the thread...
this Bittorrent Entropia utility is very funny - it downloads only from 1 source and that is http. ot has nothing to do with bittorrent ....
anyway if someone have download accelerator, here is source to this 3GB file:

i also will upload whole 3gb update to rapidshare, and try to post links here but propobly Moderators will remove those links "for security reasons" (perhaps i will install keylogger there .....) , so if someone want i could send via PM.

Thanks alot for link :yay:
Was downloading at 370kb max now i'm at 1.2m/s :)
Good God, what a joke - are MA trying to go bankrupt on purpose or what. Are we advancing backwards, cause thats what it looks like.What happened to the original choice to click a link on the main eu site, importing a file into bit torrent, so you could get seeded by all and sundry - bleeeehhh.....:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
hm, if the server was supose to be 3-4 hours, thwn why is it still down, oh well guess i play something elas then
ok, i got the newsgroup upload running

link will follow shortly in my thread.
Well, i cant login, this is what i get: Entropia Universe did not shut down normaly
you may submit information about your pc, i asume you know the rest
this Bittorrent Entropia utility is very funny - it downloads only from 1 source and that is http. ot has nothing to do with bittorrent ....
anyway if someone have download accelerator, here is source to this 3GB file:

i also will upload whole 3gb update to rapidshare, and try to post links here but propobly Moderators will remove those links "for security reasons" (perhaps i will install keylogger there .....) , so if someone want i could send via PM.

Thats brilliant thanks ;)

The DNA thingy me bob was downloading between 40kbps and 400kbps now my own download is at 1.4mbs. SOoooooo much quicker haha.


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When you look long enough in it, you can clearly see... Aurli! :laugh:
Is the server up or down, well i read somewere that it be down all day + some of the 19th
ok so ive downloaded from the direct link (link on page 15 i think) but now when i open the setup file it opens the client loader and starts downloading again. What am i doing wrong haha.

Such a noob.

Shut Down Xfire

Shut down xfire before logging on to avoid fatal crash.
Shut down xfire before logging on to avoid fatal crash.
Shut down xfire before logging on to avoid fatal crash.
Shut down xfire before logging on to avoid fatal crash.
Shut down xfire before logging on to avoid fatal crash.
Shut down xfire before logging on to avoid fatal crash.

haha thanks for that one ;)

Cant get in mind but im working on getting my head around it :p

is it possible to pause at entropia universe downloader, shut down pc and resume after turning it on?
Where does the BitTorrent DNA download put its data, and does it install automatically? I am asking because I've just managed to get it working after a 7-hour download, would like the file and don't want to mess up a working client.
once xfire is turned off the game appears to run smother and the shadows appear too look a lot nice as well.

not played much since VU10 update maybe I will start playing agian but guted that there is still no beauty proffesions updates added.

Shame cuase I think EU needs it back to help get the economy going.
due to the update placing itself in the windows temp file folder i was unable to download via upgrade via BT or FTP (system HDD is very small and only fits windows, games on another drive).... installed/reinstalled while watching TV came back after an hour of WWII shows on history channel EU is reinstalled. now to set everything back up.

kinda lame but hey it worked.
Where does the BitTorrent DNA download put its data, and does it install automatically? I am asking because I've just managed to get it working after a 7-hour download, would like the file and don't want to mess up a working client.

C:\Users\Chlorene\AppData\Local\Temp\entropia for me ... but i abandone this for Dantes Torrent .. [URL="]Dante Rules!!![/URL]

97.1 % seeding
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